I Am Straight!

Straight 1.


“Why are you avoiding me for the past 3 months?”




So, I’ve been thinking quite a lot lately, if I may say so. I’ve been thinking and wondering so much – How the hell did I get myself into this mess-but-not-really-a-mess kind of mess? Can someone please elaborate for me? Oh, haha, this is my story so of course you can’t. I have to sort this out by myself. What a pain.


Hmm… Where should I start my story then? Is it from –




“Hyung?” Groggily, I walked into Sungmin-hyung’s room that he shared with Eunhyuk-hyung, dragging my bolster with me before I stepped closer to his bed.


From the edge of my droopy eyes, I saw Sungmin-hyung’s body twitched a little in the darkness as his slumber was disturbed by the sudden strike of the light that crept through the incomplete shut of the door, on my courtesy of course, why thank you.


“Hyung…” I called again when I noticed the elder was not responding to my first call. I dropped my bolster on the floor just beside his bed and placed my hand on his shoulder as I shook his body several times, trying to wake him up from his sleep.


Shocked by the sudden shaking of his body, Sungmin-hyung hastily sat up from his lying position with eyes heavily opened. He blinked three times before his eyes finally fixated on me.


“K-kyu? What are you doing here? Why aren’t you in your bed sleeping?” His voice sounded hoarse, probably because he just woke up.


“I can’t sleep in my room.” I answered his question, rubbing my eyes along the way, hoping that the little gesture will convince the elder of my words – which is of course a lie. I’ve been sleeping very soundly in my room if not for that stupid damned sudden lightning or thunder or whatever for striking and ruining my room’s heater.


“Why? Has Kangin finally snored too much for you to handle?” He asked me again, eyebrows arching to the center, as his eyes were still not adjusted to the light that crept through the door’s slat.  Awww, innocent hyung.


I bobbed my head up and down adorably and lips pursing tightly, trying to show how disturbing Kangin’s snore was when he was in his deep sleep. Pfffttt, like his snore could really disturb me. I’ve been plugging my ears with earplugs ever since I got roomed with him. I’m already completely immune to him. Haha I’m the best genius evah!


And yes! Sungmin-hyung seemed to be convinced by my acting in my opinion. He nodded his head a little, projecting understanding in his every movement as he suddenly shifted his body closer to the wall, leaving a space just enough to fit for another person before he patted that spot and gestured me to come to him.


“Come here, Kyu. You can sleep with me.” He said gently before he grabbed my wrist and pulled me onto his bed. I willingly climbed the bed and lied down beside him. I turned around and picked up the bolster that I dropped just a while ago before I hugged it tightly and turned to face the elder again.


Whilst hugging the bolster, I placed my head on top of it as I eyed Sungmin-hyung, whom was still in his sitting position.


“Aren’t you sleeping, hyung?” I asked while my eyes looked up at him. He lowered his gaze onto me after he scanned my overall body, his nose scrunching as he scratched his non-itchy head. I frowned blankly at his behavior. I’m not , am I?


“Kyu, why are you wearing such thin pajama?”




“It’s raining so it gets really cold at night. You should— hey, you didn’t wear your stockings!” The elder blabbered lengthily even though he looked very sleepy, like he could immediately fall asleep as soon as he placed his head on his pillow. I rolled my eyes. Minnie-mom on the go.


“Yeah yeah.” I just replied lazily, eyes getting heavier as the warmth of the room and the bed were slowly getting to my nerve.


“Aish, this baby. You didn’t even bring your own blanket and only bring your bolster. What are you? Four years old who needs plushie to sleep?” The elder continued his blabbering.


“I’m not a baby.” I tightened my arms around the bolster before I continued,

“And this bolster is precious because I bribed got it as a gift from Siwon-hyung.”


I grumbled slightly before I snuggled my face onto my bolster. Sungmin-hyung could only shook his head at my spoiled behavior before he heaved a sigh and decided to share his blanket with me, pulling it to cover half of my body.


I smiled naughtily contently with eyes still closely shut. As soon as I felt Sungmin-hyung’s body finally lying down beside me, I quickly snuggled closer and wrapped my arms and legs around him, with my bolster sandwiched in between as a barrier.


