Chapter 7: Stolen Secret

Forbidden Love

"no..-no...Jin these lips..they're stolen" "What?!" Jin got up while rubbing his swollen cheek that was caused by the slap.

"..." Jihyun stayed silent "What do you mean by 'stolen'? Were you kissed?" Jin came closer to Jihyun to see that she is looking down with her hand covering half of her face as tears start to stream down.




"What do you mean by 'escape'?!" Sungyeol and Sungjong were arguing about Jihyun's 'escape' "Brother I think I've had forgotten to lock the cell" "idiot!" Sungyeol then punched his younger brother at the face but luckily Sungjong didn't hit the floor.

Sungyeol did this for punishment to his fighters and servants "Sungjong may you explain things?" Sungjong looked up at Sungyeol as he held his swollen cheek and knowing what he meant by 'things' " let you know...I forgot" Sungyeol madly launches another punch but luckily Sungjong quickly caught the fist then threw it down hard with just one hand.

The two brothers looked at eachother for a while til Sungjong went to the door to exit the room "life would been better if mother was still here" Sungjong just standed infront of the door til he opened it.




"Jihyun.." Jin grabbed her two hands to see that the tears were still streaming down her face, "Jihyun.." Jin repeated as his hands went behind her neck to unlock the necklace "NO!" Jihyun cried out as she grabbed and pushed his hands away.

She then exited the room while just wiping the tears away.




It was 09:00pm, Jin was walking down the hallway to go to bed.

As he went by Jihyun's door, he stopped and glanced at it for a while, then walked again, as he took just another step he heard Jihyun's voice that enacted from her room,

As curiosity came over Jins mind and body, he came closer to the door then pressed his ear against the door to hear better.

"I should keep this a secret. So no one knows that me and Sungjong are together" Jins eyes widened 'Sungjong? Who's Sungjong?' "But...our love is forbidden cause...well he's a Demon and I'm a Angel." Jin backed away because he couldn't listen to it anymore.




Its the next day came, all the servants woke up Jihyunee, Jin and everyone else. As the breakfast was served, Jihyun was the first one to be seated,

as she looked at her meal and smiled "Thank you, I hope I'll enjoy this" "your welcome Princess" The maid says as she bows and leaves.

As Jihyun eats her first meal of the day, Jin comes out as the second seated, after the maid served him his meal "Thank you, I hope I'll enjoy this meal" 

The maid bowed but her face was hiding, "Y-your welcome Prince Jin" the maid quickly went back with her hand hiding the blush, Jin then sighed then started to eat his food, while almost finishing his meal, he looked at Jihyun then the necklace and said

"Jihyun we are going to talk later..again"




After the two finished their breakfast, the Prince and Princess went outside in the Garden, they sat next to eachother on the bench and talk "Jihyun...the necklace...."

Jihyun then looked down and put her hand over the necklace to hide it "I know who you got it from" she then gulped "but one question" Jihyun looked at him with a questioned look "who's Sungjong?" 

Jihyun just sat there trembling as if it was cold "Jin...I have to go now." Jihyun stand up from the bench then walks towards the entrance, Jihyun then was pulled back by Jins hard and warm grip, "Jihyun you have to explain all of this or..... I might already know because of last night."


Authors Notes:

23/11/1992 - 03/09/2014

Go EunB is now our sweet, talented and mostly kind Angel in Heaven now..please pray for EunB, Ladies Code, RiSe and their familly and friends that are heartbroken.

And lastly EunB you may rest in peace and remember that you'll always be missed.

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Of that is finished I'll update this Saturday. (If your from the US Friday)


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Oppa_luv #1
<3 <3 <3 it!!!!
elisechii #2
this is not enuff fer meh feels
Chapter 10: My feels... Oh my...
Chapter 5: maybe jin is like a demon in disguise and sungjong was supposed to be an angel....i think i am randomly guessing the plot but nowhere near it XP
Chapter 5: And then Jin comes along and tries to kill her, and sungjong somehow saves her, and then he turns into an angel, and then the end.
xD That's what I think but it's nothing close to it right?
Chapter 4: it seems like jin is the actual demon instead of sungjong.......
please update soon cause i'm sooooooo curious about what is gonna happen next:D