Operation Cobra part 1

Give Love A Chance

Luhan's POV

"That was not sweet and sensitive. You did not show her that she was important to you and you didn't show her that you were the kind of guy that would take care of her." Chanyeol lay a hand on my shoulder, his face filled with worry and disappointment.
I tried my best for this first official task and I'm already ready to give up winning Jewel's sweet forgiveness. It definitely wasn't Chanyeol's plan that ended up being a fiasco, it was me that turned it into one.

He looked at me with a sympathetic look as I directed myself towards the wall and leaned against it with hopelessness. For the very first time in my life I didn't think I would come to this. Becoming a Luhan that would do anything to get a girl's forgiveness.
I didn't even get that from my ex-girlfriend so what were the chances of being forgiven by Jewel?
Zero out of Zero. Yup, no a chance at all.

I let out a sigh of despair, "Dude there's no way." 

"Don't give up now Luhan! We just have to find another way," He paused, "You think I didn't notice that your means of messing around with my best friend was a way for you to show your affections for her?"

His words pierced right through me. Gaping at him as if he were an alien was not my intention but I couldn't grasp the fact that he took the way I acted right out of me. He was right and I've been hiding it since last year, since the first time I met Jewel.
"How did you?" I asked in shock.
 Chanyeol was now a little too confident in himself.

He gave me a smirk and wrapped an arm over my shoulder, "Luhan... It's because I'm a love guru. The universe has finally given me a mission and that mission is to get you and Jewel to be together."

That's it? That was his answer? I couldn't believe that Jewel had to put up with his kind of thinking. The nonlogical side of his thinking. "Whatever Chanyeol."

"Don't whatever me dude. I have the eyes of a hawk!" He proclaimed with bird-like actions.

Simply letting him say whatever he pleases, I let out a laugh and my head went back to what he had previously said- that I was only being a jerk to Jewel because it was a way for me to show that I liked her. Stupid move? Yes, just as I said before.
Maybe I've acted this way not just because of the state 'girls love bad boys' but it was because I don't know how to show my affections for another person anymore. 

Circumstances at home, have led me to be the terrible son my parents have to deal with and yet I didn't think that my actions towards them would have affected me outside as well. My parents ignore me so what do I decide to do? Become a son that will ruin their reputation just to notice their child is hurting. Loving my parents brought me to be troublesome and now liking someone else is making me do the same thing. I need to change and show Jewel I mean that I'm sorry or I really won't be her friend if ever I was given the chance.

Straightening myself up I grab my backpack from the floor and look at Chanyeol in the eye. "Okay hawkeye, what's your next plan?"

The happy virus smile is back on his face, "Yes! We're back! Well actually you're back because you gave up for like 5 minutes but that's fine since it gave you time to think. Wow I was even the one that made you think because if I didn't tell you to give her orange juice then none of this would've happened and-" 

"Enough Chanyeol," I interrupted his ongoing talk. "Now could you please tell me you have another plan in mind?"

He smirks, "Oh yeah~"

Jewel's POV

The library was completely quiet as usual. 
This silence was something I wasn't quite used to when my mom would vacuum, do the laundry, clean, or even sing majority of the time at home. My dad would join along as well by watching TV so there wasn't much quiet time for me unless I shut the door of my quarters. It isn't as effective, but enough to allow me think.

And believe me when I say that this library was giving me the thinking I needed. 

Putting away the books I've borrowed in their respected areas, I recall Luhan spilling the juice on me and his attempt at trying to be nice. Why was he avoiding our deal and making a move on me? Was he trying to pull a joke? I grunted from underneath by breath and slammed the book into its place.
 A couple of students were eyeing me, but it didn't matter when my soaked and orange stain uniform drew the attention. 

"Woah there you feisty beast what did the book do to you?" Taehyung came up from behind me and grabbed the other books from my hand. Took him a while to finally escape Sunhee's clutches and show up, he could've possibly prevented that cockroach from closing in on me.

I let him do the rest of the work because why not and gave my back a good stretch, "Sorry. It's just that the Luhan spilled juice all over me. He's pretending as if the deal we had was nothing."

"What deal?" I had almost forgotten that I have told Sunhee everything about my parasitic relationship with Luhan and not to Taehyung. Considering she is one of my first friend that is of my same gender, it didn't hurt telling her everything on my mind and it makes me feel good releasing some thoughts I had about boys. Telling Taehyung about this Luhan stuff would only be a bother to him. "You mean the deal you had about you two being strangers?" 

