
My Life (Including Meeting SNSD) Part 3

After she stops speaking, it grows quiet in the office. Her head is bent down, looking at her hands. I look around the room, seeing the men glaring with more hatred towards Jeremy. I look at the other women, seeing the tears in their eyes. I then look at YG and Soo Man.

YG looks at me and I see him deciding something, as well as Soo Man. They both stand up, walk around the desk, and kneel in front of the girl. She looks up and we all see the pain in her eyes. Her tears start now as she recalls all her pain as she looks both company presidents in the eye. They smile at her gently, taking her hands in theirs.

"You’re safe now," YG tells her softly, "he won’t be able to get at you. I’ll make sure of it. Like the officer said, you’ll have to go to court to give your account of what happened. I’ll take you myself and tell the judge myself that you‘re employed here as well. "

She smiles and nods her head. Soo Man looks at all of us now, standing up and not letting her hand go.

"We all approve of her, yes?" Soo Man asks, nods around the room, "then she’ll be another daughter, another sister, to look out for as well. I trust that everyone will help with this?"

Again we all nod. I look down at her again, as she looks up. We make eye contact, and I lean over, taking her in my arms again. Noona then stands up as well, walking over to us. She wraps her arms around us both, silently crying. The others do the same as well.

"You have nothing to fear now," she whispers, "like both men said, you’re safe now. You’re loved as well. If you’d like, get in contact with your friends, let them know what’s happened."

Missa nods. She wipes her eyes, trying to stop crying. Again, I see the independence this girl has, but I also see that she wants to rely on someone.

"Never, for a second, think you’ll walk on this earth by yourself," I tell her.

She looks up at me and again that love and trust is in her eyes again. She nods. We then feel more arms around us, everyone has come over and enveloped us

"Take her home," YG says to me, "let her rest some more as well get something to eat."

I nod to him, getting up and claiming the woman again. We walk out of the office, arm in arm, and I take her to the cafeteria first. I sit her at our table again.

"Be back," I tell her.

She nods, chuckling. I kiss her forehead and walk over to the cooks.

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