Yup, That's Me, An Idol-To-Be

Someday My Angel, I'll Shine With You


*Nami's pov*

He stared at me like I wasn't even there. I snapped my fingers in front of his face, and he shot back, suprised. Hmm, is he that tired? I knew this would be tricky. We've been dating for one year now, but we were friends before. Ever since we started to date, I felt like it has been hard on Jonghyun because he had to go to school, practice , and yet be with me, over midnight when he could be in his dorm. He could have slept the whole night through.

I sat there paitently, as Jonghyun finally had returned to his senses. He looked at me with a grin ,'' I forgot how pretty you looked.'' he said while rubbing his chin . I didn't plan on blushing, but I did anyway. His eyes were so charming; I felt like I was being in this whole other world.

'' Noona?'' Jonghyun asked polietly. I frowned immediately as he said '' noona ''.

'' Aish, don't say noona. It makes me feel old.'' He chuckled softly.

'' What's the matter? You're an year older anyways. I'm 18 and you're 19. ''

'' Ah! I-I don't feel comfortable. Let's just go back to calling each other by name.''

'' As you wish noo-..I mean Nami ya.''

We finished our coffee , and left a tip for Dong hae oppa . I rose from my seat, and Jonghyun with that smile of his, reached out his hand for me to grab. Of course, I did.

As we both walked out hand in hand, Dong hae oppa called out,'' Enjoy the rest of the night, you lovebirds !''


*Dong hae's pov*

They walked out all calm, and in love. I watched Nami's posture carefully. She was bubbly, and happy . Her face literally glowed when they came in contact. I sighed deeply, and leaned on my palm. Then, carelessly wiped the counter top with an old wet towel.

'' I guess it'll never happen...''

''What won't happen?" came a girl's voice. I jumped up , and unknowingly bumped heads with 19 year old Hee sook. She fell, back on her with my back on the counter top. I quickly, however, stood back up ,and pulled Hee sook up on her feet.

'' Mian. Here let me help you .'' I grabbed her hand which was manicured in deep red. She stood up , and I noticed , she wore a short black strapless sequin dress, obviously finished with her night shift job here. I looked up at her with my mouth dropped.

'' W-where are you going ?'' My voice became nasal.

She wiped the bottom of her dress , and replied, '' Oh ! My mom . You how she's dating a CEO of a company.'' I nodded, still with my mouth open. She impatiently walked to me and lifted my jaw back up, '' Well , you see he's having a party with a few guests, and he bought me this so I can wear it. Isn't it nice?!''

She twirled around in circles. You see, Hee sook was an orphan, until she was adopted by Nam Jae hee, an ex bar tender back in the old days. I was told that her mother lived a tough life, and consequently never married her true love . She was forced to work in a place she never wanted to be. I was told that over the next few years of her life , she became depressed by this world. She was filled with hatred , and felt the loneliness.Then, one day came the adoption.

I scratched my head , ''Well , I guess everyone can experience some good fortune.'' Hee sook smiled ,'' Uh. I'd never thought that .. I-I could be able to wear this kind of clothing. You know , I guess everyone has their fate. Mine's becoming rich , and your's is still being a coffee boy.'' I grinned. That was harsh in some ways, but hey that's Hee sook. She always said things that were hurtful, but she didn't mean it. She was always teased by the other kids with parents because she was an orphan. So, naturally she toughened up, and stayed that way, unfortunately.

''So, what's not going to happen Dong hae oppa?'' she asked now sitting on the counter top. I moved away from her slightly,'' Oh .. umm nothing.'' I fibbed.

Hee sook, then leaned towards me,'' C'mon tell me oppa! I want to know!'' Me, being the softed hearted person I am, can't deny a pleading person. However, that didn't mean I can't lie.

'' Oh .. umm you know . Getting a new laptop for Christmas. They don't pay me enough to do this job.''

*Jonghyun's pov*

We were a few blocks away from Nami's apartment. I still held onto her hand, not letting go. We both had one earplug in one of our ears , to let the music soothe us . Our dates have always been this way since I'm training. The dates where you don't really do much like : go to the movies, eat fancy dinner , or take a romantic drive to the eastern sea. Nope. But I thought of it as a good thing. We bond in a way other couples don't.

Our dates are special.

A date...

where the silence ...

fills everything....

We almost arrived at her apartment, when I heard Nami sniffle. I turn my head to her, and gave a worried look. She slowly wiped her nose with her sleeve. Then, idly turned to me.

