la noche tan bella

A Changkyu Collection

It's a slow and steady rhythm. Put put put pat put put put pat. Drops of cold, heavy rain fall onto Kyuhyun's head. He stands outside in the middle of a mild rainstorm. The clouds are getting dark, and then rain is getting louder, but Kyuhyun sees no sign of lightning and thunder. But he estimates he only has a few minutes before they strike.


He stands in the empty lot outside his home and every mystery of life unravels before him. Why he's here, how he ended up with a group of strangers. Why the world is so painfully small. He lets the rain drip down his face until he's completely soaked before heading back inside to his warm home.


When he walks inside he's almost alarmed when he sees Changmin. He had completely forgotten that he was napping in the living room.


“Kyuhyun,” Changmin says and stands up. “What happened? Are you okay?” He looks worried and Kyuhyun can't think clearly enough to give a straight answer.


A searing pain starts to ache in Kyuhyun's head and he collapses onto the chair next to him. He hears Changmin shuffle around but doesn't pay too much attention.


“You're completely drenched,” Changmin says worriedly and wipes Kyuhyun's face with a towel.


“I was...thinking.”


“Of what? How to get sick and worry everyone who cares about me?” Changmin says, cupping Kyuhyun's face and gently soaking up the water.


Kyuhyun watches his friend's fingers and hands as they take care of him. He watches Changmin's concerned face and looks into his loving eyes. He takes in this moment, this raw side of Changmin he so rarely sees unless they're together.


“Come on, you need to change,” Changmin says and pulls him up by the wrist. Kyuhyun smiles, ignores the pounding in his head and lets his friend guide him.






 a/n: it's like 3am I can't guarantee this makes sense or is any quality at all. x__x I'm actually really tired why am I writing? Haha. Also I took three years of Spanish and know pretty much nothing, but I think the title is a song title...So hopefully it's right.


Er. I should sleep. Hope you liked!

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Saravy #1
Chapter 9: These are amazing! I hope you plan to continue them, especially the last two. Great job!^^
Chapter 9: LOVED THIS. I'd absolutely love it if you made a chapter fic slfkjg
Chapter 9: Please continue! It was really good, I want to know what happens next
PikaKyuLove #4
So sweet~ <3
PikaKyuLove #5
Your writing style... Perfection.