Chapter 16: Everything's Clearer Now

Not So Perfect

Bom's POV

"How can I even trust you anymore?" I said my voice shaky, "you're a monster..."

I pointed my index finger at him accusingly, trying to hold back the tears which threatened to spill.

"T-they b-blamed me..did you know that?" I asked, taking a step back.

"I-I know, and I'm so sorry," he answered.

"Sorry? What is that going to do?" I said bitterly, "do you expect that to be like a magic word and heal my wounds?" I exclaimed.

"I'm so-" he began to say.

"STOP IT!" I yelled, covering my ears, "stop saying your sorry!" I shouted.

"What am I supposed to do?" Jaebum asked hopelessly.

" already died...I want to keep it that way," I said quietly.

"What?" he said hurt.

I laughed to myself bitterly, "don't even act like you're hurt," I replied looking away.

"If you really cared about me, you would of looked for me years ago," I finished off, before turning around on my heel.

Once my back faced towards Jaebum, the tears I held back, finally streamed down my cheeks, pushing against my legs as I made a run for it, ignoring the loud calls of my name from Jaebum. Confused, I held onto my dress, running even further until I was finally out of the restaurant, to find Donghae and his mother waiting outside.

"Great.." I whispered to myself, roughl wiping my tear stains.

"I'm going to leave first," I announced, taking a detour, finding the highway in sight.

"Bom.." Donghae called out, pleading.

Releasing out a sigh of anger, I decided to spare him a sec as I turned back, "what?" I asked.

"He's also hurting," Donghae answered.

"Tell him to deal with it like I did-" I yelled back, feeling lightheaded, before collapsing onto the ice cold ground.

Everything went pitch black dark, their loud screams the last sounds I heard.


I watched the Big Bang members play a board game absentmindedly, trying my best to ignore the disgusting phase of flirting by Jiyong and Chaerin who couldn't stop drooling over each other.

"I swear you guys better stop that before I sit in between you both," I complained, glaring at the Kwon Leader.

Jiyong pouted earnestly, "geez, just because you can't get what you want don't take it out on us," he teased.

I clenched my fists, "YAH! WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?!?!" I yelled.

Chaerin giggled, "oppa..when you followed Bom on the blind date it's pretty obvious why you're taking care of Harang in the first place," she joked.

I fixed the collar of my shirt, trying to keep my cool,  scoffing I turned back to them, "why? Can't you guys just believe that I helped her just because I like kids?" I questioned.

The rest of the Big Bang members and Chaerin exchanged looks, "you're totally whipped man," Jiyong laughed, grabbing the dice as he rolled it for his turn.

I shook my head disapprovingly, "don't you guys think it's narcissistic to play 'the Bang Story'?" I teased, watching Jiyong move the G-Dragon object a few steps.

Seungri gasped, "don't worry, I understand why you play it maknae," I answered myself, before the panda could even mention his useless comeback.

*ding ding*

"Eh?" Jiyong said dumbfounded, "is anyone expecting a guest?" he asked, standing up.

I glared at Seungri accusingly, "did you?" I questioned.

Seungri gasped yet again, "hyung! I would never invite a girl to our new house," he said acting hurt.

Rolling my eyes, I stood up, accompanying Jiyong, "I swear if you're lying panda I'm going to skin you alive," I said annoyed, trailing behind Jiyong's steps as we made our way to the foyer.

"If it's some crazy fan, I'm going to leave you," I told Jiyong, as he held the door knob in his hand.

Jiyong rolled his eyes, "shouldn't you be the one handling those kind of problems hyung?" he teased, swinging the door open.

"Um...hi?" Jiyong greeted awkwardly, while my eyes strayed to the person who lay limp in his arms.

"Bom!" I yelled alarmed.

Jiyong looked at me weirdly, "hyung that's a guy, not Bom," Jiyong said half-heartedly.

I punched Jiyong's arm, "not him, the person in his arms dufus," I replied, carrying Bom in my arms as well.

"What happened to her?" I asked, fixing my hold on the unconscious Bom.

