Chapter 18: New RelationshipS!

Not So Perfect

Bom's POV

"Besides...I can't let anyone take advantage of my Bommie," Chaerin said proudly.

"I'm not," Seunghyun exclaimed, "in fact I was about to tell her," he claimed.

"What? After printing the image in your mind?" Chaerin replied, "No way in hell are you going to do that," Chaerin continued.

"I need to take a shower," I groaned, rubbing my eyes lightly, grabbing my phone along the way, as it lay on the coffee table limply.

"A quick that one is," Chaerin told me, as I lazily dragged my feet across the room and up the stairwell.

"Oh! Auntie just reminded that Harang's school lessons finish at 3 today! Don't forget," Chaerin yelled, my hand shotting up, acknowledging her reminder.

Closing my oak wood door behind me, I woddled half-asleep body to the bed, collapsing back as I unlocked my phone, checking for any messages.


To Bom's me....I hope we can talk it out, can you meet me at our usual spot at 3?

From unknown caller.

an hour ago


I heaved a sigh, placing down my phone, truth be told, I'm not that naive to even second-guess the caller, it was obviously no other than Jaebum.

"I need a shower now..." I ordered to no one particular.

Quickly slipping out of my shirt, I ran over to start the water, the hot steam of the warm water, rising up. Relaxing my muscles, I stepped into the shower, hurriedly washing my hair, knowing that Chaerin was waiting outside.

"Yah Bom!" Chaerin yelled, knocking on my door impatiently.

"Yeah yeah," I said nonchalantlym exfoliating my skin slowly.

"I swear if you don't hurry up I'm going to send the erted panda inside," Chaerin threatened.

I sighed, switching the hot water off, "I'm finished, don't worry," I announced, hearing Chaerin's satisfied footsteps fade, as I was left with my hair soaked on my bare shoulders.

"I should have placed the towel closer," I complained to myself, balancing myself, as I slowly made my way across the wet marble floor.

Spotting a dry spot, I leaped on my heel, aiming to grab the towel...darn..wrong move.

"Gahh!!" I yelled, feeling the forces of gravity act on me, as my head slammed against the floor, my spine hitting hard onto the ground.

"Crap," I cursed to myself, feeling my body immobilized.


"You're going to walk for her in the car?" I asked Chaerin, whom grabbed her bag tightly.

"Yeah, make sure you inform Bom once she comes out," Chaerin answered, skipping out of the door.

I nodded to myself, climbing up the stairs yet again, as I took a seat outside of Bom's room, my back leaning against the wall. I hummed to myself lightly, remembering the track that Jiyong let met listen to, the one that Bom had sung.

"Gahhh!!!" I heard Bom yell, my instinct immediately acting up as I shot right up to my feet, mye eyes dilated, my heart pumping faster, adrenaline flowing in my veins.

"Bom!" I yelled franticly, stepping into her quiet room, as I heard some shuffling inside the bathroom.

"Bom, are you okay?" I asked from the other side of the door.

"G-go away," Bom croaked, just loud enough for me to hear.

"What happened? Are you alright?" I questioned eagerly, ignoring her previous remark.

"I'm alright now go," Bom said with more force.

"Yeah right, I'm not deaf I heard you scream earlier," I retorted, "can I come in?" I asked, swinging the door wide open.

"KYAA!!!" Bom screeched, once I had entered the bathroom, "if you were just going to walk in, what's the point of asking if you could come in?" Bom said now furious, trying to hide her lady parts with her shaky arms.

My cheeks immediately flushed bright red, my hand trembling as I reached out for her towel, "just throw the towel before I call Chae," Bom warned.

I tossed it to her, wanting to erased the image of her body stuck in my mine....too eyes had already seen every single thing her body could offer, from her slender waist to her defined chest.

"I'll bring you to the hospital," I said nervously, feeling myself get regretably aroused.

"I'm fine," Bom dismissed, raising her head lightly.

"Yeah if humans weren't meant to lift their heads," I answered, wrapping the towel around her body tighter before carrying her away bridal style.

"I'm not even going to ask how this happened to you," I teased, skipping down the stairs.

"Good, then don't," Bom said relieved, grasping onto the towel.

"But seriously, you should be more careful in the bathroom," I replied, carrying her all the way to the waiting car, as the others stared at us confused.

"Don't even ask," I said before they could mutter a single word.

Bom's POV

"Just go straight to the hospital," Seunghyun ordered the younger leader, who gladly stepped onto the gas pedal, roaring the engine alive.

"For a second there I thought that was your new school fashion," Seungri teased, pointing to the towel, "like a flasher type of fashion," he laughed.

"Hence the erted panda, Chaerin said from the front seat, "but B are you really alright?" Chaerin asked seriously.

"Please, this is nothing," I said relaxed.

