The Staff

미스-K (Miss K)//||\\캔디-키스. (Candi-Kiss.) (CLOSED!)

Bang Seoyeon || Mentor

Age - 18

Personality - She's tough,she's an strict person, but she's also funny, playful and lovable. Though before she shows you that side of her, you have to do as she says.  Easily angered and well surely yell, scream, cause an trantrum if people don't listen to her directions carefully. She's hardworking.


Father owns HSE Talent.

Her own group is N2U, the sister of Bang Cheolyong and dating Lee Joon.

Bang Seunghyun || Manager

Age - 19

Personality - He has a short temper, he strong and likes to fight. He doesn't like working, he likes to play around and poke fun at his cousin, Seoyeon.

He'll make people do what he says one way or another and always has a plan.


Was forced to do this job by his father and uncle.

He's a ex-delinquent, since Seoyeon's always keeping him on line.

Kim Minhee || Hair Stylist

Age - 24

Personality - She's usually always all smiles, talk and fun-loving. She's playful and always has something funny, nice or sweet to say. Everyone loves her and know never to get her mad or they'll face her rath.


She loves to play games, go to the mall and hang out with her friends.

 She brings in snacks on most days.

She's apart of a rich family.

Shin  Shihyun || Hair/Clothes Stylist

Age - 22

Personality - She's smart, hardworking and is always naturally cute. She's funny and playful, she's also very loveable. People go to her for advice on anything.


She loves taking selcas.

She loves sweets.

Xiexie Xui || Makeup/Outfit Maker


Age - 24

Personality - She's an bubbly person, who loves to have fun and enjoy life. She always finishes things, when she starts them.


She's Chinese.

She's can perfectly do anything that deals with clothes, fashion, makeup and hair.

Kunieda Kaori || Makeup

Age - 21

Personality: She's sweet and nice, she always has a smile on her face. She tries her best all the time and people just love her bubbly personality.


[I know this is Toda Erika-chan, but I couldn't find an japanese ulzzang, I used Erika-chan, since she's so pretty and my favorite actress EVER]

She's the best in fashion and knows how to use makeup well.

Use to be a model/actress, but quit.

Speaks in Japanese when she's angry or something.

Shim Junhyun || Choregrapher

Age - 21

Personality - He's kind and sweet to the people he knows well. He's always strict and keeps up an poker face, where ever he goes. He's serious, barely jokes around and is a real joy killer.


He's the eldest twin and his twin is HyunJun.

He's only strict, hardworking and serious because there was a time when he didn't watch HyunJun as Hyunjun wondered off, HyunJun would of got seriously injured to the extend of death, but Junhyun saved him before that.

Shim HyunJun || Chorgrapher

Age - 21

Personality - He's always in an happy mood and smile whenever he is.. He gives off an upbeat and fun aura, no matter where he is. No one can seem to hate him, he's so sweet, innocent and an amazing dancer that it's hard to.  He's freewilled and doesn't think on the spot. He can't sense when he's in trouble and is always causing trouble for his brother when he's like that.


He's the youngest twin to Junhyun, even though they don't really look a like.

He won first place in the schools dancing competition and first place in an actually competition.

He and his brother use to create dance covers and danced to various of songs, together.




Theres a lot of staff..... Oh well, you'll see them here and there in the fic.

Who's your favorite so are the staff?

I might just change them....


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great ! you updated >w<
Unnie ! Please update.. Im dying to
xSarangx #3
Dani is the best dongsaeng ever. (I don't really mean it*mehrong!*)<br />
I was kidding about that:)
I LOVE you <33 (i dont really mean it *mehrong!*)<br />
Update soon ! I can't wait till the story starts
#5<;br />
i'm just changed my age so can't you Junhyung to be my partner??
Whoa. I actually got in? LOLOL omg!! When I read "Song Alison" I was like "What a pretty name- WAIT... that's me..." HAHAHA!! Thank you so much!! <3 I shall comment on every update (or at least try to) *huggles you tightly* X3
StarrBelle19 #7
Your website is so cool. Haha ^^ and congrats to whoever who made it (:<br />
<br />
Xx<br />
congrats to all the members! and the site was really cool :D