Be A Jerk and You're An Idiot

Got Love [hiatus]
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"Thanks, Nat. You're really the best." JB turned to look behind him as he beamed brightly at Vicky as he continued to drag her to wherever he needed to take her to. Vicky continued to just smile at him while nodding her head as he turned his attention forward again. After he turned away, Vicky dropped the smile while she rolled her eyes as she wondered how stupid was this guy to not notice she wasn't her younger sister for the past five minutes that they've been walking. And the fact that she didn't know his name nor even used it when he did speak to her, she assumed he was proably an airhead or something. "Anyways, Natalie, you remember that advice you gave me  like two weeks ago? Yeah, I finally told Candace yesterday and she took it well, or so I thought she did." He chuckled nervously as Vicky wondered what kind of advice her sister would be giving out which made it become like this. She waited for him to continue. "Well, let's just say that Jackson was right about her being shiet bat crazy."

Shiet bat crazy? Vicky thought as JB led her inside a building, but she didn't know what kind of building it was except that it looked like a residence hall. "Um, where are we going?" Vicky asked him as she finally got tired of not knowing where she was going as she and JB started climbing up the stairs. "My dorm room." He simply answered as Vicky shot him an incredulous look as she ripped her arm from his grasp and stopped in her tracks. "Come again?" JB looked at her with a confused look. "Are you okay? You're acting different today or something." Vicky wanted to tell him the truth right then and there, but he didn't let her get the chance to. "Anyways, Candace somehow locked herself in my dorm room after I went to class with Nora and threatens to hurt my baby girl if I don't agree to with what she says. She told me to come find you so she can talk to you."

"Um, no, no, no. I don't think so." Vicky declined as she began to back away from him and back down the stairs step by step. "You handle that shiet yourself. Bye." "Natalie, wait, please." JB grabbed a hold of Vicky by her backpack before she could take off as she just glared at him. "You really want me to deal with a psychotic person right now? I don't think so." "Please." "No." "Don't be so heartless." "I say-" "Nora means a lot to me, Natalie. So, please?" Vicky let out a sigh. "Why would you leave a little girl in the dorm room all by herself?" "Little girl? Nora's my cat. Don't you remember?" "Uh... forgot." Vicky answered and still wondered why she was pretending to be her sister. "Fine. Let's hurry. Lead the way." JB shot her another suspicious look, but was more worried for his cat and so let it slide.

The two continued up the stairs and finally reached his dorm door. "It's this one." He knocked softly. "Candace." He let out softly before speaking again. "I brought Natalie with me." Vicky then heard a high-pitched and nasally voice speak and knew that this wasn't going to turn out well. "You better not be lying, Jaybaby." Vicky shot JB a look and wondered if that was his name of some sort or a really cringeworthy pet name from this Candace girl. "She's been calling me that since a month ago when I agreed to go on a few dates with her." Vicky raised an eyebrow. "And you wondered why she's like this now?" "Jaybaby?" Candance called out unsurely when JB didn't reply back. "Yes, Candybaby, I have Natalie out here with me." JB answered and Vicky bit her lips from laughing at the pet names while JB shot her a look to not even start with him.

"Aww, Jaybaby, you remembered." Candace cooed as she seemed like she was closer to the door than before. Vicky then looked over at JB and realized something while she whispered for him to only hear. "Dude, how did she get inside?" "I have no idea. Honestly." JB answered as Vicky rolled her eyes. "Well, just call the police. That is a crazy person talking in there." JB bit his bottom lip. "I don't want the police to be involved." Vicky gave him a weird look. "Why not?" "I just can't." "That is stupid. She's going to kill an innocent animal because you led her on." "I didn't lead her on." JB slightly raised his voice and then calmed down before whispering quietly again. "I was just being nice and she read the whole thing wrong." "This is mainly the reason why people can't have nice things." Now it was JB who shot Vicky a weird look as Vicky shook her head. "Forget it."

