“If you meet a loner, no matter what they tell you, it's not because they enjoy solitude. It's because they have tried to blend into the world before, and people continue to disappoint them.” – Jodi Picoult


SELLE ROYALE Main Office Building

2nd Floor’s Lounge

Yoona’s Official Fans Gathering#1



“Did you see how dazzling Yoona-sama was yesterday? She smiled at me and I almost died of butterfly attack.”


“Omo! I saw her too, when she just got off from her car. She smiled at me, can you believe that?!”


“I was standing behind her inside the lift... I smelled her hair, it was soooo nice! I tried so hard to hold back my feelings not to touch them.”


“I think she’s using Viva La Juicy perfume today.”


“I love that perfume.”


“Me too!”


“And you know what? I saw that chaebol from HAYES earlier. She said she’s Yoona sama’s VIP.”


“That freaking rich girl? Why is she looking for Yoona-sama?!”


“I want to plant a recorder inside the room, but I’d be labelled as sasaeng fans.”


“Yes. We cannot invade her private space.”


“Yes, and you know what? They walked together.”




“YES. I LIKE YOUR EXPRESSION. This is the ultimate heart breaker, letting go of someone who you’ve never even owned from the beginning.”


“Do you think Yoona-sama likes her? Or is it the other way around?”


“Actually, I’ve never seen Yoona-sama stared at someone with so much love like that. It was always food.”



The Basement

Parking Lot


“W-wait. Lovers?” Yoona stared in shock. “You mean like, we? Me?


“Oh come on Yoona, don’t play dumb. Let’s go.”


Walking down to the basement, Yoona found herself walking pass a confused-looking Lee Jong Suk—the manager—and even Seulong had his eyeballs popped out when he met both of them in the hallway. Yoona gave him an apologetic smile and kept on walking with Yuri.


Yoona and Yuri were both an attention magnet. No matter where they went, eyes followed them.  It was then that Yoona realized that there was a bruise, purple-ish on Yuri’s neck. Did something happen to her? Accident...?


“Yuri-ya...” She called out softly. “You’ve got a bruise on your neck.”


Yuri turned around and glared at Yoona. “Acting innocent, huh?”


Yoona stopped walking. “What do you mean?”


Yuri stopped and turned around. “Because you did it. Duh.”


She leaned closer to the frozen Yoona, with her piercing gaze. Her warm breathing burning Yoona’s skin. “You said, I have to leave my mark here.”


Oh boy, YoonYul were so close to each other, the tips of their nose were touching. Yoona’s heart was beating wildly, and she was breathless by the proximity. She could finally breathe when Yuri pulled herself away from her.


“I want to go shopping in Gangnam.” Yuri pulled a car key and pressed a button.


Gulping, Yoona collected herself, still shaken and in shock. Yuri was so close, too close to her. She could still feel her heartbeat, chiming loudly inside her body and mind. Her hands were cold, and she couldn’t utter a single word. Yuri’s close body effect had caused a major malfunction in Yoona.


Yoona slowly collected herself and watched Yuri walking towards a certain BMW sports car. The lights beeped as Yuri halted her step.


Damn. What a car.

Yoona hastily walked to catch up on Yuri. “I did that? I really did that?”


“Yes.” Yuri answered, folding herself into the driver’s seat. “That’s why I kicked your back to your room. Letting you sleep on the same bed was a total mistake.” She pulled the seatbelt.


THAT explained why Yoona woke up on the carpet, and not on the bed.


“Can you tell me more about this?” Yoona asked, putting on her seatbelt as well.


“About the way you leave a mark?”


Embarrassed, Yoona rubbed her neck, her eyes dancing. “I mean that night when I got drunk and pestered you.”


“You really don’t remember anything?”


Yoona nodded slowly.


“You let a stranger like me sleep on the same bed with you just because I was drunk?” Yoona sounded confused and it was very illogical for someone like Yuri to be as easy as that.


“You’re so heavy when you lost consciousness. I took you to the bed and let you sleep, thinking I’d sleep on the couch. But you jolted up and cried for not having me beside you ON the bed.” Yuri crossed her arms. “Worst thing, when I was kind enough to accompany a cry baby on the bed, you treated me like I was some kind of wonderful private pillow that you hugged all night long till you made this mark here.”


“And how did we end up as a lovers?”


Kwon Yuri heaved a sigh. “You said that you were going to jump from the window if I said no.”


“So I said yes and kicked you back to your room.” Yuri smiled sarcastically, “Oh, I mean back on your carpet.”


“I...” Yoona stammered. She wanted to apologize to Yuri for the trouble, but she didn’t want Yuri to think that she was asking for a break up. In fact, this has somehow made her happy.


The Z4 roared on the road and Yoona couldn’t help but think.


If getting drunk could get her to Yuri like this... She wouldn’t mind doing it over and over. She mentally slapped herself for being so selfish but there wasn’t any other way for now. She’d gladly accept the help destiny has offered her.


Unconsciously, she glanced at Yuri. Yoona noticed that her eyes must have followed the order from her heart. She smiled as she stared at the girl beside her. So, my heart, look as much as you please.


