Operation Cobra: The Last Leg

Give Love A Chance

If at this very moment there had been a giant ready to step on me, let me be the first to tell you that I wouldn't be able to survive. I am not a runner.
Even Mr. Gok could not make me run during Track & Field.
You guys are probably wondering why I would bring this up and to answer your curiosity, it's because Luhan seized my wrist and ran out the restaurant like our lives depended on it.

"Come on hurry up Jewel!" Luhan yelled from the top of his lungs, "They're catching up!"

Turning my head around, I see the wiseguy and his friend turning the block with an enraged demonic kind of anger. For men in their 30s, they sure know how to keep up.

"YA! STOP RIGHT THERE!" Wiseguy ordered.
"Just wait until we catch you!" His friend warned.

Was this what the game of cat and mouse felt like? If it is then I really hate this game!
Luhan, Chanyeol can the both of you stop dragging me around like a rag doll?
No. Scratch that. Can I just borrow your lungs? I'm sure you'll survive with mine if we traded.

The crisp breeze of the night had been much sharper while darting past the busy streets.
Excuse me. Pardon me. Sorry. Get out the way. Sorry for causing trouble.
These exact words have never been blurted out of my mouth more than tonight.

In comparison to the street performances that were going on, we were stealing performer's audience as we zoomed by. Crowds of people were staring, wondering what was happening...
Man, why do I always get unwanted attention!

"How much longer do we need to run for?" I managed to ask through bumpy breaths.
Who knew I was already such an old lady?!

"Bro I think I'm gonna barf." Chanyeol brought a hand over his mouth, his face turning green.

Luhan's light brown eyes greeted mine with reassurance as if to say that we were going to make it through. And for some strange reason, I did believe him. No questions asked.
I simply trusted him.

He turns his head back to the front and notices the path splitting between left and right, "Let's go here." he claims while hauling Chanyeol and me.

From the narrow road and the number of pink petals on the ground, we were entering our peaceful neighborhood. Emphasis on peaceful because they don't need these angry old geezers around here to bother us! Luhan what are you doing?!

"Ahjussi cover us." Luhan pleaded as we made our way into the convenience store, towards the junk foods aisle. 

Thank God we've stopped.
At least for a minute I could relax a little and catch my breath.

"Pretend you two are looking around, I'll keep watch for those dirtbags." He advised.

Chanyeol and I listened to him the way one would with elderly.
Obviously not saying he was considering I was over here walking around with a hand on my back along with the occasional coughs as my heart was still trying to get in as much oxygen as it could.

I've realized a lot of things tonight:
1. Never let Chanyeol drink if it was just us two.
2. I have somehow obeyed Luhan's demands.
3. I am extremely unfit.

"Aish where did those punks go?"
"Where on earth did they go?"

Glancing out the window the geezers have caught up to us and were scanning the area.
From inside the convenience store, it only occurred to me that they looked like hopeless single 30-year-old men that are trying to impress the ladies as they hide the fact that they still live with their parents... Too detailed?
Just pointing out the obvious.

Looking at them for a while, I feel as if I can take them on.
All that running has hyped me up!

But before I could take another step, Luhan takes a step in front of me, his chest at my eye level. "Don't. I know you're capable, but don't."

What is this feeling in my chest? It was here again.
His tender and protective aura embracing me gently. I found myself gazing at him as he spoke, not hearing a word that escaped his lips.

"Pst," I turn to the direction of this sound, "Are you sure I'm not the drunk one Jewel? Your cheeks are awfully red~"

In an instant, I took a step back and pressed the back of my hands against my cheeks.
He was right! They were warming up and I didn't know how to stop them.
"What are you talking about Chanyeol? Haha, they're only red from all that running."
Yeah, that was definitely it.

"Let's go this way." Wiseguy declares and soon enough the dirtbags were out of sight.

"Are they gone?" Chanyeol asks, walking like a puppet towards the door, "Can I sing now?"

Luhan and I looked at each, then back at Chanyeol and in sync, we proclaimed, "No."

