Page Eleven

Untold Pages


The two left right before five in the afternoon. Soohyun went ahead when Hyoyeon decided to stop on a nearby shop. She bought a few goods before she walked on her way back. As she tries to muse about her thoughts, that uncanny feeling that someone is eyeing or probably following her. she turned around to check but there’s no one. Then the thought of seeing Amber earlier alarmed her. Something is really off.


She hastens on her steps and locked the gate securely. Once she is inside her room, she moved on her balcony only to be surprised on seeing Amber standing outside their brick wall, looking up at her. She can’t picture out her expression but she knows well. She remembers her last encounter with Amber before departing for Germany.


(Hyoyeon’s reminiscence)


She went to the same prestigious restaurant, maybe for the last time. She was with someone but she instructed the young lady to wait for her signal. There goes her employer, Mister Li, Kris’ father.


“I bet this thing must be urgent since you even reserved in this place, eh Miss Hyoyeon?” Mister Li smiled at the lady. He looks too formal and his voice sounds more like threatening with that monotone accent.

“Yes, indeed this is something important,” Hyoyeon stated without even sitting, “I would like to leave my job,” she added.


The shock was evident in the older man’s face, but then he was quick to mask it again in his emotionless face with that intimidating gaze.

“I am not surprised, but then, I would like to ask why,” he said.

“It’s getting personal already; I don’t like that idea of trespassing even my personal life,” she replied.

“But then, you are probably aware that you were trained in that school to disregard any personal attachments on your field assignments, right?”

“I know, but I have my own principles, besides, I have someone with me to replace my spot. I am not flattering you or such, but you will find her more suitable. She is younger than me, more willing to take any risks and she is Chinese,” Hyoyeon smiled.


Mister Li didn’t reply afterwards. He took time on the silence as he drinks on his wine. After minutes did he respond, “Where is she?”

Amber came inside after a few moments and bowed her head. Mister Li assessed her then let out a sigh. “Well, it is nice working with you Miss Kim. I hope we meet again. I will deposit your last salary on your account,” he turned to Hyoyeon as he extends a hand.

When she accepted it, he gave her a grim smile, “I hope you do not regret this.”

“I certainly will not. Good day,” then she left the room to give Amber the time to get to know her new employer.


(End of reminiscence)




Lay decided to call Min Ah right after six in the evening. They decided to meet in the mall. It was still crowded since the night is still young. He waits for her on the fountain at the center of the mall. He was taken aback by the dress she is wearing, making her look lovely and innocent. It’s a sleeveless pink chiffon dress, perfectly shaping her body. Her hair is in a messy bun, but then it looks so perfect with the dress.

“You look lovely,” he complimented, coloring her cheeks with a faint pink.

“Thank you. So why did you suddenly want to meet me?” she asked, sitting beside him as he hands her a warm cup of frappuccino.

“I just need some company, I hope you don’t mind,” he smiled sheepishly.

“Problem from work?” she asked.

He shook his head so she decided to just shut for the noise of the people around to envelope them. It may be noisy but somehow it is relaxing in some sense.


“Let’s go out?” she asked, holding her empty cup.

He smiled and held her hand as they moved out but then they were welcomed by the falling rain. Instead of staying under the shade, an idea came up on her mind and she pulled him under the rain.

“We’re going to get wet!” he exclaimed as he tries to drag her back on the shade, but she is persistent.

“Trust me,” she smiled and somehow he abides to it. They ran under the rain, till they stop on the open park a block away from the mall.


There are a few cars parked in there but then looks like no one’s literally around. He was just surprised when she pulled him, cupping his face and kisses him straight on the lips. She tries to make him respond, but looks like he is in a shock. It took him a few heartbeats more before he finally responds to the kiss, not minding the cold rain.




‘Freaking car! I will really strangle my brother for keeping this garbage,’ Hyoyeon sighed and leaned in frustration. The car won’t start and she is stuck here in the park since the rain started to fall. she had just picked up an invitation but on her way back, passing in this park, the car started to cough and eventually stops. Good thing that she was able to park it on the sides.


She fumbles on her phone but she can’t find it on the dark interior of the car. She tried to calm her frustrations. As she tries to scan the outside, she saw a silhouette of two people running under the rain. Something bit her heart, ‘I would like to do that with him,’ she noted.


She lowered her window to see who are they but she was caught off guard when the two individuals gets pressed together so as their lips. The shock was momentary as pain starts to nip her heart when she recognized the guy who returns the kiss.




It was fun seeing him responding to the kiss. The girl is really doing well in her job. It must be noted. She grabbed her phone and dialed a number. There was a few shuffling sound before there comes a voice.


“Who employed the girl?”

“Twin Trouble.”

“Nothing more unusual. He is distracted. I will note and call you if something serious happen.  I believe the invitation for the ball had been distributed. I would like to ask as to where would I line up?”

“Be discreet so use another color.”

Then the call was ended. She looked back at the kissing couple under the rain, watching how they soon get heated with that intimate action. The car, a few meters opposite the oblivious couple, had her window down. A very familiar face is inside, gaping at the two.

‘Oh, looks like the Princess caught her Prince flirting. This show looks fun,’ she thought then ignites the engine before getting on her way.


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forgive my lousy chapters, i don't know how to write a good action page so please bear with it.^^


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parvitasari #1
Chapter 46: great happy ending.. good job author nim for your many updates.. and you said that u write another story? is it hyolay story? please i want more.. there are not many of hyolay story in this world.. anyway good luck for your internship..
zhngxiyeon #2
Chapter 43: Finally over, new hyolay storx soon unnie ^o^
Chapter 46: Omooo..cant believe this story finally ended...
Chapter 35: Ako sis pwede ako maging sis hehehe
Chapter 34: Late comment..
Firstly, wauuu so many updates... *thumbs up*
I really hope that hyo will win the competition.. And i really really really curious of who the Reaper is..
I wonder who are the group of five person in the last part of chapter thirty four (cant believe its already that long
parvitasari #6
Chapter 34: Min ah, just leave lay alone!! What the heck are you thinking? I want hyolay more.. And why hyoyeon act cold towards lay? Thanks for your many updates.. Update soon..
zhngxiyeon #7
Chapter 34: So Minah thought that their relationship to be in the next level? Lol not that fluent in english tho
zhngxiyeon #8
Chapter 34: Woooh Finaly, Lay open up his feelings hoho. But it's very unfortunate for Hyo to lost her sister. I did some so called ceremony before deciding to read the or not. I don't have any knowledge about that. I'm too young, but for the sake of not skipping pages, I read them. I only understamd some. Forgive me. THANKS FOR THE MANY UPDATES. AND I HOPE YOU WILL UPDATE SOON UNNIE. AJA HWAITING
Chapter 25: Glad that luna come to rescue hyo..
Update more..
zhngxiyeon #10
Chapter 25: Update soon unnie :)