Yuri the music and the song Timber – Pitbull feat Kesha was heard.


[Pitbull feat Kesha – Timber]


Yoona kept on smiling as she observed how Yuri slowly started to dance a little to the song’s intro.


The cute chaebol was bobbing her head along with the rhythm as she started singing, “Let’s make a night~ you won’t remember… I’ll be the one you won’t forget.” with her cute husky voice combined with the amusing English.


During Pitbull’s rap parts, Yuri didn’t sing, instead she only move her lips around like she was lip-syncing, though Yoona was pretty sure Yuri just couldn’t memorize the lyrics. She laughed and continued her adoration series of the Kwon.


Swing your , round and round” Yuri sang and looked at Yoona, giddy just by the song. She caught Yoona dancing weirdly like a dork, and she laughed even more. “Yah is that how you always dance?”


Yoona laughed till her stomach hurt before she lowered the volume a bit. “It’s supposed to be swing your partner round and round, not swing your !”


Yuri raised a hand. “You danced the same way when you were drunk. Like you’re cleaning the biggest window glass with both hands.” She looked at Yoona before she cracked another wide grin, “You weirdo.”


Wooooah (timber), wooooah (timber), wooooah (it's going down)
Wooooah (timber), wooooah (timber), wooooah (it's going down)


“Do you like Pitbull?” Yoona asked, smiling.


“I don’t like singers, I only like their songs.”


Then, double car honk was heard from behind.


Yoona glanced at the rear window; there was a silver infinite car, a sedan G37. The car kept beaming the lights, as if asking for Yuri to move aside and let it pass.

Turning her attention back to Yuri, she noticed that she looked unperturbed.


The infinite tried to pass through the corner of the street, but the Z4 seemed to be in the way, not caring at all. The driver honked again and again, Yoona noted that the driver must be quite stubborn and hasty, but Yuri was in the slow line; the car shouldn’t bother honking to get past, to be honest.


After 10 seconds of getting no response, the infinite car started honking endlessly to release his anger. Frowning, Yoona turned around to see the car. The lights didn’t stop flashing.


“Yah, he could drive to the other line.” She responded and glanced to other line.


Yuri ruffled her hair in annoyance yet she managed to look so graceful. “Shees, he’s damn annoying I’m going to shut his car.”


That was when Yoona saw Yuri’s furrowed eyebrows, looking annoyed.


Without a word, the chaebol stepped into the brake at full power, and in less than a second, the infinite that was tailing behind the whole time, crushed the back bumper of the Z4 without mercy. It was like getting hammered by a great power, Yoona almost hit her head on the dashboard. Thankfully the seatbelt was strong enough to prevent any harm. She quickly scanned on Yuri to see if she was okay.


Yoona was still in shock as she stared at Yuri who looked satisfied of what just happened. She planned the accident?!


She was about to complain but she knew she had other things to worry about. She quickly thought of a way to get the things settled down peacefully. Her mind raced to think of the best solution.


The driver gave a long angry howl—as scary as Optimus Prime when he was mad. Both Yoona and Yuri heard the sound of a car door opening. From the rear view they could see a middle aged man approaching them, looking angry.


He furiously knocked on the car’s window, ready to throw a tantrum and, perhaps, curse at Yuri.


“Let me handle him,” Yoona finally found her voice. She was ready to jump outside but Kwon Yuri pulled her wrist.


“No need to.” She muttered.


“What?” Yoona had puzzled expression.


Kwon Yuri placed her hand on the hand brake as stepped on the gas like a mad bull preying on the matador. The tire crushed heavily on the road before she released the hand brake.


The Z4 jumped like a mad car you often see in Too Fast Too Furious.


Gasping, Yoona’s eyes widen in horror. She turned around to see the guy trying to run after their car, but failing miserably. Still jaw-dropped, she couldn’t quite think straight after seeing the victorious grin on her crush’s lips.


“Nice work, Alexander!” Yuri turned a satisfied look at Yoona, “What? Do you want to break up?”


Yoona said nothing to Yuri, and the silence filled in.


Gangnam Shopping District

CHANEL, Shinsagae Dept. Store

06.30 pm


Yuri took a valet service as soon as they reached the lobby. Yoona followed with her own pace, glancing back to the poor Z4’s bumper. She was still not talking to Yuri.


She walked the girl straight to the Chanel store, in silence, and went out without a bye. Kwon Yuri stared at Yoona’s back, but said nothing.

She decided to continue shopping.


20 minutes later Yuri was on the cashier, taking out her platinum credit card for the three pairs of shoes that she just bought. All of them were pretty and dazzling, but somehow, she wasn’t really happy and satisfied. She started to think, did Yoona’s disappearance affect her?


The chaebol only frowned and assured herself that people always leave. Well, some guys leave when she went shopping, but let’s not be biased. Even friends disappear when you reach the bottom line of your life.


Truth was, Yuri wasn’t familiar with someone getting annoyed or not talking to her. She had zero experience in this case. She was always used to people up to her, doing everything that she wanted to, and listening to all of her demands without a reply.