"Yeah right, you can't even move your head," Seunghyun retorted.

"Bom I'm guessing you were jumping in the bathroom again?" Chaerin said, "forgot to put the towel closer to you?" Chaerin guessed correctly yet again.

I pouted, still laying in Seunghyun's arm, "n-no," I stuttered.

"Liar, this isn't the first time it happened," Chaerin laughed.

"Hence, the clumsy spring," Seungri imitated Chaerin, causing my best friend to look back and glare at Seungri.

"Wrong move maknae," Youngbae said from the back.

"At least somebody knows that," Chaerin laughed, as Jiyong expertly, halted in front of the ER.

"Time to move," Seunghyun announced.

"Yah! Are you crazy! What if some stupid fan of yours catches us, and creates another stupid scandal?" I exclaimed alarmed, managing to pull the door close.

"So you would rather suffer because you're scared to be seen by my fans?" Seunghyun answered.

"That's not the point, I'm in a freaking towel you idiot, what would other people think?" I asked.

"And you guys said I'm the erted one," Seungri answered, "she's also thinking kinda-"

"Quiet maknae," Jiyong cut him off, causing Seungri to pout.

"Then what do you want?" Seunghyun said with defeat.

"Chae? Can you carry me?" I asked stupidly.

"YAH!" Chaerin exclaimed shocked, "I admit we do weird stuff, but I am not carrying you inside an emergency room with you only wearing a towel," Chaerin said.

"Besides...I'm not as strong as I look," Chaerin said quietly.

"Looks like you have no other choice lady spring," Seungri teased, pushing the car door open from beside, allowing Seunghyun a way to carry me out.

"You'll rue this!" I shouted, as I was carried away.

"OMO! IT'S TOP!" a fangirl immediately squealed, eyeing us both, as Seunghyun made his way through the entrance.

"It's that girl," "omg the who's seducing our oppa" "" 

I mentally cursed to myself, hating how I had to tolerate all of those comments as Seunghyun just walked through the halls of the hospital unscarred.

"Great, do you want me to have an anti-club or something?" I told Seunghyun, who put me down on the examination chair as we awaited for the arrival of the doctor.

"Look, you just need to learn how to ignore them," Seunghyun replied.

"What if I didn't have to learn and you just let my freaking neck be," I exaggerated.

"If I did, then how would you life your head up?" Seunghyun said tiredly, looking out the glass window.

"Please, can you like just release an official statement to tell your obsessed fans to back-off?" I pleaded leaning my head against the pillow.

Seunghyun sighed, turning towards me, "I have a plan, but you have to come to the press conference yourself as well," Seunghyun said.

"If that's what it takes I'll be there," I answered confidently.

"Great, I'll tell our manager to set it up in a few hours," Seunghyun excused himself, as he greeted the doctor before exiting the door.

"So I see another bathroom accident Miss Bom?" the doctor asked.

"Just don't tell him," I laughed, pointing to the door.

"He's an idol or something right?" Doctor Lee questioned, examining me.

"You can say that," I answered, "my whole life is so complicated now," I laughed.

"That answers the crowd of patients outside," Doctor Lee chuckled, grabbing a cast from the counter.

"But please Bom, be more careful, it worries me meeting you so often in the ER," Doctor Lee said,"do you want a cast?" he asked tossing the cast bandage in his hand.

"I'm actually fine," I reassured Doctor Lee, showing him how I could freely move my head, "I was just probably in a state of mental shock," I continued.

"A Cast or not?" Doctor Lee asked.

"Just give me a cast so he'll feel satisfied," I answered, referring to the worried rapper.

Doctor Lee chuckled, "seems like your body is already adapted to falling," he laughed, "but why do you even want a cast just to make him satisfied?" he asked.

"Why did you even ask if I wanted a cast or not if you're just going to question me on my descision?" I questioned smartly.

"Like I said just be more cautious next time," Doctor Lee changed the tpoic.

"It's just an accident, I didn't mean to do it," I said sheepishly.

"Well just be more careful, hopefully I won't see you again for the next few months," Doctor Lee teased.

"Is she alright?" Seunghyun then barged in, looking at the cast beneath my head.

"Well nothing out of the ordinary, I mean Miss Bom is actually used to this," Doctor Lee answered, writing something in my file.

"So I heard," Seunghyun raised his eyebrow.

"But next time come in some clothes," Doctor Lee said, pointing to my towel.

"Sorry, this guy over here was overreacting," I rolled my eyes feeling embarassed.

"At least he cares," Doctor Lee said approaching the door, "not have a great and safe day Bom," Doctor Lee bid, before walking out of the room.

"Clumsy Spring huh?" Seunghyun smirked, pointing at me.

"Shut up," I groaned, standing up slowly.

"Hey slow down there," Seunghyun said worried.

"I have a cast around my neck, not disable legs," I pushed him aside.

