
One Year Later

Jessica's POV


I thought a bomb just collapse on me when Sooyoung told me that she fell in love while she was in Japan. We both agreed to be on a break so she can focus on her schooling. At first, I was devastated because I don't believe in breaks. Its just another word for over. The first half of the year was so difficult. Everything I do & everywhere I go, it would remind me of Sooyoung. Slowly, I start focusing on work more so I wouldn't have to think about her. Yuri helped me with that by taking me to different places with her boyfriend, Minho. Things was slowly was getting better until today when I saw her. Different feelings start to overcome me. Disappointment & hurt was overwhelming so I couldn't say anything expect...




"You want to know about her?"


"...Sure, Soo."


No..I don't want to hear about the girl who took my love away..


"She is beautiful but that's not what make me fell in love with her. She have the kindest heart..She would put others in front of herself & is selfless. She makes me feel like I can do anything I want as long as I put my mind to it. She encourages me to become what I am today. After being with her, it make realize that I am in love with this girl."


I was on the verge of tears from hearing Sooyoung's statement about the girl. I wanted to leave & go into my room to cry my eyes out but Sooyoung's grip on me tighten.


"You want to know who she is?"


"Of cour-rse..I want to know who makes you this happy.." I really didn't want to know; Knowing her might put me over the edge..


"Its you.."




"I didn't realize what I had until I went to Japan. I missed you everyday while I was there. I would go to similar places that we went over here, hoping I would get the sense of you being with me. I'm sorry, Jessica. I should've appreicate you more. I just want to let you know that the girl I fell in love with in Japan was you.."

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Chapter 3: it is great story
please write more
-is holding back tears-
<br />
agree with actrajape :) xD
jenijen103 #5
@ ActraJape aww, then I need to work on my foreshadowing (x I don't know about the sequel bc I wouldn't know where to start LOL
The_AJ #6
Hahaha I know the girl Soo falling in love was Sica, easy to guess :) SooSic FTW! Are you going to make another sequel for this? Hope you do, I love it :) <3
jenijen103 #8
I wanted to make this story mean but I didn't have the heart to do it (x LOL
Sootuff #9
Oh!! I thought Soooyung had a new love and Sica with Yuri!!!<br />
But Sooyoung just love Sica more!<br />