Disclaimer: I don't own SELLE ROYALE nor HAYES :)



The heart was haunted... by a certain girl.




Im Yoona was frowning. She repeatedly hit her forehead during her inner self struggle.


“I heard our boss wanted to introduce Yuri-ssi to one of his single nephews!


“Damn.” She muttered. Remembering the story she heard from her co-workers had somehow put her into an emotional roller coaster ride. My salary’s only around $2.500 per month. How do I compete with my boss’ rich, good-looking nephews?


“Damn what, Yoona?” Jessica crawled into her depressed-looking-dongsaeng’s back. “You don’t look good.”


Yoona sent Jessica a sideway glare.


“Yah... What’s that Cyclops stare for?” Jung Jessica raised an eyebrow, not getting her dongsaeng’s emotional temper all the sudden.


“Aish you, unnie!” Yoona yelled in frustration, stomping her foot over and over again.


“Iwhat?!” Jessica the innocent asked back.


“You… You“ Yoona paused and calmed her mind. She wasn’t going to throw tantrum to this Jung because she would just ended up losing in verbal war.


Excuse me? I what?” Jessica studied her dongsaeng’s face before something crossed her mind. “Omo.” She covered her hand and leaned closer to Yoona. “Don’t tell me she’s your type?


Yoona rubbed her neck.


“Oops.” Jessica said, feeling a little bit guilty. This time it was a sincere apology from a sister to a dongsaeng. “Sawwry!”


Yoona's preference was like a secret no one talks about. That she was swinging the other way. Yoona herself knew that her co-workers might already have the idea about this, but she had never claimed it to be true with words.


It started when Yoona first joined the company, and every single male species was drooling and staring at her, Yoona wouldn’t even bother nor seemed to taking a liking in all the entire attention. Some tried to directly asked her out, but no one ever got the chance to hear a ‘yes’ from her.


It wasn’t really obvious when you saw her the first time, but when you get to know and study this Im more, you’d notice that she was more fond of girls than to guys. Well— Jessica was the first one to notice that.


Not receiving any reply from the angry shikshin, the Jung tried to cheer the girl up.


“But Yoona ya, I think you’ve got good chance to win her too.” Jessica said under her breath. “You see, you’ve got looks and attitude. You’re romantic from head to toe that I often cringe, and you’re kind-hearted. And did I tell you that you are the prettiest dongsaeng in Seoul?” Jessica gave her prettiest wink of the year.


“You did.” Yoona nodded, narrowing her eyes. She was still a little bit upset to her unnie.


“I’m so sorryyyyy! I didn’t know about this!” Jessica leaped on her defense mode. How the hell should I know I know that you have feelings for her! You think I can read your heart or what! And why didn’t you tell me earlier about this, if you tell I could—


“Psshh!” Yoona swiflty covered Jessica’s mouth. “Keep it low!


The older girl pinched Yoona’s hand, totally ignoring the group of friends nearby who have the possibility of eavesdropping their conversation.


“I don’t have 6th sense so next time you better tell!”


“Aren’t I supposed to be the angry one? How could you turn the tide just like this?” Yoona protested.


Jessica smiled. “This is the privilege of being a Jessica. You can do whatever you want. Do I make myself clear?”


Yoona ruffled her hair. “How can this person exist...”


“Say what!”





“I heard her dad owns some mansions, big ones.”


Yoona wasn’t really eavesdropping, but her colleagues who were conversing a meter behind her just couldn't lower their voice. She stayed still, and listened more to it as she played with the straw inside the coffee cup. She was sure that the two girls were talking about the recently hot issue—Kwon Yuri.




“Really! Man, she got a riiiiich dad.”


Yoona drinked up her coffee. Slightly trembling, she realized she hadn’t tasted anything at all or eaten properly since morning, after all of this happened. She’s a chaebol. Of course, Yoona.


“You see her branded stuff. Jimmy Choo ankle boots. That Alexander scarf and Tiffany & Co set of pearls? And that Chopard watch.”


