Hee Ryung Knows

Why Did U Leave Me?

 ~Narrator's P.O.V~

the three members all stared at each other. shocked was the word to describe their feeling.
Jonghyun~ "so.. you like Hee Ryung"*points at Onew, "and you do too *points at Minho "and so do i....:"
They sadly nodded. all knew that they dont want to fight each other, they could of been consider brothers- the times they spent together was an important memory that should never be forgotten
- Working hard for the world of music
- Birthdays, Chirstmas, New Year
- Going through the bad times and good times
- Helping each other when it comes to social problems but... this time, this problem was big- it was the same girl they all liked. even if they didnt want to fight eventually the jealousy in them will get to them

Onew coudnt take in the info and sat down, head in hands. "ottoke?..." Jonghyun stood their looking at the floor while Minho shoved his hands in his pocket.

~Minho's P.O.V~

great i just had to tell them i liked Hee Ryung too, i was planning to keep it a secret well because.. i treasure my hyungs but since they yelled at me for not understanding i just suddenly blurted it out,
Thanks Minho, you just made things more awkward.
I looked at the hyungs Onew was sitting in the corner hands in head, Jonghyun standing there aimlessly. i got reckless at the awkward silence and tried to talk
"Hyungs.. um i really dont want to fight with you so can we... can we just sit back and see who Hee Ryung likes?? just let fate take its course.."

~Jonghyun's P.O.V~

just let fate take its course. yeaa im sure that'll work. wat if she turnes out to like Onew or Minho wat if it isnt any of us?? hmm? if you love someone you cant just sit back, you have to pursue it...
"oh god..." i muttered quietly. i really dont want to fight and break the strong bonds we hav between us.
Onew got up and started walking towards the door "forget it, just do your own things"
i reached out my hand and stopped him "but if we do our own things.. you know we might end up fighting..."
he turned around and snapped at me " i know! but wat can i do about it? i cant make you fall out of love! i dont want to fight too you know but seriously its love we are talking about, wat can i do hmm? wat can i do..."
His face suddenly soften and a troubled face replaced it... i realised something, Hyung is serious about everything. He really is in love- this is the first time ive seen him not happy or smiling, the happy dubu leader that always smiles whenever we do something innapropiate is actually now.... sad and stressed.
i sighed and gave him a fail attempt hug "sorry hyung.."

~Hee Ryung's P.O.V (YOU)~

i heard footsteps behind me, i turned around and was about to welcome back the 3 oppas when i noticed something was wrong.
They all had a unhappy face. the sparkles in their eyes before had turned dull. they all looked away from the group sitting on the floor avoiding any eye-contact. the thing that gave everything away was Onew's smile.. it wasnt there. There was always a smile on Onew's face whether it was a sarcastic or real one but this time there wasnt one. the corners of his mouth was going downwards.
There was somthing wrong. Everyone noticed
Key~ "aigoo, wats with the gloomy face heyy?"
Taemin got up, pinced Onew's face and stretched it upwards, Onew frowned and tried talking thorugh his stretched lips "waf ah ou oing?"
Taemin stretched it even further and Onew grabbed his hands trying to prevent it. "AHH ift erfs!!"
"i dont know wat it is but whatever, cheer up."
he letted go and left Onew rubbing his face. 
Yoogeun ran to the 3 oppas hugging his domokun. He looked up at them and asked innocently
"appa? are you ok?" 
Minho sadly smile and knelt down patting Yoogeun on the head
"we're fine Yoogeun, gomawo"
Jonghyun then noticed the stuffed toy in Yoogeun's hands. 
"Yoogeun ah- do you like the domokun? would you like me to buy another one for you? this one is Hee Ryung's."
Yoogeun's eyes widdened and his mouth dropped
"but appa! Hee Ryung umma said you brought it for me!! its mine!! " he hugged the his domokun like it was worth his life. 
Jonghyun blinked a few times... then smiled and patted Yoogeun's head.
"ahh yess Yoogeun, mianhae, i forgot i brought an extra one! how do you like it??" Jonghyun tilted his head to the side.
Yoogeun broke into a smile
he gave Yoogeun a big hug before giving him a peck on the cheek
Shin Hye/ Eun Jung/ Taemin/ Key/ - "nawwww! YOOGEUN AH GIVE US A KISS TOO?"

~Hee Ryung's P.O.V (YOU)~

ah .... 
Jonghyun oppa is probably dieing in flames inside now... ahh i feel so guilty, whyy didnt i ask who it was for!?
aishh- i probably wasted his money.. 
arghhh~ my hands went on my face and i dragged it down- god wat on earth does Jonghyun oppa think now? O_O
"Hee Ryung? you ok there?" Eun Jung snapped me out of my depression. my hands were still dragging my face down....
"no?" i sqeuaked 
Key oppa waggled his eyebrows up and down.
"Meeting time!! excpet Minho,Onew and Jonghyun.. you go play with Yoogeun!" He pushed them all into the room next door and locked it up.
oh god-- umma Key is here!
i tried quickly crawling away but Eun Jung grabbed my left leg while Shin Hye grabbed my right and both dragged me back. Luckily for them the floor was pretty slippery so it didnt take much effort before they got me all traped in their little "meeting"
i turned and gave them a glare
"nice friends you guys are.."
they shrugged and smiled 
Key clapped his hand "alright lets start!! first thing," he looked at me "what is wrong?"
"... the domokun..?"
"ahh,Jonghyun gave it to you but then you gave it to Yoogeun right?"
"wrong, Jonghyun did give it to me but i thought he brought it for Yoogeun~ AHHH WAT HAV I DONE!?" i started pulling my hair.
"well, it would of hurt hyung less if you were a friend."....
"Bwo??" did i just hear that right?? "AM I NOT A FRIEND OF JONGHYUN OPPA!? WAE!? WAT DID I DO WRONG!?? EHH??

