
One Year Later

Someone's POV




"Hi to you too..."


"When did you get back?"


"2 hours ago..while you were sleeping.."




"Are you hungry? I cooked steak." I turned around & walked towards the kitchen. I placed the steaks from the pan to the white plates. I put kimchi on the smaller dishes with two cups of coke on the table. Jessica just sat down. I start cutting my steak into smaller pieces & I glanced at her to see if she did the same. She didn't..


"You still cut the steak into smaller pieces..." She looked at me but I didn't look at her.


"Yeah, old habit..I see you don't do that anymore.."


Jessica & I would cut up our pieces of food then swap the plates to each other. Its OUR thing that we do for each other because I would eat too fast & choke while Jessica would eat without swallowing.


"There's no one to do it too..Krystal works nights so I would be alone. I guess you have someone to feed it to if you kept that habit.."


"Yeah, I do." We continued to eat in silence. I would glance at her sometimes but she seems too distant to notice. After we finished, we put the dishes in the sink & walked to the living room. We both sat down on the couch. Jessica's phone suddenly rang.




"Hey, Yuri.."




"Nothing, just had dinner; No, I'm not doing anything. Why?"




"Yeah, sure; I meet you in a few..Bye.."



"Where are you going?" I asked her while looking at my hands. They were sweaty..


"Out for a while..Are you going to be okay by yourself?"












 I wanted to stop her from leaving me but our relationship is blurry right now & I don't know how to tell her that I don't want her to see this "Yuri". I stopped myself.


"Be safe.."


"Okay, bye."


Jessica left & I just sat there on the couch staring at the ceiling. I was thinking of the day at the airport when Jessica & I was talking.




We were just sitting next to each other; the only thing that was connecting us was our pinkies holding onto each other.


"You really don't want me to call you while you're in Japan?"




"Not even text?"


"Not even text"


"Okay.." I stood up & walked to the terminal without saying goodbye.


Flashback ends


Me & Jessica both agreed that we would be on a break while I was studying in Japan for the year. I said that I don't need distractions from her checking up on me. It was a mutal understanding. I went on to studying & graduated top in my class & true to our understanding. I recieved no texts, no call, not even an email from Jessica. Then I heard a click at the door. It was her.


"Still awake?"


"Yeah, can't sleep.."


"Oh, well I have work tomorrow so night..." 






"I want to talk to you.."








"Please, it won't take long.."


She walked towards the couch. She sat on the other end.


"You can sit closer." She scooted more towards me but there was still a distance. So I got up, picked her up & made her sat on my lap.


"I want you to sit here.." I can smell her perfume that she always would wear & she was cold too. I wrapped my arms around her & rested my chin on her shoulder. She speaked up.


"What did you want to talk about, Soo?" I wanted to collected my thoughts first because saying the thing I want to tell her since I saw her this afternoon.


"I fell in love when I was in Japan."

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Chapter 3: it is great story
please write more
-is holding back tears-
<br />
agree with actrajape :) xD
jenijen103 #5
@ ActraJape aww, then I need to work on my foreshadowing (x I don't know about the sequel bc I wouldn't know where to start LOL
The_AJ #6
Hahaha I know the girl Soo falling in love was Sica, easy to guess :) SooSic FTW! Are you going to make another sequel for this? Hope you do, I love it :) <3
jenijen103 #8
I wanted to make this story mean but I didn't have the heart to do it (x LOL
Sootuff #9
Oh!! I thought Soooyung had a new love and Sica with Yuri!!!<br />
But Sooyoung just love Sica more!<br />