Yoona picked up the cookie she prepared in her bag, hoping the sugar rush might help sort out her anxiety and sudden nervousness. She started asking herself whether if it was the empty belly that trembled her, or was it the detailed information of Yuri’s attire that she heard about. She glanced down to study her stuff.


She was wearing GUCCI beige canvas sneakers that cost $430, a $620 MCM Brown backpack, A&F T-shirt and short pants. Then Yoona smiled widely when she stared at her pretty LV Tambour Brun small watch that cost $2.900. She remembered she had to save up two months of her salary to be able to buy the cool stuff.


Okay... This wasn’t bad, Yoona. Cool down.


“You really pay a lot of attention to her.”


“Of course! She even got a cute Fendi crocodile peekaboo bag... I really want that. Do you know how much it cost? Freaking $19.500!”


Yoona shoved a handful of the famous amos cookies into in a perfect resemblance of Cookie Monster from Sesame Street. Suddenly she felt completely exhausted by this.


“I think her entire outfit today cost around 30.000 USD. Gosh.”


Choking, Yoona gulped down the coffee in one go. USD 30.000?! Are you kidding?!


She closed her eyes and heaved a big, heavy sigh. She told herself that she should stop listening to her colleague’s conversation.

“A bag that cost 8 months of my salary...” Yoona mumbled, suddenly felt a heavy burden on her shoulder. “Ahhh. This is just impossible for me.” 


She glanced to her senior slash close unnie—Jessica, and the girl was busy texting. Biting her lips, Yoona still couldn’t stop being anxious. She was sure she has something for this pretty Yuri girl, but the labels coming along with the pretty chaebol just...


It wasn’t because Yoona was poor—no, it wasn’t like that. She was born in a warm, decent family to begin with. For all her life, she always got what she wanted. Cars, and her favorite branded stuff (though not as expensive as Yuri’s as how she heard). Yoona almost never feel the feeling of needing something, because she was used to have it all.


Family, friends (though only a few), job, even a little bit of romance, Yoona has it all. It was just that, she had never purchased anything as expensive as Yuri’s bag. Now she wondered if—IF, they were ever together, and her girlfriend’s stuff & lifestyle was in a total different level. What would it be like? Could she keep up with Yuri’s life and demand? Yoona couldn’t help but to worry about that.


“It wasn’t like she like me back. I’m thinking too far.” She said to herself, thinking about any possibility if they ever get together.


“Too far what?” Jessica suddenly intercept.


Yoona looked at the other girl, all the while kept asking herself, how could Yuri be so mesmerizing? It was Yuri’s fault to be so pretty that attracted her so much. But again, it wasn’t like Yoona hadn’t seen any pretty faces—it was just that, no one ever comes close to Yuri.


“Sica unnie, what do you do if you see someone so pretty?” She blurted out.


Jessica looked blank for a moment, before she replied: “Well... I stare, I smile and put my mirror down.”


Im Yoona was about to puke rainbow before she decided to escape from the troll.


“Where do you think you’re going!” Jessica yelled, holding her stomach while laughing out loud.


“Restroom!” Yoona shouted back, pfft-ing. “Don’t talk to me!”






Forget about salary. Now how should I introduce myself to her? How should I present myself in front of her? How do I get to know her? Think of something Yoona...


Yoona looked at herself in the mirror, trying to show off her brightest, charming smile of the year. “Hi... I’m Yoona. May I know your name?”


She was now at the toilet, staring at her reflection upon the mirror. She just need to see how she looked if she really want to talk to the girl she liked. Yoona pouted. No, that wasn’t a good line. And I was smiling too wide she’d be creeped out.


Yoona cleared . “Hello. Hi. I’d like to know your name.” She then smiled to her reflection. “I know this might sound weird but...”


Do I look like weirdo?...I need to find better pick up line.


“You’re also going to Bali, right?” Yoona gestured a toothpaste artist kind of smile before she narrowed her gaze on herself. “Creepy.”


