Sorry not sorry

Give Love A Chance

It was only a peck. Just a looooonnngggg peck.
An estimated 1 minute.. Heck that's actually even longer when it's a kiss from him!
The jerk's lips slowly withdrew from mine and it was as if I was set free from jail. I could see him clearly than when my eyes double crossed as he kissed me. He was still quite close to me though, looking straight into my eyes, smirking.
How I wish I can wipe that smirk off his face. I hate it. 

Luhan then moved his head beside mine, towards my ear.
I could feel his hot breath over my neck. And before I could move away from him and back off, he whispered into my ears. It was a tingling sensation. 

"Still think I'm gay?" He said in a very smug manner.
He knew I couldn't beat him up now, or even later. I hate it. All of it.
Luhan always gets the last laugh. 

I mean how are you supposed to say anything or even have the chance to hit him when you are restricted due to the eyes of numerous students that have fallen to the idea that me and him really are dating?
Come on you nerds, y'all are smart and logical. Does any of this seem logical to you?
Sorry for calling you guys out. 

The flashes coming from every phone had finally stopped and the crowd too was dwindling. Their stomachs were probably growling to remind them that lunch time is the only time we could ever eat cuz even mine was beginning to sound like thunder.
Probably because my food was digested from the shocking turn of events.

My eyes gazed around the cafeteria after Luhan released his hold on me and patted my shoulders as if he was telling me 'Good job acting.' I nudged it off of course.
The cockroach left off to get more food I'm guessing but it was off-putting that it was in his nature to give the guys around him high-fives as he headed over to the food table. And for what- Kissing me? 

The smile on his face was reaching the ends of his ears and turning around to look back at me, he winked.
Gag. I think I'm gonna puke. 

I rolled my eyes back to my best friend Chanyeol who was awfully silent, still in his priceless expression of all time. I gave him a quick snap in front of his face and it was like he was a robot, rebooting back to life. 

"Woooo" Chanyeol whistled, it was obvious that he was just as awkward about it as I was. "I did not see that coming."

"Haha my sneaky boyfriend." I said with as much sarcasm as possible, "Next thing you know all this act will eventually have me married to him and I will end up dieing as an unhappy old lady that never found her true love." 

"You know if you did get married you're babies would look awfully cute." 

I smacked him on the head, "Chanyeol I was kidding!"

"Well I wasn't!" 

Yesterday had gone by at such a fast pace that I was drenched in tears because today was Saturday.
A day that was supposed to be filled with lounging around in my pyjamas and watching movies in bed was replaced with a dreadful date with the cockroach next door. His window even had a paper taped on it and said 'IT'S SATURDAY!' 

Either he was really enthusiastic about this date or he was happy to make me miserable.

I'm also quite certain that in the span of today's date, some students from our school or even other schools would follow me and Luhan like the way pesky fangirls would follow their superstar oppas.
I was no celebrity but I became the hot topic for an entire week and my dear friends that's a record. 

After yesterday's turn of events during lunch those pictures were all over the internet by the time the lunch bell rang.
I was on twitter, facebook, instagram, snapchat, and even our school blog. I'm pretty sure that I'll be on the frontcover of some newspaper and the headlines would probably go along the lines of "Nam Jewel, the girl on everyone's hate/death list."

It was already about 10:30 in the morning and according to Chanyeol who was sitting on the bean bag across my bed, the date would start at around lunch time. He wouldn't tell me what the plan was for today. 

"You know if I wasn't so lazy getting out of bed I would beat you senseless until you spill the details on the date today." I forwarned him of my plot. "You'd probably be as bruised as those fruits down in the kitchen." 

It appears that Chanyeol didn't flinch one bit and continued to laugh at my threat, knowing that I wasn't gonna hit him at all.
Cocky bastard. "Well if you didn't know, bruised fruit often tastes sweeter than non-bruised fruit. Damage to my face and awestruck body would serve you no purpose since I will remain silent." 

I let out a brief sigh and held back my giggles at his terrible reasoning. We had gone back and forth about this for almost 5 minutes and desperate to get me off the bed, he had to get off the bean bag and pull me out with his so called brawns. He firmly grasped my left arm with both hands and pulled, though he only moved me a slight inch off, "See this is why you'll forever remain a sidekick." 

"You'll regret the day I become a rich and hot CEO Jewel. You'll regret it." 

"Oh I know you'll become rich, but the hot part is really difficult to wrap my head around."

"Haha very funny." 

Chanyeol laughed as he pulled me off the bed with the help of a kick from the side.
I didn't even notice that I fell on the floor s first, followed by the rest of my flimsy body. 
"Oh my goodness are you okay?! I'm so sorry Jewel it's just that you're heavy." 

