Showtime! Part 2

Together Forever


"Yah May Ann, whats wrong!?!"

"Nothing I just needed to scream." I replied

Hyomin just looked at me strangely, "Okay whatever floats your boat. Oh yeah and remind me I have to tell you something when we get home"


JYP-oppa walked in and said, "You guys are great! After this break its about 3 questions and then a dance. What have you prepared?"

"Well since we did not have much time we mashed up a few dances together and made them unique to the two of us." Hyomin said.

"That sounds good! Oh 5 more minutes left, lets go back out there!"

We walked back to the small stage and the second round of questions were shot at us.

After answering those questions I felt as if my energy just left my body.

"Okay next is a little piece these girls put together!"

After the chairs were moved Hyomin and I got in our places. She queued the musis and we began to dance. This dance was not the hardest dance I learned but it was one of the most enjoyable ones. 

We finished the dance and immediately after we had to do the performance with Mark and Youngjae.

Why is everything going by so fast!?!

"Hey are you okay?" Youngjae said

"Well other than the fact that I am super tired, I think I'm fine."

"Hahaha that's good to hear, so are you ready to rock this thing?"

"When am I not! Let's do this!"

As usual Hyomin said an introduction, "The four of us prepared a small song for you all! I hope you enjoy the song." and she queued the music

I could not be any more grateful the song went smoothly and the day was almost over!

I barely even remember the last part of the showcase! Before I knew it I was being told congrats and then I started to pack my bag.

"What a day!" Youngjae told me

"I know! I am happy JYP-oppa is letting Hyomin and I take the rest of the day off! All I know is that there is a bed waiting for me to sleep on."

"Hahaha thats good! You should go get some sleep....... so ummm I was thinking."

"Yeah whats up?"

"Ummm since tomorrow is our day off do you wanna go eat lunch and go shopping?

Did he just ask me on a date?!?

"Yeah sure! Just text me what time! I gotta go now but I'll see you tomorrow."

"May Ann lets go home!" Hyomin shouted

"Yeah lets go I need to sleep." I said as a ran up to her.

Since out apartment is so close it took us about 15 minutes to walk back.

Once we entered our apartment I remembered what Hyomin said earlier, "What did you want to tell me?"

"Oh yeah that.... remember when Mark came into the apartment earlier when the door was locked and I said don't worry about it?"

"Yeah why?"

"Because Mark and I have been dating for four months now." She said as she shout her door to her room.





*squeal* I have a date tomorrow!


BTW I did not proofread this chapter so don't judge my grammar!

I am on winter break!!! So I get to update! 

I am thinking of writting an oneshot out of boredom...

Oh well I never know whats going on in my head.

I am planning on writting a side story for Hyomin and Mark

I planned to write a Mark story for a while but I did not have a clue where I was going with it

BUT now I do!

I personally find the title hilarious!!!

Coming Soon, You Conceited Piece of Sh*t a side story of Together Forever

LMAO don't judge the title just read the story!



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Going to edit all of my fanfics so i can write again!


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SHINee456 #1
Chapter 12: Wahhhhhh I love this story please update!!!
Chapter 10: more more more jebal~
Chapter 10: more please
Chapter 10: The showcase is gonna need a lot of time
Chapter 9: It's kinda sad how she's has to live again and has to earn the same love that YoungJae had given her in her past life
Waffle_Berry #6
Chapter 9: Kyaaa~ totes adorbes, i feel like youngjae is so naive not knowing that the notebook is like the same as their story lol but then i feel bad for her since youngjae didn't know who she really is, update soon ^^
Chapter 9: i'm starting to like it! more please^^
Chapter 8: OMG clock blocker XD
Chapter 8: more please