What should you do when someone’s mad, frowned in silence as she walked with you but said nothing? She even left without a bye. Yuri has never experienced this before. Mumbling, she handed the credit card to the employee and decided to peek around the store’s entrance gate. It wasn’t like I needed her to be here to pay for my items. Why do I care so much anyway?


Spotting no weirdo at the entrance, she quickly focused her attention back to the shoes. Let it be. People always leave.


“Yuri-ssi, thank you for shopping with us, we’re glad to be able to provide the things you need.” said the store manager as she bowed, while the cashier employee handed Yuri back her credit card.


Yuri took the shopping bags and walked towards the door. As soon as she walked pass the entrance, she caught Yoona’s figure leaning on the wall.


“Oh? I thought you ran away?” Yuri mocked, repressing a small smile she was having.


Yoona said nothing. She was crossing her arms, looking somewhat angry. She took the shopping bags and pulled Yuri’s hand, heading toward an available bench nearby.


That was when Yuri noticed the 7-eleven bag that Yoona was holding. She said nothing until she saw an ointment and a bundle of cotton.


“What’s that for?”


“For you.” Yoona answered. She shifted her position into a better angle to apply the medicine.


“What’s this for?” Yuri raised an eyebrow, avoiding Yoona’s touch.


“Keep quiet.” Yoona ordered, her voice stern. She touched Yuri’s lips, and looked in the eyes. “Does it hurt?”


It took two seconds before the chaebol nodded in silence.


“Your lower lip was bleeding.” Yoona mumbled, looking unhappy. “And you didn’t even know.” She lightly tapped the wound with cotton, and carefully applied the medicine into it.


Lastly, she put the small bandage and then stared right back at Yuri. Nothing was spoken for a minute.


She was upset for what Yuri had done, risking her safety like it didn’t matter at all. What was she thinking? Did she want to die so bad? Was her own life worth nothing? Her heart was beating wildly out of anger, but Yoona never let her emotion control her. She had to be the one controlling it.


Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes for a moment. “Ah really, I’m angry.”


Yuri said nothing. She was busy asking herself why Yoona didn’t leave. Why Yoona came back with a medical kit for her.

Unknown to her, her heart somehow lifted.


Yoona opened her eyes, looking anywhere else but Yuri, and took the other girl’s hand. She closed her eyes again, and let the time passed. And she felt better.


“...You’re... weird.” She heard Yuri say.


“I’m angry and I don’t want to speak.” Yoona replied, holding a smile because Yuri didn’t shrug her hand off her. This was the first time they were holding hands like a couple.


“Hmph. Do what you want.”


“I don’t want to regret any words I say to you later. I don’t want to hurt your heart.” Yoona paused. “Let me be like this for a while. You should think about your actions earlier. I won’t let you do anything as dumb as that again.”


“That was fun.” Yuri corrected.


“That was dangerous.” Yoona snapped back.


“He’s asking for it. Damn annoying driver.”


Yoona groaned. “His stubbornness isn’t worth your safety.”


“You expect me to be an angel who will give that crazy dude a way? No way in hell.”


“You prefer this way where your lip is bleeding and your car gets crushed? What about your safety, Yuri-ya?”


“There’s always a hospital nearby.” Yuri replied shortly.


“Yah…” Yoona responded. This chaebol was stubborn for sure.


Noticing Yoona’s widened eyes and heavy breathing, she knew what was coming. “You are so talkative.” Yuri muttered, rubbing her head, telling herself she would be clueless as to what to do when Yoona gave her that angry look again. “I’ll let you win the argument for now. My head aches hearing you talk.”


“Alright. I’ve decided.” Yoona said, “Let’s switch.”


“Pardon?” Yuri raised an eyebrow.


“Switch position. From now on, I’ll be in charge of driving.”


“So random.” Yuri rolled her eyes. “Well, do what you want.”


Yoona was glad Yuri didn’t voice a single complaint or anything regarding her request to drive. “Where should we go next? Are you done shopping?”


HAYES Main Office Building

Head Marketing Office

Kim Taeyeon


“Hi, can I speak to Jung Jessica? Umm this is Kim Taeyeon from HAYES Group. Thanks, I’ll be waiting.”


The waiting tone echoed and it was quiet before Taeyeon heard the voice.


“This is Jessica speaking—”


Taeyeon was happy to finally got an answer. “Soo Yeon ya—“ she was about to say more but there seemed to be another continuation on the other line:


“—from the voice mail. I’m currently busy so please leave you message.”


“Aaaaish.” Taeyeon ruffled her hair in frustration. The beep sound was heard and she decided to speak. “Soo Yeon-ya, this is Taeyeon. Can we talk? You said you wanted us to get to know each other, and the next day, you dragged me to the beach and said that we should stop. You never told me the reason. Why? Is it because I’m always accompanied by another pretty girl? You know, Yuri and I are just friends… Don’t get too carried away with jealousy. Call me back, okay?”

Kim Taeyeon hung up the call.


“Who were you talking to?”


“Oh, Sunny-ya? I called a pretty girl who confessed to me in Bali.”


