Main Dancer, Choi Eunhye [Miss K] + Teaser!

미스-K (Miss K)//||\\캔디-키스. (Candi-Kiss.) (CLOSED!)

Character Info
Name: Choi Eunhye
Age: 16
Birthday: 28th October 1995
Height: 168cm
Weight: 46kg
Ethnicity: Korean-American
Languages: Korean(fluent), English(fluent), Chinese(basic)


Eun Hye is very stubborn - she doesn't give up easily, even when the problem is too much for her to handle, and she simply dislikes seeing people lose faith in themselves and give up reaching for their dreams, and also when people lie to her. Every criticism she gets, she doesn't see it as a reason to be discouraged, but a motivation for her to strive and work harder. She's also very thoughtful person, and often helps her group mates with their dancing. She likes to help people in every way she can and even though she looks like a non-chalant person, she is willing to help her friend secretly. She works hard and plays hard! She's a great listener, but is not too good with comforting words herself. Her way of cheering her friends up is to ask them out just her and that person; and she gives her friend her full attention, letting them feel special. As good of a friend she is, she doesn't reveal how she feels often. She may put on a smile, but inside, she may be crumbling under pressure. She doesn't like her friends to worry about her and she doesn't tell them her problem. As a result, she appears very cold, but to people who know her very very well, would know that that she is actually a person whose heart is fragile and breaks down easily.
Being the down-to-earth girl that she is, Eun Hye doesn't like to lie to others, especially to her dear friends but sometimes when the truth is too much for her to take, she can't help but break down. The devastating truths that break her heart are usually the experiences that make her into a stronger person, not only on the outside, but also on the inside.
When people ask Eun Hye how she manages to live life with such determination and perseverance, she often explains to them her philosophy in life "Live like a stone pot. Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be." The truth behind this philosophy is to encourage herself to live like a stone pot; to heat up gradually and take things one at a time, to work hard as success doesn't come by easily; and then cool down slowly when things don't work out the way she wants it to be, just like a stone pot. The second half of her philosophy constantly reminds her that things aren't magically going to go the way she expects it to be but instead the results will show after the effort that she has put in. Bad results? Well then she didn't work hard enough. Good results, on the other hand motivate her to work harder to achieve higher goals.


♡playing piano
♡choreographing dances
♡imitating girl group dances
♡food!(especially barbecued meat!!)
♡romantic comedies
♡eye smiles
♡taking selcas
♡conversing in English(not many people in Korea speak english!)
♡anything chocolate related
♡korean dramas


♡roller coasters(she's afraid of heights)
♡being lied to
♡horror movies
♡seeing her friends sad


♡learning the dances of new kpop songs and adding her own style to it
♡Shopping for shoes and clothes
♡fantasizing about her kpop biases
♡surfing the Internet
♡watching tv
reading books
♡doing crossword puzzles


♡she pouts when she's thinking
♡she bites her lips when she's nervous!
♡stuttering and avoiding the other person's eyes when she's lying
♡bursting out, dancing and singing to kpop songs when she is bored
♡she looks into the fridge every hour or two to look for food!
♡she subconsciously replies people in english at times
♡She links her arm with whoever is walking beside her!

Group Info
Stage Name: Khloe
Persona: Ice Princess, Swag Dancer, Angel
Own fanclub Name: icepops { she is known for the cold attitude and because of that and her love for popping, her fanclub is called icepops }
Own fanclub colour: Brink Pink
Position: Main Dancer

♡Her blood type is O positive

♡Yep, she's obsessed with abs!
♡Her favorite number is 7!
♡She likes the colour pink and purple!
♡She loves taking selcas!
♡Her favorite song is Angel by TEEN TOP!
♡She's a chocoholic! Which explains why her favorite drink is Chocolate Chip Cream from Starbucks ^^
♡Nothing can keep her away from barbecued meat!(favorite food)
♡She loves math, surprisingly!
♡She's afraid of the dark!
♡She has a phobia of insects!
♡She's ambidextrous!
♡She's easily smitten with people who can rap well or dance well.
♡She is muscially inclined.

Extra Talent(s):

♡She can play any song on the piano by ear.
♡She can tie a knot with a cherry stem
♡She is extremely flexible and is often compared to Victoria of f(x)
♡She can copy a dance perfectly the first time she's seen it.


-Choi Myung Hee, 45[Father]: He is well alive and is a easygoing father who tends to put Eun Hye as his first priority. He has a great sense of humour and Eun Hye gets along well with him as she feels safe around him and his jokes never fail to bring a smile to her face. Eun Hye is definitely a daddy's girl.
-Aeriella Smith, 42[Mother]: She is now known as Mrs. Choi Aeri and she has a loving relationship with her husband, however, she is rather strict with Eun Hye and naturally she wants Eun Hye to be successful. Initially she didn't approve of Eun Hye with dance as her passion but opened up after Eun Hye won the competition. Eun Hye is close to her mother, but not as close as she is with her father. They bond while they bake, as Eun Hye often helps out at the bakery before she was a trainee.
-Choi Minho[elder brother]: He is 20 this year and Minho is a mature boy who is trustworthy and dependable on, he gives great advice and isn’t afraid to tell someone off or stand up to someone when he knows that person is in the wrong. Overall, he is a person you can entrust your secrets to. Like Eun Hye, he works hard towards his goal and doesn't lose determination. Minho and Eun Hye are like best friends as they tell each other everything, ranging from insignificant things like how their day went, to things like their crushes! Many find it weird how this pair of siblings are so close to each even though they are of opposite gender, but that just shows how close they are!