The drunk happy virus had fallen asleep on Luhan's back as we make our way home.
There was no way that we were going to have Chanyeol walk around in this state so Luhan was kind enough to give his best friend a piggyback ride.
As for me? He bought hot chocolate from the convenience store to warm me up from the chilly night.

"How's the drink?" He asked, walking beside me.

"Hot ddeugo ddeugo, hot ddeugo ddeugo~" I sang and surprisingly brought out a little chuckle from the cockroach. To be honest Park Hyun Bin's song was a perfect answer and would've been a missed opportunity if I had answered it with a simple 'it's hot'

To be honest, it was weird seeing him like this. Maybe this was the angel that everyone was talking about. A man that was kind, gentle, helpful, and just a little good looking.

The bright city lights were shining in front of us like the stars above as we made our way to a path that opened up to the best view around.
Well, the city hindered the stars from shining brightly, but this will do.

Luhan gently lays Chanyeol on a bench and released a grunt, rolling his shoulders and stretching them out.

"Agh! Who knew he could weigh so much?" He cracks his neck and saunters over to the rails overlooking the city. "You think you could've carried him?"

"Please, I clearly have better windpipes than you do." I bring my arms up and flex them as hard as I could, "See this isn't just a hill, but a mountain."

Smiling he leans closer, "Like that one growing on your forehead?"

What does he mean by-
Crap. My clear milky skin has been tainted by an annoying zit.

"Shut up," I blurt out and take another sip of hot chocolate. "All that running made me nauseous."

"Well with a grandma like you I wasn't sure how you were going to manage." He snickered and I joined in.

His jokes, though not really having changed, seem a lot more enjoyable than before. Like they were sincerely made to make you laugh and not chew his head off.
We were getting along for once. Not a sign of a third war was in sight.

A gush of brisk chilly winds danced around me, frosting the tips of my fingers.
I began running in place hoping it would warm me up a little more but stopped when Luhan set his jacket over me. "I'm okay really it's-"

"Keep it on." He turned to me with a smile, "We both know you're going to get a cold. You can give it back to me when we're home."

Stop! This is not the Luhan I know. Where're the horns that pop up when we're within a foot apart? There must be poison in this hot chocolate.

"Okay," I said.
Where are you, Nam Jewel? Don't fall for this trap.
"Thanks umm... When did you get there? At the restaurant."

Silence. Not gonna talk huh?

"Did you-" I settle the jacket more comfortably on my shoulders, "Did you get into that fight because of me?"

"Why would I get into a fight because of you?" He laughs a fake laugh, "You may not know this, but I was there earlier and I must've been too handsome because they kept giving me looks."

Typical. Of course, I should've expected it.
Not like he really was my knight in shining armor.

"I should've understood that they were out having a good time but all the women were looking at me so I couldn't help it. They were picking a fight with me earlier and seeing they were starting one with you, why not end it there."

I can't believe this guy.
Shaking my head, I flick him on the forehead, "What nonsense. I can never have a serious conversation with you."

He smiles the sweetest smile that his eyes seem like they were smiling too.
Stop it. Nope, Jewel look away your heartbeat is starting to raise. Oh!
Start up another topic. That should work.

"Anyway, now that I ran for a long time, I have less on my mind." I punch his right shoulder, "Thank you, Luhan."

"Ouch haha, no problem."

STOP IT! Why did that little laugh sound cute all of a sudden?
Get back to your senses Jewel.

"By the way, what was on your mind?"

I hesitate as to whether or not I should tell him the truth. I mean, how could I when we weren't even that close. Of all people why tell him? But... it was about him.
Fiddling with the lid of my cup, I tell him, "Whether I was dumb enough to think that I fixed everything. Whether I should truly forgive you or not."

I knew that Luhan understood that I was talking about our issue.

As much as I'd like to say that Luhan has never been on my mind, he always was. Every day I had been wondering what he was doing, whether it was talking to Chanyeol or plotting some scheme against me. I had also been thinking about whether I was too harsh or a little un-rational. Not a little, a lot.

I only noticed now that breaking up with him could've happened in a more civilized manner. Not over how irritated I was about not getting my ice cream and the nudging and pinching throughout the movie. Although, there were other factors such as the acting smitten I was simply done with the act.

