
So Wrong, yet So Right

"Bora!" there's Nana rushing towards me. I just arrived at school and was about to get some books from my so-called-vintage-locker designed by me. 

"What is it?.." She bit her lip and I knew exactly what was going on. I tilted my head to one side, "You didnt finish your homework, didnt you?"

"Ehe.. I was out with Chanyeollie and went home pretty late.."

"Here, have mine. You're so ruined Nana, I know you guys are head to toe for each other but studies are important as well"

"Sorry..." she mumbled. "Anywayyyyy, hows you and Chenchen?"

Well well well.. its been a few days since the incident at the cafe. I gave him my number and he texted right after. We exchanged texts pretty often but we dont really get to talk much in school since he'd always stick to his friends.

"Good" I started walking and Nana followed right behind.

"That's it? Hmph. Yknow yesterday I heard that they're transferring Chen to a higher class"

I stopped, and turned to face her. She bumped into me and we almost kissed! Uekk!

"Nanaaaaa can you not??"


"Nevermind. What do you mean by the way? He's transferring class?"

"Well I guess the teachers agreed that he has this smartass brain and wants him to get into a higher class.. in other words he might not be our classmate anymore but..."

"But what?"

"Our senior"


I was in my bedroom blow drying my wet hair (I just came out of the shower fyi) when I heard a knock on my door. I think I know who it was just by the knock.

*Knock knock*

"Who's there~?"


"Daisy who?"

and my two crazy aunties barged in

"Daisy me rollin'~"

"They hatin~" I continued and we laughed.

They were both playing with their phones on my queen sized bed. 

"What's the occasion, my ladies?" I saw Seolbi eonnie though the reflection in the mirror, she was looking at me with a poker face on.

"Bora, our mum is planning to spend a week or so in her hometown"

"Hometown? Grandma's not from South Korea??"

They both shaked their heads.

"Our mum is from.....

New Yoooooork~ Concrete jungle where dreams are made offf!"
Oh goodness. I cant believe they're both older than I am

"By the way, our beloved Bora. Can you switch that thing off for a bit? I had enough shouting!"

I switched it off, of course. "Happy?"

"Good. So anyway, you're coming with us!" Seolmi eonnie exclaimed. "It'll be lots of funnnnnnn-ahhh!"

"Sigh.. What about school?" I asked.

"A week or two wont hurt"

"Yeah, besides, you really need to learn how to have fun. Dont worry, your grandpa will work it out somehow"

Anddddd here I am, in New York. After Seolbi eonnie and Seolmi eonnie told me about this trip, our flight was already set for the next day without me knowing. It was just so sudden and all and I didnt even get to say good bye to my friends and teacher in school eventhough it's just for a week and gahhh! I miss Chen. And one more thing is that I couldnt go out with Hyojung (facepalm). I wonder how she's doing....

Speaking of school (and Chen), Chen literally asked me to be his girlfriend through a text message yesterday. I repeat, asked me to be his girlfriend, through a text message. We couldnt talk much because of our hectic schedules and classes in school and he's aaaalways busy.. with his... life.. and yaknow... he's just always busy. and of course I agreed I mean like duh he's like my crush in school, I fell for him at first sight! The fact that we wont be in the same class anymore bothers me but who cares? That way I can concentrate more in class without having to steal glances at him for every god-damn-seconds-minutes-hours. He was suprised as well because of my sudden trip to New York but oh well, that didnt change the fact that we can still talk through the upgraded applications etc.

I spent pretty much with my phone most of the time exchanging texts with my friends in Korea. I wouldnt say that this trip is a whole boring crap thing (opps) but yea one thing I like about it is shopping!

Seconds.. Minutes.. Hours.. Days... passed by without me knowing and Im going back home in just a few hours! We were already heading to the airport. Oh yayy who's excited?? ME!


TING! First thing I did in the morning was smiling to myself because of my cute boyfriend.


C to B : "Good morning Bora :) I miss you. Cant wait to see you! Can I see you now? Can I??"

B to C : "It's still 6:00 in the morning. I just woke up.. Hey, school starts at 7:30. See you then ;)"

C to B : "Baby girl just woke up? That's cute. Okay, see you then. Dont skip breakfast <3"

What's with the heart? He's so cheesy!

In school, not everyone knows about us because I wasnt sure of exposing about it yet. I mean.. we just started dating and nothing was serious yet.
Half of my classmates (especially Nana who spammed my phone after finding out) knows about it, Im not sure about Chen's hot friends. I think they do?? Anyway.. I was entering my class when I heard Chen behind me.

"Hi, Yoon Bora"

"Heeey! Oh wow you're here early. Not busy?" I said as I put my stuffs down on my table.

"I wanted to see you"

"O..kayy" I flashed an awkward smile, I dont even know why I did that.

"Would you go eat with me today? I missed you"

"Of course, why bother asking?" I pinched his fluffy smushy mushy cheeks and he laughed. We both laughed.

