
Why Did U Leave Me?


Hee Ryung's (YOU) P.O.V~

i stepped through the doorway and admired the view before me.
so. im back in Korea. wonder how i managed to come back hey? .. well im on travel guide now.. so i guess im researching here. back here.
ahh Korea hasnt change much since i last left it. 2 years ago i think?
i smiled as i thought about the new things ill discover here.
im prepared. im ready. nothing can stop me now.
im a whole new Hee Ryung.

i started strolling through Korea with my camera and notebook. because i once lived here i knew my way around and could ask for direction in case anything has changed.

soon, time flied and i found myself swallowed in the middle of a extreme busy night shopping crowd.
"ahh excuse me.. excuse me." i muttered as i  squeezed through people to get out.
i was pushed, pulled,nudged and hit before i escaped and leaned against the wall catching my breath.
ahh geez Korea has sure gotton a hell lot more busy. i massaged my temples trying to soothe the headache the crowd gave me.

i looked across the street to where ive just been. wait. it looks so familiar? i stopped leaning and went further out on the road peering closely at the shops. i turned in circules and recongnised a certain building through the alleyway. a secret way of sneaking out before i left
SME Building.
ahh how memories filled my mind just by looking at it.
i wonder... hows everyone going? will they be glad to see me? happy? angry? sad? or hav they all forgotton me.
i coudnt stop myself giggling as i walked down the alley curious of my friends reaction. oh how've i missed them all.
as i came closer and closer i saw shadows moving at the speed of light towards me.
it was instinct to back away and reach for the phone in my pocket but i was tackled to the ground
ehh? i know that voice.. its
"SHIN HYE!" she got off me pulling me up and she did a massive bear-hug. i returned the hug, my heart filling up with a bubbly feeling. we kinda did a walk-in-a-circle hug just laughing and hugging.
she finally pulled away and i got a proper look at her.
still the same Shin Hye i knew since i left .... except.. she was taller.
i patter her head and complained "yah, why so tall?"
she patted mine and copied abit "yah, why so short?"
she then pulled me back for another hug and whispered
"Oh Hee Ryung, how much chaos you caused man, leaving notes and just dissapearing like that. aishh"
i felt abit down. i knew the consequence if i left but i still had to
"You know why i left Shin Hye..." i sighed.
she smiled sadly "because he left you for Min Yu..." then brightened up
"Eun Jung's awake."
i beamed at her and twirled around
"Really!? GREAT!! how is she?? nothing happened again right...?"
"hmm well the stupid nurses there at the hospital was flirting with the oppas and accidently..well did something to her head so she kinda forgot wat happened after the shooting that happened at my place... amnesia you could say. but a small one. she remembers everything else.

i threw a questioning eyebrow. crazy?

Shin Hye continued on
"she went angry non-stop for 3 days demanding to see you since you left at a bad time and the last time she saw you wasnt a pleasent one .. umm she also went crazy making phone calls to everyone asking wheres you"
"Onew ?" i asked. that name didnt bother me anymore
"yea.. umm Onew oppa and then when she got out... woah. lets say Jonghyun and Eun Jung makes a good ....bashing up team."
"Ohh" i pretended to wince in pain. "he got it from her right?"
"Yepp. big time.full on rage the two of them went and no one stopped them. .. think he recieved bruises.. oh and a fractured arm. Eun Jung went abit over there. then cuts and more bruises from Jonghyun ... yea basically its turned into a daily routine... bash Onew oppa up for Hee Ryung's leave. Jonghyun kept screaming stuff like 'you promised you'll take care of her.' and 'i left her in your care to protect her not to hurt her.'"
i twirled my hair around my finger. i felt half sorry for oppa Eun Jung's slaps hurt enough a bashing up? i wont survive. and Jonghyun oppa may b short but ive seen him workout.. he's got some strenght... on the other hand i felt extreme happy that Eun Jung is awake and still kicking asses. wonder...
"Umm Shin Hye.. is Onew oppa.. with Min Yu?? like as in..a couple- bf and gf?"
Shin Hye scrunched her nose as she bashed at the question
"Its hard to explain..2 years ago man.. summarize it up somethign happen at the hospital and the next thing we knew you dissapeared and Onew oppa was a sudden couple with unnie... though to be honest... theres not much of a couple romance thingy going between them...its weird."

i nodded thinking.. so he really did leave me. jerk-

"Ahh, well its great to see you again! come on ill sneak you in to see the others..we can talk with SM later."

i smiled and nodded, it would be nice to see Eun Jung and eveyrone else again. everyone except him for now.