Lee Soonkyu, who was popular as ‘Sunny’, gasped. “What? Really?” she dropped into the available chair opposite of Taeyeon’s. “Is she a one night stand?”


“No. She’s kinda cute, and honestly, I kind of like her. She’s very possessive, she told me she doesn’t like to see me around Yuri too much.”


“REALLY?” Sunny gasped, eyes wide. “Is that even possible? You’re like, the only person Yuri trust so far.”


“I know, this is why it’s so hard for me.” Taeyeon shook her head. “The thing is, Soo Yeon’s bestie happens to like Yuri, so I thought it should be a great deal.”


Sunny nodded, taking in all the information. “How was Bali and Yuri? I heard she got lots of admirers.”


Taeyeon nodded.“Yeah she got introduced to Selle Royale chairman’s nephews, something like that.”


“And then and then?” Sunny leaned closer, curious and excited.


“She’s not interested in them.”


Sunny put on a sad face. “Poor guys. Is she looking for a Hollywood actor or something? She’s never dated before, right?”


“I’ve got a feeling that one of the guys wasn’t really into her. As for the other one… Hmm, how should I put it? He seemed to like her but that is all, nothing more. Like men who appreciates a beautiful girl. It seemed to me that it was their uncle who tried too hard.” Taeyeon shrugged her shoulders.


Sunny seemed to think. “Wah… this is getting complicated.”


“Nah, you know Yuri always does what she wants. Even if the chairman told her to go out with his nephews, she wouldn’t do it if she doesn’t want to.”


Maja.” Sunny grinned. “Hayes’ ultimate heiress… Selle’s chairman sure thinks far.”


“Yuri and I talked about that too. He invited our side for a vacation, but we knew he’s got something up on his sleeves.


Even Yuri’s dad was aware of it. Thankfully, he was never a caring person from the beginning.”


“So he lets Yuri do whatever she wants?”


“Pretty much. He’s not desperate about his daughter, you know? She’s got looks and money. Marriage is far from their mind.”


Gangnam Shopping District

Valet Parking Lot


“Okay here we go…” Yoona said, finally driving out the valet area.


“Shouldn’t you turn left?” Yuri asked, confused.


“No. We’re going to the hospital to check your head.”


Yoona wasn’t really mocking about Yuri’s mental being, but somehow Yuri took the wrong way. “Well excuse me, I’m not crazy.”


“I didn’t say that you are, I just want to know if something bad happened to your head. We were crushed hard, okay?”


“I am okay. Alex’s the one who needs some treatment, not me. So you can turn around and let’s go home.”


Yoona frowned. She wanted to ask if Yuri didn’t feel hungry at all. They should have dinner together before she sends Yuri off. And the other one was—“Who’s this Alex you keep on saying?”


“Do I hear jealousy?” Yuri mocked sarcastically.


“Your lips bleed and you didn’t even know.” Yoona heaved a sigh. “You’ve got a bruise on your wrist and you didn’t know about that too.”


“You left a mark and you didn’t even remember.” Yuri counter-attacked the speechless Yoona.


“Yuri-ya, look at your wrist. It’s not okay.” Yoona voiced back, trying to avoid that topic, slightly blushed.


Kwon Yuri looked at her wrist, and along with her awareness of the newly discovered wound, pain strikes her hand like she was electrocuted. “Ack.”


“See? You really don’t care about your well-being, do you?”


Yuri said nothing but humph-ing.


“And who’s Alex?” Yoona asked again.


“Alexander. He’s my Z4.”



Traum Haus 5

9 pm


Yoona parked the Z4 in the basement and they took the elevator to Yuri’s floor. She glanced around before commenting,


“Do you meet Samsung’s chairman often? I heard he has one unit here.”


“Not really, but I see a lot of celebrities around.” Yuri answered. “I met Samsung-ajussi mostly when dad holds a gathering.”


The light went off as they reached the destination floor. Both of them stepped outside the lift and paused just in front of the door.


Yoona glanced at Yuri’s small bandage, smiling. “I guess I’ll go home now.”


Yuri smirked. “Well, I didn’t invite you inside either.”


Yoona grinned at Yuri’s bluntness. Somehow, she felt the words Yuri said to her just now were a mere cover of something.


“I know,” She replied back, still smiling. “But aren’t you hungry? We went out from the afternoon.”


“Not really. I don’t eat that much. You’re skinnier than me but you’re always hungry.” Yuri looked at Yoona. “Don’t you gain weight?”


Yoona pouted cutely. “I have a dragon inside my belly. He’s eating everything while I stay thin.”


Yuri nodded. “You really could get blown by the wind, you know?”


Im Yoona leaned in on the wall. “What do you usually do when you get home?”


“Depends on my mood. You?”


“When I’m bored I played games, when I’m hungry I’ll eat something. Or listen to music.”


Noticing Yoona’s sincere, charming smile for her, Yuri shook her head. “You are so weird, I swear.”


“I don’t always know the right thing to do in a situation. But when I’m stuck, I ask myself, what is the most loving thing I can do at this moment? And that’s what I do.”