"Wait how do you know that?! Only Chanyeol, Luhan, Sunhee and I know about that." I yelled at him in whisper. 
He didn't seem to be the kind of guy that would listen to rumors so that couldn't have been possible. However rumors spread around here like wild fire so that's out. Dang it, how'd he know?!
I took my time looking into Taehyung's brown eyes, almost squinting in hopes of figuring out something. Sadly the only thing I got is a weird stare from him.

"What are you doing?" He asks, slowly putting a book away.

"Trying to figure out how you found out about that."

He raised a single brow, "By squinting in hopes I'd spill?"

"Yes.. I mean no! Maybe I'm just trying to read your mind." I retorted, hoping to throw him off.
Yeah that wasn't gonna happen like it does in movies.. Then again what kind of movie is stupid enough to have that happen.

"If you really wanna know then it's because I was around your neighbourhood that night due to the bat signal lighting up around that area. Being a hero, I decided to check it out and help a poor old citizen find their lost dog. I then overheard the two of you yelling in the neighbourhood and that's how I know about the deal. If you wanna know about the dog, I found him." He smiled at the end and continued putting the last few books away in their proper shelves. I didn't quite know how to take in that story but I guess the part about our yelling was inevitable, other people would've probably heard it too. "So what about him pretending that the deal was off?"

Oh yeah! Back to that.
I cleared my throat, "Well he was giving me some juice or whatever and wanted to put my books away." 

"Hmm.. That's not breaking the deal. All he's doing is offering help." He clearly stated.

"Are you siding with him now? Okay friends off." I lift my hand in the air as a wave of goodbye, but he stops me in my tracks after grabbing hold of my ID, practically choking me. "Oww let go." 

"You know it's a major turn off if a girl is a drama queen." He released his hold. 

"Wha- How am I a drama queen?" 

"Because you thought I sided with him just now when I was actually giving you the big picture." I rolled my eyes at his explanation and crossed my arms over my chest. "Look Jewel, you said that you two are strangers. Being strangers doesn't mean he does not have the right to help you. Strangers do nice things for other strangers don't they?" 

"Well this stranger knows that the only nice deed he can do is to stay away from me." 

Is anyone ever going to believe whatever I say? 

First it was Chanyeol thinking that I was crazy for thinking that Luhan wasn't a nice guy at all. Actually everyone doesn't believe me because he acts like a complete angel to everyone besides me. And then- Yeah that's about it. No one believes me.

"Jewel there must some kind of knot in your head because I think you're too harsh." Taehyung argued, pushing my head lightly as the two of us walk down the aisle and turned to the doors. 

"Harsh isn't even the proper term. His efforts will never be enough to bring me and him closer again." I assured him as we walked passed the doors, leaving the library. Once we were finally able to talk in our normal voice, he let out a sigh and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. Unlike Luhan, this didn't bother me so much.

"You know what, let's get your mind off of this and do something. How about going to your place?" He offered with a smile. We continued to walk down the school halls as I contemplated whether or not having Taehyung come over was a smart move. Somehow only Chanyeol has made it past my parents and can come in anytime so he's free but Taehyung or any other guy around.. I don't know.

I turn my head back to him to give him my answer until-

"Hey Jewel I need to go to your place and get something." Chanyeol half-ran up to me and if my eyes didn't deceive me, it appeared as if his smile faded once he saw Taehyung with me. "Hey are you her new friend?"

The awkwardness in his tone made me realize that I haven't introduced them to each other and that Taehyung's arms were still around me. Immediately I slapped that arm clean off my shoulders and stood at least four feet apart from him.
A big move? Yeah but it's better than having Chanyeol start teasing me about him by next week next two days.

"Chanyeol this is Kim Taehyung," I gestured to Channie, "And Taehyung this is Park Chanyeol."

It was silent for a while, stares were evident but no sound was made from either of them. I couldn't read Chanyeol's facial expression as it was blank like fresh snow. Makes me wanna step on it- I mean it makes me wanna pinch him and force him to say something at least.
Uhh this can't turn into an awkward silence moment.

The bell rang, meaning school was finally over and the halls were going to be flooded with teens my age.
Lucky enough it also signalled Chanyeol to say something.

"Nice meeting you dude!" Chanyeol eventually made a move and gave him a high-five, "Sorry I was just analyzing you, you know just to see what kind of people my best friend here takes interest in." He drags me to his side then caresses my head as if I was a dog.
And what does he mean by seeing what kind of people I take interest in?
Boy you better not be thinking I'm gonna replace you!

"Pfft no worries man, I was also analyzing what kind of best friends she had just so I don't copy them or anything."