"S-she fainted," the stranger answered.

Releasing an annoyed sigh, I signalled Jiyong to close the door, "I'll bring her inside," I informed the leader.

Turning around, I quickly hurried towards the living room, seeking for Chaerin's help, until that is I heard Jiyong struggling from behind.

"Bom or Jiyong?" I whispered to myself, mentally slapping myself for the stupidity of that question, as I ran towards the living room leaving Jiyong behind.

"B-Bom...wake up," I pleaded, stepping into the room, gathering everyone else's attention.

"Yah! Seungri you lied to us," Daesung complained, pointing at the lady in my arms.

Chaerin stood up abruptly, "B-Bom?" Chaerin said stiffly, her eyes immediately watering.

I placed Bom down onto the sofa, "calm down Chaerin, he said that she only fainted," I tried to say, placing a pillow beneath Bom's neck.

Chaerin scoffed, "calm down? Most people would be panicking if their crush fainted..." Chaerin said disapprovingly pushing me aside as she attended her best friend.

"But why would she faint?" I asked out aloud, my eyes glued to Bom's face.

Youngbae stood up, walking to my side, "you said he said she only fainted, but who's he?" Youngbae questioned smartly.

Chaerin looked up, "B-Bom was with a guy?" Chaerin questioned, her eyes going dark.

"Y-yeah, but I think he was only a stranger helping her out," I answered.

Chaerin rolled her eyes, "you , she went to meet Donghae!" Chaerin yelled.

I bit my lower lip, unsure on how that would result in Bom fainting, "it's the anniversary of-" Chaerin exclaimed, only to be interrupted by another person.

"Hi..." an unfamiliar voice greeted, as the stranger strided into the room.

"Who are you?" Seungri said rudely, gaping at the stranger with his mouth wide open.

"J-Jaebum?" Chaerin said stunned.

I looked back towards Chaerin and what's his name, "Jaebum?" I asked, looking at Chaerin's eyes.

Chaerin blinked rapidly, looking away as she cut off our eye contact, "what's he doing here?" I heard Chaerin whisper to herself, staring at Bom as she tried to busy herself.

I sighed, realizing I had to take control of the whole situation, "I'm sorry, but can you leave? We're in a middle of a crisis right now," I questioned.

"I'm sorry for not introducing myself properly, my name is Im Jaebum...Bom's close friend," he clarified.

"Close friend my ," I heard Chaerin mutter to herself again, causing me to wonder on why she was acting to peculiar.

"Well nice to meet you, but I think we can handle it from here," I replied.

Jaebum shook his head, "no I also have to take responsibility of's my fault she's in that state," he said solemnly.

Chaerin stood up abruptly, kicking the leg of the coffee table, "you get out of here right now!" she yelled, pointing towards the hallway.

"Chaerin...calm down," Jiyong said cautiously, walking towards the fuming girl.

"You don't even deserve to see her, but yet you dare to show yourself to her again?" Chaerin asked, getting closer to Jaebum as she stood face to face to him.

"You're despicable," Chaerin said with disgust, storming off.

Us Big Bang members stayed in the room, exchanging alarming glances at each other, unsure on how to handle this problem anymore, "t-take a seat," Youngbae offered, gesturing towards the coach.

I stood beside Bom's figure, examining Jaebum from afar, "Im Jaebum...sounds so familiar," I whispered to myself, closing my eyes shut trying to recall.

"So how do you know Bom?" Jiyong questioned.

"High School friend," Jaebum answered with ease.

"Ah!" I exclaimed, digging through my pockets as I took our the extra wallet in my pockets, "I think this is yours...." I informed him, as I passed him the wallet.

"Oh thanks, I thought I lost it," Jaebum said thankfully, checking the contents of his wallet.

I scrunched my eyebrows, remembering how I got ahold of the wallet, "y-you were there t-that day," I said stuttering.

"Excuse me?" Jaebum said confused.

I closed my eyes shut, "a-at the mall, I bumped into you near the cafe," I answered.

"Probably..." Jaebum said nonchalantly, shaking off my short interrogation.

