The Real Diva. [One Shot]

The Real Diva. [One Shot]

The Real Diva.


"Being a Diva isn't only based on how fashionable your clothes are or on how expensive they are.... It's not all about  your glamorous shoes and stuffs. It's also about what's inside your heart."

Note: The entire story is based on Key's POV.



"Hyung, what does mother look like? Maybe she's also a DIVA like you," I heard Taemin, asking me several times, curious about my mother. I continued on reading a fashion magazine, ignoring him until I decided to break the awkward silence between us. I bit my lip and said, "My mother already died. I don't have a mother." Regretting on asking that question, Taemin stayed quiet, feeling disappointed. "Sorry," he said and pouted as he left my room while doing a peace sign on me. 

After he left, I suddenly stood up and threw the magazine on the rubbish bin. I lied again.
I have always hated my mother since my childhood and even though she is still alive... I, Kim Kim Bum, don't have a mother. Whenever, people ask me about her. I'll just say the same answer over and over again.
"My mother already died. I don't have a mother."
Yeah, for me, she already died a long time ago. That's how I hated her for the past 19 years of my life. I hated her so much. She was very different from me. I really doubt if I was really his son and if he's my mother. How I wished that she was not my mother. 
I could still remember the day when she had disgraced me in front of my classmates and friends, leaving that scar inside my heart. 

"She should'nt come here. She shouldn't come here," I whispered to myself while walking back and forth in the backstage. We had a play at that time and I was assigned to be the lead role.
Most of my classmates' parents were invited by my homeroom teacher to watch our play. And, yeah. My mother was invited too. I would rather have my father to attend since he looked more professional and decent than that woman but he was on business trip at that time. I told my mother several times that she should not come but she didn't listen. 
I don't want everyone in my school to know that my mother...
was a just a fish vendor.
She'll just make everything worst for me. I hate her so much! Whenever she's around, I could smell fish! That smelly woman. 
I'm allergic to fish, you know. And I'm allergic to her!
The clock struck at 9 and by that time, I knew that it was time for me to shine. I performed my role perfectly and so my classmates. Until, she came...
"That's my son! Ki Bum!," I heard someone shouting, interrupting our role play. The spotlight that was shining on me suddenly turned into her. They eyes of the people were glued down to her. 
She was wearing a very dirty apron, which still has some fresh blood of fish and the room was permeated by the smell of fish. Her hair was messy as if she had went into a battlefield. She was a mess! It looked like she was on a hurry, though.
Yeah, that woman was my mother. 
"Did'nt I tell her not to come?," I murmured to myself as everybody kept silent and looked at the both of us. I couldn't  look up and raise my head, as I felt so much embarrassment to myself. I could hear people whispering to other people's ears, talking about me. 
It was a good thing that my partner suddenly spoke up and we continued the play but still, I could still feel some people's flaming stares on me. It was killing my pride. 
During the play, I could see  her watching me happily. She seemed so happy and didn't notice the situation after all. She was stupid. After the play, she quickly came to me and hugged me. 
She hugged me tightly that I almost couldn't breathe. "I'm so proud of you," she said while still hugging suffocating me into her embrace. Then, I suddenly pushed her away and said coldly, "Who are you? I don't know you." I acted cool headed outside to get some fresh air. 
Since then, I didn't talk to her and I've always avoided her. 
That was her plan to disgrace me. And that was when I first started to tell my self that I will not consider her as my mother anymore. For me, she already died. 
(End of Flashback)


It's been a very long time since that time. When I was accepted to be a SM Trainee, I didn't hesitate to move out of our house and leave her alone. I felt like I was a bird that got out of an old, tranished cage. I didn't call her or even texted her. I didn't care if she was eating well or what she was doing lately and I knew that she felt also the same. We hated each other. 

"Key! You have a visitor," Onew Hyung said while knocking my door. I fixed myself and put a smile on my face.

When I got to the living room, I saw Taemin talking to a familiar figure of a woman.








The woman was facing backward to me as she was talking to Taemin, so I couldn't see her face clearly. I stared at them like an idiot for a minute until Taemin noticed me and said, "Hyung! Your mother was here. You told me that you don't have a mother. You're mean, Hyung."

"My mother is here?"

She then slowly turned around and faced me, revealing herself. 

"Ki Bum?"

I didnt' manage to answer. It was just many things has passed on my mind. "Was she really my mother?" I asked myself on my mind as she looked so different now. She looked older now; her skin was pale and thin, and she had lost much weight. 

Why did my Eomma turned out to be like that?

What happened to her rosy skin before? 

Why did she lost weight? Does she eat her meal on time?

Does she still wait for me during breakfast, lunch and dinner so that we can eat together just like before?

Does she always worry about me?

Does she miss me?





Does she still love me? 

Those were the questions that I asked to myself. But  stiil, I hate her. I couldn't forgive her! 