Eunhye's mum was a American who moved to Seoul and helped her mother out at a bakery which her parents had set up. Her father met her mum when he went to a bakery to get a birthday cake for his mother and fell in love with the girl who baked and sold him the cake, which is Eun Hye's mother. Since then he went to the bakery often to buy cakes which was an excuse to see her. Soon after, love blossomed and they fell in love! They then gave birth to Eun Hye in Seoul, Korea. Coming from a wealthy family, Eun Hye always had a interest in all genres of dance. Despite her parent's disapproval towards her interest towards arts, she wanted to prove to them that a person that excels in arts can be as successful as a person in the medical field. She proved her parents wrong when she won first place at a dance competition at the age of 12. She is able to copy a dance perfectly and first time she saw it and her flexibility was on par with Victoria of f(x). Upon winning the competition,HSE Entertainment scouted her, to be a trainee. Her parents then became supportive of her after they saw how talented Eun Hye was and decided that she should be given a chance to showcase her talent. Her elder brother, Choi Minho got in SM entertainment and debut in SHINee. Ever since then she has been spending as much time possible with her family as she rarely sees them due to her intense trainee life! She has a easygoing father who finds laughter in everything and a mother who may be strict, but she means for the best. She never had a boyfriend as she was too focused on dancing.

Best Friend; Chunji of TEENTOP and Yoona of SNSD
Friend(s): L.Joe of TEENTOP, Min of Miss A and Dara of 2NE1
Rival(s): Hara of KARA
Reason for being rivals:
Hara and Eunhye started off being good friends, both of them entered the dance competition, with high hopes. They sweated together, worked hard together and danced to their fullest. However, when it came to the semi-finals, Hara saw Eunhye as a threat and thought that Eunhye would outshine her and win the competition. Hara then tried to sabotage Eunhye's chances of winning by giving her spoilt milk to drink on the day of the competition, but luckily for Eunhye, she realised it wasn't safe to drink and quickly turned it down. Hara was raging mad and that affected her performance quality on stage; while Eunhye breezed through it, having all her hardwork pay off. Eunhye won the competition and got scouted by HSE Entertainment, but Hara who was furious upon finding out the she didn't win the competition, screamed at Eunhye that it was because of her that she didn't win and that she ruined her chances of winning because she didnt drink the spoilt milk and actually ruined her plans of being a idol star. It was all in a moment of rage that made Hara say that, but by the time she realised it, it was was too late. Since then, Eunhye and Hara were rivals.


Teaser #2



This evening, our rumored member, Serenity, had gave out a little hint to who may be the next member, as they chatted it up through twitter.

SSKiss - @ChoiEunniee Debut? Mhh, soon.

ChoiEunniee - @SSKiss I can't wait unnie:)

SSKiss - @ChoiEunniee Neither can I, see ya at prac. tmrw~!


If that isn't evidence, this is more proof that she maybe an member.

Choi_Minho - Can't wait for your debut~! Dongsaeng-ah, saranghae<3 :)

to which, Eunhye, responded with:

ChoiEunniee - @Choi_Minho Mhh! Thankyou oppa, oppa saranghae<3

Not only that, but even Chunji of Teen Top and Yoona even congratulated her, so is she one of the rumored girls or what?



Congrats to you Choleee~! Really enjoy application and thanks for applying!!

Ok, so I'm going short here, I gtg to the mall soon, so yeahhhh, I tried to type fast>.<

The next teaser will definitely be better and longer!

I'll work on it on the way to the mall. Hmm, next will be the staff~!

Who's the manager, planner, choregrapher and ect.


Applies are still open if anyone's interested~!!!!

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great ! you updated >w<
Unnie ! Please update.. Im dying to
xSarangx #3
Dani is the best dongsaeng ever. (I don't really mean it*mehrong!*)<br />
I was kidding about that:)
I LOVE you <33 (i dont really mean it *mehrong!*)<br />
Update soon ! I can't wait till the story starts
#5<;br />
i'm just changed my age so can't you Junhyung to be my partner??
Whoa. I actually got in? LOLOL omg!! When I read "Song Alison" I was like "What a pretty name- WAIT... that's me..." HAHAHA!! Thank you so much!! <3 I shall comment on every update (or at least try to) *huggles you tightly* X3
StarrBelle19 #7
Your website is so cool. Haha ^^ and congrats to whoever who made it (:<br />
<br />
Xx<br />
congrats to all the members! and the site was really cool :D