I tilted my head, he was there that day when Bom went on the blind date...when Bom went to meet Donghae....Im Donghae!

"Hey is your brother Donghae?" I asked, trying to sound as casual as I could.

"Yeah, you know him?" Jaebum answered.

I shook my head, "just a wild guess," I excused, going into deep thought, trying to link the three of them.

"Mmmm," Bom murmurred, her eyes finally flying open.

"Bom," I said relieved.

Bom smiled, "Seunghyun," she replied.

Seungri gagged, "what is this? Like a lover's reunion?" he teased.

"Be quiet Panda, don't try to ruin my mood after I just-" Bom stopped midway, as she look towards the other members only to find herself glaring at Jaebum.

Bom's POV

"You're awake," Jaebum smiled.

"W-why are you here?" I asked frozen on my spot.

"I was worried since you fainted," he said apologetically.

"You thick skinned bastard," I cursed, dashing out of the room.

Ignoring the cries of the Big Bang members, as I ran with all my strength finding myself desperately running towards my secret gazebo. Panting and dizzy, I crawled onto of the mattress, the warm breeze lightling brushing my hair of my shoulders.

Folding my legs towards my chest, I wrapped my arms around them, as I stared into the sunset, "why can't it just always be peaceful like this?" I questioned, rocking myself back and fourth. I hummed to myself, enjoying the moment of silence, smiling to myself weakly.

"Sean...can you just look after me?" I pleaded, looking up to the sky, remembering my beloved cousin.

I let out a relaxed sigh, placing my stray strand of hair behind my ear.

"Just close your eyes
the sun is going down
you'll be alright
No one can hurt you now
Come morning light
you and I'll be safe and sound..."

I sang softly, swaying my head, I giggled to myself, realizing how meaningful the lyrics of the song meant to me, how they expressed the feeling of protection can only be felt when you close your eyes...just how I feel when I can sleep without having to worry of Jaebum coming across my mind. How no one can hurt me, only when I close my eyes, it expressed how I felt, the only way I can feel safe and sound without having to worry.

"you really have a beautiful voice Bom," Jiyong complimented, joining in as he stepped on the gazebo.

"H-how did you find me?" I said surprised.

Jiyong chuckled, "a leader's instinct?" he laughed, sitting on the other side.

"Oh really?" I said unsatisfied with his answer.

Jiyong shook his head profusely, "more like having to run around the gigantic land," he answered.

I giggled lightly, allowing myself to close my eyes as another soft breeze blew past us, "why?" Jiyong broke the silence.

"Why what?" I answered, peeking through my eyelids.

"What's wrong Bom? With you and Jaebum?" Jiyong said more straighforward, causing me place my chin against my knees.

"It's a long and complicated story you won't want to hear," I replied.

Jiyong scoffed, "I'm offended...that's basically my job as a leader..." he exclaimed.

"But you're not my leader," I reminded him.

Jiyong smiled warmly, "but I want to be Bom..." he said.

I looked at him confused, "why are you doing this?" I asked.

"You helped me with Chaerin, now it's time for me to help you," Jiyong answered, "as a shoulder to cry on," he continued.

A weak and shaky smile formed on my lips, "you're too sweet...I approve of you for Chaerin," I said touched.

Jiyong chuckled, "now enough about me, and more about you," he said getting down to business.

I sighed, "well Jaebum was my friend," I started off.

<<<<< a few years ago <<<<<

"Bom!" Jaebum called out to me, as I got off my car.

"Annyeong Jaebum-ah!" I greeted happily, despite remembering what Jaebum had showed me the other day.

"Are you alright?" I questioned, as we both walked along the pavement of his house.

"Yes Bom, they're nothing," Jaebum reassured me, leading me to his familiar bedroom.

I bit my lower lip, as we both sat down on his bed, "really you call this nothing?" I asked, rolling up his sleeves, exposing his scars.

Jaebum pushed my arms away lightly, rolling down his sleeves, "I promise I won't do it again alright?" he complained, standing up as he picked up the blade on his desk, "happy?" he asked, dropping the piece of steel into the trash bin.

