
I Am Straight!

I loved skin-ship. Okay, fine, I still am. I should have rid the ‘-ed’ off from the word ‘love’ sooner. Well, I love skin-ship. There. I said it. Out loud. After all, I am one who adores, cuddle, snuggle, peck, kiss, hug, aegyo and all the fluff that is left, if there is more, and that I might’ve only just missed to mention them just a few seconds ago.


However, with all my honesty, I’m telling you, I Am Straight. Yes, I skinned my hyungs a lot. Wait, I just used the word wrongly here. I mean – I touched them a lot, yes. In many ways and any ways, I will always find the opportunity to touch them. I just love the warmth and the proximities. Nothing more, I swear.


Well, if you assume all of those are normal, then it’s definitely nothing more, at least I think so. As for me, I think whatever I am doing to my hyungs, all of them are completely normal! Drop dead normal! Don’t you think so? What, you don’t think so? W-wait, you don’t believe me?! You don’t believe the Cho Kyuhyun?! You guys are sooooo gonna get some spanking from me, but I’ll put that aside for now. Okay, fine, I’ll prove my innocence to you. Here’s a story about Siwon-hyung and me. Just saying, I’m only telling this just to prove my innocence, okay?! Not because I like this occurrence so much or anything, got it? So, here we go!


Scene One:


I saw Siwon-hyung sitting and leaning back on his comfy queen-sized bed, topless while reading his so-called English newspaper (I don’t know what’s the point in reading it when he doesn’t really understand English, or so I think?) with a cup of sweet-sugary Americano in his other hand.


“Hyung~~” I called sweetly as I stormed into the room, pouncing jumping on him, wrapping my arms around his waist and buried my face onto his muscular, y warm chest, earning a little ‘umphh’ in the process. The sudden cuddling nearly spilled the coffee from Siwon-hyung’s cup, which earned me a smack on my round and fluffy head.


“Ouch! Hyung~~” I puffed my cheeks and pouted soon after.


“That’s for nearly spilling my coffee,” said hyung, ignoring the little aegyo I made, but trust me, he’s baiting it. He always does.


“But hyung~ It hurts a lot~” I whined, still puffing my chubby cheeks. I tightened my arms around his waist as I further snuggled my face onto his chest.


“Oh no you don’t. I’m not buying your aegyo anymore,” He added as he held my shoulders and tried to push me away from the cuddling, but failed as I further tightened my bear hug. With all his might, he was trying to resist my charm. Awww, hyung is sooo adorable. Made me wanna cuddle you more.


Then, I wrapped my legs around Siwon-hyung’s, absolutely not letting him go. I felt hyung’s muscle tensing up as soon as I did. His body was not moving even for an inch, his face was flaring with signs of rosiness and I wonder why? Ignoring that little fact, I whined again,


“How could hyung hit my head~? Don’t you love me best?” I lifted my head a little from the snuggling as I looked up, engaging direct eye contact with hyung. I widened my eyes, moistening them up with my tears, arching my eyebrows a little and still puffing my cheeks.


I saw hyung’s eyes twitched a little on the sight of me welling up with tears as he bit his lower lips. He must be mentally arguing about me, hihihi. Then, I closed my eyes as I waited for another few seconds, waiting for his signature kiss to land on my forehead because that kiss always meant that I had won.




And… nothing came in my way. I opened my eyes (of course still with my moistened brown orbs) and saw him looking away from me. Hyung? Why isn’t he responding to me? He doesn’t love me best anymore? He has someone else already? He loves someone new? Not me anymore? But he always says he love me best, so does this mean I was dropped from his heart? Does— Arghhhh!



“Siwon-Hyung…” His name escaped my lips, but he remained silent.


“Hyung… Hyung doesn’t love me anymore…?” Fine, I decided to just lay out the question instead of going all berserk in my mind by just thinking about it. I bit my lower lips anxiously, eyes hinting tinge of glistening brown (my puppy look) and my eyebrows still arching and frowning. I waited for a reply, or at least for him to look at my way, like always, because his gaze was always so tender and loving, so I was always convinced that I’m his lov— favorite.


Even after I asked him the question adorably, he still refused to shift his gaze onto me, let alone giving me any reply at all. I heaved a deep sigh. Hyung doesn’t love me anymore… Disheartened with the silent treatment from hyung, I removed my legs from his, loosened my cuddling around him and slowly retracted my arms away, removing myself from the proximities, reluctantly.


