Another One of Those Dates

Someday My Angel, I'll Shine With You

    *Jonghyun's pov*


    I stood outside Seoul Beats Cafe , wearing my green winter coat. I kept a slow walking back and forth pace , as I watched my silver watch wrapped around my wrist. I checked it again , to make sure I arrived on time. '' 12:30 A.M .'' I told myself. I huffed , followed by a grin . My breath had become visible in the cold November evening.

Since I became a trainee at SM Entertainment ; it's been harder to go out , and enjoy life like I used to. While my friends went off to college , I stayed behind and trained to become a famous kpop singer.

As the minutes passed slower than usual, my patience collapsed, so I checked the time again .

12: 37 A.M.

'' Where is she ?'' I asked myself.


    *Nami's pov*


  '' Jonghyun ah!'' I yelled out , pounding down on his sholders. He turned to me , with a shocked expression. I smiled innocently at him as he calmed himself down from my attack. I carefully kicked bits of snow with my boots , and waited for my idol-to-be boyfriend to yell at me for frightening him.

'' Aish you scared me!.... But you're just so~ adorable!'' he told me as his fingers pinched my nose.

We both sat down at the table , already ordered. Jonghyun took off his jacket; he wore a white long sleeved shirt , that showed his biceps pretty well. To match it he had a black scarf , and two black earings on each side. He looked so


I came back to reality , as soon as a hand slammed down on the edge of our table. I jumped by the shocking appearence . My eyes floated up the arm , to sholder, to a rectangular male face. It was Dong hae oppa !

'' Omo! Look at this ! Kim Jonghyun finally able to make a date ... before one in the morning.'' he scoffed in the end , but we all knew it was a joke.

Dong hae oppa is 2 years older than me. He's 21 so I'm 19 . We grew up together like a real brother and younger sister. Since both our parents died at a young age ; we've been living at the same orphanage . Ever since we shared a bottle of banana milk together , we have been the sibling '' couple '' around the neighborhood. I remember one time, he fought a nine year old boy for making fun of me, all because I didn't have parents by my side. To make it more interesting than it already was, he was 5 !

'' What's up Dong hae hyung?'' Jonghyun playfully asked . Dong hae scoffed like an all time diva . '' What's up ? You're making my precious little sister come out in the freezing weather to have ... coffee. That I made of course !'' He fixed his black rectangular glasses , and stared into Jonghyun's eyes deeply. I then became annoyed by oppa's ingnorance that I pushed him off the table.

'' Oppa! Leave him alone. You're ruining our date. Go ... go and make some coffee or something.''

'' Fine .. but you tell me Nami when he starting to get too comfy with his skinship.... I'm watching you Kim Jonghyun.'' and with that he walked away, waving at us with a smile full of accomplishment. Aigoo~ always trying to ruin the moment for me.


*Jonghyun's pov*


   Our coffee came out in no time . I slowly took Nami's cup , and blew on her coffee , like a mother would do for her child that's ready to drink something hot. She smiled at me as she brushed my black hair. I smiled along. I gave her drink back , and she started to sip . We had small talks in between , and laughter followed by deep conversations. It was probably the most comfortable date we've had in the past month.

Last month , we sat on SM Entertainment's roof top , talking about random things until Kibum , a fellow trainee , barged through the door , holding a plate of dumplings. I remember he ran up to me, and shoved one in my mouth.

'' Hyung! Eat this ! does it taste? Don't avoid my eyes ! You cannot avoid me; you must look at me in the eyes. Look please!''

'' Umm.. it's .. good?''

'' Hah ! Right?! Aish Minho said that it's too crispy , hah no one can escape my dumpling trap. ''

'' Aish! Kibum ah, I'm on a date with Nami.''

'' Oh?! I didn't notice. Hah , does she want a dumpling? ''


'' Jonghyun ah!'' Nami snapped her fingers in front of my face. I shot back from a late reaction. After 9 hours of training with only 4 hours of sleep, I was very tired. Too tired that I got lost in my thoughts. As I stared up at her, my mind went blank like all of my memories were erased. This girl had front bangs that slightly covered her eyebrows, with straight sholder length hair. She wore a dark green jacket, covered her neck with a white scarf, and had beautiful brown eyes, and pink lips. I smiled lightly at her, but she gave me a wierd look.

''She's so beautiful. Who's she? Oh yeah ! My girlfriend !''


   Well readers? What do you think ? This is my first fan fic without my unnies , so I'm doing this all alone. Please bear with me. Comment , subscribe , enjoy the story! Hahah , see you all soon.

-- Noodles. 

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LeeKaiLin #1
Ajumma, he is an idol.....
Ahahahah of course Jonghyun would do something like that>.< <br />
Love the story so far it deserves more subbers!!! <br />
My mission is to get you more subbers (deviously smiles) <br />
Fighting unnie!~<br />
Update soonnnnnn!:)