Wedding, Marry You, Together- Sequel

Why Did U Leave Me?

Hee Ryung’s (YOU) P.O.V~
the bells rang out as the couple stepped out from the church. I clapped my hands until they went sore and cheered as loudly as I can
Eun Jung turned around in her absolutely wedding dress and beamed widely. I giggled and smiled then ran up to her and gave her a big hug- Shin Hye also came and gave her a bear-hug

“Ahh Eun Jung, finally married!! Our little maknae is finally a woman!!!”
she slapped us playfully …(but still painfully) and blushed a scarlet colour. Hehe cutieeee~
Kwangmin came up next to us and we all stared at the lucky groom next to her.
“Donghae. You. Better. Take. Good. Care. Of. Her. Or. You. Know. Whats. Coming….”
if our world was anime type Donghae oppa would have been seen now with a mega-large teardrop over his head.
he chuckled nervously and held his hands up trying to assure us.
“I will, I will, you don’t know how long I’ve dream of this day.”
I smiled and gave him a hug before stepping back letting Kwangmin talk.
he kept his hand looking at the ground and shuffled around on his feet.
“Umm..” he finally said , he stuck his hand out to Donghae oppa
“Congratulation….take care..?”
Donghae smirked shooked his hand and quickly pulled him into a hug.
“Don’t worry, I’ll never leave her.”
Kwangmin stubbornly nodded before giving his best smile.

“YAH! PHOTO! PHOTO COME COME COME!” Jonghyun sang popping up next to me and dragged everyone away next to an oak tree.

I squeezed in between my loving boyfriend, Onew and one of my best friends- Minho oppa. Nodding to them before posing and smiling again for the camera.
we took many shots and went over to the large table filled with glorious food. I digged into the apple crumble pie adn wedding cake...

 I saw Key and Shin Hye sneaking off around the church. My curiosity perked up hmm. Cheeky sneaks.

I motioned SHINee, the new official couple and the Jo Twins the follow.
we secretly followed Shin Hye and Key as they came to the large field littered in flowers. Everyone hid behind the bushes.

Narrator’s P.O.V~
“SHHHH!” Taemin hissed to Minho as he tried moving his head for a better view. Minho glared as his dongsaeng pushed his head back down.
“Shut up you two” Jonghyun muttered eyes glued at Key and Shin Hye
Kwangmin held onto Youngmin into a headlock fearing the boy would just run out and try interfere with anything that could get interesting.
Hee Ryung and Eun Jung sneaked professionally around the bushes heading closer and closer
Donghae~”Eun Jungie- ahh!! You’ll get your wedding dr-“
“SHHHH!” everyone hissed

they turned their heads towards Key and Shin Hye. Edging in closer and closer as they started speaking

“Shin Hye… well since.. today… umm i…will…” Key started off, he suddenly started blushing and turned around burying his hands in his face.
“Yess??” Shin Hye questioned trying to look at his face.
Key placed his hand on his chest breathing hard. For a moment he was ‘im dieing here cuz im scared’ boy until he whipped back around and went on one knee holding out a diamond ring.

Ppl in the bushes~” *GASPS!!!

Hee Ryung and Eun Jung looked at each other with mega grins on their faces as they realized what was about to happened.
“Oh. My. Gosh…” Shin Hye muttered her hands over and chest in shock.
Key smiled his sweetest smile ever seen and asked loud and clear.
“I Love You Shin Hye, Will you marry me?”

few metres away from Hee Ryung and Eun Jung muffled screams from Youngmin could be heard but everyone ignored it as they bursted out from the bushes screaming

“SAY YES , SAY YES, SAY YES!” they chanted around Shin Hye.  Shin Hye seemed shocked for awhile as everyone appeared but then started smiling nervously as her eyes fell on Key who was still kneeling on the floor pleading with his eyes.
A moment of silence arrived before she nodded, bursted into happy tears and went down to hug Key.
Key got up twirling Shin Hye in his arms screaming

SHINee  and Donghae pulled Key away linking arms and jumping in circles laughing while Hee Ryung and Eun Jung squealed and chattered on and on with Shin Hye.
The Jo Twins did their best smiling and congratulating the next new couple but it clearly tell that both had a raging animal inside them.

Onew’s P.O.V~

I ran back to the church where everyone was still eating the food and screamed at the top of my lungs
as expected everyone dropped their plates and ran up to Key and Shin Hye as they appeared from the corner. Lee Teuk hyung suddenly came behind me and questioned
“When are you going to propose to Hee Ryung?”
I froozed their and my brain started ticking slowly
“Propose?? Me getting marry? … to Hee Ryung?”
Hyung saw the expression on my face and groaned slapping himself on the forehead
“Omg, Onew! You’ve got to be kidding me? You don’t know when your getting married? Be serious man you’ve been together for….5 YEARS! And everyone would of expected the oldest couple to get married first. not the youngest!”

