
My Life (Including Meeting SNSD) Part 3

After telling everyone my story, I thought that they’d shun me, instead they shock me. It’s YG and Soo Man that really shock me. I’ve tried not to get close to anyone who’s older than me, not wanting to get hurt again. When they kneel in front of me, I know that this is their way of saying to me that they’d be by my side no matter what.

As they kneel, I let my tears come sine I‘ve been holding them back when I was telling my story. Both men take my hands and they smile.

"You’re safe now," YG tells me softly, "he won’t be able to get at you now. I’ll make sure of it. Like the officer said, you’ll have to go to court to give your account of what happened. I’ll take you myself and tell the judge myself that you‘re employed here as well."

Just these few words are enough to let me put my full trust into this man. I smile at him and nod. Soo Man then looks around himself now, standing up to look at the others.

Soo Man asks something. Nods around the room. He says something else, again they all nod. I feel Youngbae look down at me and I look up at him as well. When our eyes meet, I don’t know what he saw, but he leans over, wrapping me in his arms and warmth again. He rests his head on mine. Then Hye-young-unnie comes over and envelopes both of us with the same warmth and love.

"You have nothing to fear now," she whispers, "like both men said, you’re safe now. You’re loved as well. If you’d like, get in contact with your friends, let them know what’s happened."

I nod, knowing what she means. I want everyone to meet the two men I had spoken of, too.

"Never, for a second, think you’ll walk on this earth by yourself," he tells me.

I look up at him again, seeing the same emotions in his eyes that are reflected in mine. We then feel more arms around us, everyone giving me their support and love silently. His head is resting on mine again, arms still around me.

"Take her home," YG says to him, "let her rest some more as well get something to eat."

I feel him nod and get up. I stand as well, as he pulls me into his chest again. We walk out of the office, arm in arm, two people very much in love. We get to the elevator and he turns to me. He kisses me sweetly as the doors open. He then leads me onto it, again holding me to him gently. He takes me to the cafeteria first.

"Be back," he says.

I nod and chuckle at him. He then kisses my forehead and I watch him walk over to the line that’s forming. I then turn back forward, sighing.

Told you, didn’t I? that voice says.

Yes, yes you did. I’m glad I finally listened to you.

It laughs as the doors open and I see the other brothers, as well as 2NE1 and SNSD, walk in, Lee Chong walking with both Maknaes. They sit down across from me and smile. I smile back.

"I want to start over," I tell them, looking from one member to the next carefully, "I don’t want to think about him, about my life before. I want happiness in my life now, no more pain, and I’ve found it."

They nod as they understand.

"But do we still call you Missa?" Brat asks.

I see the girls all roll their eyes at this, some smirking, some giggling. This breaks the tension and silence as well. We burst with laughter as I feel Youngbae sit beside me.

"I’d prefer to be called Missa," I tell him, catching my breath.

He grins, nodding his head.

"Okay, Noona," he says.

I face-palm myself to the girls all rolling their eyes at him again.

"Don’t call me that," I tell him sternly.

"What," he says innocently, "you are a few months older than me."

"Still, just Missa," I tell him.

The table erupts in laughter as Brat pouts cutely. Youngbae then puts a plate in front of me, holding out another fork. I chuckle, taking it from him. He had put the same things on the plate from before, I do see some new things on it as well. I shrug, taking little bites of the new things.

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