Just then, suddenly— one of the closet doors swung open behind her. Surprised, Yoona saw a tiny, cute girl smiling and giggling to her.


Gulping, the Im stayed quiet, wondering what the girl was doing and why would she smiled to her so intense like that.


“I’m Kim Taeyeon...” She blushed, playing with her nails.


Yoona was blank and a little bit freaked out. “Umm...? I... Uh.”


“I didn’t know that you wanted to know my name so bad, even following me to the toilet...” The girl known as Taeyeon gestured a shy, embarassed body language towards Yoona.


Im Yoona was dumbfounded. Realizing the misunderstanding she had created, Yoona tried to explain. “I, uh... The thing was—“ She mumbled, feeling like a fool, also completely clueless as to what to do.


She couldn’t very well say anything now, could she? Not with the poor cute girl in such state. While she was struggling to explain, the girl had moved and approached her.


“I’m Kim Taeyeon from Hayes Group...” The cute girl blushed pink and offered a hand with a loop sided smile.


Stupidly, Yoona held out her hand to shake the later’s. “Err, I’m... Yoona from Selle Royal.”





Pat pat.



Jessica was standing beside her favorite junior, patting her head along. They were outside the queuing line, killing some time before Seulong finished arranging the check ins.


“It’s okay, if you can’t have Yuri, you still have lots of fan girls in the company, remember?” Jessica went on, grinning. “And you’ve got Kim Taeyeon as the recently acquired fan-girl.”


“Not funny, not funny.” Now Yoona regretted on telling her buddy about the recent accident in the toilet. She has never felt so stupid in her life before. This was going to be the running joke for Jessica for a whole year.


“Aww, all of these time you’ve never once get upset with me. Look how cute you are, Yoona.” The older girl giggled.


“I’m not talking to you.” Yoona crossed her arms. “I don’t like you.”


Jessica laughed. “So cuuuuuute.” She linked her arms to the angry victim. “Yeah, you only like Kim Taeyeon, huh? HAHAHA.”


“Would you mind lower your dolphin voice?” Yoona asked with defeated tone.


“You dare speak like that to the Finance Manager, your prettiest senior?”


“Yeah Miss Finance Manager please pardon me the vice General Manager.” Yoona struggled to release Jessica’s tentacles from her hand.


“Yah yah yah be quiet! She’s nearby!”


Yoona calmed down at that instant, her eyes searching for a specific girl around. She soon found out that Yuri was indeed walking nearby, with Kim Taeyeon.


While staring from the distance, Kim Taeyeon had somehow managed to find Yoona’s eyes. She smiled, sheepishly before waving to the speechless Yoona.


“Did that girl just waved to you?” Jessica was repressing her laughter.




“So here’s your passport, please check them carefully and let me know if you need something. We’re going to board through this gate.” Seulong pointed, and made the way forward along with Lee Jong Suk and the rest of the colleague.


“What’s your seat number?” Jessica asked while walking down the long corridor, pulling her favorite pink samsonite luggage like a real queen.


“29F.” Yoona said and peeked at Sica’s boarding pass. “You?”


“Why I’m not beside you? We’re on different aisle! Mine is on 29G.” Not pleased, Jessica called out, “Yah Seulong!


Her words seared like a law, and the victim halted his step, turning around with a confused look. “What now?”


The queen put on a stoic face. “You, come here and see me.”


Seulong rubbed his neck, frowning. “Aaashh. Why me whyyyy?” Now he stood in front of Jessica, heads down.


“Why I’m not seated beside Yoona? Explain this to me in a short way.” The Jung crossed her arms, looking stern and unhappy.


“Well, I wasn’t the one who—“ He tried to explain, but was cut off by the queen again.


“Okay, time’s up. You’re at blame.” Sica said, punching the guy’s chest.


The group laughed at the scene in front of them.


“Ouch!” He rubbed his chest and winced in pain. “I’m not the one who arranges the seat plan, why don’t you go complain to the staff?”


