Wonder Woman

Give Love A Chance

NO. Stop thinking this way Jewel. No. 
Focus, focus, focus!
Asking Luhan for help would mean that I need to apologize to him for my 'silly' mistake. He'll laugh at me and his pride would sky rocket into the roof, he would return to the cocky bastard he is. Wait.. he still is a cocky bastard.
My hormones are probably just acting up right now, which means I must be close to my period. Yeah that's it, it's just my period coming closer and closer everyday. I'm just too into my emotions this first half of the day Jewel Nam, so stay strong. 

I shook my head completely out of those thoughts and wiped the tears building up in my eyes. 
Setting a tray down on the spot beside me, I look up to see that Chanyeol decided to have lunch with me today. The expression on his face read of sympathy and helplessness. "Hey Jewel I saw what she did to you. I feel kinda bad, that was your favourite food after all so here I'll share my lunch with you."

He handed over the chopsticks with a caring smile and moved the tray closer to me as he slipped into the chair. If I could look at myself right now I had a feeling that my eyes were twinkling because of this roller coaster of a morning that I've gone through.
Staring right at Chanyeol, I gave him a quick hug, "Thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!" 

My chowing down on the food was nonstop from that moment on. Mom's bibimbap was what I expected to eat but the kindheartedness of this fellow best friend is bringing my eyes to tears. 

"Slow down Jewel I need to eat some too!" He whined, but I push his hands away as a joke.

"I'll only eat half so chill~" Mouth full, my response made Chanyeol laugh a little. 
The lunch of the day was fish fillet with tartar sauce and as an option for carbs it was either white rice or mashed potatoes. Being asian, Chanyeol chose the white rice, I was so proud he did. For dessert it was a creme caramel flan. 
I can kinda say that I was in a mini happy place eating some of it. 

Bzz. Bzz. Bzz.
His phone caught my attention that instant. Looking up at him he seemed a little frustrated with the person he was texting, I didn't even notice that it kept buzzing until now. "Chanyeol is that your girlfriend?" 
He almost choked on my question and instantly he waved his hand all up my face. I knew he didn't, I just needed to a bit.
Attempting to take it away though he was getting a little defensive about it that he started to take away the food from me right then and there. 

"It is your girlfriend isn't it! Who is she?"   

"It's no one Jewel." He said with seriousness in his voice, "Just-just have all that flan okay. You need it more than I do."

Yeesh can't this guy take a joke? Oh well. 

Inspecting the entire cafeteria after he started eating, I came to this new discovery that our generation was becoming more and more antisocial. I was always caught and was taken a picture of, people weren't exactly talking to their friends face to face, everyone was becoming selfish etc. We are such a sad bunch. 

Out of no where I catch Luhan staring over in my direction and Chanyeol looked up, giving him a weird expression. Speaking of Luhan, he was finally sitting with the popular group for lunch. Da Hye was all over him as she tried to give him some of her food but he ended up resisting. The boys in that group got up and walked out of the cafeteria going to wherever they were planning on going to. 

Now from my observations, Chanyeol would eat his food then send a text. Luhan would look at his phone right after and text back. 
The phone would buzz and Chanyeol would text him back again.

I let out a sigh. It's not like I question their friendship at all, but if Chanyeol wanted to eat with him for lunch today he could've.
The buzzing I hear every minute was starting to get me annoyed that I got up from the table and patted Chanyeol goodbye. No hard feelings with him whatsoever but I just needed some air to cool me down. 

Walking out of the cafeteria I turned to the left, leading me out of the school and into the garden. I've taken care of a couple of flowers there and the trees and bushes were growing pretty well in this weather. It was a nice spring season so most of them were just blooming. In this section of the school there were still plenty of students that were fond of the place and ate lunch here.
There were park benches and stone tables that were enough for an entire class of 50 to be here. 

Finding myself a good spot to sit, I choose the one by the tree that had a border of stone just around it.
Seated there I looked up at the sky and took a breather, inhaling and exhaling until I hear a cry for "Help." 

It was the popular guys messing around with a small girl, lifting her up off the grass. It was a good thing she was wearing pants too.
They were taking off her hat and wearing it as if it was theirs and grabbed her books, then dumping them all on the ground. 
"Wooo yeah lift her higher!" 

I ran over to them in an instant and yelled at them on the way, "HEY! DROP HER!!" They heard me loud and clearly, thus stoping what they were about to do. "What are you guys doing to him?" 