"Now take off your clothes," I ordered him, standing up.

"W-what why?" Seunghyun said shocked, covering his body offensively.

"Dude, I need clothes to wear, I'm not going to you," I answered.

"Dude?" Seunghyun laughed, putting his arms back down.

"But seriously strip Mr Rapper Boy," I ordered him.

"Don't you think that'll give the fans a wrong idea though?" Seunghyun said hesistantly.

"Just give me the inner layer of your mulitple layers of clothes," I answered, turning around to allow the conscious rapper to take them off.


"Since I'm missing another day at school, might as well buy better clothes," I told Chaerin, as we got into the car with my now stiff neck in the cast.

"Nice accessory," Daesung teased, poking the cast lightly.

"Just drive Kwon Leader," I said annoyed, not being able to rest my head completely.

"There's no clothing shops here," I announced dissatisfied.

"That's because we have no time to go shopping if you want to attend the press conference," Jiyong answered, expertly curving around the corner as he entered an underground parking lot.

"Besides, we already asked the coordi noona to prepare clothes for you," Jiyong said with victory, turning around as he pulled the hand break, "they don't call me a leader for nothing," Jiyong laughed.

"Aish," I said feeling conscious, as I stepped off the van with Top's shirt and my towel wrapped beneath me.

"Don't worry, that's not the weirdest fashion people have seen here," Seungri comforted me, as we stepped inside the YG building elevator.

"What do you mean?" I asked cluelessly.

"Jiyong hyung has some weird fashion taste sometimes," Seungri whispered to me, cautious of the strong kwon leader.

"YAH PANDA!" Chaerin exclaimed, slapping the poor maknae on his arm.

"Looks like the person you have to fear now his his girlfriend," I laughed, "over protective much," I teased, as Chaerin and Jiyong exchanged shy glances at each other.

"So what's the plan?" I then asked Seunghyun, who just observed me.

"Can't tell you now," Seunghyun said absentmindedly, as he looked away.

"W-what why?" I asked franticly.

"Noona's waiting for you," he said with relief, pointing at the lady standing in front of the elevator expectedly.

"Come, the conference is going to start soon," she informed us, as she quickly grabbed my wrist as she led me to the dressing room.

"Can you wear this?" she asked, pointing to a pair of simple jeans with a white shirt.

"I...I-don't have any underwear...." I whispered shy, trying to stop my cheeks from blushing.

"W-what? Can you say that again?" she asked, unable to hear what I had just said.

"You see since we just carried me right out from the bathroom, I didn't have time to change, so I don't have any undergaments on," I said a tiny bit louder, causing their stylist to look at me awkwardly.

"Def-definitely not pants then, a dress would be better," she stuttered, looking through the hanger roughly.

"T-thank you," I said shyly.

"Try this on" she replied, handing me this red dress.

"A-alright," I said, going into the changing area as I heard Chaerin enter the room.

"Where is she?" Chaerin asked.

"She's changing," the stylist answered.

"I'm guess you don't have any underwear for her to use?" Chaerin laughed, knowing that I could heard every single word.

"You are such a tease!" I yelped from inside, fixing the strap of the dress.

"It fits perfectly!" I exclaimed with relief, examining myself in the mirror.

"Well then come out," Chaerin said impatiently, "the others are already waiting outside," she continued.

"Coming," I answered, stepping out of the room.

"That's appropriate enough, just remember there's a table cloth, so you don't need to worry that much," the stylist reassured me, remembering the missing undergarments.

"I'll keep that in mind," I answered.

"Just make sure you keep your legs closed," Chaerin teased, as we hurriedly made our way towards the conference room, only to hear the busy chatter of the numerous photographers.

"You're coming with me," I whispered to Chaerin.

"No way!" she said to me alarmed.

"Please, I can't go through this alone," I pleaded, "besides if I can't talk you can just step in for me," I pouted.

"That makes me not even want to go in even more," Chaerin said back.

"Let's just go," Jiyong then swooped in, dragging the both of us towards the stage.

"Thanks," I whispered to Jiyong.

"I'm going to kill you," Chaerin otherwise said, as he led us to our respective seats.

"Alright we'll start the conference now," YG said, looking at Seunghyun, "you're sure about this?" he asked.

"A hundred percent," Seunghyun answered, "just trust me," he reassured.

YG shook his head reluctant, "well you all are aware that Big Bang's dating ban has been long gone finished," YG started, "so Seunghyun over here has an announcement," YG continued.

My eyes widened, immediately understanding the whole situation, "Yah! If you dare to say a word I'm going to skin you alive!" I whispered to Seunghyun, whom just grinned at me amused.

"Well I'm sure most of you have read some articles about Bom and I," Seunghyun ignored my protest, talking into the mic firmly.

