The Maternity Ward

Domesticated Aliens

To say Daehyun was nervous, was an exaggeration. He thought he would be nervous but he was more anxious than anything. He was born to be a dad and nothing could make him nervous about fulfilling his destiny. OK, when he realized it he was a little bit nervous but that was in the past.


Becca, on the other hand as she would say, was scared less. She had no clue on how to properly take care of a child. One time her little brother had a goldfish and as soon as Becca looked at it, the goldfish started to have a heart-attack. The doctor said it was a result of the genetically modified goldfish getting adjusted to Exo's environment but Becca knew better.


Baekhyun had demanded Daehyun be kept in the main lobby of the hospital a good two floors below the ward so he would not have to witness anything. Daehyun didn't bother fighting for what he really wanted, which was to video-tape the whole ordeal so he could always re-live the happiest moment of his life, and agreed to Baekhyun's request. Baekhyun wasn't the type of person to ask for much (OK, that was the biggest lie Daehyun had ever dreamt into existence) and the least Daehyun could do was fulfill it.


Dayna had wanted Becca in there so badly it was borderline heart-breaking to see Dayna plea. Becca couldn't handle seeing Dayna in pain. Dayna meant so much to her and to see the woman she loved in pain and with no way to help her, it made Becca want to curl up on the floor at the very thought. So she stayed in the main lobby of the hospital, two floors below Dayna in pain.


Daehyun was coming back to the main lobby after picking up some snacks when he received a text message from Baekhyun saying that he could come visit baby Taehyung and just needed to check in with the front desk at the maternity ward. Daehyun didn't even bother to take the elevator, he flew up the stairs. Although to most people, knowing that people from Mato didn't have powers, assumed he figured out the science of teleportation.


Becca received a cute little e-mail that had an animation of a baby in a little pink blanket taking up the whole screen before panning out to show the baby in it's mother's arms while the other mother looked on. Dayna probably spent Goddess knows how long making that animation. And all it did was make Becca want to puke. Becca even took the elevator in an attempt to stop the inevitable even though elevators terrified the out of her.


Daehyun reached the maternity ward's front desk and began to rattle of his information and Baekhyun's information.


The secretary seemed to either have not heard or cared about what Daehyun was saying. “What is the name of the father?”


“First name Daehyun and last name Jung.”


“Are the first two initials of the last name J and u?”




The secretary typed something on her keyboard before continuing. “And what is the name of the mother?”


“Well, it's actually a man. First name Baekhyun and last name Byun.”


The secretary typed something again. “Alright Mr. Jung I'll alert the room and so please have a seat.”


Daehyun sat down on the chair and stared at the card and teddy bears he got for Baekhyun and Taehyung, a smile playing on his lips. Part of me knew he should have alerted everyone but sixteen people that weren't his newborn son's parents seemed too much.


Becca shakily made her way to the front desk. “Hi, I'm here to see my wife.”


“What is the name of the father?”


“Well, actually I'm a woman. My first name is Becca and my last name is Bun. Becca Bun. It's spelt b-u-n but it's pronounced more pretentiously than you think. It's a surname from Exo.”


“The first two initials of the father's surname?”


“B and u.”


“And what is the name of the mother?”


“Dayna. Jurg.” Becca said the two names separately.


The secretary began to type furiously after that. “Yes, of course Ms. Bun.” Becca was impressed, the secretary pronounced her name correctly. “Please have a seat.”


Becca took a seat in front of a father who looked way too prepared for actual becoming a father. He had a card and teddy bears and Becca couldn't place her finger on it but she felt like she had seen him before.


The secretary called both of them over and handed them their visitor passes and told them the room numbers they needed to visit. Daehyun did his teleportation act while Becca limped her way over to the elevator and prayed that it was slow.


Becca opened the door to the room she was told to go to and immediately gave the wall a light punch. “Aren't you the gay guy that keeps stalking me?”


Baekhyun let out a snort. “Me stalk you? You're the crazy lesbian that is clearly obsessed with me.”


“Whatever, what are you doing here anyway? Don't gay guys go out to score the best deals possible for the Goddess Celebrations?” Becca said.


Baekhyun lifted the blanket bundle in his arms. “I have a child. And isn't the Goddess Celebrations season the time when all the lesbians decide who decorated their motorcycle the best.”

Becca stiffened. “Don't talk like that about my baby.”


“Of course your motorcycle is your baby. No kids of your own.”


“Goddess, I just hate it when you gay guys do that. For the record my motorcycle is my first born baby. My second born was born today and I need to go find my wife.” Becca began to open the door but stopped before walking away. “And by the way, your baby's nose is humongous.”


Baekhyun called out afterwards. “It's not my fault. Blame it on my husband and either way if my husband can grow into his nose and then so can my son!”


Daehyun was glowing as he opened the door to the room and then wondered if he would lose his job if immediately closed it.


“Daehyun?” Supreme Commander cocked her head to the side. “You don't look like my wife. Or anyone's wife at all.”


Daehyun cleared his throat before speaking. “Well, you see Supreme Commander-”


“Call me Dayna. I'm not Supreme Commander right now. I'm just Dayna.”


Daehyun had a flashback to his first day of the job when Supreme Commander had told everyone it was okay to call her Dayna and how she was always looking for people for her knitting club but everyone was too scared to breathe. Plus, at work “Dayna” AKA Supreme Commander liked to wear either the military uniform which presented her medals on full display or a suit that for some inexplicable reason always seemed to be covered in blood. Of Mato's enemies.


“Alright Dayna, um I think the woman at the desk got me and your wife's name confused. So she gave me the wrong room.”


