A Writer's Tip

The Geography of a Genius
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Here’s a writing tip:

    Audiences often ask if characters are based on “real people.” Indeed, the impulse of the ametuer is to write about “who one knows.” The professional, on the other hand, understands the impossibility of such a task. The “creator” of the character must know more about the character than one could ever know about a “real person.” The author must possess complete knowledge: what the character was wearing on Christmas morning when she was five, what presents they received, who gave them, and how they were given. A “character” is, therefore, a “real person” who exists in another plane, a parallel universe based on the author’s perception of reality.

    When it comes to people- don’t write about who you know, but what you know.

Taken from the writing styles of Mary Gordon Howard, The Writer’s Life

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