Chapter 1: Unexpected encounter

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“Please! I don’t want to go! Can I not go?” I pleaded with my puppy eyes, hoping for a reversal. However, lady luck was not on my side. In the end, I still need to run errand for my eldest sister to buy her the Takoyaki that she had cravings for days.

Today seems like a different day from those usual days. I have the urge to take a completely different route home today. Although it was already dark, I turned into a dark alley, wanting to catch the bus at the end of the alley.

Walking down the dark alley, several buff guys seemingly approached me. I could hear my heart pounding ridiculously fast. I felt light headed. I began to sweat profusely as I divert my attention to the most trivia object in sight which happens to be the streetlight ahead of me. As we were getting closer to each other, the tickling sound of my watch seems to amplify every second. I could feel several pair of eyes scanning me. Is it that I’m attractive? What do I do if they stop me?

 However, to my relief, or dismay, they passed by me. As I push those negative thoughts to the back of my head, just then, a tight grip can be felt on my wrist. Panic-stricken, I followed the arms of the owner and met the eyes of a beast. Yes, a beast, a kind one. He lazily scanned through me while I tried to focus my sight. He looked fine, in fact hot. But why do I find him familiar? He broke the silence,” Aren’t you from EXO College?”

Now, I finally know who he is. He is Kai, the infamous heartthrob in my school!

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Chapter 2: i just wanna say that this is a pretty good story....and it wud be cool to get a bit longer updates :)