Distant Memories(Made in the USA part 2)

Saehee nodded as she signed on the document.

“I’ve cleared your Friday schedule, ma’am.” Her secretary said.

“Thank you, right, can you send all these my cousin’s office?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Saehee smiled before standing up, she grabbed her purse and stepped out of her office.


Saehee sneezed before laying flat on the bed, she opened her laptop and lazily browsed through her files.

“I did mention that I was going to pick you up, right?”

She looked up, Mark was leaning against the doorway.

You did? I wanted to go home right away.” She said, Mark’s brows furrowed slightly.

“Are you sick?”

“No, just sleepy…or tired, either. Why am I speaking in two languages now?” 

Mark shook his head and plopped beside her.

“You’re wearing it.” He looked at her wrist.

“It’s probably the cheesiest thing we have.” Saehee mused at her Rolex watch; Mark raised his left wrist to show her his identical watch.

You look sick, Sae.

“A little? It must be the heat.” She yawned before snuggling to his side.

“Actually, going to Japan…I’ve read abeoji’s email.”

Mark nodded for her to continue, Saehee pursed her lips and looked at her fingers.

“I’m going to be working on a project with these Korean-Japanse group,”


“It’s like a…resort slash hotel, it has a young and hip theme going on. I think its going to be fun,”  Saehee yawned, Mark rubbed her back soothingly.

“Busy bee Jung Saehee.” Mark mused, Saehee sent him a look before kissing his cheek.

“I now you want to head out, but can I sleep for a bit?”

“Let’s just stay in today, pizza?

You’re the best, Tuan.” She said before closing her eyes.


“I don’t approve of this.” Yunho shook his head as Mark carried Saehee’s duffel to the Land Rover, Saerin chuckled beside him.

“Oppa, it’s just for a few months.” Saehee smiled as she hugged her cousin’s girlfriend.

“Unnie, take care of this busy man, don’t let him skip a meal too.”

“Arasso, you take care too.” Saerin smiled, then Saehee hugged her cousin.

“I’ll call Changmin oppa to help me if I get stuck somewhere.” She mused before letting go, Yunho kissed her forehead.

“Go, then. You’re so adamant about leaving.” Yunho grumbled, Saehee chuckled before jogging to the car.

Mark started the car and he maneuvered out of the area, Saehee took his phone and winced.

“We…No, just now Tuan we can’t do this.” She said as she took out her phone. Mark’s wallpaper was a photo of her, while Saehee had a photo of Mark on her phone too.

I know.” Mark mused.

“I’ll change this. This is making me cringe.” She fiddled with his phone for a while, then she faced it to Mark.

“Typhoon? It’s either you want me to think about Typhoon or Yunho hyung?”

“Typhoon’s my baby.” Saehee said defensively. Mark chuckled.

“We just don’t…do cheesy.” Saehee shook her head.


“Then,” Saehee said as her bags were being hauled before her, she turned to Mark.

“I’m just a few minutes from boarding.” She mused, Mark nodded and handed her Prada purse back to her.

“I’ll see you soon, Tuan.”

Mark rolled his eyes and just hugged her, he felt Saehee kiss his neck briefly.

I love you.” She whispered before planting her palms on his chest.

Mark chuckled and kissed her nose.

“Don’t get too attached to your office when you arrive.”

“Maybe, maybe not.” She mused before Mark let her go.

I love you too, now hurry in, you’re going to be late.


Mark picked up his luggage and walked towards the arrivals area, he had his sunglasses on as he stepped out. Some females in the area turned to check him out as he passed by.

Then a man in a suit approached him.

Good morning, sir. The president sent me to pick you up.

“Okay, will I be meeting him?”

“Yes, we’ll head over to the office after you rested at the Tuan residence.”

Mark nodded as he was lead to a black BMW.

Then his phone started to vibrate.


“So, I take it you’re now in Taipei?” She  mused from the other line.

“I just arrived. You wanna come over?”

“Heol, anyway, I’m going to have lunch with Changmin oppa, I just wanted to tell you that.”

Mark had to smile at that.

“Okay, then be careful.”

“Got it, you should learn he language there too, babe.

Shall we discuss about the bodyguard issue now, babe?


“Okay, bye Mark.”



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22 streak #1
Chapter 47: Eiii! Mr and Mrs Tuan Soon!
Chapter 33: Rereading it again...lol
Chapter 47: Sssssoooooooo good...now to part3 we go..~~
22 streak #4
Chapter 47: Oh my heart
mistymountains 193 streak #5
Nice story!
flawlesswangtuan #6
Chapter 24: This story is interesting, i like it :D
Congrats on getting featured!
Chapter 1: New reader. It's hard to find a lot of fanfic with Mark in it and with a great story line, It's interesting, I'll read the rest of the chapter and see if I can read without put a skip on anything^^
Congratulations on getting featured!