I stood there blinking for awhile. Propose? Marry??
I grabbed Hyung by the shoulders
“I don’t know how to propose!!!”
he widen his eyes in disbelief and let out a dramatic sigh.
“You are going to need a lot of help…”


Hee Ryung’s (YOU) P.O.V~

One week after Eun Jung got married and Shin Hye became engaged. I smirked at the wedding photos album of Eun Jung and giggled aloud. Eun Jung is now currently on her honeymoon with Donghae oppa. Wonder wat they’re doing…..tee-hee im such an idiot.
I slammed the album shut as Shin Hye walked in carrying piles of photos.
“UNNIE!” she yelped as she let everything drop to the space next to me
I stared at her giving her the look “seriously?” me?
aishh- I at fashion! You need Eun Jung if you want absolute beauty…too bad she’s on her honeymoon now…tee-hee.
I sigh and agreed flicking through the photos the wedding shop gave us.
~white, frilly dress with a absolutely weird head piece – “NO!”
~ short white dress..ty type – “NO!”
~ turtle neck white dress with puffy sleeves – “NO!”
~ … *not even gonna describe* –“ NO!”

ah this one seems right… plain and simple but still pretty- something that will suit Shin Hye

“this one?? I think this one is the best.”

she peered at the dress looking at the photos from all angles.
“and the cake?”

I ramaged through the photos trying to look for something that will make the dress stand out well..
I dangled my finger in the air before landing on one

“this one!”

she ran out of the dorm clutching the photos to SHINee’s dorm looking for Key. I followed slowly and jumped onto the sofa.

I looked at the clock and yawned – 4pm already??

Hee Ryung- would you please go to 7/11 to help Onew hyung?? He’s down there buying snacks for us and if I didn’t know him any better I bet there will be a lot of chicken.”

I laughed and got up adjusting my coat as the chilly air greeted me.
I arrived at the 7/11 shop and went inside looking for oppa.
the guy at the counter noticed me and surprisingly let out girly squeals.
“Ahh its Hee Ryung !!”
I smiled and nodded politely making him squeal more… aishhh.
I walked around the shop looking for oppa. No-where.
Ehh? Did he wonder off to another restaurant for more food??
I went over to the counter and asked
“Ehh excuse me?”
the guy at the counter again squealed.
“Umm… y –y-y- yess??” he managed to stutter out
“Was Onew from SHINee here?”
he suddenly seemed shocked and rummaged through the selves behind him
“ahh, where is it?? Tht thing he gave…AH FOUND IT!”
he pressed a piece of paper into my hand.
I looked at it and read

Follow the arrows with hearts.

I looked back at the guy and raised a questioning eyebrow.
he just smiled innocently and nodded.
aishhh -
I walked out of the shop
“Ahh where did oppa go!?”
I looked around for the signs. I turned here and there and then something sparkly pink caught my eye.
I ran over to the bench where an old man was sitting, there was a piece of paper stuck into his hat
“umm adjushi…can i..that.”
he reached up to his hat, pulled out the note and then handed it to me.
“Follow the arrow.” he croaked before shuffling away.
I stared at his back weirdly before following the direction the arrow pointed. I soon found another note stuck to the wall. Then another on the streetlamp.
I looked through the streets and saw all along it was pink sparkly notes with arrows.
Ok… this is getting weird.. but interesting
I like adventures .
I went on and on- following

Narrator’s P.O.V~
Hee Ryung kept on collecting the notes and collecting until she found herself at a familiar park.
“Ehh? My first date place.” She gasped
An arrow on the gate directed her in. she peeled off the note and walked in looking right and left, she then saw another note on the fountain in front of her but this one didn’t hav an arrow. Instead it read
Follow the lights
Hee Ryung turned to the left as a light on the floor flickered on, then another and another until a pathway was lighted for her.
she chuckled and walked down the path
“How interesting…”

Hee Ryung;s (YOU) P.O.V~

My heart pounded as the lights started spreading out into a circle. I could see in the distance a large stage with a group of people standing around it and someone on it. Wat if they’re rapists??? O_O mayb I shoudnt of trust that guy back at 7/11
I walked kinda in a zigzag way tilting my head slightly forward trying to get a closer look.
Wat is this!? Its scarying the out of me. And wat time is it now?? 8???
I held onto the notes tighter and bite my lips. So awks.
as I got closer and closer to the stage I saw the  ‘’ was the oppas and unnies. And standing in the middle of the stage was Onew oppa.
ahh so that’s where he went that maniac- wait. Why is everyone else here?? I thought… we ..were. suppose to be…at the …dorms!?
I eyed each and one of them carefully when I was only 20 metres away.
sneaks.- wats going on?

then I heard Onew oppa sweet voice singing

“Soni siryeowa….”

