Page Twenty Seven

Untold Pages

Hyoyeon was startled to see Xiumin and Chen at their kitchen that morning. They look like they are having a very private conversation with her older brother.

“What’s with the hushed whisperings?” she asked, startling the three of them.

“Unnie! You’re awake,” Soohyun appeared from the kitchen, holding a tray of four mugs. She is already wearing her uniform.

“Aren’t you supposed to be going to school?” she asks her younger sister.

“Ne, but Kyoung Jae oppa asked me to make them some coffee, I included yours already,” she placed the tray on the table and moves around it to give their older brother a hug and a polite bow on the two visitors. She gave Hyoyeon a hug as well before she finally leaves.

“I will take the bus today!” she exclaimed and disappeared on the door.


“Your sister is really nice,” Chen remarks as he enjoys his coffee.

“So what brought you guys in here?” she asks as she sits opposite the two, Kyoung Jae on the head of the table.

“We were just discussing some details regarding the Golden Sphinx. Any information you may share?” Kyoung Jae asks.


“Eunji is the shooter or the agent and Himchan is the transporter. That is all that I can conclude after my visits on them,” she replied, taking a sip on her warm mug of coffee.

“How did you arrive on such conclusion?” Xiumin asks.

“Himchan’s place is reeking with stacks when I get in there. There are piles of boxes around the room with no visible gun or any weapon around. Eunji on the other hand looks odd with very prim and proper attire with a black, large wrist watch. One that looks like what you are assembling on your lab,” she looks at Xiumin.


“Last night, also, I saw and heard Nickhun and Baekho do some transactions on one of the city’s dark alleyways. It was a failure when I caught their attention. They chased me and I must thank my lucky stars that night to have Luna on the rescue,” she eyed Chen, but the guy is completely oblivious of her intended look.

“Luna of the Nymphs?” Kyoung Jae asks in surprise.

“Yeah and she looks so interested about knowing things regarding Kim Jong Dae,” she opens up the topic to divert the attention on the said guy.


The two guys looked at Chen who looked back at them, “What?” he asks.

“Would you care to explain why Luna of the Nymphs is curious about you?” Xiumin crossed his arms.

“It would do her no good if she will dig on my profile and why am I being interrogated? I thought you guys have some sort of deadline to meet?” he eyed the others.


The others decided then to ignore him for a while and resume of what they are talking about.

“So, all we have to label is Baekho and Nickhun,” Kyoung Jae leaned on his chair.

Xiumin gets something on the bag beside him which Hyoyeon just noticed recently. He produced some papers and pictures as well.

“Shall we work on it so she can have the King’s audience?” he smiled at the three.




By around lunch, Sooro received a call.

“Yes, hello?” he answered.

“May I have the King’s audience for my presentation?” a voice replied.

“Meet me at the conference room by four in the afternoon; I have other business to attend at this moment. You probably know where it is right?” Sooro replied and ended the call.




“Shall we go and trail the two? I know where to start as of the moment,” Kyoung Jae offered.

The clock on the wall reads 37 minutes past 2. The other three decide to stretch for a bit.

“We cannot possibly do that without arising suspicion on their side, but I can somehow arrive on certain helps,” Xiumin started accessing the Hollows database with the use of Hyoyeon’s account.


The other three decided to grab some lunch at the kitchen and discuss more about the said issue. The moving clock somehow scares Hyoyeon as it chimes three in the afternoon right after they went back to where Xiumin is.




It was around five when they finally settled down and finished the labeling. Hyoyeon had already dressed up and grabbed her car keys to get to the conference room of the Hollows. She had been trying to call Sooro, but it’s out of reach.


The moment she a curve to leave their street, she stepped on the brakes but then had already bumped on someone. With panic and fear crawling all over her, she stepped out and was startled to see who the person is.


“Lay?!” she exclaimed kneeling down to help him up. She smells liquor from him as she helps him up. ‘He’s drunk in broad daylight?’ she thought as she finds it hard to support the said guy.

He wrapped his arms around her in a hug, freezing her momentarily.


“I miss you.”


That very faint whisper on her ears made her knees go weak. She is torn on whether to believe him or not.

She shook of that gnawing feeling of just letting him hold her there and helps him to get to her car.

“I’ll let you stay at my apartment for a while,” she said and started the car again, heading to her apartment instead.




She let him lay on the couch as she tries to remove his jacket. She went over the sink to get a basin of water and some towel on the cupboards. When she gets back, she helped him lift his head and placed a pillow to cushion his head on the sofa. Then, she started wiping off the dirt and sweat from his face down to his neck.


He started to move and mumble words she can’t comprehend. When she is done and moves to leave him, his hand caught her arms.

“Stay with me for now,” he said, his eyes still closed.

She wants to move but his grip on her tightened. She soon consents and decided to stay beside him, sitting on the floor near him, forgetting what she should work on.




She was just startled when she felt his arm fall limp on the sofa. She cursed herself when she realized that she fell asleep beside him. She checked on him before she covers him and hurries to get to where she should go.

‘Damn this stupid heart!’ she cursed as she starts her car. The clock on her car glared at her, telling her it’s already seven in the evening.




“Very good. One more win and you will get a reward,” Sooro grinned at the young lad standing at the other end of the table, collecting his laptop and few papers as well.

“You surely tend to your homework well,” he added at the said coal-lined eyed guy known as the Reaper smiled at him.

“I have to prove something,” the Reaper replied. He bowed and moves to leave the room.


The lift on the end of the hallway opens up and he ascends into it with a relieved sigh. The moment the door closes, the opposite elevator opens revealing a rushing Hyoyeon.


Just as she is about to turn the knob of the conference room, her phone rang. The call made her stop and drop her arms on her sides. Her phone still speaks, “… The Reaper wins.”

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forgive my lousy chapters, i don't know how to write a good action page so please bear with it.^^


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parvitasari #1
Chapter 46: great happy ending.. good job author nim for your many updates.. and you said that u write another story? is it hyolay story? please i want more.. there are not many of hyolay story in this world.. anyway good luck for your internship..
zhngxiyeon #2
Chapter 43: Finally over, new hyolay storx soon unnie ^o^
Chapter 46: Omooo..cant believe this story finally ended...
Chapter 35: Ako sis pwede ako maging sis hehehe
Chapter 34: Late comment..
Firstly, wauuu so many updates... *thumbs up*
I really hope that hyo will win the competition.. And i really really really curious of who the Reaper is..
I wonder who are the group of five person in the last part of chapter thirty four (cant believe its already that long
parvitasari #6
Chapter 34: Min ah, just leave lay alone!! What the heck are you thinking? I want hyolay more.. And why hyoyeon act cold towards lay? Thanks for your many updates.. Update soon..
zhngxiyeon #7
Chapter 34: So Minah thought that their relationship to be in the next level? Lol not that fluent in english tho
zhngxiyeon #8
Chapter 34: Woooh Finaly, Lay open up his feelings hoho. But it's very unfortunate for Hyo to lost her sister. I did some so called ceremony before deciding to read the or not. I don't have any knowledge about that. I'm too young, but for the sake of not skipping pages, I read them. I only understamd some. Forgive me. THANKS FOR THE MANY UPDATES. AND I HOPE YOU WILL UPDATE SOON UNNIE. AJA HWAITING
Chapter 25: Glad that luna come to rescue hyo..
Update more..
zhngxiyeon #10
Chapter 25: Update soon unnie :)