The one with chestnut bown hair seemed to be the leader since he was the one that spoke to me, "Shoo! Go away." 
Their was a familiar cockiness about him that was just going to be too easy to handle. It was definitely similar to Luhan's attitude. 

My head jerked back a bit and my eyes widened in their refusal. The other guys around him were cheering once they continued to harass the poor girl again. 

"HEY I TOLD YOU TO DROP HER!" I yelled even louder and went around the boys, pulling their hands off the bullied girl. It didn't take long before they listened and turned their attention to me. Other eyes were also making their way in this direction but I didn't care because this wasn't something people should pass by as nothing. "Why are you guys annoying the poor girl?!" 

"Well why are you cutting in on us?" The so-called leader puffed up his chest and looked down on me.

"Why not? Would I be cutting in on you if you weren't messing with her? You guys are bullying her and that's enough for me to come over here and stop it!" 

Phones and ipads and whatever kind of portable gadget were appearing everywhere and either they were taking a picture or a video, I couldn't care less. A couple of students were looking down from the second floor and others from the cafeteria were making their way out. I spotted Chanyeol on the side and Luhan was right beside him. 
I guess I was gonna defend her alone since no one was stepping up. 

"But why? Is this shrimp one of your friends?" The egotistical leader spoke again. 

"And why back? Does she have to be one of my friends first for me to step up and defend her against you jerks? Treat the girl the way she should be treated!" They were silently standing there just staring at me back. I took the chance to grab a hold of the chick and comfort her a little, "Are you okay?" 

She definitely was short just as they said. She owned a giant pair of spectacles and had her shirt tucked into her pants.
Not saying anything bad but she was classified as a nerd. A main target for these dweebs. 
The poor girl looked at me and I noticed the immediate sparkle in her eyes, it wasn't mistaken for her tears. "Yeah I'm fine." and with that response I helped her up of the ground and patted the dirt off of her.

Wrapping my arm around the her neck I looked up at them and their outrageous attitudes was just so sad to look at. "This is what's difficult about you guys! You're all narrowminded. Just because a person isn't your height or he/she doesn't look like you or dresses and speaks like you doesn't mean that you should bully them. It doesn't mean that just because they're by themselves you can trample all over them!" My brows were knotting in a bunch, but looking at the poor girl it untangled and my voice softened. "It's okay if you're different. What do you guys want? All of us looking and acting the same just to be accepted? Tsk you guys think you're so hot just because you're popular but sorry for the bad news, that's not gonna get you anywhere."

I pushed around the crowd that had built up, and remembered I forgot something. "Her books and her bag.. give them back." 
Just as I ordered them too hand her stuff over, they did. One by one they appeared and I even noticed one guy picking one of her books that dropped on the ground. I stacked them all one after the other and put it in her bag as I looked intently in all of their eyes.
"Very good, now you guys are acting like real men should." 

I walked away from the immature minded bullies and continued to push my way past the crowd. The crowd was all cheering and clapping when I was finally done. This was the kind of attention I wanted rather than just being a girlfriend. 

Before walking through the door back into the school though, I turned back to Chanyeol and smiled at him as it reminded me of the time I protected him in junior high. It was great protecting somebody and I was pretty sure this girl was gonna be a new friend of mine. 
The very first chick at the most. 

My eyes couldn't help but make their way to Luhan and reading that expression on his face, he seemed to regret something, like he was sorry. 

I rolled my eyes away and pushed the door open. "Thank you by the way."
I didn't notice that her voice was so soft compared to when I first asked her how she was. My mind couldn't wrap around why guys had to bully a girl, I mean what kind of respect is that?
Boy or girl no one should be bullied whatsoever. 

"No problem. So uhh what's your name?" 

"It's Sunhee."

"Sunhee? That's such a nice name. Hi I'm Jewel~" I let out a hand and at first she was hesitant in shaking it, but she did so anyways. "You stay away from those jerks okay! There's a nasty group of girls here too and you could tell their the bullies, they have this weird smell and they act like they're like famous and all." We giggled together, "It's nice meeting you and all but I gotta get going okay? See you around!" 

Being bullied in the morning today, may have been terrible for me as I would've probably resorted to asking Luhan for my help.
But meeting Sunhee made me realize that I was able to stand up for myself and for others. People around me were slowly forgetting that I was Luhan's girlfriend and were now congratulating me for guarding the girl. 