'' Wae?'' she asked confused.

'' You babo. You're cold ! You should have worn something warmer than this.''

'' I'm fine. Really . ''

'' You're so lying!'' Then, as I saw her begin to shiver quite a bit ; I unknowingly took off my winter coat. As the zipper went down, I felt the breeze kick in.

''Won't I be cold ? Aish, be a man ! You're girl's freezing here''


''It's so~ cold !!''

'' Omo! No , Jonghyun. Don't!'' Nami said as she stopped me from covering her. I smiled; half of me wanted to put it back on, while the other wanted me to act as a mature adult. Without thinking it through I put it back on, and zipped my jacket back up.


*Nami's pov*

He put it back on?! Aigoo that's my Jonghyun. He would always be the person that would do anything for you,and always do it, while on the other hand he can be immature.

I gave a blank stare, and then bursted out laughing. Jonghyun looked at me with his brow up. '' Wae ?'' he asked . I rubbed the back of my hand on his left, frozen cheek.

'' You really put the jacket back on.'' I said laughing a bit. He scratched his head, looking at me with a confused stare.

'' But you said to put it back on.''

'' I know...'' I bit my bottom lip ,'' but I didn't want you to not cover me.''

'' Aish... whatever .''

'' Alright then, I'll just be cold all the way home.'' I joked. I sincerely acted like a five year old. He bit his lip, and pulled the earplug out of my left ear, and his out of his right. He then looked across the street able to spot a tiny street market. He smiled showing his white teeth. He, smoothly grabbed my left wrist. I followed without any complaints.

We arrived in front of a small tent, with clothes on racks, and headbands on the wall. I focused my balance since jonghyun is basically stronger than me. He called out to see who's the owner of this establishment. A woman who seemed exhausted came out from the back of the tent. She seemed to be in her late 5o's . She wore a white winter coat, grey sweats,and a pink headband that held back her permed hair. Completely not caring about fashion, but hey, who would if your working in this weather.

Jonghyun let go of my wrist, and began to look at winter coats. He smiled and dropped his mouth as he heard the prices for each of them.

'' 50000 won?! Aye ~ ajumma, c'mon that's too expensive. Please, can't you give us a discount.''

'' Sure, when you become and idol. Hah! I can't give a discount! These are real genuine coats. I need food on the table!''

My laughed that was failed to be kept in exploded . Jonghyun knew what the reason behind my laugh was, but the lady didn't. She turned to me with a tired glare. Like a bear woken up from hibernation. '' And what are you laughing about?'' she hissed.

'' Ajumma... he is an idol.'' I calmly answered.

'' Mowa?! A-an idol? '' she then glanced up at Jonghyun with her right hand over . My aine stood there with a devious smile. He bowed to her, telling her that he's a trainee at SM. She immediately clapped her hands,'' Omo~ what a handsome young man! Here, I'll give you a discount... you know... I'm sorry . It's just too cold, and I'm tired. But! B-but these are real coats, not imitations. Hehe, I really love idols! They're so handsome, and ahh... you know, it's been my dream to become a stylist for idols. My dream.''

Jonghyun and I akwardly felt the presence of a future stalker, wanting a job to be near idols. At least, we brightened her night.

Jonghyun picked out a clear white coat, that was just my size. He paid the lady 3000 won, and apologized for not paying her in full, since he spent it on coffee. She happily took the money , and asked for an autograph before we took off. Jonghyun seemed shocked that she wanted a signature. Did he know how to do it? He nervously took the blue pen and signed his name. I could see his hand tremble from the suprise. Or was it the weather?

Soon away from the future stalker, Jonghyun put the jacket on for me . He zipped it up, and pinched my cheeks.

'' Aigoo ~ my cute baby.'' he said jokingly. I smiled at him. As the snow fell up from above, I hugged him tightly for his sweet, caring side that just bought me a coat. All because I sniffled.


            Here's my next chapter .Hope you like it! Comment , subscribe , and enjoy for more.

                                                                                                                                      -- noodles. 

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LeeKaiLin #1
Ajumma, he is an idol.....
Ahahahah of course Jonghyun would do something like that>.< <br />
Love the story so far it deserves more subbers!!! <br />
My mission is to get you more subbers (deviously smiles) <br />
Fighting unnie!~<br />
Update soonnnnnn!:)