He was trying to help out, even if I gained more haters.
I should've understood him better. I was the childish one breaking it off without warning him...

Luhan leaned his head back to look up at stars faintly sparkling, "And do you think you would?"

"To be honest, yes." He lowers his head and looks at me, waiting for an answer, "I didn't sincerely accept your apology. I was acting out because every time I see you, you fill me with annoyance and rage."

Again we were silent, the buzzing sound of insects only present. But, it wasn't awkward at all. I took a breath and began again, "Remember when we met last year? It was the summer into the start of the new school year and you were rebuilding your friendship with Chanyeol."

From the corner of my eye, I could see Luhan listening clearly.

"When you claimed he was your best friend I was extremely upset. I had never really had someone I could call my best friend until Chanyeol and having that taken away from me at a time where I was looking for someone to count on broke my heart. I started seeing you as evil, taking away everything from me to benefit you like a parasite."

He lowers his head, ashamed.

"It was a stupid grudge. A stupid reason to make you my eternal enemy. I could've left and found someone else to befriend but I wanted to fight that time, so I did. You were probably just trying to be friendly but all I ever thought was that you were planning a way to get rid of me."

Luhan swiveled his body towards me, "I really am sorry about that." He bit the bottom of his lip, "I never intended to take away Chanyeol from you."

"I know." I reassure, "I was just immature to think you were."

"No, because after that I had decided to keep bugging you. I just truly want to be friends with you."

"Clearly we've misunderstood each other," I laugh. "Obviously I can't survive this world if I take things too lightly."

He laughs along with me and shrugs his shoulders, "Well I can't survive in this world if I'm immature enough to continue bugging a girl."

The both of us are laughing everything off.
Luhan had asked about what schemes I thought he'd come up with and I would ask how he'd ever come about annoying me.

If someone had seen us at this very moment, I could say that we looked insane. He had brought up memories from the last 2 years and looking back at them now, I never knew how funny they've become.

"So is it safe to say that we're raising our white flags and calling it a truce?" Luhan asks, his eyes lively.

"Yeah," I beam, "Just don't be too friendly with me because that'll probably freak me out." Seriously could you imagine an enemy becoming your best friend in one night?

Grabbing Chanyeol from the bench, he places him back on his back and grunts, "Noted."
Suddenly, before walking home, Luhan grabs me by the arm and moves his face closer to mine, "Now that we're friends, aren't I more attractive than before?"

What. Kind. Of. Question. Is. That.
course I wouldn't tell him if he was.

Shaking my hand out of his grasp, I raise my arm up and close my fists, "Stop it, get that face away from me." Looking at it again I scrunch my face, "Your chin is too pointy."

"HA! That's nothing. These jaws can cut an onion."

"And what? Have me cry over how gorgeous and godly it looks?"


Sticking my tongue out at him, I run out of the path and into the middle of the streets.
Finally, I was free of this inner torture.



     Author's note   

Awww they've finally resolved their conflict. To be honest all I've been singing in my head from chapters one to twelve was 'Why can't we be friends' and now they are! WOOOO! Tell me what you guys think in the comments and until then, see you next time ♡

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luhan~ <3<3
thank you for advertising this on my wall, goodluck with this!
When I finally thought i got rid of Taehyung (since Sunhee Liked him , or was it his abs that she liked ?hh anyways..) He comes into the picture with his hand WRAPPED around her shoulder , this can't be really I MEan IT like for real He CaN NOT Steal Jew! NO NO and NO! Thank God ChanChan doesn't like him because I obviously do .. NOT! ANd Guess Luhan has issues with his parents huh ? I see .. This Turned into a whole another story Dude ! But he really seemed like a cute apology , like FINALLY! even though Jewel didn't seem to be accepting his apology for real but yeahh .. And FINALLY , the chap that i've been waiting for my whole life ! Thank you Unnie for Updating <3 The story is a lot nicer now ;) I love You <3 <3
thank you for advertising this on my wall, goodluck with this!
i miss this story,, pls pretty pls update soon author nim :):
Hello! I saw your post on my wall thingy almost a month ago! So sorry I didn't read it sooner! Can't wait to start!
gonna love this story eeeeekkk :-D