"Trust me you ain't copying Chanyeol one-." I answer, but Chanyeol puts a hand over my mouth.

"I don't think copying is an issue Taehyung, but I think replace- I mean spending more time with her will kill you." Chanyeol smiles a fake smile and waves him a goodbye, dragging me along with him. "See ya and nice meeting you!" 

What is this man's definition of a nice meeting? A staring showdown?
I don't get him sometimes but still being dragged around like a rag doll with a hand over my mouth was not pleasant.
Do y'all know where our hands go throughout the day? These school desks don't get cleaned until holidays and it was only the last day of school this June. It's been 4 months people, a ton of stuff happens to these desks in 4 months.

About a minute or so of trying to forcefully get it off nothing worked. Tugging, pinching, punching, slapping or anything I had in mind wasn't gonna get this to come off and I had come to the conclusion of his hand. The one move you should never do, but must. For some odd reason this guy was strong today and I don't know what the source of it was but..
When I count to three, you guys must keep my tongue in your prayers... 1.. 2.. 3.

"EW!" Chanyeol squealed like a girl as he jerked his hand away. "Jewel you are disgusting!"

No kidding. I tried to hold myself together on the inside but it seemed as if my lunch was really trying to make its way out.
I willed myself not to do it, trying to keep the ladylike girl in me. Eyeing him from top to bottom, I rolled my eyes. "You know I don't get you sometimes and keeping your hand on my mouth was one of them."

"Well good let's keep it that way. You know honestly I don't like T-" He stopped. For the briefest moment I believed he was going to say Taehyung until he ultimately said, "The fact that he had his arm around you. What are you, close? Nobody does that to my best friend."

"Seriously? Then why'd you let Luhan do that?" I asked with raised brows.

"He's different."

No Chanyeol that ain't working with me.

Heading home just for Chanyeol, it was difficult having this awfully tall person holding onto my back for his dear life. Turning onto certain streets practically made him scream in fear and standing on the bike pegs rather than sitting scared him to death.
"Enough enough! Jewel just get home already!"

I giggled at his cowardice as I clasped on the brakes
"We're here," I simply stated and got off.
 Parking the bike near the flight of stairs to front door as usual, I noticed a vase of flowers neatly arranged. "Uhh mom there's some vases just outside the door are these yours? Chanyeol can you-"

"They're for you actually," Immediately I turn around hearing that annoying voice and stare into a familiar pair of brown eyes. It was none other than Luhan. "Your mom and dad were actually happy when I brought the flowers in. Your mom actually spilled that your favourite flower was a dendrobium and pink roses."

Turning back to the flowers and back at him, I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh, "You didn't need to buy me flowers."

"I really want to make it up to you," He walked closer to me, his eyes seemed sincere. "Because I'm really really sorry.. I treated you badly, used you as a girlfriend thinking it helped you, and pulled pranks on you. I wasn't thinking of what I was doing and I'm trying my best to change now. Just so you don't get mad at me again. Can you forgive me? Please?"

"Okay. If that's what you need then it's okay." 



   Author's note   
Awww Luhan bought her flowers and he wants to change! Did Jewel reallly just forgive him now or what? And Chanyeol you don't seem to like Taehyung very much.. Could he possibly be stealing Jewel away from Luhan? Couldn't be possible right? Yeah we'll see ;) Ahahaha but hold up on that Luhan POV, his parents ignore him? Ohh more for you guys to find out. Hehehe what do you guys think of the new chapter? Is it good or bad? Please tell me in the comments down below, plus subscribe and upvote! Bye guys ♡

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luhan~ <3<3
thank you for advertising this on my wall, goodluck with this!
When I finally thought i got rid of Taehyung (since Sunhee Liked him , or was it his abs that she liked ?hh anyways..) He comes into the picture with his hand WRAPPED around her shoulder , this can't be really I MEan IT like for real He CaN NOT Steal Jew! NO NO and NO! Thank God ChanChan doesn't like him because I obviously do .. NOT! ANd Guess Luhan has issues with his parents huh ? I see .. This Turned into a whole another story Dude ! But he really seemed like a cute apology , like FINALLY! even though Jewel didn't seem to be accepting his apology for real but yeahh .. And FINALLY , the chap that i've been waiting for my whole life ! Thank you Unnie for Updating <3 The story is a lot nicer now ;) I love You <3 <3
thank you for advertising this on my wall, goodluck with this!
i miss this story,, pls pretty pls update soon author nim :):
Hello! I saw your post on my wall thingy almost a month ago! So sorry I didn't read it sooner! Can't wait to start!
gonna love this story eeeeekkk :-D