Chapter 3: Expectation vs. Reality

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Kai and I were in the dance room. Just the two of us in that small room.

After he asked the question, I was dumb-founded. I just sat there staring into space.

He seems indifferent.

He just sat down beside me, still panting.

Silence soon filled the air. However, there was something unique about the silence, the silence that brings about comfort. No one is talking yet I didn’t feel ignored. We were just enjoying the same silence, which clearly cannot be defined by mere words.

The silence also bought about boundless thoughts about the possibility of him liking me. I was almost certain until he broke the silence.

“I like Sulli ,” he blurted out.

“ Me too! What…?”

I was shocked. It was as if someone use a hammer to hit me on the head.


He blushed upon hearing my question. On the other hand, I was the complete opposite of what he was feeling. Strictly speaking, I do not even think of him as my crush since we hardly meet. But who can explain the heartache I had when I received that news. It was just weird, plain weird...

“Since when…?”

“It all started when I saw her performed few years back during the dance showdown. The determined looks in her eyes make me decided to pick up dancing even though my father strongly object it. In fact, I only came to the college just because I want to meet her. I just want to make friends with her and…”

He stopped.

“That day when you saw me, I was trying to get my friends out of trouble. Nothing more or less. I’m definitely not a member of a gang like how the rumours spread”


“What?” He turned and face me.

“I mean I understand. Perhaps I can be the Cupid and bring two of you together…”


He hugged me! He freaking hugged me! I should not be feeling this way. I only talk to him less than three times yet my heart still acts like this. Do I like you? Why? Why don’t you like me? Out of all people, why must you like my best friend?

No wonder you approach me. My role is to be a bridge that can bring two of you all together...

The next day, everything seems normal except that Kai was the first person that greeted me in the morning.

“Hey Eunmi!”

Although part of me wants to ignore him but the other stupid part of me decided to go with the flow.

“Good morning Kai”

Soon, whispers and murmurings can be heard around us. Undoubtedly, everyone was in shock seeing Kai greetied me, an average plain Jane. Kai, who is one of the school heartthrobs, rarely speak to anyone except to his own group of friends.

“Can you do me a favour?”

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Chapter 2: i just wanna say that this is a pretty good story....and it wud be cool to get a bit longer updates :)