But before I could stand up properly and got off hyung’s bed, all of a sudden I felt a rough force grabbing and pulling my nape back into…. hyung’s embrace! My face was buried between the crook of hyung’s neck and shoulder as I found myself back into hyung’s warmth.


Ahgdfmshgjkearoiwulxetasmdkjadjfe! My mind was in a complete wreck. I didn’t know what to think of anymore. But soon, I gradually found myself relieved from the mind-wreck upon the sensation of hyung’s warm embrace.


However, being the Cho Kyuhyun meant all about sulking and brooding over everything, so of course I puffed my cheeks again as I put forth false effort to pull myself away from hyung’s embrace, trying to sulk and rebel against him. But before I could struggle myself away, Hyung’s arm was already wrapped around my waist, strongly.


“Hyung~ Let me go~” I wept, still feigning to struggle and break free from hyung’s arms, but gladly he didn’t seem to intend to loosen his bear hug just yet.


“Hyung!” I let out another wept, but still not a single word came out from his lips.


He then, just gently held my round head within his palms and snuggled it onto his own chest before he wrapped his arms around my head, again. It was quite suffocating to breath since his embrace was pretty tight.


“Hyung~ It’s hard to breath, let me go~” I wept again, still struggling to break free.


“I’m sorry, Kyu,” hyung apologized as he sunk his face onto my head and inhaled deeply, what I thought was my hair. I’m glad I just shampoo-ed before I came here.


“I’m sorry,” he mumbled again, still sniffling my hair gently.


“I hate you.” I replied, sulking, but slowly, I wrapped my arms around hyung’s waist as I pressed my face further on his chest. He removed one of his arms from his embrace and ran his free hand through my messy hair, caressing me tenderly and lovingly.


“I hate you.” I said again, still refusing to let it go. Siwon-hyung chuckled lowly under his breath at my second so-called hate confession before he planted a gentle kiss on my forehead.


“But I love you best,” hyung whispered. I blushed pursed my lips at his sudden confession as I strengthened my hug around him.


“Liar.” I simply replied.


“I love you.”




“I lov—“


“Liar, liar, liar!” I cut off his loving words.


“Okay fine, this liar hates you.” Hyung teased, but still arms around me.


“Yes, you liar.”


“Hyung hates you too~” He said, intentionally rubbing salt on my wound.

“Fine! I’ll go!” I pushed away his arms, ready to get off of him, sulking (again).


“Fine, go. Hyung really hates you now.” His voice sounded hurt. I stopped myself from getting off and shifted my gaze to his face. He looked away as soon as I did, avoiding my eyes. And yep, it hurt a lot.


“Hyung…” I slid my knees on the bed, getting myself nearer him.


“Didn’t you say you’re going?” he said, eyes still away from mine.


“No, I’m not. I’m not going anywhere.”


“Hyung, look at me…” He didn’t take my words in. He just bored his eyes into the wall as though it was ten thousands times more appealing than looking at the Kyuhyun.


“Hyung~ Look at me~” I whined again as I cupped his cheeks within my palms, forcing him to finally look my way. I swear I saw a slight tinge of red all over his face when we locked eyes. But anyways, I have to fix this situation. So, right now I’m supposed to say I love you back to him, right? Ok, so here we go~


“Hyung..” I called again. His eyes were on mine and I blushed (no I didn’t!) a little.


“Hyung… I-“ Ugh, is there a lump lodged in my throat?




“I lov—“ God, just say it!


“I know you love me best.” I sighed in relief as soon as I confessed. W-wait, WHAT DID I JUST SAY?! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!! You stupid idiot moron Cho Kyuhyun!


I swear right then, my face was totally cringing and twitching at my own stupidity, but when I thought about it again, well, okay, I don’t really mind, because Siwon-hyung was finally definitely throwing me his dimpled smile, which was absolutely heart melting and suave. Damn his dimple!


“Yes, hyung loves you best, may it be the past, the present and the future.” He said, pulling me back into his embrace, but I was quick to pull away. Hyung looked upset when I did. I pursed my lips before I carved a smile, leaning forward to him, and planted my lips gently on his… cheek.


“I know, I know.” I said soon after I pulled away, face hued with slight mix of red and pink. I’m seriously not blushing, just for the record… Siwon-hyung smiled, satisfied with the kiss before he pulled me back into his arms again.


