Chapitre 1

Except Him
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My eyes flutter open to the annoying beeping of my alarm, and groggily, I reach over to shut it up- and end up whacking the clock of the table. Groaning, I close my eyes again against the blinding sunlight. Then abruptly, something pokes at my cheek. Pissed, I slap at it lazily, but it moves out of the way quickly- and I promptly end up slapping my own cheek. The pain sends me reeling, and I let out an exclamation of pain and surprise. I jerk violently, and roll off my mattress, wrapped in blankets. I let out a hiss into the carpet and manage to roll onto my side, when I hear snickers.


Him. Again.


I spot the all-too-familiar pair of white soccer socks, and scowling, I punch the shin attached to it as hard as I could. Which is pretty hard.


When the owner of the socks lets out a yell of pain, I smile in grim satisfaction.


"Remi," he whines, and I lift my arm again threateningly without moving my head. Why is he here so early in the morning? Good god.


"Remi." He repeats my name, except this time, he sounds less playful.


"You need to get up," he continues after a pause. I finally manage to move my neck so I'm looking sideways up at him- and I do a double take. His fluffy hair is bright gold, catching in the sunlight so it lights up his entire face in a way that just makes me jealous. But before I dwell on these thoughts, I gape at his hair. Did I mention that it was gold?


"Lulu, what did you do to your hair?"


Baffled, he reaches up, and then the idiot seems to remember his attention-grabbing hair colour. He grins.


"You like it?" he teases, and I just stare. I do, actually. It suits his pretty features surprisingly well.


"No, I don't," I deadpan, but undeterred, he just beams.


"Remi," he whines again, and grabs my hand that is lying limply on the floor. Without warning, he yanks, and I'm pulled out of my blankets and up into his arms. Now wide awake, shove him away, wiggling a finger. "You already know-"


"That you're not a morning person?" He laughs lightly, and then pouts.


"But you promised to watch my match today, Do Remi! You can't let your mega hot best friend down," he says, and I tilt my head. That was today?


He notes my expression, and nods vigorously.


"Yep," he confirms, smiling cheekily. I resist the urge to make a sarcastic remark- I ain't watching a banana head run after a ball for three hours, or Why don't you act like the seventeen year old like you are, instead an elementary student?  Nonetheless, he is my best friend, so grudgingly, I grab an outfit and step into the washroom to change.


Luhan and I have been best friends for as long as I remember, to the point where I don't even need to lock the washroom door while he's there. His family, from China, moved into the new house beside ours, and for some weird reason, our parents decided since we were nearly the same age, we automatically had to play with each other every time they had a gathering. Which, unfortunately, had happened too often. It wasn't that he was mean, it was just.

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iwantyoubaek #1
Woahh this is so daebak I ship it already! Update pls? The language is so beautiful!! It really is like watercolour, especially your foreword!
Chapter 4: A story with both EXO and Infinite that isn't so dramatic. I like it!
Can't wait to read more! :)
Why is it spelled Chapitre -.-