~Narrator's P.O.V~

Onew and Jonghyun had their ears pressed against the door. 
"yahh! move Jonghyun, i cant hear!!" Onew hissed swatting him on the head.
Jonghyun hands rushed to the top of his head where he could feel a bump coming up. he shot laser eyes at Onew
They both concerntrated hard thorugh the door.
"...can you hear anything?" Onew asked
"shh chicken freak- not with you talking." 

they listened hardly again

"well, wat are you going to do??" 
"i dont know.. apologize?"
"not enough... you know....the 3 other members they all are..."

"APPA! play with.."
Onew/Jonghyun~ "SHHH Yoogeun, wait . we are trying to listen!!"
Yoogeun bottom lips trembled. Minho cat ears switched on as he heard the little boy's sobs.
He scooped Yoogeun up in his arms bouncing him up and down making excuses while almost glaring at the hyungs.
he letted Yoogeun down walked over and grabbed their collars.
He yanked them back and hissed in thier ears "if the director saw how you just treated Yoogeun i promise you, you'll be chopped dead meat."
"hehe.. Minho-ah.. we just wanted to hehe listen to the conversation??" both of the hyungs twirled their fingers sheepishly. 
Minho glared long and hard- "dont treat the kid like that."
Onew- "mianhae Yoogeun!"
Jonghyun- "yea mianhae, punish the bad appas later ok?"
they both turned around only to feel something hit their butts.... they looked back and found Yoogeun spanking them..
"bad appa!"
Onew *puts his hands on his for protection "Yah Yoogeun! where did you learn that stuff? your not suppose to hit us there!!"
Jonghyun's face just was in shock... "the kid hit me... he hitted my." he repeated in a high voice
Onew and Jonghyun bothed turned to Minho
"Yah, the kid hitted me?!"
Yoogeun- "yeaa nauty appas!" he waved his fingers side to side.

Onew pouted and turned back to the door. As he was bout to listen again it opened and he fell face first. 
He looked up and saw Key leaning into the door frame arms closed, behind him was everyone else that went to the "meeting"
Key- "sooo, had fun ears-dropping?"
Taemin-" tsk tsk, and your suppose to set examples for everyone else.. tsk tsk."
Eun Jung-" pabo, your not suppose to listen!!"

~Hee Ryung's P.O.V (YOU)~
i looked at the oppas kneeling down pinching their ears being scolded by the others. i sighed.. ill never be able to look at them the same now after wat Key and Taemin just told me...


".... you know all 3 of them has a crush on you?? wait lemme re-phrase that. they are IN LOVE with you."

"WAT!!?" Kim Kibum, did i just hear you say that correctly? "ALL 3? 

"yepp, alll 3."

i sat there staring at him.. i turned to Eun Jung and Shin Hye "did you know this?" 

"yepp!" they chirped "it was so obvious lah!!"

all 4 of them started explaining their observation. during that time i swear i heard screams and smacks from somewhere but i decided to ignore it.

"... and yea thats why Jonghyun was probably upset." Taemin finished off.
i leaned back abit placing my hand on the floor for surpport. 
"oh.my.god.. OTTOKE?? 
my brain was all mucked up now. all 3 of them likes me
~Onew oppa
~Jonghyun oppa
~Minho oppa
my heart raced- _/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\_
 "heyy lets stop talking.. i hav a feeling they are listening.." Key walked over to the door and yanked it back fast.
in came a falling Onew, suprised Jonghyun, sobbing Yoogeun and a comforting Minho.
Eun Jung and SHin Hye stormed over comforting Yoogeun asking wats wrong. they then started lecturing the oppas about privacy and respect.
i ignore them the whole time and stared at the oppas, i took a careful look at each one of them.. memories of the times we spent together flashed through my mind.
i liked them all, especially Onew in a way.. but i never really wanted them to like me back.. i fell in love once, was betrayed, ive learnt a lesson. 

next chapter- learn about Hee Ryung's love past and more!! :D
yay! its finally holidays but like i said previously... sigh wont be able to update much :( ill do my best to update for the next few days before i leave!!

OH YEA! HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEY!! <3 <3 <3 keep smiling and be the almighty person you always were~~ xx


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jburns14 #1
Chapter 36: seriously so good. this is the first Onew pairing fanfic I've ever read. Daebak!! </3
xxkpopxx #2
i read this before but wanted to read it again. but i didn't remember wat it was called so i filtered it and i found it!!! i also subscribed in case i wanted to read it AGAIN!! haha, lol
how cute??<br />
Annyeong ^^<br />
i hav a second fanfic about to begin<br />
Plz check it out yea??
omg i thought ir finished but thnx for tis ending!!! soo awesome :D
awwwwwww i wanted more to the ending :'( but i love this fanfic!! lol im an aussie too hehe ^^
Kyaaa! LOVE IT!
TofuCharismaShawol #8
YAY!!!!! Sequel^^ so is all good now?? Hah! Min Yu, you got owned. <3 great job ^^