“Ugh, now I love you more. How can I love you more when I already love you this much?” He said pouting, further reinforcing his arms around me.


“Because I’m this cute and adorable. That’s why.” I replied the embrace, burying my flushed face in between the crook of his neck and shoulder.


“Hmmm, Kyu?” He called after a few seconds of palpitating silence.


“Hmm?” I hummed in respond.


“How much do you love hyung?” asked the other. Not bothering to lift my head, I simply answered.


“Hmm… You’re in my top three?”




I giggled at Hyung’s pouting as I squeezed my arms around him further.




            Okay, you might say I’m lying, but, no seriously, I’m not in that kind of love, okay? Can’t you see? I’m just that spoilt around my hyungs. What? No!! I did it to everyone, not only to Siwon-hyung! I’m sorry? Get a girlfriend? Yes, I’d be more than willing to! If our manager would allow me to, but no! I can’t! I’m… a celebrity… I can’t have a girlfriend. So there goes my opportunity for the most normal affectionate skin-ship ever.


            Having a girlfriend is a no-no, which is why I resorted to – hyungs! But now, I think I’m going to have to stop with the skin-ship. Well, you see. There are still a lot of scenes I haven’t told you about – If you guys want, I might tell you more, but if you don’t, I’ll stop with Scene One ~ – but anyways, lately when I browsed through the internet, I will always come across some… some kind of forbidden love stories about me and Siwon-hyung… and sometimes, Sungmin-hyung. I mean, hellooo~ they even shipped us as a couple and even gave us a name! I’m not telling you the name though. I’ll keep it a secret because it’s my favorite embarrassing!


            Wha–?! N-No, it’s not WonKyu! Ugh, . Fine. I inadvertently just said it. Anyways, what I’m trying to say is, I’ve read some of the stories and God! There’s even… emmm.. Mature content... I can’t believe I read through everything! Ooopss. Did I just tell you that?


            After I read those fictions and those made-up stories, I somehow couldn’t see Hyung in the same light anymore. When I saw him, I get all giddy and fidgety, my face all flushed and steaming, and I get all flustered whenever our hands brushed off together. I don’t know why and I don’t understand. Maybe, just a maybe, I might have just been a little sick, a palpitating kind of sick, and the strange thing is, it’s only when I’m around Siwon-hyung. Okay, it’s strange but nothing is impossible right? So now, I’m currently on a mission of absolute evasion of Siwon-hyung before I find out what’s wrong with myself. I am thinking of going to the clinic to check my condition once and for all, but maybe, I should just consult to my other hyungs first. What do you think?


But before I could do that, I have another thing to worry about.


“Kyu? Are you in there?” Uh-oh, trouble!


“Can Hyung talk to you for awhile?” Siwon-hyung’s voice snapped me out of my reverie. I swallowed what seemed like a large and hard lump lodged in my throat with much difficulty.


“Uh-huh?” I bobbed my head up and down, stiff and rigid as a response.


“Why are you avoiding me for the past 3 months?”


Crap, how do I avoid this?





I am so sorry for the late update! I kind of promised myself I would update soon after I did the foreword, but I didn't =='

and I don't know if this chapter came out as what you guys think it might turn out, so I hope uguys can tell me what uguys think XD

And I am really bad with fluffiness as I'm better in writing angst story (I think so), so I'm really doubtful that this came out fluffy enough and not some sort of crap T..T

and... I have so many ands. hahaha sorry guys! Leave some love, plssss :3



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ccolvin222 #1
Chapter 2: I too wish for more of this story whenever possible. I confess my love of WonKyu or really ANY SUJU fics, even though I only became a fan this year. This shall not waver my love of SUJU or SUJU fics, this one included. Two thumbs up. Naughty author leaving us hanging :3
Chapter 2: wow that´s really interesting... siwon will definitely break kyu down hehehe
Dysia18 #3
Chapter 1: I really like it. It's really funny and cute. I can't wait for a new chapter.
angelvoicekyu #4
Yeah obviously sounds very interesting. I can't wait for your updates too. In many videos, we could see that kyuhyun is trying so hard to refrain himself from any types of skinships and attachment to one of his hyungs. Surely that hyung will not let him go easily right? Glad to read about this. Thanks. ;)