“Aish, Kyu! Get off me. I can’t sleep like this.” I heard him complaint, arms trying to pry me off. But it got me only to tighten my cuddling.


“I wanna sleep like this…” I whined lowly under my breath.


“Don’t care. I need to sleep too, so get off, Kyu.” I heard Sungmin-hyung said with a stern voice before a sound of loud thunder struck our eardrums.




The second I heard the thunder growling loudly, I quickly tightened my arms and legs around him, sending a little shiver (duhh, nice acting there boy) here and there, now and then. Whew, I gotta thank the God. Such nice timing, bro!


“Kyu, you’re scared of thunder?” I suddenly heard Sungmin-hyung asked me. I just lazily weakly nodded my head as a response to his question, too lazy to explain or mutter anything. Upon seeing my answer, Sungmin-hyung being the good hyung he was suddenly returned my hug tenderly before he ran his hand through my brown locks.


I smiled at the pampering treatment the elder was giving me. Well well well, what a special and nice treatment. I’m not really scared of those damn thunders, but if this is what I get just by a mere chirping of thunder, I could really use it often as an excuse. Hahaha!


I giggled silently at the thought, but Sungmin-hyung probably thought my giggling as me trembling and weeping (I guess?) because all of a sudden, he softly whispered into my ears,


“Shhhh, it’s okay baby. Nothing to be scared of.”


I could really use a good laugh right now, but I’m not risking my current source of warmth for it. I’m sleeping like this tonight! Oh, such a triumphant night!


Soon after that, both Sungmin-hyung and I finally drifted into a deep sleep and went far far away into our dreamland. The next morning, Eunhyuk woke us up; his eyes were full of curiosity.


“Why are you sleeping with Kyu?” He asked Sungmin-hyung who seemed a bit sober than me. He was already sitting up at his spot, while I was being my typical lazy- bum, taking my sweet beautiful time to get up from the sleep.


“Uh, he can’t sleep in his room. He said Kangin was too loud last night and he was scared of thunder.” The elder answered the question, voice sounded husky. Eunhyuk frowned at the answer.


“Since when did Kyu suddenly was scared of thunder? The last time I remember, I saw him stealthily singing and dancing in front of the TV, and the thunders were all over, even louder than last night’s.” The anchovy stated, nose scrunching at the sudden strange change of behavior from their little maknae.


I flashed a naughty grin as soon as I heard him.

“KYUHYUN!!!!” Sungmin-hyung shrieked loudly, eyes widening dissatisfied. I snarkily snorted at the elder.


“Well, who asked you to believe me.” I smirked before I continued,


“And thanks for letting me in last night. My room’s heater broke down, so I had no choice, Minnie-hyung~”





……… STOP! I think this is wrong. My story doesn’t start here. In fact, that is actually quite in the middle of the story already. Uhh, sorry, my bad. Wrong introduction. Just wait a minute while I try to recall.




Hmm… I think it’s— Nahhh. No, it’s not.




Hmmm…… Ah! Is it that time when – Na-ahh, it’s not either.




Hmmmmmmm…. It should be when—




Ugh, I said just a minute, okay!? Couldn’t you wait a little? Sheesshh! Oh, what? Already 3 minutes? Hihi emmm, sorry? But seriously, just from where does everything start? I couldn’t seem to recall it. Aishh..




Just what happen at the beginning of everything?




Ugh, why is it so hard to remember?!




My mind snapped at the loud call. I blinked my eyes several times blankly as I frowned, trying to digest the view in front of me.


“Siwon-hyung?” I muttered slowly after I finally understood my situation. I saw the said guy nibbling his lower lips when he heard me.


“You okay?” He asked; face plastered with concern as he spoke.


“Y-yeah?” I answered back, hesitantly. His thick brows arched a little upon my respond.


“You sure?” He asked, concerned. He moved his hand to reach for my supple cheek, probably intending to caress them but I automatically flinched away when he did.


