Chapter 4 - Direct Feelings

Kept From The Start

Lizzy's POV
        It has been days when I wasn't able to log into my sns account. I was so busy at the moment. I have different exams in almost all of my subjects. I need to focus. College life isn't easy as it seems. These were my thoughts as I jumped through my bed. At last everything is done for now.
I began browsing my phone. I missed a lot of things. I was so trapped in the academe world. Aside from the text messages that I got from my parents, I also got a message from Niel.

Lizzy wish me luck. I have two more exams left for tomorrow ;)

Ya!! Do you really have to tell me everything? Just kidding. Do well Niel. Goodluck. Fighting!!! ^_^

Thanks :) I can't wait to hangout w/ you right after this.

Of course who else will I hangout with. For now focus on your exams pls. :p

And that's how our conversation ended. It got me thinking if we were really this close. Like telling almost everything about each other. I didn't mentioned Jinah to her as of now though. I don't know how he will respond to that if ever that happened. I'm totally expecting for the worst like he'd laugh it off if he knew that a girl he likes likes another girl too. I was too afraid that he'd despise me for that.

I logged into my sns account using my phone as I was too lazy to get up from my bed and grab my laptop.

Finally I saw my confession was posted. It received a lot of attention. Most are from Jinah's friends. Of course I bothered to read all of them.  It was a relief that nobody knew I was PL. But what really caught my attention is the response from Im Jinah herself.

Thanks whoever you are. I'm glad that I was able to make you happy. Feel free to message me. I wanna meet you too :)

My heart began to beat faster. The same feeling that I had when I first saw her. I'm not sure if her response was sincere or not. To be honest, a cold personality was my first impression of Jinah. It really took me a lot of courage to finally confess to her. Another thing that bothered me was the posts were already 4 days old. Oh my God. I hope I wasn't too late. Once again I gathered all the courage I had. I finally began to message Jinah.

Hi. This is PL pseudonym for Park Lizzy. I just got your response from my confession. It was only just now that I was able to read it since I got busy these past few days. I hope I was never too late.

Finally I pressed send. Once again, all I could do is hope for the best.
I began to experience mixed emotions. Some sort of mental breakdown wondering what will Im Jinah think of me. Will she finally accept me as her friend?

Nana's POV

I grabbed some snacks as I was working on a special project for my History class. I checked my phone. It's almost midnight already just when I realized that I've been working on this project for 6 hours long. I began to close my eyes as I rest for a while. This past few days has been really tiring.

Suddenly PL came into my thoughts. I began to check my phone again and looked for some notifications in my sns account. I got a message from a girl named Park Lizzy...

Could she be PL, the one that confessed to me? Also her display picture looks familiar to me.

So she's that cute girl that I've locked my eyes with for so many times. I always see her in the school lobby. For a moment I was in shock. Those moments that our eyes have met must be the times that she's secretly looking at me. My own assumptions excited me. I finally read her message.

Hi.This is PL pseudonym for Park Lizzy. I just got your response from my confession.It was only just now that I was able to read it since I got busy these past few days. I hope I was never too late. 

I gave her an instant reply.
No it's fine. Just like you, I was too pre occupied for the past days too. Right now I'm working for a special project in my history class :)

A little bit later I received another message. Looks like she's online.

That's nice to hear. Well what are you doing right now? I hope I'm not interrupting you or anything.

I was working on a class project but for now I'm taking a break as I get to know you. How about you?

Is that so? Hmm... My exams are over for this week so basically all I do is rest for now. Um... How about we finally get to meet each other tomorrow? If that's fine with you.

Of course. I was just thinking about that. How about dinner??? since I've got things to do in the morning and afternoon.

Call. ^_^ By the way Jinah ssi, I hope by this time you'd already treat me as your friend.

Just by looking at Lizzy's replies, I could tell that she's an honest and straightforward person. She's pretty funny too. Those traits are my exact first impressions of her.

Yes of course. I'm glad to be your friend Park Lizzy. By the way, you can just call me Nana. That's what my friends use to call me :) Looks like I've got to go now. I have to continue with my work. See you tomorrow. 

Thanks Nana unnie. You can just call me Lizzy then. I'll see you tomorrow. Goodluck with your work. Fighting ^_^

Sure Lizzy. Thanks & Goodnight *_*

Goodnight Nana unnie :D

Our conversation has ended. I continue with my work as I kept a smile in my face. Unlike earlier, I never feel tired now. It's like the chat with Lizzy just gave me some sort of encouragement. I can't wait to meet her tomorrow.

Lizzy's POV

Just when our conversation has ended, I almost screamed at the top of my lungs as I wrap my arms around my pillow. I've never felt this happy for so long. I managed to keep calm as I began reading our conversation over and over again. 

I felt like I was too straightforward. I don't know if I did the right thing. 

I turned off the lamp shade beside my bed. While forcing myself to sleep, I anticipate the dinner with Nana unnie for tomorrow.

Another update since I felt like the previous chapter was too short. Don't worry after this chapter Nana and Lizzy are finally going to meet each other. I can't wait for it too so just hold on guys. 


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Please update soon!
Chapter 12: hey this is not the end right?it can't be rite?what a gloomy chapter thou niel being nice in here
Chapter 12: It's end already? :'(
midwednesday #4
Chapter 12: Oh no, what a sad chapter. But it sounds like the fic is ending...
Can't wait for the jooee fic!
Chapter 12: Aww. My heart is breaking. This story is just amazing. I love it!

And can't wait for your JooEE fanfic ^-^
Chapter 12: jooee, really :) ! so excited for your next story then ^_^
but this story is soo sad :(
Chapter 11: Aigoo my heart aching
Chapter 11: oh~~~~~drama is this chapter explains why the title for this fic is kept from the start?i sense unhappy please don't be it.i hope they will resolve this problem soon.seems like niel is a in this fic
Chapter 11: Nooooo. I'm gonna cry ㅠㅡㅠ
Chapter 9: Aww how cute!