"Who are you?"

"Don't you remember your mother? Ki Bum......"

Blearily, her eyes stared down at me. There were tears forming on her eyes waiting to fall down. "Why do you hate me so much?," she muttered as she came closer to me and hugged me tightly. My heart was about to explode. I didn't know what to feel. Do I need to feel glad? Do I need to feel angry? 

"Why do you keep on disturbing my life? I don't consider you as my mother."

'You're just a smelly vendor."

"Do you want my money? Sure! I'll give it to you. I know that you'll just here for it."

Upon saying it, her tears flowed down on his cheeks like an everlasting river. Everyone was looking at me. Yeah, I act like an Eomma in our dorm. But, I, myself, hated my mother and everyone has witnessed my great grievance to her. 

"Yes, I'm not a diva. Sorry," I heard her saying it while bowing at me several times as she then walked away from me. Before she left, she turned around at me once again. Not even looking at her, she said, "I'll never disturb you again. Sorry."

There was silence again in the room. Everyone didn't move even an inch. They were shocked at me, probably. 

"Key. You should've look at this first before doing those actions," Minho handed me something while giving me a tap on my back. "It was from her. She was supposed to give it to you," Jonghyun told me, looking away from me, with a sense of pity on his eyes.

I went to my room and sat on my bed, thinking about what happened earlier. I opened athe box that Minho had handed me a while ago. It was a gift from her. Yeah, it is my birthday soon.

"She had remembered it?"

I opened it and saw many letters with different dates on it.  I opened one of it which dated: September 8, 2006. That was the day when I left home to be a SM Trainee. Curious on what's inside, I quickly opened it and it says:

September 8, 2006

Dear Ki Bum,

I love you so much, Ki Bum. You're the only treasure that I have in my life even though I know that you don't feel the same. When are you going to come back? It's just like an hour since I've found out that you left home... and I miss you so much already. Come back soon, okay? I'll be waiting for you, my beloved son. Don't leave me just like what your father did to us. Yes, he wasn't on a business trip. He already moved in with his new family. I kept it as a secret for the whole time. Don't leave me, Ki Bum. Please....

I know that I'm the reason for all of this. Sorry, for making your life difficult. I'm sorry for being a mother that you can't even be proud of to other people. I'm just a smelly fish vendor but you know, I love you so much. I'll find a job that is better that this.  Don't worry. Even if how hard it is, I can take it for you, my son. So that you can be proud of me. :)

Today is my birthday~~ I thought that you bought something outside for me but you ended up leaving home. I feel alone without you. You had remembered my birthday, right? I know that you did. I'm 100% sure about it. Ki Bum, whenever you are, I just wanna say sorry for everything. I don't know how to send these letters since I don't know your current address so I'll just keep it with myself. Eomma is stupid, right? Well, Ki Bum, eat well wherever you are and always stay happy. I love you, son. 




Without realizing it, a tear already fell down from my eye, full of regret and pain. There were also some pictures attached to every letter. Those photos were all the memories that we had together when I was younger. I remembered how we used to laughed at the past, and on how happy we were to be with each other. Then, I realised how bad I was to her, treating her as if I didn't know her.

I regretted all of it.

I regretted what I have done to her.

I regretted being ashame of her back then and until now.

I regretted saying those harsh words to her.

I regretted leaving her alone for a long time.

I regretted hating her.

I regretted those times that I've wasted.

"Why didn't I realise it before?"

"You still have time, Key. Go chase her," Onew said while stading beside the door, smiling at me. 

I smiled back at him and ran. I looked everywhere and I finally saw her. She was inside a market, selling fish.

"Eomma! Eomma!," I shouted while waving at her as I came closer to her. Then, I hugged her tightly and whispered, "Sorry. I love you."

"Ki Bum....  I love you, my son. Thank you. I know that you'll be back again"

Our embrace became tighter and tighter, as we missed each other so much. After our embrace, I looked down to everyone in the market and shouted;

"My Eomma is a fish vendor and I'm proud of it! I, Kim Ki Bum, is so proud of her and love her so much!"

Shocked about what I've said, Eomma let out a soft giggle. 


"What is it son?"

"For all this time.... You're the real Diva."



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Chapter 1: This was beautiful! Keep making more!!!
Joyvin #2
This is really good ^^ Carry on writing great stories ^^
catlover52 #3
Awwwwww so cute. ^_^
trinity- #4
So sweet.
Chubs_chubs #5
Mother and son reunited~~~ yeah!!!<br />
Oh! Another thing your story is super duper AMAZING!!!!!
aaawww... it's really sweet <3 It's been really a while since I've read a story that doesn't involve romance~ really good *thumbs up*
IHeartSHINee0525 #7
I LOVE THISSSSS!!! OMG! it makes me cry! ALOT! HAHAHA!!! but, seriously i cried! i hope you do more one-shots stories like this! :DDDDDDD