Unrequited [HIATUS]

Warning: Some mildly mature humor and language is used. Just mild though. I promise.


March of Senior Year

"So, did you study for the math test?"

I shake my head in response, "Not exactly...I'm going to fail."

"Can’t you two walk faster? I swear, you guys are slower than molasses going uphill," Ju Gaeul, one of my friends, yells from in front of us, "Hurry if you don't want to be late!!"

Sanghee and I roll our eyes. Gaeul has this distorted sense of time, so she always thinks we're going to be late to class. Because of that, she developed this habit of fast walking all the time, even when we still have four more minutes to get to class.

But even though she's really weird (don't tell her I said that), she's rather popular with the boys. Which I totally understand. Gaeul's really pretty and good at practically everything...except cooking and doing things on time.

Sanghee too is also well liked, although most guys wouldn't confess to her because she's much more harsh and insane aggressive compared to Gaeul.

"What's the test even on...?" Sanghee wonders out loud, "Damn, I knew I should have at least glanced at the unit overview."

Before I could agree with Sanghee, the both of us get nudged forward by Gaeul.

"You guys are seriously so slow. Can't you walk any faster?" Gaeul mutters while prodding us to class.

In response to that, Sanghee and I pick up our pace.

"Better now?" I ask Gaeul.

She shrugs, "I guess."

An arm suddenly finds its way around Gaeul's shoulders, and the person's lips land on the said girl's cheek.

"Hey baby, I missed you~"

Sanghee gags before smacking the baby-faced boy and yelling at him, "You're so greasy, it's to the point where it's nasty."

"Luhan, I told you no PDA!" Gaeul scolds, her face red with embarrassment.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that Gaeul's dating Luhan. The soccer captain of our school's team. They've been together for almost two years (although Gaeul swears the first year doesn't count, because quote "I didn't really like him. I mean, I liked him as a friend but I didn't have any romantic feelings for that deer" end quote.)

"I swear, you kiss me one more time and--"

"And what? You'll punch me?" Luhan replies, grinning.

"Yes. I swear on Baekhyun's eyeliner that if you kiss me again, I'll punch you."

"Well...I'll take my chances." Luhan says. Gaeul barely has time to react before Luhan swiftly pecks her on the lips.

Gaeul looks dazed for a second, but then immediately delivers a blow to Luhan's stomach.

"GODDAMNIT, WOMAN." Luhan wails, clutching his injured abdomen.

So basically, to sum those two up in one sentence, Gaeul is the man of their relationship. It's a fact. No questions asked.

"You asked for it, Lulu." Gaeul says, crossing her arms, "I even told you I would."

"Yeah, but I didn't expect you to hit me that hard. Really, you could send someone to a hospital...however," Luhan groans, "IT WAS TOTALLY WORTH IT."

Gaeul and Luhan (especially Luhan) start getting strange glances from other students passing by. Some of them are even staring at Sanghee and me, as if they're anticipating our take on what just happened

"Hey...Eunji, let's...go to class." Sanghee suggests, tugging on my arm, "People are staring..."

"Let's go."

We flee the scene of the assault, walking away as fast as possible.

As soon as we enter the classroom, we take our seats.

My math teacher is actually pretty chill. She's the only core teacher I have that lets us choose our seats. As long as we're not (too) disruptive, she lets us sit at any desk.

Sanghee and I sit next to a window, which is the best place to sit in the classroom. It's the perfect place because:

a) the teacher doesn't really pay attention to us here.

b) it's far away from the punks and slackers, who sit in the back of the class.

c) the sunlight is nice and makes me feel happier.

"Has he talked to you yet?"

Sanghee shakes her head. "He's still ignoring me."

In 10th grade, near the end of the year, Baekhyun asked Sanghee out. The two went on a "trial date", and afterwards, Sanghee rejected him because of certain reasons (which I can't specify now).

Since then, he slowly starting distancing himself from her. By the beginning of this school year, he had stopped talking to her altogether.