Dayna let out what Daehyun believed was a chuckle. “Oh my, well you should be getting back to your spouse. No doubt that my wife has also been aware of the mess-up. I hope your baby is healthy and not as freakishly tall as mine.”


Daehyun let out a nervous snort. “Your baby isn't freakishly tall, it's normal.” That was a lie. The baby Supreme Commander AKA Dayna had in her arms was freakishly tall. Daehyun didn't even know babies could be tall. Sure, since they spend most of their time laying down, measuring their length could be done but not height. This baby was freakishly tall and with no doubt about it.


As Daehyun was leaving the room and walking back to the reception to see what room his husband was actually in, a freakishly tall woman came running past him, she stopped when she saw him.


“You have a pretty big nose. Your room is the last one on the left of this hallway. Congrats.” She said before entering Dayna's room.


Daehyun touched his nose self-consciously. Was Baekhyun right? Did he really have a big nose?


Daehyun ran down the hallway carrying his presents and opened the door with a flourish. He immediately let the tears fall down when he saw Baekhyun carrying a baby. Baekhyun smiled at him and pressed a button on the side of the bed to raise it up.


“I brought you things.” Daehyun set the flowers on a table next to the bed and left the teddy bears on a chair.


“And I brought you, your baby. He has your nose.” Baekhyun said handing Daehyun the baby. “And I gave him the name we said we would. Taehyung.”


Daehyun felt himself crying even harder. “He really does have my nose. But it looks cute on him.” Daehyun slipped into the Mato language. “Hi Taehyung, I'm your Dad.”


“I can't believe. We're parents.” Baekhyun felt a tear slip down his cheek but quickly wiped it away. “Did the reception give you a wrong room?”

Daehyun nodded still holding Taehyung. “They did. Do you know whose room I walked into's? Supreme Commander. She gave birth to her baby today as well. It was so awkward. I thought she was going to kill me. I think she got more tattoos done while she was pregnant.”


“Her wife came in here. I know you and everyone else in the galaxy is afraid of Supreme Commander but her wife is something else. Thankfully, we never have to see them again.”


“What if Taehyung grows up and becomes friends with their child. What if he falls in love with their child? What if Supreme Commander becomes Taehyung's mother-in-law?”


Baekhyun rolled his eyes. “That isn't going to happen. They don't live in our area and so the chances of Taehyung going to school with their kid is slim. Plus I don't care about Supreme Commander. I don't want to have to spend family events with her freakishly tall supermodel wife.”


In Dayna's room, Becca was sitting on the bed watching Dayna and her daughter. “You can name her.” Becca said.


Dayna who was staring at her daughter with warm eyes looked up. “Are you sure? She's your baby too.”


“I know but you're better with names.”


“Then her name is Taela. Our baby girl Taela.” Dayna began to choke up a bit and cried. “I was so worried that something was going to happen to her. I knew I shouldn't have gotten a tattoo while pregnant. What if that's the reason she was born late?”


“Calm down. Your tattoos only help Taela realize how beautiful her mom is. And plus she has my height to deal with.” Becca replied.


“Don't say that. Your height is fine. Want to hold her?”


Becca furiously shook her head no. “Goddess no! I would break her. I'm sorry for showing up late the receptionist was a complete and total ing dumb and couldn't even give me the right room. I showed up into some gay guy and his incredibly big-nosed son's room.”


Dayna knew it was pointless to tell Becca not to swear around Taela. “That must have been Daehyun's husband's room.”


“Was that the guy with the big nose that ran out of here? Yeah, I think they look good together.”


“What if Taela grows up and marries their kid?”


“Then I'll do anything I can to stop that marriage. The guy kinda looked like one of Exo's Guardians and they were such an annoying bunch. One time they went to protect me and my siblings when we went to vacation and one of them would literally not shut the up. He was like the world's most annoying midget puppy.”


“Fine, if you hate it that much it's not like we're ever going to see them again. I don't think the military allows 'Bring Your Kid to Work' days. Although since I am Supreme Commander I guess I could overrule that...”



Sorry that it's been so long! Work has been killing me lately -__-

But the World Cup is almost over and then I'll be free from work! (Although this kinda makes it seem like I'm losing my job which I'm not and that I'm happy that the WC is over, which I'm not)

But more fanfic update time!

Also choosing Becca's last name was super hard.

Feel free to leave suggestions for what kind of domesticated activity we should see DaeBaekTae and DayBecTae do!

<3 Smooches <3

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Chapter 4: Yeeessssseeeeuuuu taetae for the win!!!!
Chapter 3: Glad at least they found the positive thing in each other fam! ( ♥͡▽♥͡ )
Chapter 2: Jurg dayna and bun becca lolol you're daebak author-nim! XDD
Oho becareful double DB, taetae is coming! XDD
Chapter 1: Mwahahahaha gay and lesbian stereotype!! XDDD
royalpurple2 #5
Chapter 4: Aaaah, now I really ship TaeTae >w<
Chapter 4: Omg sooooo cute >< Arf I can't with those kids :p
Chapter 3: Omg what are things that go "Jongup-like"? XD I'm not sure I want to know ahah >< I'm glad daebaek are making friends even if it's weird :p
Chapter 3: cuteeee <3 daebaek is daebak xD!!! please update soon (for all your fics)
Chapter 2: I don't think Dae has a big nose XD but that was cute ^^ Who would get a tattoo while pregnant though ><
I wonder what a freakishly tall baby looks like :p
NFTeenFinite #10
Chapter 1: Update soon!!!! I love it very much~~~~