Vicky let out a sigh before speaking again as she tried to take on the persona of her sister in a sense. "Um, Candace, dear. It's Natalie. What did you want to see me about?" Now Vicky knew she was dealing with a psycho when Candace's voice changed when speaking to her. "It's all your fault, Natalie. If you hadn't opened your big mouth to tell my Jaybaby that he didn't like me, then I wouldn't have to lock myself in his room with his precious Nora, and the future baby that's growing inside me." Vicky then looked at JB who was just as equally surprised. "I did not get her pregnant." "But you did sleep with her?" "Y-ye-yeah." He answered slowly. "But I did not knock her up." "How are you so sure?" "Because I-Why are we even talking about this? Nora's life is on the line here, Natalie."

Vicky glared at JB, but looked back at the door as she tried to listen against it. "Candace, sweetie, why don't you let me inside and we can talk face to face?" "Is it so that you can bash my pretty face so that my Jaybaby will not love me anymore?" Candace asked instead as Vicky looked at the door with a -wtf- face. "I knew you've been jealous of me since the first day we met." Candace continued to talk. "Even if you're dating Mark, you just want JB all to yourself. Well, you can't have him, Natalie. JB is mine and mine alone. My precious Jaybaby." Vicky regretted meeting up with her sister instead of exploring the Fine Arts building, but then again, she would have had to explain to their parents why her sister was murdered. "I, I don't want Jay... Jay Bee, Candace. I have Ma-Mark. Jay Bee is all yours, but let's talk it out, Candace, dear. Will you let me inside so we can talk?"

There was no response and Vicky cast JB a worried look while he looked at her with a sadder expression. Then they both heard the locks being turned and the door opened slightly and Vicky was staring into a forced-smiling pretty faced girl. "Hi, Natalie. Please, come in." She looked at Vicky crazy-eyed, but then turned to look at JB with a lovesick expression. "But you have to stay out here, Jaybaby. Can't have you being distracted by this here." JB was about to say something, but Candace interrupted him while sweetly smiling at him. "Don't worry. I'll make sure Nora is well taken care for." At this moment Vicky wanted to ditch the guy and have him deal with his own problems and leave her out of it, but Candace already opened the door wider and pulled Vicky viciously inside and slammed the door shut and locked it before Vicky could run with her idea.

Candace then let go of Vicky as Vicky stumbled and fell onto the floor dropping her backpack in the process. "Great." She mumbled to herself as she tried to regain her senses and analyzed the dorm room. Seems like a richie. Vicky thought seeing some high-end items she assumed must be quite costly. She then focused her attention onto the other girl and was thrown off by what she was wearing. Candace was in some crazy high heels, wearing a cute, but way too mini of a mini skirt, and a very nice crop top, but it made Vicky question the sanity of this chick for reals now. That does not look like a person who's ready for pregnancy or seems like she's pregnant. Vicky scoffed in her head, but didn't say anything as Cadace was towering over her with a not so intimidating look, but it was still not a look that was quite right.

"Take back what you said about me and make JB like me again, and all will be forgiven, Natalie." Candace told her menacingly. "Our six month baby can't grow up not knowing his father, or get the chance to live if you decide to not go through with it." Candace patted her really flat stomach as Vicky instantly knew the girl was lying as Candace should have been in some maternity clothes and wearing heels would surely be uncomfortable as the girls' feet would have been swollen at six months. Vicky didn't mention it nor did she want to. "Candace." Vicky said her name as she stood up slowly with her hands out to assure the other girl that she wasn't going to do anything even if she wanted to pick up her backpack and clobbered her with it. "If I take back what I said, then will you let, um, Nora go so that she can be with, um, Jay Bee?"

Candace glanced at Vicky before walking over to a Siamese cat locked in a carrier and placed her hand on top  of it. "No

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GOT LOVE ~ ch.3 released. slowly getting there guys!! lol


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jleechandler3 #1
Chapter 7: Enjoying this so much. Those Got7 boys are an addiction, I swear. Looking forward to updates when you can. Really interested to see where the stories lead! :)