Baekhyun and I are still really close friends, but whenever Sanghee is mentioned, he closes up or changes the subject. In 10th grade, the three of us would hang out together all the time, but ever since Baekhyun started acting like an to Sanghee, our Three Musketeers aren't three anymore.

“Sanghee, you have to make him listen to you. Baekhyun’s...stubborn. You have to be just as stubborn to get through his head.”

Sanghee groans and lays her head on the table, still looking at me. “Any other words of advice?”

“Hmm...yeah. If Baekhyun doesn't listen to you, even if you tie him up, slap him."

I am a blunt person most of the time. Ask me for an opinion, and I'll tell you what I honestly think. No matter how harsh it is.

Sanghee's eyes shoot open and she shakes her head. "Wh-what? Why would I slap him? This is Baekhyun we're talking about here. He already hates my guts, why would I give him more reasons to?"

I shrug in response, "It'll bring him to his senses at least."

"You know, your advice always seems really crazy and dumb, but you're always right." Sanghee murmurs after a few seconds of silence. "You should confess Lay--"

I clamp my hand over , "Shut up! Don't say things like that so loudly..."

Sanghee struggles a little before I feel something warm and wet on my hand.

For a moment, I kept thinking what the was that it felt so weird, but then I realized...

"DID YOU JUST MY HAND?" I shriek, yanking my hand away from Sanghee's mouth. A sheen of saliva could be seen on my palm, confirming my suspicion. "THAT'S...NASTY." I wipe my hand onto Sanghee's shirt sleeve, making sure I remove every trace of her spit.

Sanghee uses her hand to wipe , "Don't ever cover my mouth again."

Even after wiping off my hand, it's not enough. I could literally feel my hand tingling with disgust.

I run up to the front of the classroom and dispense a large amount of hand sanitizer onto my palm. I then rubbed both of my hands together as hard as I could, ignoring the fact that some of it dropped on the floor.

After I'm sure that 100% of Sanghee's germs are completely gone (because 99.9% is not enough), I go back to my seat and flick the girl's head.

"Ow!" Sanghee exclaims, her hand flying up to rub the sore spot, "You're so abusive..."

"I'm not going to confess to Yixing." I state, slumping in my chair.

"Why not? You and Lay have the cutest relationship ever~ Even your first encounter was amazing! It was like a match made in heaven."

I roll my eyes and kick Sanghee's chair leg, "Are you kidding me? Our first encounter was awful. And since when were you so cheesy?"

"That's not the point, my dear Eunji," Sanghee retorts. Her voice takes on what I think sounds like mock maturity as she starts lecturing me, "As your elder--"

"--only by six months--"

"--I am giving you advice, young grasshopper, so it's best that you listen to what I say."

"...whatever, my dear older sister." I say, rolling my eyes.

"Just confess! It's only three words: I like you."

I open my mouth to respond but I'm cut off when the bell rings and our teacher walks in.

We all stand up and bow, before she allows us to be seated.

"Okay class, you have the first five minutes of class to look over any last information before your test. This is individual preparation, so there shouldn't be any talking." The teacher says. "Time starts now."

Everyone, including me, pulls out their binder and begins cramming everything from the last topic into their brains.

It's okay, you have a distraction. Just focus on the test and you won't have to think about him.


In a flash, five minutes are up, binders are put away, and tests are passed out.

"You have the rest of the class period to finish this test. When you're finished, grab a computer and put in your answers. Good luck."


Question 1:

Oil is poured onto a flat surface, and it spreads out to form a circle. The area of this circle is increasing at a constant rate of 5cm²/s. At what rate, in cm/s, is the radius of the circle increasing when the radius is 5cm?

A) 1/2π

B) 1/π

C) 1

D) π



I really should have studied.



First Day of Sophomore Year

The boy turned to look at me, his face blank and cold.

"Who are you?"

He had an accent, a foreign one. His wavy brown hair was swept to the side of his face and covered his right eye.