"Some biased towards me," Seunghyun chuckled, "and as a concerned person," he then looked at me one last time.

"I would like to share the new information about Bom and I dating!" Seunghyun said cheerfully, causing the whole room to come to an uproar, the flashing of lights continous as the reporters yelled, urgently waiting for an answer to their own personal question.

"You," Seunghyun pointed to a reporter.

"How long have you been dating?" he asked.

"Long enough for us to be sure about this," Seunghyun answered, not even bothering to look at me.

"How close are you both?" another one asked.

"I can easily say I've seen everything I need to see," Seunghyun answered confidently, causing my cheeks to blossom to a shade of red, remembering his gaze when he had discovered me in my bathroom.

"What do you think about this?" another one questioned.

"Well I-" Seunghyun started off, only to be cut off.

"I wanted to ask Miss Park Bom," the reported clarified.

Seunghyun looked at me anxiously, as the whole room became quiet, only the clicking of the cameras.

"Well since our relationship has been revealed," I started off, "might as well go on with another bomb," I laughed.

"Our Big Bang leader is also dating my best friend," I laughed, pointing to Chaerin beside me, as the whole room came to an utter chaos.

"T-that's enough," YG boomed, making everyone quiet immediately.

"Everything we need to say has been said," YG announced, ushering the 7 of us off the stage.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" YG shouted furious.

"What do you mean? I already asked permission," Seunghyun answered, pointing to me and him.

"Not that, but you two!" YG exclaimed, pointing at Chaerin and Jiyong.

I bit my lower lip nervously, "you two come with me to the seventh floor," he said dangerously serious.

I could only stand there emotionless, watching my two trusty friends being leaded to the elevator with YG. Lord knows how scary it is to be left alone with him in a room. 

"You shouldn't have said that," Seunghyun told me, as we absentmindedly walked around the building.

"I-I know," I said feeling guilty.

"But don't worry, Jiyong is strong, he'll get through it," Seunghyun said anxiously, noticing my mood.

I pouted even more, "what if I just ruined their relationship?" I exclaimed, turning my whole body towards him, since my neck restricted me from doing so.

"Don't worry," he reassured me again, taking my hand in his.

We walked in complete silence, as we made our way to the basment, "the practice studio always helps me clear my mind," Seunghyun said, pushing the door open.

"Well dancing isnt' for me, especially in this condition," I laughed.

"Who says I dance?" Seunghyun asked, tapping the empty space beside him as he now sat on the floor.

"You know you are a way better person than I thought," I laughed, noticing my necklace hanging in his pocket.

"M-my k-key," I then changed the topic, pointing to the necklace.

"I'm keeping it safe," Seunghyun reassured me.

"I'll show you later..." I said solemnly.

"A-are you sure?" Seunghyun asked surprised.

"You need to know why I hate Jaebum so much," I answered, looking away.

Okay, this whole chapter might be  a tiny bit rushed, seems like I completely lost my confidence with this one, and I just want this to end quickly, so yeah the ending is the next chapter, no in this fanfic, so changing that. and the vanishing of Jaebum will be in my last short chapter. . Might as well go Boom in one day right? Sunday is a free day! SO wait for the last chapter by tonight!

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Lyca_Myx #1
Chapter 22: I felt bad in the last part.. it hurts.. ;( neomu appa..
n' I feel like crying.. :( plus I didn't see much of TOPBOM...
BommieLuv #2
Chapter 22: awwhh... thanks for this nice story thanks :D
Chapter 21: I love the plot :3 and I liked the occasional cheesy dialogue too xD TOPBOM forever <33
Chapter 22: Hey nice story line but towards the end it kind of draggy.... sori to say this.... but u still a good writer author nim.... =)
otp9snsd #5
Awww such a cute storyyy :')
minaohmina #6
Thank goodness topbom moment wasnt all mushyyy and actually realistic ! Even though its shorter than what it could have been I still love the story !! And I find the ending appropriate. But I wish harang appeared more! But great story. I'll look out for your new stories also.
Omg...i cant believe its finish now T_T...yay jaejoongie back...only if it's a short while, anyways topbom had a cute moment there and hehe yunho is so much nicer in this maknae is so funny and yay topbom are dating tabi saw bommie ...and tabi is so understanding for bommie...I'm gonna miss this fanfic
Too bad you have to end this fic. T.T Feels like the story of topbom just started. So do skydragon. But nevermind,at least they ended with each other in the end. Anyway,thanks authornim! :)
Sad that the story ended T.T
Even though you cut it short, I loved it. The ending and story was still great!
Thanku you!
Aigoooo it's ed already T.T
Honestly I was kinda shocked when I saw ur "completed" updates. But.... Yay! At least topbom is together now! And jae is out of the frame! Ohohohoho ~(‾▿‾~)(~‾▿‾)~ thanks for this one!