"You know you could've just said that the gravity was strong in this one rather than directly calling me fat." I advised as I slowly got up from the floor, pressing a hand on my to relieve the stinging pain. 

He smiled at me apologetically, "Well I hope you would still have the ability to feed yours and Luhan's babies." 

"Chanyeol enough with the babies!!" I yelled from the top of my lungs and gave his back a five star, firmly planting my hand. He made a whimpering noise after and his was face was all scrunched up the center. I almost felt sorry for him. But I wasn't! 

I simply stood there staring at him, almost completely forgetting the fact that I need to get ready for the date.
How I wish I could attack and harrass Luhan this violently, though for some reason it's as if there's a mysterious barrier that forbids me to attack him. He better not have guardian angels protecting him. 

Suddenly a tropical ringtone broke his whining and before he could grab the phone, I took it from him. "I'll take that."
The screen on his phone read 'Luhan' and I glared at Chanyeol as I answered the phone. 

"My my if it isn't birdbrain. How may I help you Luhan?" My voice was sweet, a very rare thing for him to hear. 

"Chanyeol is she ready? W-" He paused, "Wow Jewel you're so beautiful in the morning, uber fresh! You still have some morning glory in your eyes." 

At that moment I began rubbing the morning glory out of my eyes and wiped away the evidence of any dried up saliva. I knew he was watching me from his window, and turning sharply in that direction I found him leaning on his window sill with a single arm up.
"Why aren't you ready yet? I'm supposed to pick up a girl not a slob."

There it was again, the anger I can't ever hold. 

"Haha cute. I would rather look like a slob than look hot for you." 

The sun was shining into his room and for a minute Luhan was glowing beautifully in front of me. He had adjusted his position to a much more manlier one, standing up then leaning an elbow to the wall with his phone in that hand and the other placed lazily on his side.
I didn't know why I was unable to move, but Chanyeol brought me back from my daze.

"I think you should get ready now Jewel." His voice, tiny and scared after my attack. "The movie starts in two hours and you take a pretty long time getting dressed." 

Really Chanyeol? Now you spill me the details. "So it's a movie? Why couldn't you two pick a better place like eat at an ice cream parlour or something." 

Chanyeol's eyes brightened, "Good guess! That was next on the plan."

"Yeah he picked that one." Luhan blurted from the side, "It was to soothe your misery a little."

"Awww Channie you know me so well~" My heart melted a little that I had to give him a quick hug, "You really are my best friend. I'm so sorry for hurting you." 

A small chuckle came from Luhan, "Yeah I heard that five star all the way from here." 

Ugh just his voice or even his presence or even his entire self was burning me with annoyance and irritation. 
You know maybe it was best that I checked with that fortune teller before moving to our house so I didn't need to be his neighbour at all. 
Then again I'd feel bad for the person he would have bullied instead of me.. What am I saying I feel even worse for myself!

I really need to earn more money so I can get away from him. Possibly moving to America sounds good. 

Swivelling my body to face Luhan after the quick hug, I smile at him. "Imma end the call now okay? Wouldn't want to be late for the date."

He too gave me a smile, well more of a smirk. "Wouldn't miss it for the world." 

We both took our seperate ways and I shut my curtain away from any possible peeping eyes- the ert side of Luhan. 
Grabbing a pillow from my bed, I chucked it over to Chanyeol who caught it with no problem and covered his eyes with it. 
It was the routine we went through when I would change, though I do go into my walk-in closet to change when he's around. I guess it was just a precaution. 

I took a step into the closet and it was finally time pick a good pair of clothes for a break up rather than a date. 

The movie theatre was packed on a Saturday and I was quite upset I didn't bring a small cloth to wipe the sweat building up under my armpits. I guess a press powder would suffice, though I would need to wash the brush really well after this. 

I'm not quite sure what movie we were going to watch and I hope its not one of those sappy love stories or I'm going to cry a bucket full of tears. Luhan was just over at the ticket booth buying both of our tickets while I stood just beside the line up, waiting for him. 
With this place being awfully full it didn't take long before a couple of familiar faces appeared and stared intently at me. They were from our school, possibly from the lower grade but it didn't matter cuz they were already taking out their phones taking a picture. 

I was wearing a pink floral kimono with a black tank top underneath, it was paired with my white skinny jeans and I wore wedges to lower the height difference between me and Luhan. 

"Got the tickets!" He jogged to my direction, "We will be watching the Avengers for today and apparently I got the last pair of tickets so.. we better hurry and get seats." 

I made fake crying noises and slumped my shoulders as I brought out my hand, "I guess you gotta hold my hand now."

