Onho Part 1

Song Shuffle


1. I got a Feelin- Billy Currington


Looking at him those three little words were pushing against his tongue to be spoken. His heart felt like it was about to burst just watching the younger man, and all he was doing was choosing what card to ask for. How could he feel this.. this feeling.. just watching him? He didn't really understand it. They had been friends for a while, but only more for a couple weeks. He didn't want to rush things. He didn't want to push too far too soon, and in the process ruin this before it could even properally start.


"Have any 2's?" The younger man asked softly. Big eyes even wider; deep chocolate eyes twinkling as a small smile brushed his lips. 


Who knew playing goldfish with someone could make him have this feeling whell up inside him. "Yeah." He pushed the card over, and when their fingers brushed ever so softly he felt tingles up his arm. The other man smiled widely as in one go he laid out the entire wad of cards he had been hording.


He had this cheeky smile on his face. "Seems like I win Hyung." 


It was that smile, that perfect lopsided smile with the small teeth and eyes crinkling that had the words spilling out. "I love you." So much for waiting for him to say it first. Minho stared wide eyed.  Jinki's heart plummeted into his stomach. But then he was saying it too. He wasn't the only one getting all these feelings.


2. Would you go with me - Josh Turner.


He was laying on a soft blanket  surrounded by beautiful wildflowers. There was a gorgeous stream a little ways away from him a little to the right; gently moving along on it's own merry way. He was leaning against his amazing boyfriend, his strong arms wrapped around him, but he was frozen at the question.


"Baby?" The soft caring voice snapped him out of it, along with the small chuckle that seemed to wash over his nerves in a calming wave. "Would you go with me?" 


Minho thought about living a life with the other. Taking his hand and allowing him to lead him away. He thought about sitting in that passenger seat next to him and not looking back as their home town disappeared from view. Jinki had asked him if he had given himself fully to him, would he go and be his. Minho couldn't think of a life where the older man wasn't there. All the sneaking out in the middle of the night, worried that he'd get caught, just to go to this exact stop and be wrapped in the other's embrace. He couldn't think of a life without .. without being Jinki's. He knew his answer, and he felt stupid for thinking he even had to think about it.

The end of his single word answer was cut off by Jinki pressing their lips together in a heated kiss.


3. When you're Gone - Avril Lavigne

Jinki had always been there. Always been right by his side to be the shoulder to cry on or a soft squeeze of his hand in moments he didn't even know he needed it. He was soft touches and even softer words. He was a warm smile and delicate looking, but strong, hands. He was the father of two beautiful children and grandfather of 5. He was laughter as he said old stories from their past as he gazed lovingly over at his Partner. Jinki was his, and now he was gone.


Minho glanced over at the bed over his shoulder. Jinki's side was still made. Like it always was. 


"Papa are you okay?" Minho turned to see his youngest grandchild Eunmi looking at him with wide eyes. 


He forced a small smile and moved to pick her up. He was only 65, but his joints ached all the more. "I'm fine. Just missing Grandpa. Come on. Your Ma's waiting."


Later that afternoon he was standing in front of his Partner of over 40 years and he broke. It was their anniversary. 47th. The second that Jinki wasn't there for. Minho wiped his eyes and gently clinked his glass against the other.


"I miss you Baby." Tears were pouring down his face, but there was a soft smile on his face and warmth in his heart. Jinki was still here even when he was gone.



4. Bed - J holiday

He was a withering mess on the bed, fingers rough as they moved across his back. His face was twisted in a pained expression, but Jinki knew it was only because he was searching for the he desperately needed. 


His lips moved down his neck softly, gentle quick presses to calm him down. "Shh Baby boy. I'll make it all better." The other whined. He had made it all better. About an hour ago during round one. Jinki rose and brushed their noses together as he rolled his hips again, causing the other to gasp and head to turn to the side; Wet, sweat matted hair flying to a stop on his forehead, "Look at me Minho." 


Big eyes locked with his. Half lidded, hazy and desperate, and Jinki smiled as he pressed a soft kiss to his lips. "Please... Jinki."


"I'll put my baby to bed. Don't you worry."



5. Goodbye - Miley Cyrus


Jinki tossed the picture frame across the room with a growl. It shattered against the wall, glass scattered across the white carpet beneath his feet but he didn't care. A splash against his pants, and strangled quiet sob. He felt him everywhere. From the lavender sent in the bathroom from that stupid body wash he always used to use. He still felt the other because of the movies still scattered on the floor in the living room from their movie night. 


He didn't know what prompted him to turn on that old stereo. The one that was broken and really only played 2 songs of that CD. Their song. It's what caused him to break, but he sang through it like they used to all the time. Even with the tears. He didn't want to forget the goodtimes. Like how he felt against him in the morning, and how he made the best egg sandwiched. He still felt his smaller, but so soft lips against his in their kiss. He felt him on every inch of his skin that the man clawed. But he the one thing he wanted to forget was goodbye. 


He wiped his tears hastly with the sleave of his sweater as his phone rang. 


He knew that ringtone.


It was Minho's. 




6. Whatever it is - Zac Brown Band


Jinki honestly had no idea what it was, but he loved her for it. Her eyes cut through him even if it was just a quick flicker. Her lips were soft and always pulled up into a smile. She had long legs, so pretty, but it wasn't the reason. They weren't it.


Whatever it was, she had it. He remembers back in college and he knew his past with women wasn't the best. It all changed that moment he looked up at her when she introduce herself as their waitress. She changed him. He didn't know if it was those pretty big brown eyes, or those sweet smiles. Maybe it was the way just her touch calmed his fears and nerves. 