"I should be asking that. Who are you?"

He frowned, obviously annoyed that I avoided his question. "I asked first."

"I don't care. What's your name?"

"Zhang Yixing. Or Lay, if that's easier. And yes, I’m Chinese.” He glanced at the door, then back at me, “What are you doing here? And why were you watching me?"

...crap. He did see me.

"I'm Kang Eunji. This is my favorite practice room. And I wasn't watching you."

"Ah, I see." He held out his hand, "Nice meeting you, fangirl #24."

I stared at his hand in shock.

He actually thinks I'm a fangirl of his?

"I know, you're surprised that I'm actually letting you touch me. It's okay, just go for it." Yixing surprisingly didn't smirk (which would have fit what he said perfectly), but smiled genuinely. One single dimple appeared on his right cheek, making him look adorable.

However, appearance aside...

He's so cocky.

I took the water bottle out of my backpack, unscrewed the cap, and brought the bottle to my lips.

Yixing laughed and pulled his hand back, “Are you that flustered?”

I hate arrogant people.

I hated them then, and I hate them now.

I think that it’s good to have confidence, but too much...pisses me off.

I drank some of the water but instead of swallowing it, I spat it out right in Yixing’s face.

The boy let out what sounded like a mix between a shriek and a wail, while he furiously wiped his face with his hands.

“What the ?!" He shouted, glaring at me.

"Since you think you're oh so hot, I thought you needed something to cool you down." I screwed the cap back onto the water bottle and glared right back at him. "I'll let you use this room for today. But keep in mind that this is my studio and that I've already established this with the other dancers at this school."

"What will you do if I take this room from you again?" His tone was challenging, daring me to answer him.

"I'll kick your ."

I offered him a smile, but even though it may have seemed like I was only half-threatening, the only thing going through my head was...

That punk. I will make him pay dearly if he steals my room. Revenge...will be delivered.

"Well, hopefully we won't meet again," I said, since the boy stayed silent, "Yixing."

And with that, I left.



Back to Senior Year

"You got a C on the math test?!" Gaeul asks, shocked. "But it's the first test of the grading period..."

I groan, covering my head with my hands. "At least it's just a topic test, and not a unit test or exam." Jo Yehee says. Yehee and I have known each other since she moved from China, and she's almost exactly like Gaeul, except more sarcastic. Her real name is Lin Yengxia, but she changed it when she came to Korea.

After I had put my test answers in the computer and submitted them, it gave me my score.



"If I had only gotten one more question right, it would've been an 80." I sigh, "I hate math."

Gaeul smirks, “It’s because you at it.”

I shoot her a glare, and her smile grows wider.

"I got an 80..." Sanghee murmurs, looking at nothing.

Yehee and Gaeul look at each other before exploding into laughter.

"You must really at math if Sanghee got a higher score than you.” Yehee says, laughing at me.

“It’s okay~ Eunji tried her best.” All eyes, including mine, go to the owner of that voice.

“Oh Lay!” Gaeul exclaims, grinning, “I thought you and Eunji studied together yesterday.”

Yixing gives me a pointed look while answering, "I studied. She slept. And then we got kicked out of the library

"You got kicked out of the library?" Yehee asks, disbelief dripping from her words, "Is that even possible? Unless...you two did something illegal..."

"No, we were being too loud."

Sanghee raises her eyebrows, "...what exactly were the noises you were making...?"

Yixing shrugs, "My neck...Eunji was--"

"Wait what?!" Gaeul interrupts, "You two...were doing the frick frack?"

What the hell does frick frack mean?

Gaeul must have noticed the confused looks from Yixing and me, as she tries to explain.

"You know, do the do..."

Do what?

"Parking the car in the garage..."

What? Cars?

Yehee sighs, exasperated, "Attempting to reproduce?"

Yixing and I look at each other for half a second before exploding.






"Guys, you don't have to yell. Damn, it's like a fire alarm, you two shouting." Gaeul mutters while rubbing her ears.