“So that’s why you’re smiling like that?” Kwon Yuri’s almost smile was there, enhancing her beauty.


“I only smile like this to you.” Yoona corrected, grinning haughtily. “So... Good night, Yuri-ya. Have a nice, sweet dream later.” Yoona quickly pulled Yuri into a hug, a warm one, something that could trigger a nice, deep sleep. “See you.”


Gangnam Café District

Café Alver

7 am


Yoona was working on her project in a coffee shop on one bright, Tuesday morning. It was one of her favourite routines, having a glass of heavenly affogato with a delicious Red Velvet cake.


If that wasn’t enough to boost the mood, she also listened to good music. A smile escaped her lips when she remembered about a certain chaebol.


The Vice GM pulled her Beats earphones and stared lovingly at the paper, as if Yuri was there.


A stranger who passed by would have thought that this Im was smiling upon receiving a promotion with a high rise in salary—while in reality, she was actually reminiscing how cute Yuri looked like before they parted away.


Giggling, she continued working on the papers before something crossed her mind. She wanted to know what Yuri might probably do right now. Was she sleeping, awake, taking a bath, or having a breakfast?


She decided to text:



Hi... What are you doing?


On my way


Where are you going?

With Alexander?



Alex and I are literally inseparable.

But he’s in the hospital



“Alexander, I’m so sorry, but I will replace your position sooner or later.” Said our protagonist, haughty and giddy.


Yoona was about to type her reply—of course she wouldn’t say ‘Alex I am so sorry but I will replace you’ to Yuri—but before she managed to type a word, a sudden sound caught her attention.


She looked up and found Kwon Yuri placing her brown boy Chanel flap bag on the table and took a seat in front of her.


After a series of dazzling scenes with the wind as a background effect, Yuri was more than gorgeous when she pulled off her dark Dolce & Gabbana aviator.


She placed it on the table and crossed her arms. “Is that the best menu here?” while looking at Yoona’s plate.


Yoona was dumbfounded but she recovered quickly with a warm smile. “Hey, good morning to you too.”


Yuri almost smiled when she saw Yoona’s expression. Cute was an understatement.


“Why do you look so happy everyday? Do you really love your work?”


Yoona grinned widely. “This happens when I see you.”


“Stop that, cheesecake factory.” Yuri said, mocking Yoona as she shrugged her shoulders with a small smile. “You goof off too much.”


Yoona laughed and asked, “How did you find me?”


“You posted your location in foursquare. Anyone could track you down easily.”


Yoona casted an evil glance to Yuri. “Do I hear a hint of possessiveness there?”


“No. Your ears must be malfunctioning.” Yuri shook her head as she checked on her phone.


“I think your cuteness is interfering with my brain activity.”


Yoona’s line distracted Yuri for almost 8 seconds before she was laughing for good. Im Yoona watched in amazement how Yuri’s lips turns wider, her eyes almost closing, and how lovely the echo of her laughter was. Yoona was mesmerized.


“God, I give up on you.” Said Yuri, rubbing her temple, her sincere smile was still visible. “You’re like a bundle of joy ball that keeps on bouncing.”


Yoona smiled in return and studied every gesture that Yuri made. It fascinated her more than she could ever imagine.


“Did you think of me first thing in the morning? That’s why you followed me here? Am I right to think this?” Yoona leaned forward and joined her hands together as she stared at the person in front of her.


Yuri raised an eyebrow. “Where do you get that confidence?”


Smirking, Yoona let it pass. “So, what do you want to do for today? I can get off work around 3 PM.” She offered Yuri her affogato as she asked.


“I want to go shopping for training suit and stuff.” Yuri answered, shaking her head for the affogato. “I don’t like coffee.”


“Don’t you like ice creams?”


The chaebol stared down at the glass, as if she was debating if the affogato was poisonous or not. “Well... I do like ice creams.”


“This one here is 90% ice creams and 10% coffee. Try?” Yoona took the glass, offering Yuri a spoon of vanilla ice cream.


Kwon Yuri stared with horror as the spoon slowly closing the gap. “I don’t like coffee,” she said again.


“Try.” Yoona insisted, furrowing her eyebrows.


So, Kwon Yuri opened to taste the affogato. The ice creams melted inside and her expression changed a little brighter.


“How was it? Nice, right?”


The chaebol nodded. “What are you working on?”


Yoona’s eyes sparked. “Did you just blush?”


“What? No.” Yuri answered a little too soon. “What are you working on?”


Sneering, Yoona decided to let go. “I’m monitoring the productions schedule and other general things in the office,” she explained, pushing the glass of affogato to Yuri’s zone and then sliced a bit of the cake for Yuri to try. “Try the red velvet here, it’s really good.”


Without much word, Yuri met the spoon halfway. “Tastes nice.”


“So when I go to the office, what are you going to do?” Yoona asked as she feed Yuri another bite.


Shrugging her shoulders, Yuri answered: “Not sure. Maybe I’ll bug Taeyeon. Or go to gym.”


“So you don’t help your dad with HAYES?”


