Unrequited [HIATUS]

10th grade.

Sophomore year.

I remember the first day of school like it was yesterday.

I was a 15 year old teenager then, and looking back, I was a pretty dumb one too...


Two years ago, September.

Sunlight seeped in through the window blinds.

I opened one eye, only to be met with brightness.

What time is it? Why would the sun be up so early?

Groaning, I rolled over and looked at the alarm clock.


I took my pillow and covered my head with it, attempting to block out the sun and go back to sleep, but then I remembered something.

School starts at 8.

I immediately sat straight up and threw my blanket off of me. Jumping out of the bed, I started to get ready as fast as I could.

Clothes; school uniform, thank God. I don't think I would've had time to look for something nice to wear.

Hair; the messiest bun ever. I didn't have time to make it look pretty.

Shoes; first pair of black flats I could find.

Breakfast; psht, who has time for breakfast? although I really do love food

I quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face before running outside to the bus stop.

Unfortunately, right when I got there, the bus was already about a block away from the stop.

If this was a drama, I would've ran after it and yelled at it to stop.

But I'm not dumb.

There was no point in running after it, because I know the buses around here.

They won't stop for anybody.

I couldn't wait until the next bus, because it only came every 15 minutes.

I quickly looked down at my watch.


Dang it. There was no way I would make it to school on time.

The only thing I could do to try to make it on time was to run to school.

Call me crazy, but back then, that was the smartest thing I could think of at the time.

I ran down the street, opposite the direction of the bus stop.

As I got to the end of the block, a car pulled up to me. Confused, I walked towards it.

The window rolled down and my mother stuck her head out the window.

“Get in, I’ll take you.”

I stood there for a second, staring back at her as I contemplated whether I should get in or not.

“School starts in five minutes. I could get you there in 3.”

Giving in, I opened the passenger’s seat and hopped in. I had barely shut the door when my mother stepped on the gas, almost making me hit my head against the dashboard.

“Sorry,” my mother chuckled a little, “I’m trying to get you to school as fast as I can without getting pulled over.”

“It’s...fine.” I responded. An awkward silence filled the car, with neither of us knowing how to break it.

It isn’t until we arrived at the school when my mother spoke up.

“Bye Eunji, have a good day. Take the bus home, okay? Don’t--”

“I know. Thank you, mother.” I said, cutting her off. It seemed rude, but I couldn’t afford to be very late and I didn’t want my mother to waste any more time than she already had.

Before she could say anything else, I had shut the door and ran inside through the main entrance. When I got into the main lobby, the only thing I stopped to do was to look at the clock.


Three more minutes.

And once I knew that, I knew I had to get to class as fast as possible.



I was sprinting as fast as I could down the hallway, almost at my classroom.

I honestly would’ve been in class already if it weren’t for one of the faculty stopping me while I was going up the stairs and reprimanding me for being reckless.

I just kept nodding my head the whole time, as if I was actually listening to her.

I had quickly glanced at the clock hanging on the wall.

10 more seconds.

I swear to God, if I’m late, I will find that lady and kill her with my own hands.

I began to run as fast as humanly possible, and right when I was about to step into the classroom…

The bell rang.

Barely a second later, I crashed into the classroom, almost running into the projector in the front of the room.

“You must be Kang Eunji.” A woman said. I looked up. She was only 25 years old, max, and her short hair was white blonde. She had an abundant amount of makeup on her face, and she glared at me through her well-mascara’d eyes.

I knew straight away that I wouldn’t like her.

“Yes, that’s me.” I replied, bowing while trying not to pant too loudly. “I apologize for being late. It was unheard of and--”

“I don’t want to hear any of your excuses.” The woman snaps, her red lips forming a scowl, “I do not tolerate tardiness and lack of preparation. Detention after school today.”

Well, someone’s cranky today, I thought to myself.

“Yes ma’am.” I looked around at the other kids in the class, and I noticed that they were all staring at me.

Great. I was already attracting attention less than five minutes after school started.

“You’ll be sitting next to Byun Baekhyun. Baekhyun, raise your hand so that Eunji knows who you are."

A boy sitting near the back of the classroom raised his hand. He had longish black hair that went down to eyes, almost covering them, but he casually flipped his hair and smiled a genuine smile.