"I can't believe you two don't know what frick frack means. Everyone knows what it means." Sanghee grumbles, pushing her hair out of her eyes while she does her homework for her next class.

"So then what were you doing to his neck?" Yehee asks.

"You know how if you blow on his neck, he gets really..."

"...ohhhh…” The three girls say at the same time.

“So Lay, what brings you here?” Gaeul asks, “Well, to our table. Don’t you usually sit with the guys?”

“Oh right, I forgot.” Yixing lets out a chuckle and grasps my hand, “I need to tell you something.”

My friends all gasp and start fangirling amongst each other.

I can even swear I hear someone whistling from another table.

“Right now?” I ask. Yixing nods and his brown eyes meet mine.

It sounds cliche, but I can feel my heart beating so fast, it shouldn’t be humanly possible.

“Let’s go outside. It’s more private.”

I don’t protest while Yixing takes me outside, holding my hand the whole way.

It’s windy outside, and clouds are covering the blue sky like a thick gray blanket. The trees are visibly shaking with leaves flying everywhere, as if two people were pushing them back and forth. It’s definitely going to rain today, and it’s going to rain hard.

It kind of reminds me of the day when--

“Sorry, I couldn’t tell you in there,” Yixing murmurs, smiling and showing off his perfect smile.

I laugh lightly in return, “What’s wrong? You could’ve just told me at one of the empty tables, why did you have to bring me all the way out here?”

“Because,” Yixing drops his voice down to a whisper, “She might hear.”

The world is ending. I can feel it crashing down on me.

It's the sky shattering and the shards are being imbedded into my heart.





Sophomore Year Again.

The alarm went off at 6AM.

And it scared the crap out of me.

I let out a scream and fell off of the bed, landing flat on my .

The door opens right when I started to stumble towards it.

“Eunji! What was that? Are you okay?” My mother came running in, obviously concerned.

I stood up straight immediately, “I...I’m fine.”

“Are you sure? You’re not hurt anywhere--”

“Mother, I said I’m fine.” I said more firmly, but I smiled softly to show her that I wasn’t angry. I squeezed past her and headed to the bathroom, planning on taking a shower.

Because my morning started of sort of badly, I hoped that the rest of the day would be okay...


It's nice outside.

A gentle breeze floated by, so soft it was barely there.

It's a beautiful day, I thought as I walked to the bus stop.

My earbuds were in, and my phone was in my pocket, playing music as I quietly hummed along.


She's my sunshine in the rain

My Tylenol when I'm in pain, yeah

Let me tell you what she means to me

Like a tall glass of lemonade

When it's burning hot on summer days

She's exactly what I need


She's soothing like

The ocean rushing on the sand

She takes care of me baby

She helps me be a better man

She's so beautiful~

Sometimes I have to stop and close my eyes

She's exactly what I need


"Eunji? Is that you?" A vague voice cuts through the music, bringing me out of the song and back into the real world. I looked up to see Byun Baekhyun standing in front of me, the boy I was in detention with, the one I had befriended the day before.

"Oh, Baekhyun!" I stopped the music and took off my earbuds, shoving them into my pocket as well. "You ride this bus? How have I not seen you?"

"I moved near here just this summer." He replied, “I should be saying the same to you. Why weren’t you on the bus yesterday morning?”

“I was late, remember?” I laughed, “Are there a lot of kids on the bus this year?”

He shrugged in response, “Not a lot, I guess. There are still lots of seats open.”

We walked the rest of the way to the bus stop, talking about what classes we have today and school related things. The bus pulled to a stop, and we both got on.

“It’s okay if I sit with you, right?” Baekhyun asked as I slid into one of the seats near the middle of the bus.

“Of course!” I moved in a little, giving him room to sit. Once he sat down, I bumped my shoulders into his, "Did you think I would make you sit by yourself?"

Baekhyun grinned, "Thanks. Being the new kid has its disadvantages..." The bus started moving abruptly, and we both almost fall forward into the seat in front of us.