‘He reached his hands out towards me, cupping my cheeks within his warm palms before he slowly leaned in, narrowing the gaps between our faces, until I could feel our breaths intermixing. As the centimeters turning inches and the gaps gradually closing, all of a sudden, I felt a moist warmth planted on my lips.’


I shivered intensely, face burning up in deep red as my mind suddenly recalled the words I read somewhere in the Internet. Damn those Internet. Dirtying my innocent mind.


I sneaked a glance at Siwon-hyung while I was looking away, trying my best to avoid any direct eye contact with him, but I paled as soon as I saw his face.


“H-hyung… W- why are you crying?” I asked, stuttered, frantic to see drops of tears greedily making their way out of hyung’s beautiful eyes, staining his slightly tanned cheeks as they slid down.


Hyung shook his head hastily as he wiped his tears off with the hem of his sleeve. Awww, so adorable!


I moved closer towards the elder guy, placing my hands on his shoulder before I gave a comforting pat. He is having a fit of hiccups while he tried to tone down his crying.


“Better now?” I asked when the hiccups slowly disappearing, but he shook his head stiffly.


“K-kyu, d-do you h-hate hyung?” He suddenly asked me in between his remaining fit of hiccups. I frowned. Huh?


Siwon-hyung is staring deep into my widened eyes.


“You hate me, right?” He asked again, this time his voice sounded calmer as I noticed his hiccups are finally disappearing.


“No! Of course not. Why the hell are you thinking that way? Why would I hate you?” I denied his statement, forehead forming a deep crease as I returned his gaze. He nibbled his lower lips before he continued his overzealous statements.


“But you were avoiding me for the past three months! You didn’t come to me anymore. When I tried to approach you, you ran away. Or you would avert your attention to Sungmin and the others. When I hold your hand, you slipped away.” I blinked my eyes blatantly, jaw dropping desperately low upon his complains. I was about to retort back but he seemed to be unfinished yet.


“During our concerts, when I came to you, you would swiftly pass by me, ignoring me. When I kissed your cheek, you would just stand still and refuse to look at me! Even the members and the fans are asking why. When I hugged you, you would push me away. And I don’t even know why! Did I do something wrong? Did I hurt you somehow? It hurts me when you ignored me like that! If I did something wrong, just tell me so I could apologize. I hate it when you keep on giving me your silent treatment when you treat others normally…”


“…..” I didn’t know I had hurt him this much.


“Back then during our early time of debut, you wasn’t like this. Heck, you weren’t even like this until 3 months ago! Before this, whenever I touch you, hug you, kiss you, you would always reply them! When I asked you to kiss me, you would! But now, when I asked you to just look at me, you refused. Please, Kyu. Tell hyung, what did hyung do wrong to you? Just what and why?” His words ended with another tear breaking through his floodgate.


Yeah, back in our early time of debut, I wasn’t like this… I was… pampered, spoiled and affectionate. I was very clingy and –


Hah! Ah-ha! I remembered now! Everything started from then! It all started because of Teukkie-hyung! Ugh stupid hyung for making me this way! Aish, just try to blame him and not me!







“Winning the first place for the first time ever since their debut, Super Junior- U! Congratulations!” The MC said gleefully, announcing the first place for their music show. Fans were chanting and cheering loudly, thunderous applause was given to the winner. Colorful confetti was raining down heavily, fireworks exploding one by one, showing off the beautiful artwork of the sparkling lights in celebrating the happiest and precious moment for the 13 boys on stage.


Their faces were intensely stained in heavy tears- their tears of happiness. Their hard work had finally paid off. Their sweats, their tears, their exhaustion and their time was spent especially for this moment of their life, and at that moment, they’re sure everything was worth their effort and sacrifices. They were happy and contented.


However, amidst the teary happy faces, one of them seemed to be unshaken by the happy news. Yes, it seemed. In fact, his face was clearly straining to maintain its usual expression – its poker face. He swallowed down the tears gingerly, blinking his eyes harshly as he forbad them from falling down. He refused to cry. He believed it wasn’t his place to be crying along. He thought it wasn’t his success, but in fact it was. He worked hard as much as the others, maybe not less, but much more. He had worked harder than anyone else behind the shadow, when he considered that he had joined the team later than the other members and have had only a short term of training. He knew he was lacking everywhere, so he worked harder and harder everyday. He knew the members most probably disliked him, and he recognized the relevant reasons. They had the right to be.