Some teachers even gave me high-fives, which are very weird student-teacher interactions.

In class, I took out my notebook as well as the assigned worksheets that we needed to hand in. The teacher began talking about cells and I was beginning to daze off. I loved genetics really, but I guess my stomach didn't have enough food to completely satisfy me as I had imagined unicorns frollicking down at the garden.

"Miss Nam!" Mr. Gok called out my name, shocking me in my seat and shot me to a full stand. "Name the stages the a cell undergoes in the process of Mitosis."

I wasn't sure what any of that meant and I wasn't even sure how long I was staring at Mr. Gok without a single answer.
"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7... Do you intend to make me wait MS. NAM?" 

There it was, I was laughed at again.
And then I hear, "Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase and Telophase." whispered just beside me. 
But the only one beside me was Luhan. 

Mr. Gok heard his low mumbles and called on him immediately. "MR. HAN! What are you whispering to Ms. Nam?" It was the first time I'd seen him scared of any teacher like this. "Can you tell the entire class so we know what you are mumbling to her."

He got up hesitantly and stood tall just beside me. I had looked right at him with questioning expression on my face knowing that this guy was practically failing every course in this school. There was no way he would get the answer right.

"I told her that the stages were Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase and Telophase. I guess if you would like to count the other bit well then it's Cytokenesis." 

"Are you sure?" Mr. Gok asked. 
Luhan nodded. There was a silence that kept me and him on the line of getting it right or wrong and with a sudden loud clap from Mr. Gok my eyes widened, "VERY GOOD LUHAN!"

He got it right? There's just no way! How could he?
I looked down at his desk and there was no sign of a textbook open around him or anyone else. He must've googled it. But his phone was out. This was definitely the Luhan that I don't know. 

"You may both take a seat." 

The class went on as usual, students working and the teacher walked around to help us wit any questions we may have after the lesson. I remained quiet and kept everything to myself being around Luhan and all. It was as if something hit him!
Talking to him today, was much more different than since I first met him.. Where was the arrogance, the ego and the richness in him?

"Uhhh-" I turned to look at him and he was stuttering (?) "G-g-good job defending that girl from those bullies today."

I pursed my lips to keep the awkwardness in and nodded as a sign of welcome. 
Was it something I said that changed him? No no no he must be playing a trick on me. 

"There's already a video of you up on the school blog. They're calling you Wonder Woman now cuz apparently you're like a superhero to them."

For some reason I couldn't let out a single word. I wanted to remind him that we were now strangers in the nicest way possible until I heard my name called up on the intercomm.

"Miss Nam, please make your way down to the principal's office."



   Author's note   
Hey guys! I don't know if you guys like the chapter or not- if Jewel and Luhan had less interaction or that it just didn't fit well, well then I'm sorry. But I made this chapter because I wanted to stand up against bullying. Some time last week our school wore pink to support anti-bullying and it was amazing how so many people wore the colour. Those that didn't have pink, decided to wear red or even orange to show that they were supporting it. But Luhan is acting a little different around her after her speech about bullying, do you think he's feeling bad about the way he treated Jewel? Perhaps a change of heart? And what was up with Chanyeol texting Luhan? Find out more on the next few chapters of Give Love A Chance. Please do subscribe, upvote and comment below as they make this author super happy :))  

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luhan~ <3<3
thank you for advertising this on my wall, goodluck with this!
When I finally thought i got rid of Taehyung (since Sunhee Liked him , or was it his abs that she liked ?hh anyways..) He comes into the picture with his hand WRAPPED around her shoulder , this can't be really I MEan IT like for real He CaN NOT Steal Jew! NO NO and NO! Thank God ChanChan doesn't like him because I obviously do .. NOT! ANd Guess Luhan has issues with his parents huh ? I see .. This Turned into a whole another story Dude ! But he really seemed like a cute apology , like FINALLY! even though Jewel didn't seem to be accepting his apology for real but yeahh .. And FINALLY , the chap that i've been waiting for my whole life ! Thank you Unnie for Updating <3 The story is a lot nicer now ;) I love You <3 <3
thank you for advertising this on my wall, goodluck with this!
i miss this story,, pls pretty pls update soon author nim :):
Hello! I saw your post on my wall thingy almost a month ago! So sorry I didn't read it sooner! Can't wait to start!
gonna love this story eeeeekkk :-D