Shin Hye's P.O.V~
i was planning to go for a walk around the area wanting just to hav a think for myself. im still abit depressed since Hee Ryung suddenly dissapeared on us. the last time i saw her was in our dorm- she was watching tv. and then when i returned..she was gone.
i planned to go the back door through the alleyway that i found while exploring. i closed the door quietly and started walking. someone was already in the alleyway walking towards me. the figure seemed suprisingly familiar. i strained my eyes as that person walked in the streetlights. i gasped as i recongnized her. a face that i missed for so long.
Hee Ryung.
she's back she's back. i was blinded with happiness as i embraced her into a hug. the person who dissapeared for 2 years now returned. i started scolding her straight away, the way she made me devastated when i returned home just to find a piece of good-bye note. hmph!
it felt really awkward explaining to her Onew oppa suddenly became a couple with Min Yu unnie. no one knows the reason he left Hee Ryung- he wont tell us and we dont dare to ask anyone in case its ....well serious personal stuff.
i just hope sooner or later we'll all learn why Onew parted from Hee Ryung.

 (Hee Ryung's [YOU] P.O.V)

Shin Hye sneaked me inside the building out of sight of all the workers but as soon as i opened the door to Super Junior's dorm- screams erupted killing my ear drums and for the second time today i was knocked to the ground
"OOF!!" i cried as i felt the weight of 13 mens on top of me "HAHA GET OFF YOU LOOFS MISS YAH TOO BUT IM DIEING HERE!!"
they pulled off me and kept doing mini screams 'Hee Ryung!' i chuckled and letted them hug me one by one.
im really suprised, in the 2years ive been away all of them havnt changed much, probably got muscular or a different hair style but apart from those... they were still the same.
Teaukie oppa came up to me and inspected me from every angle
"Wahh you've changed so much in 2 years!!!" then he sudden did a death glare
"How dare you leave us in the middle of crisis..."
all the other members joined in inching closer and closer waiting for me reply
i felt small like a mouse trapped by 13 cats but i managed to squeak
"you know the reason.. i lefted on the note."
their faces felled and they nodded. one by one in a row they letted out a sigh.
suddenly Donghae raced out of the door.
"Wheres he going?" i asked
"To get Eun Jung of course." at that moment i heard screams of a familiar girl's voice coming from my ex-home and in a flash Eun Jung was in the doorway.
uh-oh here it comes


i rubbed my back frantically trying to soothe the pain.
"Eun Jung! i didnt expect that sort of welcome back!" i grumbled
she dropped and hugged me tight. i lost my breathing pace for 5 seconds.
"Hee Ryung. how could of you left you big y meanie unnie. while i was in hospital too"
i felt a hint of guilt,yeaa i knew it wasnt very nice of me to leave  i missed this girl heaps but.
i sighed out loud, do i need to explain all over agian?

SNSD and F(x) unnies all came rushing in ing my hair and giving me  unimaginable crushing hugs.
"Shh, the workers or SM himself might hear!! quiten down!" Suju hissed raising a finger to their lips
the female bands gave them a glare
"Tell us how can we calm down after a certain someone left without saying a proper goodbye and now just appears before us?"
no answer. the unnnies carried on
"My my, you've grown prettier and better then before!"
"We hav to talk Hee Ryung. dissapearing off like that! HOW ING WORRIED WE WERE!!"