During the heart-touching moment, the fans were asking for an encore, so they did. They sang their title song – U while their tears were still due its courses. He put so much feeling into his singing that his voice nearly cracked as he tried to choke back his hidden sobs. The singing ended with another thunderous applause before the curtain fell, indicating the end of the show. All 13 of them went inside their waiting room just to find some people were already waiting, mostly there to congratulate the young lads, hugging and comforting their sobbing best friends.


The youngest however still refused to shed even a single tear, clenching his fingers into a strong fist, as though he was trying to encourage himself to stay strong. ‘I did not deserve to cry. So don’t cry, Cho Kyuhyun. Just don’t.’ He said to himself, swallowing his sorrow inwardly. His eyes intermittently fell onto each crying figures in the room, his heart was yelling to cry along with the members, but he just couldn’t. He’s still Cho Kyuhyun. Not the Super Junior’s Kyuhyun. He’s not a part of the team yet. And he had no idea if he ever would. He felt a harsh pang slapped onto his piece of mind when the thought was raised.


He was about to walk away towards a corner of the room where he planned to stand there alone, engulfing himself into his own sad world when he realized a figure was heading towards him, face plunged with unreadable expression.


“Le-Leeteuk-hyung.” The younger muttered the name slowly. The elder’s steps quickened as he walked across the room towards Kyuhyun. Scared and confused, thinking if he had maybe made another mistake to earn a scowl from the elder despite the winning and despite when they were supposed to be all happy and forget the bad things, he shut his eyes closely, forehead forming a deep crease as he readied himself to receive a good battering.


“Oooff!” Surprised by the sudden attack, Kyuhyun huffed slightly loud when he felt his body was pulled forcefully before he was plummeted into a tight and bone-crushing embrace. He slowly opened his eyes just to find the leader of the team tenderly (?) hugging him while the rest of the team was staring at them with a welcoming gaze. Warm and tender gazes, they were. His eyes blinked at the sudden change of treatment. He was surprised and taken aback, honestly.


“Leeteuk-hyung?” The youngest called again when he heard or felt nothing but warm droplets drenching the top of his shoulder. His voice spluttered as he spoke.


“Leeteuk-hyung, I- I can’t br-breathe.” The younger commented again, striving to say it out loud from the bone-crushing hug. The comment was simply followed by a simple and honest word – “I’m sorry, Kyuhyun-ah. I’m sorry.”


Leeteuk then suddenly patted and rubbed Kyuhyun’s back intermittently; the touch was so calming and comforting to the younger’s sentiment. But he could only stood still rigidly, confused by the sudden apology and the unknown warmth emitted from the elder.


“You should cry too, Kyuhyun-ah. You had worked hard. Good job.” The elder’s voice was shaky as he voiced out his honest feeling. As soon as the elder completed his sentence, all the feelings that the youngest had been suppressing and sealed tight by himself just suddenly broke loose.


All the reserved tears broke through his tear dam, flooding hastily out of his eye brims. He returned the hug tightly, ignoring the fact that the elder’s hug just now was still crushing his bone. He buried his face in the crook between the elder’s neck and shoulder, letting out all of his emotion. Leeteuk patted the younger’s back again.


“Thank you, hyung. Thank you so much.” The youngest said in between his sobbing, shoulders jerking up and down, hiccupping. The leader only nodded his head.


“I really really worked hard so you could accept me as a member. I worked really hard, hyung.” Kyuhyun continued weeping.


“Yes, you did. Kyuhyun-ah. You’re one of us now. You’re a Super guy, our Super Maknae.” The other replied, still rubbing the back of the younger. Kyuhyun smiled when he heard the declaration.


“Yes, we’re a team now, a family.” Hangeng’s voice suddenly interrupted before he pushed through the crowd to wrap the two boys within his own arms. The others smiled approvingly before they went to the three, each plummeting themselves into their big group hug – A family hug, a Super family.