Oh its.. The Name I Love.

“sarangui gieogi chagapge dagawa…”

I fell into a trance as he went on. The voice, so soft and sweet brings peace to me. I feel like im at home whenever I hear it. Im so glad that I came back to Korea after I left. It was so lonely without him. Im such a lucky person, before I met him I thought love never existed after wat Jung Cha did to me. I thought my life came to an end when Min Yu claimed him but then in the end…he choosed me.
im so lucky.

“irul su eomneum sarangdo saranginikka….”

Bwo? It ended already!? No fair- I wasn’t paying any attention!

I opened my mouth to protest until Oppa said something

“The name I love is Kim Hee Ryung.”

ohhh. I can feel myself blushing again. Eeshh
he started walking down the stairs from the stage smiling as he came towards me
I smiled as he came closer and reached out for a hug but then he dropped to one knee.
EHH? .
one knee one knee- im screwed. I watched as he reached for his pocket.
everyone was watching in such silence the sound of my heart beating sounded like drums in a marching ceremony.
I placed my hand on my chest taking deep breathe.
he pulled out a blue little box and flicked it open revealing a ring..

he just smiled at me and asked like it was something so casual

“Hee Ryung…marry me?”

yepp there it was. My world went all giggly and I felt bubbles of happiness inside me. The tears threatened to appear in my eyes  Wat am I suppose to say??
the oppas and unnies seemed to hav read my mind becuz they started chanting like I did to Shin Hye
ahhh- I looked around biting my finger in a happy grin. Really ??
I took one last glance at Onew oppa before throwing myself into his arms
“YESS!!” I screamed
there I said it.
we started hugging like those hugs where you just start walking in circles but still in each others arms. The oppas and unnies plus the engaged couple gave a group hug screaming

Oppa ran to the others grabbing their collars in squealing

I grinned and kept chucking. I like the word “wife” , especially since Onew is going to be… be *blushes* my husband

Wedding Day

“Do you, Lee Jinki, accept Ms Kim Hee Ryung as your wife? Do you vow that through happy and sad times, thorugh painful times , through anguish times and through wat seems impossible time to always stay by her side.

“I do.”

the preist turned to Hee Ryung


“I do.”

“Very well, from this day forth I pronounce you… HUSBAND AND WIFE!”

the guest of the wedding all stood up and cheered. All the kpop groups came including Beast, After School, Kara, T-ara, T-max, Secret, Ft Island, MBLAQ etc.
the double wedding went on and on all night, MBLAQ’s Mir turned out also to be related to Shin Hye and he and Kevin ganged up on Key. Hehe how sweet. Lee Joon had to hold Mir into a head lock as Key merong at him. The others all stood there shaking their heads in disbelief.

Hee Ryung’s (YOU) P.O.V~
I stood their eating some strawberries with Eun Jung who returned just in time for my wedding. We wre chatting happily away when someone grabbed my waist and swept me away,
“OPPA!” I laughed as Onew oppa twirled me onto the dance floor.
he smiled and suddenly kissed me on the lips. I stared at him blinking for a while. I touched my lips looking down on the floor badly blushing and then back at him.
He embraced me once again in his arms and whispered
“You beautiful, you will always be beautiful, I promise to stay by your side till death parts us. Hee Ryung…”

… Saranghae …


this is offically the end of my first fanfic "Why Did You Leave Me"l
like it ?? hope so X)
want to thanks my subscribers from the bottom of my heart- you guys are the ones that drives me on to write this fanfic. hehe saranghae to you all!! <3 <3 <3
im on my knees again- plz plz plz comment to help me think of a story for my next fanfic!!

so yea, once again
<3 <3 <3

P.S im am terribly sorry for the mistakes thorughout this whole time ^^"" e.g i still cant get over the fact that i putted "1/4 or SNSD and 1/4 of Super Junior...' yea like.. 9 and 13 can be divided my 4
hehe ^^ho

hope to see all my subscribers again in my bext fanfic!! comment for the ideas!! O_O



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jburns14 #1
Chapter 36: seriously so good. this is the first Onew pairing fanfic I've ever read. Daebak!! </3
xxkpopxx #2
i read this before but wanted to read it again. but i didn't remember wat it was called so i filtered it and i found it!!! i also subscribed in case i wanted to read it AGAIN!! haha, lol
how cute??<br />
Annyeong ^^<br />
i hav a second fanfic about to begin<br />
Plz check it out yea??
omg i thought ir finished but thnx for tis ending!!! soo awesome :D
awwwwwww i wanted more to the ending :'( but i love this fanfic!! lol im an aussie too hehe ^^
Kyaaa! LOVE IT!
TofuCharismaShawol #8
YAY!!!!! Sequel^^ so is all good now?? Hah! Min Yu, you got owned. <3 great job ^^