Chapitre 4

Except Him
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“Do Remi Fa So…”

I let out a growl. Who on earth is bothering my sleep this early in the morning? With that awful squawky voice too…

Something pokes my cheek, and lazily, I flap a hand at it. Déjà vu hits me, and my eyes blink open. Half expecting Lulu, I roll onto my side- only to jump back in shock. Humongous eyes peer at me owlishly from under a mop of dark hair. The voice remerges, this time clearer and about a hundred times easier on my ears.

“Wake up, the sun is shining,” Oppa croons, and when I close my eyes again, a pillow meets my face, the pretty sound contorting into a horrible, horrible, screech.

“Remi! I swear to god, your sleeping habits are even worse than Jongin’s…”

I don’t move, and I catch his mumble. “…And he sleeps like a freaking log…”

I groan, and roll onto my back. “Don’t tell me, you have a soccer match too?”

This elicits a snort from him, and I whack his back with a pillow. He bats it away easily, and gives me an even look.

“Remi… You’re going to be late for school.”

I shoot up and off the bed, holding back a string of choice swear words.

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier…” I trail off, remembering that, oh yeah, he tried.

“What’s going on hyung, why isn’t Remi-” Luhan bursts in, looking puzzled, but his words stop when he sees me. I throw a pillow at him too, and immediately he backs out of the room like he’s on reverse. I smack Kyungsoo-oppa with a blanket until he gets out, and I slam the door shut. Wasting no time, I throw on my uniform, grab my socks and fly into the bathroom. I hastily brush my teeth and snatch my comb, then rush down the stairs. Luhan’s blond head perks upwards when he hears me, and his expression morphs into one of alarm as he notices my speed. He springs out of his chair and catches me as I leap of the steps.

He lets out an oomph, and grumbles at me. “Geez, Remi, act more like a girl.”

I merely brush past him while running the comb through my hair, and swipe one of oppa’s muffins. Thank god he has both the early-bird and the cooking genes in our family, otherwise we’d both be screwed. The muffin is still warm, and tastes like heaven. I toss the comb onto the kitchen table, and skip happily out the door.

“Hey Remi, wait up!” Luhan jogs up behind me, and hands me my bag.

“Thanks,” I say nonchalantly, still peeved about the wakeup call, but he just grabs my hand, intertwining his fingers with mine, and gives it a light squeeze. My heart speeds up, but that, I know, is just from the fact we’re actually running, and exercise is something I don’t get a lot of.

“Honestly, you act like you’re on PMS or something in the mornings,” Luhan grumbles as he tugs me along faster. “I don’t even know why I stuck around for so long.”

“It’s because you love me,” I sing, and he laughs with me, turning his face away.

As soon as we get near the vicinity of our high school, I hear our friends’ hollers, and we immediately unlace our fingers. Jongdae throws an arm over my shoulders, and Kris and Luhan do that guy handshake thing that all guys seemed to know.

“Hey, hey Remi! You want to hear a joke?” Jongdae’s rich laugh sounds in my ear, and I find myself nodding as if hypnotized.

“I love you.” He smirks, giving Minseok a high-five, and Luhan lifts his leg as if about to kick Jongdae’s shin.

“Hyung, what the heck?” Jongdae exclaims, and Luhan just mock glares at him. Jongdae just nods slowly, and snaps his fingers. “Never mind. Sorry, Remi!”

I raise an eyebrow, suspicious. Must be a guy thing. Just then, our friend Jihye prances by, grabbing my arm with a wide smile. “Remi, can I talk to you for a few seconds?”

“One, two three…” I hear Jongdae starting to count, and I step on his toes. He winces and grabs his foot. “Why are you guys both so violent?”

We walked towar

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iwantyoubaek #1
Woahh this is so daebak I ship it already! Update pls? The language is so beautiful!! It really is like watercolour, especially your foreword!
Chapter 4: A story with both EXO and Infinite that isn't so dramatic. I like it!
Can't wait to read more! :)
Why is it spelled Chapitre -.-