Page Thirty Five

Untold Pages

Chen had just stepped outside the mansion after helping Baekhyun on sending the twins on school and bringing them back. He had sent a message on Luna, telling her he would pick her up after dinner.


Now, he stands on the gate of the lady’s house, ringing the doorbell. Suddenly, the gate started to creak as it opens, allowing him entrance.

‘Automated,’ he thought and went inside. It was not one of those typical houses with massive gardens and all. Right after you went inside the gate, you will see the main door, a few feet away from you.


He decided to stay and wait for her in there. She had just messaged him that she is already preparing. It was after a few minutes when he heard the door open. There goes Luna, clad in a floral green printed dress with a sweater. Her hair is up on a bun, her feet clad in a green ballerina shoes. He was actually taken aback from her get-up.


He stepped forward, smiling, “Actually, you would look cute if you will remove this,” then he pulled the pin holding her hair up; “Then removes this as well,” he pulled down the sweater off her, hanging it on the nearby stand inside the house before studying her again.


Her hair fell down her back as he watch her closely, eyeing her hair then he moved near her again to part her hair and pulls it to let it fall upfront rather than letting it all fall behind her.

“That’s it and we are good to go,” he held out his hand.


For the whole time he is fixing her, she had literally frozen on spot. When his voice pulled her back to reality, a crimson blush evaded her cheeks as she looks down on the offered hand. She was hesitant but soon accepted it.


They had a very entertaining dinner on an expensive diner he had chosen. Apparently, he looks like someone who knows how to treat a girl. After the dinner, they moved out to just walk side by side on the lighted streets of the city. The silence that surrounded them is filled with the sounds of the cars passing by, the steps and conversations of the people walking by and the sounds of the opened shops.


It was comforting for him as he enjoys the freedom of walking down the road at night. It has been a while since he did it. On the other hand, Luna had been nervous as they progress. The silence between them scared her that she might have done or said something that is not pleasant or such. She is not used on the silence.


“Is it uncomfortable with you?” he asked all of the sudden as she whips her head to look at him.

“Eh?” she her head in question.

“You know, the silence,” he smiled that infectious smile she had learned to adore.

She gave a small smile, “I am not just used on things like this. This is not actually what I expect.”

“Well, because my motives are clear. I invited you out not for other things,” he replied.

“Is this how things usually get on dates?” she asked.

“Well, basically yes, but if you really want to have the real deal then we have to include this,” then he inched close to her, holding her hand.


Her eyes widened from the gesture as she blinks back on him, stopping on their tracks.

“You don’t like it?” he asked as he starts to let go of her hand.

“No- not that-don’t let go,” she stuttered as she bows her head to hide the blush evading her cheeks.

He grinned and didn’t let go as they resume on their walk.


When they got on a shop, he suddenly lets go of her hand, “I’ll just by off some drinks.”

Then she stood there as she watches him get inside. She let out a contented sigh as she turns to look at the highway.


“If it isn’t the Luna of the Nymphs.”

She turned her head to see six men in rugged clothes slowly surrounding her. She panicked when she realizes that she have no weapon at all. She spared the shop a look and spotted Chen on one of the refrigerator, deciding on what to buy. She was left with no choice but to allow those men to drag her wherever just to avoid getting Chen into trouble.




She was thrown on the stone wall on a nearby alley. Broken bottles and dingy lights fill in the scary narrow dead end.

“What do you want?” she asked, trying to pinpoint who is her assailant.

“We just want to get even with your y leader who sent some people to beat up the in me. I should thank cosmetic surgery for fixing my face,” the ‘leader’ of the group stepped forward.

She smirked, “I’m glad they were able to fix that face.”


She suddenly felt his palm on her face, the sound of the slap resounded on the alleyway. She breathed hard, her head still the left. She was soon roughly held in the neck as she turns to look at the said man whose face just a few inches from her.


“Trying to be tough eh? I know that you have no weapon or sort at all. Do you know what we can do on you in this place? We can take turns in satisfying our need and we could just dump you on one of those trash bins afterwards and no one will know it. Now, if you don’t want any more injury, why don’t you just play along as a payment for what Shin Min Ah did on me?”

She smirked, “I’d rather die you rotting bastard.”


That angered the said guy, suddenly throwing her on the floor. It was a pain to feel her shoulder hit the wall. The five men started to surround her as she tries to back off when she knows that the wall won’t move either.


“Hey, how dare you steal my date?”

All of them turned to look at her savior. She wants to smile at the timing but something made her do the other.

‘Let’s confirm who really you are Kim Jong Dae,’ she thought.