I pouted, "you can still easily pick it out and use it again," I whined.

Jaebum scoffed, walking towards me, "I promise with all my heart I will never cut myself again," he promised, "the only time I will is when I lose you," he continued.

I giggled, "you're too cheesy," I complained, punching his arm lightly.

"But seriously Bom, I will kill myself if I lose you," Jaebum said seriously, scaring the hell out of me.

My eyes widened, "yah! Don't say that!" I whined, trying to shake off the awkward atmosphere

Jaebum chuckled, he raised his palms up in the air, "fine fine, I was just joking," he compromised.

"So how are you?" I asked.

Jaebum stared at me, "what do you mean by that?" he questioned back.

"I mean are you feeling better?" I clarified.

"Yah Bom! I swear if you ask another pitiful question I'm not going to talk to you anymore!" Jaebum laughed.

"How could you even say that your best friend?"I pouted.

>>>>> end of flashback >>>>>

I laughed to myseld bitterly, "that was the last time I heard him laugh whole-heartedly, " I told Jiyong.

"He had told me stories about how he felt mistreated by his parents, how his parents treated him unfair compared to his brother," I continued, "he couldn't take it, so he resorted to cutting himself..." I said stiffly, taking a quick glance at Jiyong to find him fully immersed in listening to my story.

"Of course I had tried to stop him, but eversince that day, his parent's cut Jaebum and I off, they didn't allow me to enter their house, nor Jaebum to leave their house," I said, "they accused me of changing him....they said I was a bad influence since they noticed a drastic change in his behaviour," I continued.

"Bom..." Jiyong said pitifully.

I raised my palm up, stopping him from talking any further, "he committed suicide one day," I said, my vision blurry with tears.

"I tried to v-visit him, but they didn't allow me inside," I said hurt, "they let me believe he died...." I said with horror.

"But it's not your fault," Jiyong answered.

"Y-you don't understand..." I replied, "you don't know how it felt to be basically pushed away from someone you cared about..even more I was lonely after that...he was the only one I really opened up to...." I finished.

I smiled to myself weakly, "they managed to convince me though...that I was the whole reason for his actions....turns out they sent me a letter that Jaebum had written before he had died...I read about how depressed he felt without he felt like dying without me," I replied.

"They tried to make me the reason for his action, and so I gave in...blamed myself for years, cut off my communication with his family along with his family doing the same with mine," I clarified.

I now chuckled bitterly, "little did I know that they kept him from me...after how many years I had visited his grave, wiping his headstone clean with my hands...crying every year for the same reason," I explained.

"Wow..." Jiyong said astonished.

"I know right? The story of my life," I answered, "and so...." I concluded.

"And so what?" Jiyong asked.

"This is where you come in," I answered.

"Make sure I never have to see him again...." I pleaded.

Woo! Even though this chapter isn't really a sad one, it explains the whole problem with Bom and Jaebum, you guys finally know right? I hope you guys understand how sorry I am for the poorly written chapter. Truth is, yeah my exams are over, but boy are there alot of sport activities this term, so I'm kinda busy at school. but still! Here I am with a new chapter I hope you all like it. Oh! And the lyrics are from the song 'Safe and Sound' by Taylor Swift featuring the Civil Wars. I love that song. hahaha

And yes! I'm not sure if all you readers read my other fanfic, but I announced it there that I am going to start my challenge of updating both stories once a week. kekeke. But I will only continue with according to your comments, they are the ones who make me excited to write. *appreciated* and love you all~ kekeke

Comment replies:

@SpunkiMonki: hahah correction, they were never really together, so I wouldn't say Jaebum is Bom's ex. hahaha. kekeke, don't worry I'll update soon~

@Alien-Leader: I know right, what he did to Bom was such a big mistake, if only he could see how Bom was such a mess cause of him. yupp! who ever will comfort our Bommie is lucky himself. HAHAHA.

