c o f f e e s & cappuccinos .

keep r u n n i n g .

Hebe woke up with a hangover, which could never be good considering that she wasn't SUPPOSED to be drinking. Her hair felt all wrong--it must have flipped over and been pressed on while she slept. Hebe lifted her heavy fingers and shuffled her hair around before propping herself up on one arm to see the time.

"Urgh, 11 45...it's good that it's Sunday..." Hebe was surprised she could even remember what today was with her wicked celebratory hangover headache. She got up, dressed and packed everything, seeing as this was their last day at the hotel. She was satisfied at the end of the fifteen minutes, seeing the tightly packed bag sitting firmly on her bed. Afterwards, she left to go find the others.

"Sorry, good morning," She yawned. Drinking did tend to drain you of your energy.

"Ohh, the drunk one is awake," Jiro said dryly, taking a fair chomp out of his blueberry muffin.

"Sorry!" Hebe repeated, rubbing her temples with her fingertips. "What happened last night, anyways?"

At this, Ella and Chun simultaneously spit out their coffee with a loud PFFT. Aaron didn't say anything at all, and Jiro shook his head no, which left Selina to explain.

"Hmm...well...I'll be honest. You and Guigui had a bit of a...disagreement, and she...challenged you to a drinking contest," Selina paused for a bit. Hebe bit her lip. This didn't sound good. "So you agreed..."

"Who won?" Hebe butted in mercilessly.

"You did with fourteen cups to twelve, but then you puked on Jiro, and Aaron and Chun had to take turns carrying you back to the hotel," Selina made a face, and Jiro sniffed himself and turned green for probably the fourth time in fifteen hours.

"...Oh wow. That's amazing," Hebe grinned.

"You're not DISGUSTED? ASHAMED? EMBARRASSED? HUMILIATED? What the crap, Hebe!" Jiro exclaimed, the greenness going away. Aaron finally snickered.

"Hebe's Hebe, of course she's not disgusted, ashamed, embarrassed and humiliated," Aaron replied, smiling dazzlingly. From far away, they could hear a girl squeal, then get cut off. They ignored it.

"Though that doesn't explain why I had Aaron's spare shirt on..." Hebe trailed off.

"Oh...well, you were yucky and I didn't want to give you one of MY shirts, so since Aaron was sleeping with you anyways--"

"That sounds gross."

"--So we got you dressed in one of his shirts instead," Selina finished, pretending that Hebe had never interrupted.

"So, this Guigui...she in our class, or I don't know her?" Aaron asked dazedly. Everyone around raised an eyebrow.

"I think she's either a grade above or below us," Jiro harrumphed. "Why?"

"No reason, no reason..." He trailed off and, as Hebe got up to go buy her breakfast, he got up as well and followed her.


"Hey, what do you think about them?" I ask. I'm not a gossip or a busybody, but I want the best for Bee, and I don't know about Aaron. Selina and Chun and Ella know him better, obviously, even though I'm blood cousins with him.

"Them?" Ella points to them blatantly with her thumb. I swat it down, and Chun smiles good-naturedly, meaning he's probably zoning out again.

"Yes, them," I hiss at her. She wipes her face off, which indicates that I might or might not have spit on her.

"They're cute. I mean, they're not enemies, they're not friends, they're just....TOGETHER," Ella's point is pretty good, actually. Selina glares intensely at them, which means that she's studying them very carefully. Then, she speaks.

"Someone's going to get in the way of that. I know it." That feels a little threatening, the way she predicts.

"How so?"

"Look. I've gone through this tons of times. She and he aren't close enough to be together. Some guy or girl will get in between them, and the other party won't care in the slightest--or at least show that they care, anyways." I gape at her, my mouth opening and closing repeatedly. I've never come across deep, knowing Selina before. I come to the decision that that's pretty cool.

Chun the drool off his lips and blinks rapidly.

"Sorry, were we talking about something?" Ella rolls her eyes and stabs a muffin crumb with her fork.


Hebe ordered a banana chocolate chip muffin and a cappuccino.

"Whoa," came a voice from behind her. Hebe whipped around to see Aaron standing behind her, his lips curved up into a smug grin. "Fat cheeks."

"Hey, I have high metabolism." Hebe pouted her lower lip. The other four butted in quickly before Hebe and Aaron could erupt into another immature argument.

"Hey, we should...uh...get going, if we want to get home soon. I mean, try-outs start soon, remember?" Selina's smile looked more like a toothy breadstick.

"Try-outs start Tuesday." Hebe and Aaron replied firmly, then looked at each other with distaste that said, 'Stop copying me.' Ella raised her eyebrows in amusement and Jiro rolled his eyes, making him look somewhat girly. Selina was not influencing him in the best ways.


[[initially written &added may 16 09.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this
Visiting old fics!
beecatss #3
visiting old fanfics and this is one of them
cooooool! jaja.
Chapter 17: Please update soon!
This is really fun to read! Nice vocabulary and I like the slow and steady approach.
update? i know, its been ages.
Please update soon! I can't wait until it comes out been waiting for like... forever... at least 10 updates will do ;P
b2st-ftw #9
please update soon... i have been waiting in like a.g.e.s. . . . . . . . . and sill am :D so hope will will update atleast a chapter soon ^^
SoupForNicole #10
please update soon! i love BeBu in this story :]<br />