Chen slowly moved to get near them when the leader of the group drew a gun behind him, pointing it on him.

He stopped and smirked, “Playing with weapons is forbidden. Did your parents even teach you that?” then he steps forward.

“Stop right there or I will shoot,” the guy said as Chen moves even further.


She did not know which was fast, the bullet that the gun released or the bottled mineral water that hits the assailant’s face. The shot echoed as Chen maneuvers his way to get near Luna after kicking the guy closest to her. He pulled her up and started to run with her.


The moment they went out in the open, the said six men tailed them as the chase starts. They had to keep their distance but gunshots echoed as they saw the failed aims on them hit random places just near their running figures.

“Hurry!” Chen held her hand tighter as they took a turn on a corner. The shouts of the men followed them as they move on the stalls of Jongro market creating chaos when the said men started firing at them again.


She was not able to keep track as to where they had been. All that matter in her is the thought that they need to escape and hide from those men. Somehow, they managed to keep a distance. Chen made a quick turn on a hidden corner.

He pinned her on the wall, pressing his body on hers as he covers with his hand the shadow of the wall covering them.

Sooner, the sound of the yelling men reached their ears as he tightens his hold on her, almost crushing her on the wall.

The voices soon stopped near them as they started to divide themselves to look for them. When those voices faded, Chen eased back to let her breath as he releases her, but she is shocked, eyes blinking in long intervals as her frozen stature stares at him.


Her reaction somehow alarmed him as he moves near her again, “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?” he asked.

But her response was far from what he wants to hear, “It’s you…. It was you… you saved me…. again…”

Her vague phrases confused him, “What are you talking about?”

“You are just like me; you work on some mafia group right?” she stepped forward, trying to corner him this time.


He was startled from the sudden query, but what is there to hide. Anyways it’s already in the past.

He sighed, “Yes, I was like you.”

She stared back at him, wonder and astonishment clear on her face that soon replaced with pure admiration.

“Let’s get you out of here,” he smiled, “And you will tell me how did you came up with that conclusion okay?”

She smiled back and accepted his laid out hand.



Hey guys! It’s been a long, long while! The progress is quite fast since I am about to finish this story. I am already counting the remaining chapters/pages. I haven’t been able to update myself on everything that’s buzzing the Kpop world (LOL). Any ways, here’s my new multi-page update!

I want to extend all my gratitude on my subscribers and those who leave comments as well, and the silent readers (if there are any.) it has been months since I started this and since I am already on my last year in college, I am hoping I will finish this before we get deployed for our internship. Subscribers and readers and friends, thank you for everything!

I hope you join my ride down to the last page.


Yours truly,




I am planning on posting another story after this. Can I ask a favor from my Filipino readers of who will be willing to be my translator/editor in Filipino? I kind of at the language ^^ although I am a Filipino myself, lols.

I’ll have the original English version here in AFF while the Tagalog in Wattpad. Anyone interested to be my co-author in Wattpad, kindly PM me! Thank you very much!


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forgive my lousy chapters, i don't know how to write a good action page so please bear with it.^^


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parvitasari #1
Chapter 46: great happy ending.. good job author nim for your many updates.. and you said that u write another story? is it hyolay story? please i want more.. there are not many of hyolay story in this world.. anyway good luck for your internship..
zhngxiyeon #2
Chapter 43: Finally over, new hyolay storx soon unnie ^o^
Chapter 46: Omooo..cant believe this story finally ended...
Chapter 35: Ako sis pwede ako maging sis hehehe
Chapter 34: Late comment..
Firstly, wauuu so many updates... *thumbs up*
I really hope that hyo will win the competition.. And i really really really curious of who the Reaper is..
I wonder who are the group of five person in the last part of chapter thirty four (cant believe its already that long
parvitasari #6
Chapter 34: Min ah, just leave lay alone!! What the heck are you thinking? I want hyolay more.. And why hyoyeon act cold towards lay? Thanks for your many updates.. Update soon..
zhngxiyeon #7
Chapter 34: So Minah thought that their relationship to be in the next level? Lol not that fluent in english tho
zhngxiyeon #8
Chapter 34: Woooh Finaly, Lay open up his feelings hoho. But it's very unfortunate for Hyo to lost her sister. I did some so called ceremony before deciding to read the or not. I don't have any knowledge about that. I'm too young, but for the sake of not skipping pages, I read them. I only understamd some. Forgive me. THANKS FOR THE MANY UPDATES. AND I HOPE YOU WILL UPDATE SOON UNNIE. AJA HWAITING
Chapter 25: Glad that luna come to rescue hyo..
Update more..
zhngxiyeon #10
Chapter 25: Update soon unnie :)