The Letter

Wedding Bell

Author's Note: Well, I figured that maybe you guys would like to know the content of the letter, so I decided to upload it. Also, if i receive any great comments or increase in upvote, I'm likely to extend this story into a two-shot, hopefully. The second part is already in progress, so it depends on you guys now! Enjoy :)


She says, "Can you keep a secret
A ceremony set for June
I know it's a rush but I just love him so much
I hope that you can meet him soon..."

No, I don't wanna love
If it's not you
I don't wanna hear the wedding bells prove
That we can't try
One last time
But I don't wanna hear the wedding bells chime!

Trying to fall asleep
You wake me up cause I'm trying to see the light,
Instead of you in white.
No I don't wanna hear the wedding bells chime.

Pardon my harsh reaction
You put me on the spot
And if I'm being honest
I'm hoping that I'd get caught
Showing you I'm unhappy
Letting you see my truth
Cause if you recall our anniversary falls
11 nights into June

I’m sorry for my dishonesty but I was afraid to tell you all the feelings in my heart, thinking that if I told you, you and I will fall apart. Baby all the times we’ve had, I kept my feelings wrapped. I’ll always ask myself ‘how did I lose your heart?’ But the answer was clear. He is a better guy, isn’t he? Truthfully, I don’t even know where i found the strength to stand by your side and watch you go out with another man and listen to all your stories.

All along, I’ve been in love with you Jessica Jung. I love you too much that I’d rather settle for a best friend status because I’d rather have you in my life than not have you around. You are the answer to every prayer I've offered. You are a song, a dream, a whisper, and I don't know how I could have lived without you for as long as I have. I love you, Sooyeon, more than you can ever imagine. I always have, and I always will.

I wish you an everlasting happiness with him. I’m sorry that I’ll never be able to meet him. I’m sorry that I was never man enough to tell you the truth and fight for you. But I’m not sorry that I ever knew you and love you. Loving you was the greatest pleasure in my life and for as long as I’m still breathing; I will continue to love you.

Jung Sooyeon, in another life, you would be my girl. We’d keep all our promises and it would be us against the world. In another life, I would make you stay so that I don’t have to say that you’re the one that got away’. I should’ve told you what you meant to me cos now I pay the price.

 Take care of yourself Jessica Jung Sooyeon. You’ve met the man of your dream and achieved your dream wedding. You got married 11 nights into June, which was enough to tell me that you’ve found your true happiness and it’s not me.

Kim Taeyeon.

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Chapter 4: This is beautiful and well written... Very nice story...^^
js1234 #2
Chapter 4: I dont know how many time i re read this story and i never get enought its so perfect really perfect authorshi
Chapter 4: Oh my god...This is so beautifully written ;_; Their beginning was so angst that my heart clenched and I teamed up T^T But luckily it's a happy ending I'm so glad :'D Thank you author for the ff! I really enjoyed it! :DD
mzlyod #4
Chapter 4: n0w...n0w..n0w.. n0w that is the ending auth0r ssi..
hahahaa.. tq much.. #big b0w
Chapter 4: Finally... Thanks au ssi. Great ending
Chapter 4: please update soon
Bumella #7
Chapter 4: ohh thx for the awesome story
Spitha28 #8
Chapter 4: so beautiful Taengic are cute together
GleekThuAnh99 #9
Chapter 3: oh now now i need sequel !!!!!!!!!!come on you won't just end this like that huh???
Chapter 3: please update soon