My thoughts immediately went back to that Yixing dude. New kid, huh?

"Do you have any fangirls after you?" I blurted out.

Baekhyun's cute. He honestly resembles a puppy, and his habit of doing aegyo without realizing it is adorable.

"W-what??" Baekhyun sputtered, flustered. Oops. Too much?

"Haha...well, I had an encounter with a new kid yesterday, and he apparently has a lot of fangirls...so I was wondering if you did too?" I tried to explain, but Baekhyun just stared back at me with an incredulous expression on his face. "I'll take that as a no."

He let out a sarcastic laugh and shook his head, "Believe it or not, I've had a few creepy looking guys follow me around yesterday."

"...so you have fanboys?" I asked in return.

"...unfortunately, yes."

I couldn't help but to burst out in laughter.

"Yeah, laugh all you want. It's funny, right? The fact that there are no girls after me..." Baekhyun said, almost bitterly.

"No, it's not that...it's just that you attract more boys than I do. That's what I find hilarious."

"Well, if it makes you feel better, I find you enchanting~" Baekhyun teased, ruffling my hair.

"You better not be flirting with me, Baekhyun. I think Sanghee would be really disappointed if she knew that you were doing this," I teased back. Baekhyun's eyes instantly widened, and fear flashes across his face. I raised my eyebrows, "Ooh, why are you afraid? Aren't you two just friends?"

"Y-yeah, we're friends..." Baekhyun stuttered, trying to avoid eye contact with me.

Sneaky kid. 

I knew something was up between those two.

"Whatever you say..." I smirked, and turned to look out the window.



"Oh, we have the same second period class too?" Baekhyun asked, "Good, you can be my new best friend."

"After Sanghee, right?" 

Baekhyun glared at me before ignoring the statement. I've about Sanghee for the last thirty minutes.

"The bell's going to ring in about five minutes. Do you want to go to class now?"

"Sure. But do you really not want to wait for your girlfriend, Sanghee?"

"CAN YOU SHUT UP ABOUT HER?" Baekhyun shrieked.

I laughed in response, "Only if you can catch me." I immediately took off and ran to my Korean class as fast as I could.

"HEY, YOU GOT A HEADSTART!" Baekhyun yelled behind me, but I ignored him and kept running.

I had almost made it to my Korean classroom, laughing in victory, when I ran into someone and we both fell onto the ground.

"Oh my God, I'm so--" I stopped when I saw the boy's face.






Right when I got back to school I nearly drowned in homework.

It's only the fifth(?) week of school and I've already had three breakdowns.

Also, I got sick with HFMD, or Hand Foot and Mouth Diseas. 

Basically, it starts out as a cold; fever, sore throat, etc.

But then bumps develop on your hands and feet, and sores open in your mouth.

It's really gross.

But I'm a lot better now, so I'm really sorry I couldn't write!

I'll try to update soon, but I can't guarantee anything!~


P.S.- someone should start a petition to EXO's stylists to stop the middle part hair. It's driving me crazy (not in a good way).

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Justmaili #1
Chapter 3: Glad i caught on to the back n forth between soph n senior yr flashbacks :D
I liked this chapter authornim ^.^ i do feel bad about Eunji… being all friendzoned…
N i totally understand what u mean bout comparing urself to other writers. I did (still do) but it is hard to write n i lovethat ur plot is so different than many others :) u can do push thru it authornim! Hwaiting! ^_^d
Justmaili #2
Chapter 2: This chapter!!! Ajdjakas i love all the diff flashbacks u did n how they r all friends now ^-^ lay b eunji's first meet wasnt all that great but haha baek blushing about sanghee x3
Hope ur feeling alot better too! (Cuz u talkd about bein sick n watnot) that sounds like a horrible disease to have…
But thx for the update! It was great and i cant wait to see whats next!
Justmaili #3
Chapter 1: Love the first chapter authornim! Cant wait for the nxt one!!!