Because of you - Hansol x Byungjoo

Two brothers swore to each other they will tell each other everything. To the girls they fall in love and to the people they've slept with. 22 years later all of this have change. 

Hansol Kim and Seokjin Kim were only a year apart, seokjin being the eldest he's had the chance to meet a bunch of ladies and casually flirt with them in university. Hansol, not much of a talker is a loner. Hidden in the walls of the dance studio eating his lunch not minding anyone at all. The two had everything they wanted, peace and unity between two. But that all changed when two new faces come in town, rich popular and they run a popular gang in Seoul. 

Suga Min the leader, has been dealing with trading drugs since he was 17. Along side him, his partner in crime bjoo min, the most renowned boy in the city, a murder. 

What if the two most opposites people fall in love? Will it change how the world of gangs and popularity change or will it drive them to worse?

* because you is written in pov style and third person * 

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ajinwonderland #1
Chapter 6: Hey, are you still working on this? I'm so interested!
Chapter 6: Oh wow! They easily became friends o.o!
Condition? Wrist condition?
I'm curious ~!
Chapter 5: Aww~! They're neighbours ^//^!
All four already have feelings for each other!! My g >//<!!
Chapter 3: I'm kind of confused onthe Author's POV here T.T so that means all brothers are talking about the same villa?! Oh my!!
Chapter 2: Sounds interesting! 2 pair of brothers with different circumstance :)!
MinMin_SL #6
Chapter 6: CONDITION? what condition!!!? oh no no nono update soon i need to know....NOW
MinMin_SL #7
Chapter 4: update soon!
Chapter 3: Btw, update soon
Chapter 3: *remember *telling