Sica snorted and looked elsewhere. “Geez I don’t want to sit beside an ajussi that I don’t know of.”


The people from Selle then gathered in a spot, talking about their seatmates. But Yoona was busy wondering about Yuri, where could the girl be right at this moment, and where did she get her seat for the flight.


Yoona studied from left to right, hoping to catch a glimpse of Yuri. Are you with my boss’ nephew right now, Yuri?


“Yoona sunbae~”


Yoona bobbed her head in turn to the source of the voice, and she saw two girls approaching her.


“Oh, Luna, Nicole. What’s up?” She waved.


Luna smiled and jumped. “We are going to buy some sandwich at Starbucks! Are you coming? Or do you want to get something?”

In a sudden Nicole jumped behind Yoona’s back and back-hugged the frozen Yoona.


“Umm. No, thanks...” Yoona replied, and the first thing she noticed after the awkward hug from Nicole was Yuri walking by.

For a long moment Yoona stared at Yuri, not sure what to think


Kwon Yuri glanced up at that moment and caught Yoona looking at her. She briefly met Yoona’s unwavering stare, but she turned away as if nothing had happened. Yoona watched her for a long moment, hoping she’d look up again, hoping they’d made eye contact again so she could offer her a smile.


“Whoa, the pretty girl.” Nicole nudged gently behind Yoona’s back. A reminder for Yoona that other girl was hugging her from behind.

Yoona’s jaw dropped at the realization that just hit her. Usually skinship like this didn’t really bother her, but when someone you like saw you being hugged by other person you have no interest in, what would you do?


“I like her,” Jessica said, completely unperturbed by the fact that Yuri was a chaebol and that Yoona was absolutely nowhere for the progress. “She’s got nice style. And she can make you drool.”


Yoona let a small smile, “Yes... Yes, she’s so lovely.” What on earth could she do now to catch the girl’s attention?


I need her to see the single and cool me. Aaah Nicole wasn’t helping at all!


Then Jessica leaned in and whispered, “Looks like the rumor is true. Kim Soo Hyun is walking beside your crush.”


“Say what!” Yoona called, shocked.


Jessica perked up. “Didn’t you saw the two of them walking just now?”


Yoona cleared . “She’s walking with Kim Soo Hyun? Our boss’ niece? OE Manager?”


Both Luna and Nicole paid their attention to this. Jessica answered with a sigh.


“Sica unnie what happened?” Asked Luna.


Nicole wiggled her eyebrow to Luna, not knowing what on Earth had happened.


Yoona then realized that... when she saw Yuri walking, everything vanished. The only one, the only person in her eyes was only Yuri.






“Tsk. Look at him.” Seulong frowned, grumbling.


Jessica grinned at her dongsaeng Yoona, and to Seoulong. “You both don’t look good.” she nodded slowly to herself. “Everything okay?”


None of them replied, for they were busy fussing about the scene where Kim Soo Hyun was sticking himself with Yuri so much. Yoona has grown a pair of horns on her head, all the while Seulong looked like someone whose beard was on fire. Thing has gotten more entertaining since then.


“I guess seeing Kim Soo Hyun pushing the cart of Yuri’s suitcase dropped your stomach.”


“Care to share the gossip?” Lee Jong Suk offered his cool smile to Jessica.


Noticing the new person on the party, Jessica’s face changed prettier. “You don’t know how fun is this, Jong Suk ya.”


“Try me?”


Jessica chuckled and then snapped her eyes wider. “Wait, you’re also boss’ single nephew, aren’t you?”


Now both Yoona and Seulong glared at the tallest guy.


“Whoa whoa, hold on a sec—what’s with the sudden death glare?”


“You’re single man, right?”


“That is correct, inspector Jessica.” Jong Suk nodded, playing along.


“And you are one of our boss’ nephews.”


“You got me. “ He lifted both his hands up.


“So, did he introduce you to her?”


“Her...?” Jong Suk raised an eyebrow.