I made my way to the back and sat down next to Baekhyun.

"The teacher’s pretty scary," He whispered, keeping his voice at a barely audible volume, "She gave me detention for eating a snack."

I nodded in agreement, "She is scary." A scary . "Did I miss anything?"

"Other than her judging our names and staring into our souls; you didn't miss anything."

"Well," the teacher starts, silencing all the students in the classroom, "Now that everyone's here, I'll introduce myself. I'm Ms. Lee, your English teacher."

Lee. 이. 이년이*. I'll remember that.



After English class, I had made my way to math class with Baekhyun by my side. We had become friends, bonding over the fact that the teacher looked like a hooker and how she was simply terrible at teaching. We had also learned that we were both in the same math class, third period Algebra 2 with Mrs. Moon.

“EUNJI!!!” I turned around to see a particular brown-haired girl running towards me.

Before I could say anything, the girl jumped onto my shoulders and nearly pushed my arms down to my feet.


Sanghee laughed and got off of me, grinning ear to ear. When she saw Baekhyun, her smile widened even more, if that was possible.

“Oh, Sanghee, this is--"

"BYUNBAEK!" Sanghee shrieked as she ran forward.

"MINHEE!" Baekhyun yelled, before crushing the girl's face against his chest.

“Well...I see you two know each other…” I said, trying to make my presence known, “Sanghee, what’s your next class?”

“Algebra 2 with Mrs. Moon.” Sanghee replied.

“Oh, so you’re in the same class as us?” I asked.

“YES, BAEKHEE IS BACK TOGETHER!" Baekhyun shouted, throwing his arm around Sanghee shoulder, who also looked ecstatic.

"...well, we can't be late to class, can we?"

Baekhyun and Sanghee nodded, still beaming brightly. They skipped away towards the math classroom, leaving me alone in the dust.



After seven hours (and multiple assignments later), I unfortunately had to make my way toward the detention hall.

That stupid staff lady. If it hadn’t been for her, I wouldn’t have been late to school.

As I walked into the detention hall, I saw a different teacher in there.

Which was weird, because after English class, Ms. said to Baekhyun and me that she "would 100% be running detention, so you two shouldn't even think about trying to ditch".

Speaking of Baekhyun, I didn't know what was going on between Sanghee and him, but I could tell there was love in there. Cliche drama love.

During math class, Baekhyun and Sanghee wouldn't stop talking. Whether it was about their childhood, last year, or what the best drama that was out at the time was, they just kept continuing their avid conversations.

They talked like a couple. It was really...cute, honestly.

But the problem was, I was pretty sure that Sanghee was dating someone else.

As Sanghee's best friend, I knew that she wasn't the type of girl to like someone other than the one she's dating but...

Wait. I'm getting off topic.

Back to the detention hall.

Unlike my English teacher, this woman had medium-length black hair and no makeup. She dressed much more conservatively compared to Ms. Lee (who dressed like she was going to go partying), wearing a simple white chiffon shirt and black leggings.

"Oh!" The woman got up from her seat, and set the book which I assumed she was reading down on the table. "Are you here for detention?"

I nodded in response, looking at the detention hall. It was rare for anyone to get detention on the first day, so no one else was there.

"What's your name, hon?" The woman asked, taking out a folded up sheet of paper from her pocket.

"Kang Eunji."

"May I see your detention slip?" I pulled out the small, pink slip and hand it to her.

"Oh?" The teacher looked at the slip in confusion.

"Is something wrong?" I inwardly sighed, thinking that maybe Ms. Lee had extended my detention time.

The woman looked up and handed the slip back to me, frowning slightly.

"Yes, actually. Ms. Lee gave you detention for tardiness. In the first week, tardiness is accepted as long as you enter class by 8:10. You may go home."

I opened my mouth, about to ask for an explanation when Baekhyun ran in, panting.

"I'M SORRY I'M LATE, MS. LEE! I WAS JUST--" Baekhyun shrieked, but then cut himself off, "Wait, you're not Ms. Lee..."

The woman laughed, "No, my name is Ms. Jeong. I was told by Ms. Lee to take over detention today, because she said she had other plans...oh, may I see your detention slip?"