“I haven’t really helped him with the company. I don’t really like to work in my own company.”


“Why?” Yoona responded. Everytime she asked a thing, she always went along with a spoon of Red Velvet cake for Yuri.


She noticed that Yuri was really skinny, and she didn’t really eat when they’re together. This was a golden chance.

“People up.”


Yoona nodded, taking in Yuri’s words. “Don’t you have your own share in HAYES?”


“Of course I do. I own 20% of it.”


“Then what about board meetings?”


“I come when I want to. Enough about me.” Yuri cut the topic. “I’ll go to your office at 3 PM then.”


“You’re free to come any time you want.” Yoona smiled. “Shouldn’t I pick you up? Alex is in the hospital, right?”


“Tsk. Don’t worry about cars.” Yuri smiled back. “Alright then. I’m going now, see you later.” She stood up, “And thanks for the breakfast.”


Yoona waved. She couldn’t wait for 3 PM when she’d see the girl again.


Yuri paused walking, turned around and said, “I like your blazer, by the way.” to Yoona before her figure disappeared into the crowd.


Yoona quickly type a message, smiling so wide because Yuri likes the blazer she was wearing.



And you, you outshined the sun...


Oh, please.

I’m like the Galaxy. A supernova... keke

The sun is no match for me


I like that


Yeah, iknowyoulikeme


OK, goodyouknowthat ilikeyou


One last thing:

Just stay at the corner of the road

and ignore any car who honks behind you




7th Floor, Vice General Manager’s Room

02:58 pm


“Nicole, I’m leaving now. If there’s any urgent matter you can call my mobile.”


Nicole literally jaw-dropped when Yoona walked pass the desk, walking with a certain chaebol beside her.


Yuri’s eyes coldly surveyed Nicole before she looked away. Walking with a pride, she asked in a normal tone, “Is she your assistant?”


“Yes, both for me and the general manager, Lee Jong Suk.”


“She likes you.” Yuri said a matter of fact, still walking like a catwalk model.


“Oh come on.” Yoona grinned. “She’s a nice junior.”


“Did you ever flirt with her?”




“Are you sure?”




Yuri shrugged her shoulders.


“Hey, what’s the meaning in that?” Yoona caught up to Yuri’s pace, talking as they get down to the basement. She took her car key from her pocket and pressed the unlock button.


A white scirocco’s light beamed.


“Hi Auriga.” Yuri muttered as she tucked herself inside, in addition to that, Yoona was laughing at Yuri's hobby, naming her car.


“So we’re going to Gangnam?”




“After shopping we go eat dinner, okay?”




“…Why no?”


“I don’t eat dinner.”


“You what?”


“I’m not used to eating dinner. But if you want to eat I can sit and talk to you.”


Both put their seatbelts on. Yoona was silenced by Yuri’s revelation. She was now wondering how a person is able to skip dinner. Was this the reason why Yuri was so skinny? She never has dinner…


Then, before Yoona was able to ask further, her phone screen beamed to life, showing a bold name written on the screen as ‘Dad’.


It was her dad calling, telling Yoona that the ahjumma who took care of her when she was a child was coming to Seoul.


Yoona’s dad was asking Yoona to help pick her up at the train station right now.


Yuri was glaring while crossing her arms, not looking at Yoona.


Yoona was apologetic, as she tried to ask Yuri if it was okay. “Can we pick her up?”


Yuri knew she wouldn’t be able to change Yoona’s mind. There was determination in the doe eyes. Refusing to discuss any further, she said: “Don’t talk to me.”


“She took care of me when I was a kid. When I broke my leg for the first time, ahjumma took care of me till I recovered.


She has no one here but me for tonight. Let’s pick her up and take her to dinner, then I’ll accompany you till you are sick of shopping. Sounds good?”


“Sounds gross. Tsk.” Yuri snorted. “Is she your relatives?”


“No, she was like a second mother to me when I was a kid.”


“You’re still a kid.”


“I thought you don’t want to talk to me?” Yoona grinned.


Yuri replied with a glare.


“Seriously, you’re so cute.” Yoona bombing Yuri with cheese.


“I’m a masterpiece, a supernova, and now a cutie. OK.” Yuri said.


“Yes, you’re just purrfect.” Yoona was dazzling in her flirtiest smile to Yuri.


“Ahem,” Yuri coughed. “Aren’t we going to airport?”


Yoona haughtily grinned, noticing Yuri’s cute respond. “We’re going to train station.”


Train Station

03.21 pm


“Yoona, hello!” exclaimed a voice behind them, and Yoona turned her head to see someone familiar standing near the taxi terminal, smiling at her. “I’m so grateful that you’ve come all the way here to pick me up.”


“Ahjumma, I’m happy to see you.” Yoona approached the older woman, offering a hug. Smiling, she pulled away and placed her hand at Yuri’s back. “Ahjumma, this is Yuri.”


“Hello,” replied the older woman, smiling to the pretty chaebol. “You are soo pretty!”


Yuri only nodded and gave an awkward smile.


“How old are you, pretty lady?”