Jessica signaled her eyes to Yuri’s direction.


“Oh, Yurissi?” Jong Suk nodded. He managed a grin and glanced at Yoona before saying, “He did, but she’s not my type.”


Yoona felt like she just been insulted but yet happy at the same time. Truth to be told, Yoona knew that Jong Suk was in the same team as her. It just felt better when he said that Yuri wasn’t his type (though she was mad that he wouldn’t acknowledge how pretty Yuri was).


Lee Jong Suk stared briefly at Yoona. He then placed his hand on Seulong’s shoulder. “Seulong ya, don’t be worried too much with my cousin there. Instead, you should be worried about the rival nearby...”


“Nearby? What do you mean? You said she’s not your type!”


“Well... not me, certainly. Might be somebody else.” Lee Jong Suk walked away, hands on his pocket, a smirk on his lips. “Yoona, don’t you want to accompany me to buy drinks?”


Dumbfounded, Seulong watched as how his two colleagues walked together, leaving Jessica and him..


“I see you finally set your eye on someone.”


Yoona kept on walking, unperturbed


“That is good to know. At least you’re a human.” He continued.


Yoona sneered.


“So...” His voice trailed, as he locked his gaze on Yoona. “Have you heard things about her?”


“By things... You mean her background?” Yoona finally looked up to find the latter’s eyes. “I know she’s a chaebol.”


“Were you interested on her because she’s a chaebol? I don’t think so.”


“Rather than interest me, it makes me anxious.” Yoona answered. “Maybe you should consider on raising my salary?”


Jong Suk put on a good laugh. “Rather than that, shouldn’t you be worried of how to get to know her first?” When Yoona was stunned, he leaned closer to say: “I heard she only eats at 5 stars hotel.”


Im Yoona gulped. “Did you ask her out!” Frowning, she turned to him. “Did you?!”


“Chill down.” Jong Suk chuckled. “We only introduced ourselves, nothing more. She doesn’t look like she was interested in me at all.”


Yoona grinned secretly. "And so did you."


“So how are you going to present yourself to her? I think its uncommon for a girl to want to be introduced to another. Won’t it be awkward? Doesn’t girl usually hang around first before getting to know each other?”


“Hang around, huh... Right. I have an idea.”


“You really going to do this?”




Speechless, Jong Suk could only stare at Yoona. “Anyway! You can’t tell anyone about my secret.”


“Depends on how much you raise my salary, chief manager.” Yoona jumped and smile. “Now I have to go see Jessica for vengeance.”



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Yi te espero en esta pagina :)
7EIGHT9 #2
Chapter 3: Hello guys... You can find the continuation of this chapter on my website. the7eight9 dot wordpress dot com.

See ya!
2ne1snsd #3
Chapter 3: re-read this..and almost died of the yoonyul fluffiness omg..so fluffy im barfing rainbows ;; anyway, its kinda late but happy holidays author (;
ilyy12020530 #4
Hey..author please make our new year happy with an update..keke

Happy new year! God bless!
oh my.. <333 can you update this story too? o.O i looove your stories so much <3
jazz2202 #6
Chapter 3: Oh my... Im loving it.. Why so sweet yoona?xd The chaebol might suffer diabetes..xd
Cant wait for the next chapter..
fairylust #7
Chapter 3: Aaaaaww ^\\\\\\\^ I seriously can't wait to read the next chapter!!!!!! And Yoona is seriously so sweet gaaaah >_<
kyo_yuya #8
Chapter 3: Sweet story ^^ i love it and i can't wait for next chapter
ynyltroiper #9
Chapter 3: waaaah.....yoona you're soo sweet^.^
really enjoyed this chapter....thanks for the update n update soon:)))
Trackstar #10
Chapter 2: Omg really? How did yoona become yuri's lover so fast? Did something happened between them when yoona came to yuri during her drunk state. This is the 1st time that being drunk actually can bring a benefits.... Hehe can't wait for more yoonyul moments to happen!