@Serena: totally agree, who would fake their death even if it means hurting someone you care for, idiot. HAHAH I can easily say Bommie will definitely not allow Jaebum to come back into her life...*points at last sentence of this chapter* kekeke, time for him to get what he deserves. oh and I can tell you I'm starting the challenge of updating both fanfics in a week, since my other fanfic also got enough comments for me to be satisfied. kekeke. Starting this week!

@asiandragon: after being dead  for years, he just comes back with a simple sorry right? shameless. hahaha. oh and I hope you are not mistake, but when I say twice a week, I mean one update for each of my two fanfics. hahaha. and yes I'm starting this week, so instead of waiting two weeks, next week there'll be a new chapter!

@allygurl91: uhuh! Jaebum's character is really a different one. hahhaha.

@cherista6: yeah! I love making fun of the panda, his character is just so lovable. haahha. oh the reason for JB to fake his death? kekeke, seems like you will have to wait for that to be revealed. hehehe. oh yeah! jaejoong's problem will soon be resolved, don't worry he'll make another appearance soon. *hint hint: next chapter*

@lovemonster101: hahha, there won't be a good reason for Bom to call Top a monster,  hahaha, yup! Corn is her only beloved friend.

@minaohmina: I see your glad Top isn't the monster, I would definitely not make him the bad guy, especially in this kind of situation right now. It's too much for Bommie to handle. hahha. and thank you! *blush* I'm trying my best to write this fanfic! kekeke. stay tuned til next week~

@SpringSkye: hahah, yeh Bom is the opposite of a subtle cupid. and instead of saying JB is bom's ex, I would just say he was a very close friend of Bom? Like you know they like each other, but they were never really together together. hahaha, or otherwise tell me if I accidentally mentioned him as her boyfriend...kekeke. awww! Your one of my favourite readers already~ kekeke.

@TOPBOM4ever: that's right skydragon finally together, but since they're not the main characters, I'll try and sneak in some skydragon moments. kekeke. and your wish is granted~ hahaha, that's a bit of Bommie's past right up there. hahha

@Bungsky_: yupp! Jaebum is alive. hahha, you make a good point, IDK I guess I have a thing for make Jae's be a problem. hahaha. jokes.

@kwonmimi: hahah your too sweet and protective of our bommie. and yeah I agree. jaebum should stay away from her.


Thank you guys~ I really appreciate all the comments, even though I feel like a bad person for asking you guys to write comments. but silent readers I hope you guys speak up! Will really make me happy!

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Lyca_Myx #1
Chapter 22: I felt bad in the last part.. it hurts.. ;( neomu appa..
n' I feel like crying.. :( plus I didn't see much of TOPBOM...
BommieLuv #2
Chapter 22: awwhh... thanks for this nice story thanks :D
Chapter 21: I love the plot :3 and I liked the occasional cheesy dialogue too xD TOPBOM forever <33
Chapter 22: Hey nice story line but towards the end it kind of draggy.... sori to say this.... but u still a good writer author nim.... =)
otp9snsd #5
Awww such a cute storyyy :')
minaohmina #6
Thank goodness topbom moment wasnt all mushyyy and actually realistic ! Even though its shorter than what it could have been I still love the story !! And I find the ending appropriate. But I wish harang appeared more! But great story. I'll look out for your new stories also.
Omg...i cant believe its finish now T_T...yay jaejoongie back...only if it's a short while, anyways topbom had a cute moment there and hehe yunho is so much nicer in this maknae is so funny and yay topbom are dating tabi saw bommie ...and tabi is so understanding for bommie...I'm gonna miss this fanfic
Too bad you have to end this fic. T.T Feels like the story of topbom just started. So do skydragon. But nevermind,at least they ended with each other in the end. Anyway,thanks authornim! :)
Sad that the story ended T.T
Even though you cut it short, I loved it. The ending and story was still great!
Thanku you!
Aigoooo it's ed already T.T
Honestly I was kinda shocked when I saw ur "completed" updates. But.... Yay! At least topbom is together now! And jae is out of the frame! Ohohohoho ~(‾▿‾~)(~‾▿‾)~ thanks for this one!