Kyuhyun chuckled cutely when everyone was Oooff-ing and Umph-ing whenever one of the members squeezed the hug tightly, earning a slight grumble of “Yah! Stop squeezing!” “Yah! You’re heavy, stop hanging onto me!” “Aaaaa, I’m gonna fall! I’m gonna die!” here and there.


It feels like a family. Kyuhyun smiled lovingly at the situation, loving the warmth and the proximities, too much.


“Kyuhyun-ah.” Leeteuk suddenly called for him after they had pulled away from the barney hug – as what they had like to call it from then on. Kyuhyun tilted his head a little, his round orbs glistening moist and his bow lips curving into a genuine smile; swooning all the members upon the adorable sight they were witnessing for the very first time.


“I feel bad for treating you coldly before this. The whole team had said their sorry and we all agreed to pamper you as much as you want as a compensation.” The elder said, a smile plastered earnestly on his face, flashing his suave dimple.


Kyuhyun’s eyes widened at the suggestion before a sneaky grin crept on his face.


“Really?” He asked, cutely. The hyungs nodded their heads.


“Really really?” He asked again, eyes blinking innocently.

“Really really!” Sungmin convinced the younger.


“Yep! Be pampered and spoiled all you want. We don’t mind.” Yesung continued the convincing task.


Kyuhyun flashed another naughty grin before he yelled –




The others frowned at the youngest, confused.


“Don’t pull back on your words okay? Promise!” He said gleefully before flashing his pinky finger. The others hesitantly nodded when they saw the giddy Kyuhyun but they still raised their pinky fingers too before intertwining them together, forming a beautiful circle.


Kyuhyun giggled naughtily before he said –


“Don’t regret it okay?”


The others gulped. Uh-oh, a Pandora box had just been opened.


“From now on, all of you are mine!”


End of Flashback




And…. The story has been continuing surprisingly fast down the grave ever since then. You know what happens next. I didn’t live my life doing nothing to gain the so-called couple shipping and the title of BabyKyu throughout all these past years. I’ve been having my share of the compensation without loss! Heh, GeniusKyu, right?


Well, since you guys have find out about where this is all getting from, I’m sure now you guys are even more than convinced that I am not in love with any one of my hyungs. Yah! What’s that scrutinizing eyes for?!


Ugh, whatever. If you pissed me off, I’ll stop telling you guys my personal story. I’m serious now! Okay, stop laughing at me! Yah!! Oh, I hate you guys so much. Okay, stop whispering WonKyu this and KyuMin that! I can clearly hear you guys! Sheessh! Why did girls like this kind of stuff anyway? It’s clearly just a kind of bromance. Nothing to swoon about, and it’s pleasingly disgusting. I am straight, for God sake! Stop staining my mind with all this love between boys!


“Kyu? Kyuhyun? Kyuhyun-ah!!” Siwon-hyung’s voice snapped me out of my lonely mental arguments. I saw the tear-stained look on his face and my heart clutched strongly upon the sight.


“Y-yeah.” I mumbled back, avoiding his gaze or he would definitely saw the look on my face. Blushing and all.


“See? You’re doing that again!” Siwon-hyung blurted out, this time without his sobbing voice, but more of a frustrated one.


“Do what?!” I snapped. I lifted my head to catch his scrutinizing stare and I swear I didn’t blush in response! (Yeah, right, we totally believe you, Kyu).


“You’re avoiding my eyes!” He stated, grumpily. I heaved a light sigh, as I knew he is completely right. I am avoiding him. It’s been my mission ever since the Revelation Day – as I would like to call it. I will tell you of that day, someday later. But for now, I have a thing to settle first.


“I’m sorry, hyung.” I apologized, eyes wandering everywhere but the figure in front of me.


“And you’ve been distracted all the time ever since I stepped inside the room!” The elder continued his jabbering, lips pouting.


“Uh, sorry for that. I… I have a lot of things to think about.” I replied him, knowing I am in the wrong this time.