Baekhyun nodded and handed her the slip, and after she looked over it, she handed it back to him.

"You both are free to go." Ms. Jeong said, "Well, you're free to leave the detention hall...you'll have to stay in school."

"We do?" Baekhyun and I asked at the same time.

"The buses just left. Unless you call you parents and have them pick you up, you're stuck here until late buses come." Ms. Jeong stated, "I'm about to leave since you two are the only ones written down as having detention today, however, both of your reasons are invalid. If anyone asks, just say you're headed to an after school club."

"Yes, Ms. Jeong..." Baekhyun and I murmured together before leaving.

"Well, that was a complete waste of time..." Baekhyun grumbled, obviously pissed off, "Ms. Lee is a ...who gives a student detention but then doesn't come to it themselves?"

"I bet she's not even doing anything important right now. Actually, I bet she's at a salon, getting ready to go clubbing tonight." I added. We both laughed, but then stopped when we both realized that we had no idea where we were going.

"...are you going to ask your parents to pick you up?" Baekhyun asked.

"...no, they're working..."

Well, good for me. Now I'm stuck at school with nothing to do...

Don't get me wrong, I did stay after for clubs and stuff. It's just that on the first day of school, most of them haven't been established yet.

"Oh...well...if it's okay with you..."

He's going to ditch me. Wait, we're not even that close...but still, I'm going to be all alone...

"...I want to go practice with some of my friends for this singing gig we're doing..."

Who am I to say no?

"That's fine, I was just going to..." , what am I going to say...? "Meet up with one of my friends..."

"Oh good. I would feel horrible if I left you here alone." Baekhyun smiled and then ran off, waving. "Bye Eunji!!"

...and now I'm by myself.

As I walked down the hallway aimlessly, I thought of the things I could do.

I could have gone to the library, but I'd rather procrastinate on my work.

Or I could go to the cafeteria, which holds the club where you can literally just socialize the whole time.

The problem was, I didn't have anyone to socialize with.

After wandering around for a few more minutes, I saw a sign.


Literally "dance rooms" in Korean.

I had totally forgotten about the dance practice rooms. 

Even though I attended a regular school (although it was slightly more prestigious than average schools), we did have a very developed music wing. Recording studios, dance practice rooms, band practice rooms, orchestra rooms, etc. 

We had four dance practice rooms total, but my favorite one was the one furthest down the wing. Windows bordered two sides of the room, illuminating the room with sunlight.

Also, it was the smallest room, so the only person who really used it was me.

As I approached the room, I could faintly hear music coming from it.

Is someone in there?

I quietly approached the room, and cracked open the door to look inside.

What I saw nearly took my breath away.

A tall, thin boy was in there, dancing to a song with a distinct electric beats.


I am a dancer, and I have been told many times over that dancers should dance to dubstep.

Frankly though, I was never a fan of it.

I wasn't into the spastic sounds of that sort of music.

However, as I watched the boy dance...I could see the passion in his dancing.

It's like he put every single bit of his concentration and soul into it.

I kept listening to the music, and I could tell that it wasn't just dubstep.

It was violin dubstep.

*link to music here*

Or at least I thought it was. At the time, I couldn't really tell, so I just assumed.

The boy's dancing was fluid and smooth in the right places, but where the music escalated, his movements became more powerful and packed with...fire.

I continued to watch him. It was just so mesmerizing, seeing someone dance with as much enthusiasm as me.

Most of the kids at school only dance because nowadays, if you want to debut, you have to able to dance.

But there were a group of kids that did dance because they loved to. We weren't exactly best friends with each other, but we were all acquainted.

Unless this boy just somehow slipped my radar, I had never seen him before in my life.

Right at the of the song, the music suddenly stopped.

The boy turned around, facing me, before he...



"Eunji, wake up!" Someone jabs my side sharply, causing me to sit up in my seat.

Oh. I fell asleep in the school library...

"Sorry, sorry." I yawn, before looking at my attacker.

Yixing blows out a puff of air, looking back down at his textbook. "You called me here to help you with math but then you fall asleep..."

"Math is so boring though, I'd rather be dancing." I get up from my seat and start prancing around the table, doing random dance moves.