Yuri gestured with her fingers: 26


The ahjumma looked at Yoona, asking for explanations. “The pretty lady has problem with sore throat?”


“Ah, that...” Yoona rubbed her neck, looking at Yuri. Lying was really the last option. She seemed to be distressed over the decision for answering.


Yuri showed a line written in her phone: I have problem. Can’t talk


“Ah, throat pain?! Aigoo, please be careful with what you eat next time,” She said, punching Yoona’s hand. “You should take better care of your friend. Get her a lot of water to drink.”


“Ah... Ye-yes, ahjumma.” Yoona raised her head, “Let’s go to the car.”


Yoona and the ahjumma walked together, her hands placed on the elder’s shoulders, catching up about life as they walked.


Yuri, on the other hand, was walking in a slow pace, looking from behind.


“Yoona, earlier I was so fascinated by that thing,” Ajumma said, waving her hand as if trying to recall the name. “The stairs that lifted by themselves?”


Hearing the line, Yuri was shocked till she couldn’t move an inch. She glared, wide eyes, to Yoona’s side profile who was smiling all the way. She moved without a sound to Yoona, whispering: “What century did she come from? Does she live in a cave?” 


“I came from Hongdo, so this kind of view really fascinates me... There isn’t much technology in our place.” explained the ahjumma sweetly before getting into the car. She nodded and smiled to Yoona.


Closing the door for the ahjumma, Yoona went to Yuri for a smile, and opened the door for the recently silent princess.


Then, she went to the driver seat and pulled the seatbelt.


“Ahjumma, what would you like to eat?”


“Ah no need to, I’ve already ate just before arriving here… A rest would be the best for me.”


Yoona turned to the second row with a smile. “You sure you don’t want to eat, ajumma?”


“Aigoo, our Yoona, it is true, I would like a rest in the hotel.” She answered, and handed Yoona the Hotel card.

“Eyy, my ahjumma why don’t you stay at my place, I’ve got spare rooms left.”


The elder laughed happily. “No, I would like to stay in hotel. I’ve never stayed in hotel alone. I’m 65 years old, and I want some quality time with myself.”


The way to the hotel was quite nice, with Yoona being a good girl, asking about ahjumma’s health and family. She said it was such a long time since they last met, and Yoona couldn’t be happier to see the person who took care of her was healthy.


The ahjumma too, kept praising Yoona over everything, especially her good attitude and her looks. She said Yoona never grew older; she only grew prettier each year. She said, she couldn’t be more proud of now.


Kwon Yuri listened to the conversation, sometimes retorted inside her mind, and sometimes with a loop sided smile. Then, Yoona sneezed.


Yuri took a glance of Yoona who rubbed her nose.


“Bless you,” Said the ajumma. “My granddaughters always said that when I sneeze. She said it’s a trend overseas.”


Yuri crossed her arms, muttering under her breath: “What blessing?  I’m already a blessing for her.”


Yoona kind of heard this, and she couldn’t help but to stare and smile at the amusing spoiled little lady beside her.


“And Yuri-ssi is your friend at work?” The ajumma leaned onto Yuri’s headrest, peeking at the corner. “She is such a pretty lady. You both are so pretty. I bet the guys in your office are so into you.”


That was when Yuri grinned so wide and Yoona shifted in her seat, voicing a small laugh.


“Yuri is from different office, but yes, a lot of guys are after her.”


Yuri shrugged her shoulders as if saying, “That’s right.”


“Omo, this is such a nice revelation. Rather than going out with guys, you decided to accompany Yoona to pick me up, an elder like me.” Ahjumma nodded happily. “It makes me so happy, Yoona have such great person beside her all the time. Even if I die, I would die in no regret.”


“Ey, ahjumma, stop saying that.” Yoona complained.


Ignoring the complaint, ahjumma loomed over Yuri’s headrest again. “Yuri-ssi, please take good care of our Yoona. She might be a choding but she’s really a good person deep down. You can’t find someone like her in Seoul that often.”


Kwon Yuri nodded.


“Yoona is a very kind and considerate girl, she always gave the best part of the dish for other people. Though she loves food so much, she’d never complained when her favourite part got taken by someone else.”


Yoona was ducking her head, Yuri saw from peripheral vision. The chaebol crossed her arms. “I guess the others are too selfish then.”


Yoona poked Yuri’s thigh, signalling: “Just let it go.”


“What?” Yuri replied, mumbling.


The ahjumma laughed, hearing Yuri’s blunt yet honest answer. “I finally hear your voice. Your throat is okay now?”


“Yeah my voice somehow recovered.” She replied back.


It took them 40 minutes to finally find the hotel that ahjumma was going to stay in, and much to their surprise, the ahjumma handed over a pair of hand-made scarves, saying she made two for Yoona, but since she liked Yuri so much, she decided to share it fairly. She asked Yuri to wear it on winter, so that she wouldn’t fall ill.


Yuri was surprised by the ahjumma’s warm hands placed on her shoulders, and as the time passed she kept reminding them to be healthy, to live without regret, and to be true to themselves. Treat others right if they wanted to be treated the same way. And to never be an arrogant person to look down or to hurt others, because they never know what pain or trouble other people are facing. Always smile earnestly.