next SHINee popped up

"HEE RYUNG! OMFG YOUR BACK YOUR ING BACK!!" Jonghyun oppa crushed me in his arms not letting go and snapping at anyone who was trying to pry me away,
"I KILLED THE MANIAC FOR YOU! HOW FREAKIN WORRIED AND SAD I BECAME!" the tears started forming around his eyes
Key oppa managed to free me and gave me a motherly hug "Hee Ryung you big pabo." he whispered.
Taemin like the little but older oppa shrieked and literally jumped for the hug,
Minho oppa. he was trying ever so hard staying calm but it was written all over his face. he had his goofy grin on.
as everyone came for more hugs i felt tears stinging my eyes, they all remembered me. they've missed me. hehe it felt great to be back for now.
i looked around for a certain someone. was he here?
Taemin~"Hyung's not here if you're looking for him..luckily he's out.. doing his musical.. and Min Yu unnie too..they' became a .."
Jonghyun suddenly smashed his hands in his palm. "i feel like bashing that chicken loser again..Eun Jung lets go find him..."
i shook my head.
"Its fine." i patted my chest and beamed with pride
"Ive changed i wont need him anymore!"
for some reason they smiled back..but with ..lonely or sadness. it buged me. alot. 
"but...he needs you.." i heard Taemin whispered
"what?" an angry volcanoe started forming . how could he need me? he's the one who left me. he has Min Yu now.
Shin Hye quickly sensed the tension and laughed as brightly as possible
"Well im sure everyone misses Hee Ryung alot so why dont we go out for a little party?? after you can talk to SM and stay at the dorm again."
i nodded my head in agreement. i need to catch up with everyone, make up for the missing 2 years. ive stop listening to kpop after i left. made sure all ties with my past life had died.
but a question still lingered in my mind
"why does he need me?"

we spent the night at our favourite kareoke place. i asked Eun Jung about her forgotten memory. she frowned and said that theres something bugging her that she wanted to tell everyone... but she just cant remember wat. her last memory before the car crash was heading towards the hospital with Min Yu, nothing else until she found herself in hospital herself.
through the night i sang some of the new songs that Candy3 or currently now Candy2 relesed.
~ Be Mine~
~Go Away~
~Never Again~
~Love is a Pain~

the last song i felt my emotional and frustraion feelings being sang out. love really is a pain.
when i ended the song with the last note i felt an awkward silence behind me.
"uhh its getting late- think we better head back yea?  Taeyeon unnie asked
everyone agreed and we headed back to SME's building.
i was surrounded by Super Junior and SNSD while walking inside the building bcuz for they had the largest groups. a few workers did stop by and had a chat with them and when they did, i putted my hoodie on and tried concealing myself with the unnies.
i sneaked into the Candy3.. oops i mean Candy2 dorm and jumped onto the sofa.
"Ahhh!! man, its great to see this place again."
i inspected the dorm discovering here and there new objects and photos. i went into my biffles rooms and wasnt suprised that
Eun Jung's room was decorated with strawberries
Shin Hye's room filled with domokuns and all sort of little cute stuff- i cuddled the big furry domokun toy on her bed. ahh Yoogeun would of liked this one better then the one i gave him.
i played around with the piano i found in the living room when Shin Hye led me to my once bedroom...wait its.. its still there.
i stared at my bedroom, still the same as how i lefted it- even the pen i used to write all my notes was lying in the same position!
"You kept my room?!"
"Yepp, only thing that reminded everyone of you when you poofed off like that. and basically cuz we love you haha!!" Eun Jung said popping up next to me
naww they are so sweet! i gave them each a massive hug before doing a flying leap onto my comfy bed.
"Ahh my comfy bed how i missed you~~" i snuggled my head into my pillow

Eun Jung chuckled "who talks to their bed?"
"MEEE~" i sang
we talked some more before they left me sleeping- im going to have a little chat with SM tomorrow at night when he's not busy.. aishhh i think im in trouble.


i decided to go shopping in the mall first thing supermarket.
omg. Shin Hye and Eun Jung- wat hav they been eating since the last 2 years??! theres nothing in the fridge!! i went through the ailes collecting meat, vegetable,chips biscuits,
i was collecting strawberry milk and chocolate when i felt a tap on the shoulder. i turned around and saw him.. everything stopped
"Onew-sshi." i dropped everything i collected.
"Hee Ryung I-"

i ran away.

next chap last chap ^^
thnk u everyone who has supported this fanfic ^^ ily all~~ <3

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jburns14 #1
Chapter 36: seriously so good. this is the first Onew pairing fanfic I've ever read. Daebak!! </3
xxkpopxx #2
i read this before but wanted to read it again. but i didn't remember wat it was called so i filtered it and i found it!!! i also subscribed in case i wanted to read it AGAIN!! haha, lol
how cute??<br />
Annyeong ^^<br />
i hav a second fanfic about to begin<br />
Plz check it out yea??
omg i thought ir finished but thnx for tis ending!!! soo awesome :D
awwwwwww i wanted more to the ending :'( but i love this fanfic!! lol im an aussie too hehe ^^
Kyaaa! LOVE IT!
TofuCharismaShawol #8
YAY!!!!! Sequel^^ so is all good now?? Hah! Min Yu, you got owned. <3 great job ^^