“Do you have a problem? Wanna share it with hyung?” He asked, voice sounded concern this time. Oh, this is what I like about hyung the most. I unknowingly arched a smile on my lips. Huh? Did I just say, the most?


“N-no. That’s okay. I’ll manage.” I saw Siwon-hyung’s worried expression dropped into one of a disappointed look. My heart was torn at the sight.


“But! Uh, but… I- I’ll tell you when the time comes. But not now, not until I have sorted it out first. So hyung, you don’t have to worry about me much. I just need some time. You understand, didn’t you?” I quickly added, not wishing to extravagate the disappointment in this hyung, or hell, he’ll do something to me if I did. Or at least I think he will.


However, surprisingly, my word this time does not seemed to ease the disappointment or heal the hurt the other guy is feeling. Siwon-hyung’s face fell into what I believed was the deepest part of his future downfall. Or maybe, my own downfall.


“Hyung?” I called, strangely worried by the sight of Hyung’s new unreadable expression. For the record, I can always read Hyung’s expression, as he was the simplest guy I’ve ever met so far. So this is definitely new to me. Real new.


“Hyung?” Again, I called when he has remained silent.


“After all these years, you still couldn’t trust me enough, right Kyu?” He suddenly said, breaking through the momentary silence. His voice sounded shaky, as though he is trying to suppress a break through. I jaw-dropped at his sudden statement. Huh?


“Huh?” Yes, another ‘huh’ from me, just out loud this time.


“I’m sorry for being a jerk. I’m sorry for being a hyung that you could not trust. And I’m sorry for not being able to be the understanding hyung you might have wish to have. I’m sorry, Kyuhyun.”


“Hyung, that’s not what I—“ I couldn’t finish my words when he suddenly interrupted.


“It just hurts so badly enough that you’re avoiding me, but now, knowing that you didn’t even have the tiniest trust in me blew me away even more. I’m sorry, Kyuhyun. I’ll stop here.” He stood up as soon as he finished conveying whatever his feeling was.


Confused with the sudden turn of event, I subconsciously grabbed his wrist, quickly trying to prevent him from leaving. Uhh, helloo? I’m the one who is supposed to be doing all the leaving here because I’m the one with a wrecked mind whenever he is near me, so why is he leaving me this time?


I saw he turned around, just to see my eyes b with confusion. He smiled weakly before he pushed my grip away.


“I’m sorry, Kyuhyun. I’ll leave. Don’t worry. I’ll be professional and act like I normally did on screen. Just treat me like you always did for the past three months. I’m sorry. I don’t think I can handle this anymore. I’ll take my leave.” He said faintly before he left me there in a completely blank state. I saw the door was slammed shut.


Okay, what just happened?


Did Siwon-hyung really just leave me like that?


For good?


I mean, for real?


No, this is not really happening. It is not.







Hye guys! Sorry for updating so late! So here's the next chapter.

I hope you guys enjoyed it!

Thank you so much again for the upvotes, subscribes and comments you guys made! It really flatters me a lot to know what you guys think about the story!

hihi, anyways, love you guys! Don't forget to check out HENRY's FANTASTIC MV! 

It was a great MV! 


btw, I changed the evasive span from 3 weeks to 3 months. Sorry for the inconvenience! Just mentioning it so you guys wont confuse about it :D 


Have a fun day!

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ccolvin222 #1
Chapter 2: I too wish for more of this story whenever possible. I confess my love of WonKyu or really ANY SUJU fics, even though I only became a fan this year. This shall not waver my love of SUJU or SUJU fics, this one included. Two thumbs up. Naughty author leaving us hanging :3
Chapter 2: wow that´s really interesting... siwon will definitely break kyu down hehehe
Dysia18 #3
Chapter 1: I really like it. It's really funny and cute. I can't wait for a new chapter.
angelvoicekyu #4
Yeah obviously sounds very interesting. I can't wait for your updates too. In many videos, we could see that kyuhyun is trying so hard to refrain himself from any types of skinships and attachment to one of his hyungs. Surely that hyung will not let him go easily right? Glad to read about this. Thanks. ;)