Im so glad to be his.

Chen and I have been dating for about a month now. A lot happened between us despite having to know each other more deeper for less than a month. And since then I am bothered with this feeling.. the kind of feeling that me myself not even sure how or why it's happening to me.

I met her online. We became closer each and everyday.. we even act like couples eventhough we rarely met. We always fight, and that's what makes us stronger.

She's so sensitive, and jealousy type she is. She would feel jealous over almost everything. Whenever I hang out with my friends, or even my family. I'd feel guilty and I honestly dont know what to do. It just feels so wrong yet so right. I need her in my life. There was this one time when we didnt talk for about a month or so. I was hurting. I dont know why. I even tried to make my attention away from her by seeing guys. I wont say that Im interested in girls. Because that's not the truth.. I even tried dating Seojoon but I cant, no one knew when I accepted him as my boyfriend but I stopped everything before everyone finds out, and I feel bad for using Seojoon. Park Seojoon is such a wonderful man and I do not deserve even an inch of him. to be honest, if she was a guy I would date her right on the spot. She understands me so well.. and yet she keeps on hurting me and either do I. Im hurting. She's hurting. We're both just hurting ourselves but we both still want to be there. To be in each other's life. To go through the ups and downs for no specific reason. 

No one really knows about the thing going between us. But when I said no one, that excludes Soyou and Seojoon.. Both of them are like enemies to her. She dont want them close to me but she cant do anything about it.. as I need them as well in my life. Soyou dislike the way how she would always unknowingly hurt me. As for Seojoon, he still dont get why cant he be close to me.. and for that he would usually avoid any issues related to her. Soyou dislike Seojoon, too. He would always annoy Soyou to the point that she would rip her head off. Poor me.. why do the people I love cant love and care for each other like how they are with me and how I am with them? Sigh..

Would I say that I love her? Yes, of course I would. But it's nothing close to that kind of love.. I guess? Because I know no matter how good or how right it feels to be by each other's side, it's wrong. We never want to admit that we're a couple. I mean like, why would we? And I find it funny how her emotions can affect me so bad. She may be a bad influence to me but I never, ever want her to leave.

We first met at the movies. She wanted to meet me. It was weekend and I slept-over at my grandparent's place here in Seoul (that time I was still living with my dad in Busan). I literally went to Seoul just to meet her. You might think it was the happiest day of my life but no.. It wasnt just the two of us that day, and it happened to be just right after we both had our huge fight when we didnt talk for a month. She brought this girl named Sam. That day, I was so clueless.. I did not know the thing that was going on between them. I did not know until one day they were showing way too much affection and.. BAM. It hits me hard, so hard that it hurts as hell. I know it's wrong but it just feels so right.. sigh. After all that had happened I still kept on coming back to keep our friendship. The kind of friendship not just anyone could have as easy as they want to.

I started to feel at ease when I moved to Seoul and met Kim Jongdae aka Chen. I liked him since the very first time we met. Was it love at first sight? Hehe.. I feel so happy to have someone like Chen. But then, there are times when I feel guilty, for her.. I feel guilty for lying. Every words I said to her about Chen was all lies.. She was mad, and I said Chen and I are nothing. Oh my poor heart, what should I do? Im lying to her. Lying to Chen. Lying to myself. What if one day she finds out that I've lying to her? I even dissapoint her a few times whenever she asked me to go out with her... Sigh, again.

Who else could this 'her' be, other than Hyojung. This may sound crazy but yes, she is Hyojung. The woman.. I couldnt bear to lose.


Hey! my examination got extended but I managed to spare some time to update the story <3 This chapter might sound crappy because my mind isnt going well with ideas at the moment so please bear with meee ;_; Please subscribe, leave comments and... upvote?! HEHE. and for the last part I just want you guys to be ready and not be confused for the upcoming chapters involving Hyojung. Stay tuned! ppyong~


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bora19s #1
Chapter 10: love bora and chen please update soon
bora19s #2
Chapter 6: bora so cute , update soon
kanjisoyu #3
Chapter 6: >○< delulu mode on...
bora19s #4
Chapter 5: I wish you luck with your examination
And update soon, love bora and exo
claudy #5
Chapter 5: i hope you succses on your examination :)
I like your story.. Bora is so cute. Update soon author..
kanjisoyu #6
Please dasom and kai
bora19s #7
Chapter 4: I also hope there will be exo - bora couple
update soon
claudy #8
Chapter 4: i hope there will be exo- bora couple..
Kai,chanyeol,suho,sehun or other..
I hope this story not girlXgirl. Please don't make bora with hyorin.
Update soon...
claudy #9
Chapter 4: i hope there will be exo- bora couple..
Kai,chanyeol,suho,sehun or other..
I hope this story not girlXgirl. Please don't make bora with hyorin.
Update soon...