Yixing laughs and covers his mouth with his hand, "Sit down, you're embarrassing me."

I stick my tongue out in response, "Make me."

I kept dancing around the table, making my movements weirder and stranger as I went.

I started spinning around, but then I ended up crashing into a person.

"Did that stop you?" Yixing asks, grinning. He had gotten up from his chair and purposefully stood in the way.

"Nope!" I smile back, going around him.

Before I got very far, though, a pair of arms encircled my stomach and pulled me back.

"You can't dance now~" Yixing sings, pulling me against him. I giggle, then turn around to face him, his arms still around me.

Quickly, I leaned forward towards his neck and...

Started blowing air onto it.

He fell to the ground, gasping and screaming at the same time.


One of the librarians, who had been watching us warily, came over, frowning.

"You two. I'm going to have to ask you to leave. You are disturbing the peace of this library, therfore, disturbing the others here. Get your things and get out."

And I thought librarians were nice.

Yixing immediately took his arms off of me and got up. We both bowed slightly to the woman, grabbed our stuff and left.

"Good job getting us kicked out. I seriously think this is the first time they've ever kicked anyone that attends this school out." Yixing sighs.

"No, remember that guy Bae Ilsung? He and his friends got kicked out--"

"--for doing drugs in the library." Yixing finishes, "They also got expelled." He looks at the clock hanging on the wall and frowns. "We still have 45 minutes until late buses come..."

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I ask.

"...I don't think so, because I don't know what you're thinking..." Yixing replies, his face blank.

"Glass. Dance."

His face breaks into the brightest smile and he grabs my hand, "Let's go!"

He drags me down to the music wing, earning strange looks from staff and whispers from students.

"Awh, those two are so cute! I wish my relationship was like that..."

"I know right! Just looking at them makes me want to have a boyfriend."

Yixing takes me down to the end of the hall, and pulls me into the room furthest down.

The room is a dance practice room, with windows covering two sides and two mirrors covering the other two.

My favorite place in the world.

The place where I met Zhang Yixing.


*In Korean, Lee is written as 이 (Yi/I). 이년이 (inyeoni) in Korean means . Eunji was trying to be clever and gave Ms. Lee a derogatory nickname as a result of the woman's earlier actions towards the girl.




A/N: OOH YAYAYAY!~ I GOT THE FIRST CHAPTER UP AFTER...a month. sorry D: I've been busy working //without pay// and messing around on League...

I'm actually on vacation right now!!! Sort of.

If you call sitting around at your grandma's house and playing on the computer/going to the same beach every single day vacation...then yeah, I'm on vacation.


I'm seriously so obsessed with Chen's OST Best Luck (최고의 행운), I love it so much.

I listen to it at least 50 times a day aha.

And the drama, It's Okay, That's Love (괜찮아 사랑이야)...is so good.

In my opinion, anyways.

It's so funny, because when I watch it, the timed comments always crack me up.

Especially, //especially// when DO comes on.

They're all like...


etcetera etcetera.

I recommend this drama to all of you that are 13+, and if you have strict/awkward parents...

Don't watch it around them haha.

It has mature themes and humor in it.



Well, my rant is over :DD

I'll try to update soon!

*he's so adorable ughh he ruined my life*


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Justmaili #1
Chapter 3: Glad i caught on to the back n forth between soph n senior yr flashbacks :D
I liked this chapter authornim ^.^ i do feel bad about Eunji… being all friendzoned…
N i totally understand what u mean bout comparing urself to other writers. I did (still do) but it is hard to write n i lovethat ur plot is so different than many others :) u can do push thru it authornim! Hwaiting! ^_^d
Justmaili #2
Chapter 2: This chapter!!! Ajdjakas i love all the diff flashbacks u did n how they r all friends now ^-^ lay b eunji's first meet wasnt all that great but haha baek blushing about sanghee x3
Hope ur feeling alot better too! (Cuz u talkd about bein sick n watnot) that sounds like a horrible disease to have…
But thx for the update! It was great and i cant wait to see whats next!
Justmaili #3
Chapter 1: Love the first chapter authornim! Cant wait for the nxt one!!!