Everytime he tried to tell her just how he felt it came out I love you. He might not know what exactly it was that made him fall head over heels for her, but Minjung had it and if it was up to him her last name was going to change to Lee very soon.



7. Replay (Boom Track(Not that it really matters what version lol) - SHINee


Minho didn't know what to do. He loved her. Loved her more than anything, but she saw him in a way that he wanted to break. She was so pretty, and he told her all the time, but she was reaching 30. The age where most people were settling down and starting families, and he was only 24. She knew he wasn't ready for that. She knew and had said just that, but Minho wasn't ready to give her up just yet.


"Eunsook wait!" Her heels stopped clacking against the tile as she stopped. Her hair flew over her shoulder as she looked back. He was running to her, grabbing her softly by the shoulders and pressing their lips together. "I can't stop this. I love you. I can't stop thinking about you Noona, and I don't want to lose you."


"This won't work. You have so much time before you should be looking to settle down. I can't force you to." Her eyes flicked up at him, plump pink lip being pulled through pretty teeth.


"Just give me a chance. I won't let you down Noona." His fingertips brushed past her cheek as he pushed her long hair back. He smiled at her and pressed their foreheads together. " Will Pretty Noona give her Minnie a second chance?" 


Minho knew she wanted to say no, he saw so in those beautiful eyes of hers but when her lips parted it wasn't the answer he got. No words came, just a desperate rushed kiss. It was all the answer he needed. 




8. Little Things - Billy Gilman


Minho loved Jinki, all of him. It wasn't the fact he was a really successful surgeon, or he was attractive. It was the little things.


It was the little kisses against his ear right before he whispered something when they laid on the couch. It was the feeling of his hand in his own, and how even though Jinki's hand was so delicate looking his grip was strong. It was the man's warm smile, the one that was only for him. It was him telling him he was only his, and telling him that he was his man in that soft husky voice of his.


It was the little things that most would take for granted that made him fall for Jinki. It was those small things that made his heart warm up, him to feel all fuzzy inside, and it was those that made him feel like he was going to melt into a pile of goo on the floor.


He loved Jinki for everything, but it was those little things that made it all the more wonderful.


9. Neighbors Know my name - Trey Songz


Minho was always embarressed of his sounds, but Jinki loved them. He loved the way the younger man's voice trembled a little as he moaned. He loved the way Minho's voice cracked in the middle of his name. 


There were times that Minho tried to contain it. A pillow or lip bit hard, but Jinki would miss them and make him be heard. He needed those whimpers against his skin, those fingers clawing as he heard his name. He needed them so much. He needed to feel that tremble run through Minho's body as his back arched. He needed to hear how the moans rose in pitch with every roll of his hips. Sometimes he felt he needed them so badly that he considered them to be his drug. He didn't mind that though. 


He was pretty sure his roommate hated him, but it was payback for college.  Minho was way too damn gorgeous with his name falling off those red, swollen wet lips of his for him to even think about sushing him.




10. Remind me - Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood 


They felt the distance. Even if they could feel the warmth of the other against their skin in the bed. Jinki sometimes caught himself staring at the other, at his soft beautiful features, and want to kiss them like he used to, but he knew Minho was busy and he couldn't interrupt. Sometimes Minho caught himself wishing that those goodbye kisses in the morning were on his lips instead of his cheek, but he knew that Jinki had to get to work because those animals wouldn't heal themselves. They hadn't even said I love you in weeks it seemed, not like they used to. It wasn't hot and rushed against their lips in between kisses. It wasn't whispered as they rushed to grab onto something on the other. 


As Minho sat on his flight back he thought back to a week ago when Jinki had said goodbye to him at the airport. He only got a long hug and a soft kiss on the lips. Nothing like months before. Nothing like making out so hard and fast that he missed his flight. Nothing like not wanting to let go because it meant nights and days without the other and his touch. Nothing like what they used to be. Jinki was waiting for him. Just like he always was, but he looked tired and waredown and Minho hated it. He hated it beyond belief because he used to be able to take it all away with just a hot kiss and a hand trailing up the man's back. He used to be able to, and now it just wasn't there. He knew that they loved eachother, that wasn't the problem. He knew they were okay, but he wanted to be like they used to. Great; amazing; perfect. 


When they got home Minho gently wrapped his arms around Jinki's middle, effectively surprising the elder as he softly whispered, "Remind me."


"What?" Was the choppy gasped word as Minho gently kissed his neck.


Minho pulled his tucked in shirt out and ran his hand along the smooth toned stomach. "Kiss me like you used to. Please Remind me that I'm still everything you want. Please."

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I guess not many people really like drabbles :< lol


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The onkey stories...so sad. Well not sad, they were great but the onkey shipper in me cried. Lol I enjoy all of these shorts and I really hope you choose to continue writing them.
Chapter 1: Tho short, everything is so good! But my fav is "Remind Me" ;;;3;;; Will there be more Onho or will you be moving to the next otp?
Chapter 1: Your tumblr, I mean :P Forgot to clarify which blog
Chapter 1: This was so beautiful!! I couldn't contain my feels on #3 :'( So sad, but lovely :') My favorite was #4 *Covers face with hands* Did you get enough inspiration with this to continue your other stories? :) I really liked your ipod shuffle idea, btw! :D And I really like your blog! Just thought I'd tell you :)
Chapter 1: this is soooo good!! I found myself wishing it was much longer after every drabble <3