After accompanying the ajumma to the receptionist, both Yoona and Yuri walked back to the car. Yoona the music.


[Urban Zakapa - Let It Rain]


“Ajumma is really nice, right?”


Yuri nodded. “When is...her birthday?”


“It’s on August 26th.” Yoona didn't ask why because she knew that Yuri has opened up her heart a little for the ajumma.


Hearing the intro of the song, and having Yuri beside her like this, Yoona’s having a pure bliss plastered over her face. She smiled happily it was almost like a dream. She glanced at Yuri whom at that time was studying her expression, her smile, her happiness.


“I can’t figure you out,” Yuri said, blinking a few times, and smile. “Sometimes you’re happy and giddy, but then you go without saying a word, and then later you’ll appear again, and the next second you take my hand and speak your heart out.” Chuckling, Yuri shook her head.


Yoona smiled in return. “I learned a lot about you today.” she was all smiling when she looked at the girl next to her.


Like, you don’t talk to people who you don’t like or make bad impressions. You snap back at them when you get irritated about something. You don’t hesitate on telling your honest opinion to someone.


Yoona was all giggling and happy, holding Yuri’s hand while driving to their next destination.


“You have a hand , huh?” Yuri mocked, somehow having a happy smile on her face.


“I think so...” Yoona nodded, thinking. “But only to you.”


“God.” Kwon Yuri covered and looked away. “What have I done in my past life...”


“Yuri-ya,” Yoona called, still smiling like a happy weirdo.




Yoona didn’t say a word, but stared sweetly at her. At that time, something warm was bubbling inside Yuri’s heart.


Something she hasn’t felt in all her life. Blushing, she pushed Yoona’s arm. “Yah. Can you stop staring like a freak at me?”


“This isn’t a freak smile,” Yoona lightly nudged Yuri’s hand, staring right at the girl. “Have you ever heard of a loving smile?"


Yuri said nothing, only hearing a loud beating inside her heart. The voice had suddenly become crystal clear.


“This is it.” Yoona explained.


The soft, lovely melody from the song playing had somehow boosted the emotion the two were feeling.


“Can I ask you something?” Yoona scratched the back of her head, looking slighly embarassed.


“...About what?”


“Why did you let me in? We only talked a little back then. It was barely an hour. Then I got drunk and had somehow went to your door. I lost my consciousness, and you took me inside. You’re not the type who would just let any stranger inside, I’m aware of that. That’s why I’ve been asking myself why. Why? Why don’t you find a security to take me back? You can even phone Taeyeon to tell my friend that I was unconscious.”

It was quiet, as the song changed into the next one. Another lovely ambience filled in, leaving their stares and the fleeting smile remained.


Kwon Yuri stared at Yoona’s curious yet delicate face, and in those doe eyes, she found something she had heard a lot in the novels, dramas and movies. Those eyes sparked when they met hers, only to her.


“I've always thought that drunk people were in their most honest situation. Ask them anything and they’d gladly answer. They seek what they really want, and they’re not biased. There is no sugar-coating when someone’s drunk.”


Yoona leaned on the steering wheel, still staring at Yuri. The smile never faded away.


When you were drunk, you looked for me. I guess I think that you really wanted to see me. It was sincere wish, no ulterior motives. I mean... to have someone looking for you, someone who needs to see you even in their drunk state, when they’re only half-conscious—that was sweet. No one in their drunken state has ever looked for me. Even dad, or those guys who claimed to love me.” Yuri said, chuckling. “You’re the first.”



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Yi te espero en esta pagina :)
7EIGHT9 #2
Chapter 3: Hello guys... You can find the continuation of this chapter on my website. the7eight9 dot wordpress dot com.

See ya!
2ne1snsd #3
Chapter 3: re-read this..and almost died of the yoonyul fluffiness omg..so fluffy im barfing rainbows ;; anyway, its kinda late but happy holidays author (;
ilyy12020530 #4
Hey..author please make our new year happy with an update..keke

Happy new year! God bless!
oh my.. <333 can you update this story too? o.O i looove your stories so much <3
jazz2202 #6
Chapter 3: Oh my... Im loving it.. Why so sweet yoona?xd The chaebol might suffer diabetes..xd
Cant wait for the next chapter..
fairylust #7
Chapter 3: Aaaaaww ^\\\\\\\^ I seriously can't wait to read the next chapter!!!!!! And Yoona is seriously so sweet gaaaah >_<
kyo_yuya #8
Chapter 3: Sweet story ^^ i love it and i can't wait for next chapter
ynyltroiper #9
Chapter 3: waaaah.....yoona you're soo sweet^.^
really enjoyed this chapter....thanks for the update n update soon:)))
Trackstar #10
Chapter 2: Omg really? How did yoona become yuri's lover so fast? Did something happened between them when yoona came to yuri during her drunk state. This is the 1st time that being drunk actually can bring a benefits.... Hehe can't wait for more yoonyul moments to happen!