There was a few seconds pause where he just stood there staring at my hands with a smug look on his face. I made a couple of rules on our way here and because I wasn't following my own rules, he was pretty slow when intertwining his hand with mine.
"You couldn't resist holding my hand didn't you?" 

Overweening, conceited birdbrain.
I don't know how the universe is playing games up there, I'm pretty sure it's chess cuz I can't play that game at all. But can we please play a game of monopoly so we can ruin some relationships up there and down here?! 

"No not really, there's a couple of girls from our school taking pictures so I had to act fast." 

"Don't worry Jewel you don't need to lie just to hold my hand." He smiled, his pearly whites showing. "I put hand lotion just for you."

"Was it from Bath and Body Works?" 

"Wow good guess. I wanted to smell like Sea Island Cotton."

I rolled my eyes away and groaned in disgust. Today was going to be a long day.
He then dragged me around like an excited little kid in the arcade and lead us to the theater room where we quite surprisingly didn't have a hard time finding a seat. Some girl that seemed to be attracted to Luhan offered the seat that she was saving beside her and honestly I felt bad for the person that would find out their seat was taken. 

The movie started about 10 minutes after we sat down and it didn't seem that bad at the start. I was intrigued with all this superhero mystical stuff anyways.

Now if I wasn't mistaken there are two really hot Chris' in the movie and one fine Robert Downey Jr. and they were all half in their previous movies before this. My eyes were glued though I had taken them off the screen once I felt pinching on my arms.

"Ow what was that for?" I whispered, seeing Luhan about to grab more skin.

"Just bugging ya is that a problem?"

I rolled my eyes and tried to keep my eyes stuck to the screen and it was irritating how that pinching and nudging had gone on until the movie was finished. It was weird that a couple of people stayed until the very end but I was ready for that ice cream on the way home that I got out of my seat and zoomed past all of those people. 

"Wasn't that great?" Luhan asked, his hands intertwined mine again. 

"Yeah if you didn't nudge me then I would've actually enjoyed it a little more. Plus! I'm hungry so can we please hurry over to the ice cream parlour?" I complained, begging almost in tears. 

"What's the rush? We could play in the arcade just across the street." 

A couple more people were coming out of the movies and there were so many faces that I was able to recognize. 
Kimmy from art class, Hye Joo and Jude from bio class, some random people I see in the cafeteria everyday.. I swear was the entire school here? 

"Luhan can we just go?" I asked again, in a much nicer tone. 

They were all looking at me and him like the way they did in school and I wasn't sure if it was the right time to end the fake relationship here. But I was getting tired of him that my head was about to explode with all of his silly games. 

"Come on Jewel. The arcade is just-" 

"No!" I blurted out, looking down at the ground and then back at him with gloomy eyes. "No more. I'm done Luhan." 

Eyes, eyes and more eyes were just planted in our direction. The attention was pretty powerful and I could hear the beating of my own heart. I was nervous, but I was also finished with this week of torture. 
Why did it have to be me that was his fake girlfriend? Why couldn't it be any one of these girls? 

"What do you mean Jewel?" 

"I'm breaking up with you."  



     Author's note     
Wow... Jewel breaks the fake relationship in front of all those people without Luhan even knowing. Is she really gonna be free from the attention or would there be even more torture for her in the next chapters? Hey guys I'm sorry that I haven't been updating this story since last year and I feel pretty bad about that. I hope that there are some funny scenes that could make up for it so please forgive me. Tell me what you guys think by commenting down below and look forward to reading more. Bye guys ♡

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luhan~ <3<3
thank you for advertising this on my wall, goodluck with this!
When I finally thought i got rid of Taehyung (since Sunhee Liked him , or was it his abs that she liked ?hh anyways..) He comes into the picture with his hand WRAPPED around her shoulder , this can't be really I MEan IT like for real He CaN NOT Steal Jew! NO NO and NO! Thank God ChanChan doesn't like him because I obviously do .. NOT! ANd Guess Luhan has issues with his parents huh ? I see .. This Turned into a whole another story Dude ! But he really seemed like a cute apology , like FINALLY! even though Jewel didn't seem to be accepting his apology for real but yeahh .. And FINALLY , the chap that i've been waiting for my whole life ! Thank you Unnie for Updating <3 The story is a lot nicer now ;) I love You <3 <3
thank you for advertising this on my wall, goodluck with this!
i miss this story,, pls pretty pls update soon author nim :):
Hello! I saw your post on my wall thingy almost a month ago! So sorry I didn't read it sooner! Can't wait to start!
gonna love this story eeeeekkk :-D