r o a d t r i p ? what !

keep r u n n i n g .

Somehow, in no time at all, Hebe was dragged into a van, occupied by Selina, who was driving, Aaron, who was checking out his nail, Jiro, who was checking out Selina, and a few other people she didn't know.

"You didn't pack enough stuff, Bee," Jiro said, his eyes still glued to the back of Selina's head.

"Well, maybe if you'd told me we were going on a ROAD TRIP yesterday, I wouldn't have to wake up at 7AM and hear that you guys would be picking me up at 9!" Hebe roared.

"Chill," Aaron said, finally taking his eyes off his pretty nails. The other people chuckled, and Hebe immediately noticed them.

"Uhh...who?" She asked nobody in particular.

"Well, Selina has a lot of friends, 'm I right?" Aaron took his time in explaining. With him, it was like a guessing game. Hebe nodded slowly.

"Well, these are her friends. That's Ella," Hebe's double take at Ella was incredible.

"ELLA?! YOU? HIM? YOU HIM ME YOU ELLA!" Hebe clung onto her words, much the same way a man would cling onto his precious car. Now was a good time for Ella to start speaking up.

"Yes, Hebe. I'm," She paused to let Hebe soak it all in, "Ella. That's Jiro. He's over me. I don't like him. I like this guy." She prodded the handsome boy beside her with a grin. Hebe eyed him suspiciously. He had a solid layer of muscle that you could see hiding behind his thin frame, and nice hair and pretty lips. Hebe gave him points for having unchapped lips--one of her major pet peeves. So major, in fact, that she carried around extra lipbalms for people who were ignorant of the existence of chapstick and nice lips.

"My name's Chun," the guy grinned stupidly at Hebe. While the smile DID look stupid, it was still pretty hot, so Hebe added more points begrudgedly. Ella knew her way around guys, huh.

"Hebe," Hebe flashed a quick smile back before sitting down beside Aaron. She grumbled at Jiro and Selina, up in front, while she clicked on her seatbelt.

"Hate Saturdays." She mumbled. Her dufflebag lay neglected at her feet, and Aaron reached over to see what was inside of it. She kicked his face, trying not to actually BRUISE him but apply some sort of damage.

"Freaking ow!" He chewed out his lip, rubbing his cheek.

"Don't. Look. In. There." The look on Hebe's face must have been pretty dangerous, because he grimaced and sat back. Half-way through the long drive, he fell asleep, and his arm flopped onto Hebe's lap. She flushed red and turned her head to look at what he was doing, and then his head came down as well.


So I'm sitting in the front, ogling contentedly at Selina's gorgeous profile, when I hear this little strangled cry. I turn my head and see Hebe, looking kind of distraught and weird, and Aaron, with his head on her shoulder and against the side of her face, and his hand is on her lap and he's snoring and she's bright red, like she's never had a guy on her like that before. Which she hasn't, of course.

Hahaha, I think dryly before turning back to Selina. This road trip better be worth it. As soon as I get back to peacefully staring at her, though, she flashes her eyes at me briefly before turning back to the road.

"Stop staring at me, kid. I'm trying to drive," she hisses.


Ella was making out with Chun in the back. They were sure physical for two people in a squishy van. Hebe could barely look at them without feeling violated or ually threatened. It was almost ographic, the way they kissed. She'd have never imagined, the way that Chun looked--so decent and timid--and the way Ella was--in control and in line.

"Aaron? Wake up," she whispered in his ear darkly. In response, Aaron snuggled up to her, a smile fighting onto his face.

"You're already awake?!" She shrieked. Selina nearly crashed the van into a pole.

An hour later, they made it to their destination: A place just on the countryside; a motel with hot springs and nice scenery.

"We're here~!" Selina sang all too excitedly for a person who'd been stuck driving crazy people for half a day. She flipped her hair and grinned all out. Drool escaped from Jiro's open mouth.

After another few minutes, they were booked in their rooms.

"Okay guys. Don't panic, but we only have two rooms available, and I figure that Ella and Chun are gonna bunk together" --Ella and Chun flushed, embarrassed by their earlier make-out session-- "And I guess Hebe and I will share a bed--"

"NOOOOO!" Jiro interrupted. Everyone turned to look at him. "Uhh.... Hebe kicks a lot. She needs a person who isn't flawless and can withstand unconscious abuse."

"That'd be me!" Aaron smiled lazily, putting his hand up. Hebe's eyes flitted between him and Jiro and Selina, horrified. Selina shrugged.

"My face IS pretty flawless. Thank you Jiro, you can sleep on the floor beside my bed." Jiro almost melted at the thought of sleeping near Selina.

As soon as everyone disappeared into their rooms--it was weird how it worked; the two rooms were connected by the bathroom, and Ella's and Chun's room was smaller with one queen-sized bed, while the other four's room was humungous with beds placed at different ends of it.

"Can't you sleep on the floor too?" Hebe mumbled to Aaron.

"Nah, I've been looking forward to sleeping with you." The double meaning behind his words made Hebe's eyes widen and heart speed and nose bleed uncontrollably. He laughed.


[[initially written&added may 6.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this
Visiting old fics!
beecatss #3
visiting old fanfics and this is one of them
cooooool! jaja.
Chapter 17: Please update soon!
This is really fun to read! Nice vocabulary and I like the slow and steady approach.
update? i know, its been ages.
Please update soon! I can't wait until it comes out been waiting for like... forever... at least 10 updates will do ;P
b2st-ftw #9
please update soon... i have been waiting in like a.g.e.s. . . . . . . . . and sill am :D so hope will will update atleast a chapter soon ^^
SoupForNicole #10
please update soon! i love BeBu in this story :]<br />