chapter 3

Another Kyumin Stories

Changmin shake his head when he see the chubby man smiling watching some recording from the ipad. He really dont now what to do with his hyung for now. he have lost all his words to advice him. All he can do is to pray that god protect this chubby man.


"Sungmin hyung? I dont know you are kyumin fans." Changmin say as lee sungmin quickly off his ipad and turn to the tall man.


"Ani~ i just see how my acting on screen. Are you alone?"sungmin say as he grins and looking around of the studio.


"You may lie your fans, others members and your family but you cant lie to yourself and me hyung."changmin sigh as he sit next to sungmin.


"I am not changmin. Trust me. Is she out with hyuna again?"sungmin pouted his lips as he look to the tvxq magnae who smirking.


Shim changmin smirk as he can sense the jealousy but he know the man will never admit. Yet he dont know that he such an open book who everyone can read easily.


"Yes he is, i guess they enjoy each other company now i aint needed with them."changmin say as he seei g how the man nods sadly.


"Well~~thats good..right?" Sungmin turn to changmin and looking to him with his doe eyes and the smile that everyone know fake.


"Lee sungmin, i dont know what your game plan but all i can say its look ugly because you just telling the world your weaknesses." Changmin say as he look the man who a bit surprised.


Lee sungmin take a deep breath and puff his cheek, a habits he have when he know what the other man talking is true. But did changmin know he have no other way to stop hi self from doing stupid thing that he will regret later.


"Changmin remember this, i will do anything to protect him even it need me to be vanish from this worlds. I will if that the last way." And sungmin blurted out as he saying normal thing.


"LEE SUNGMIN, I BEG YOU STOP YOUR CRAZY IDEA."changmin gritted his teeth as he shake the man shoulder as that can knock him with some sense.


The chubby man shake his head softly before he laugh yet only a pain can be feel from it and slowly he sobbing before the tall man hug him tightly and comforting him.


"Its hurt..can i just die?? Pleaseeeee help me forget him.."he mumble the words as he cry on shim changmin embrace.


'God if you ever exist please help this man. If it forbidden why he have that feeling?why he fall in love with him?why they share the feeling? And why i slowly falling for him? 'Changmin bite his lips as he tighten his hug on lee sungmin.






Do you wanna me continue?

If not i wont..hmm maybe i will just write for my own..kkk


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elmokyu #1
Chapter 4: It's completed? Hmmm... so Kyuhyun got annoyed and asked Hyuna to be his girl.... and..?..
Sorie i just felt like the ending is a bit abrupt..
Anyway, thanks for updating..
ichathoriqlover #2
Chapter 4: aww sungminnie, do u have to do that?
mysterycodes #3
Chapter 4: Sungmin you can you said that to kyu.Look what has happen now.
elmokyu #4
Chapter 3: Somehow i read this storyline before, but i can't remember the title and who wrote. The other fic is also something like this, where after several dating arrangements, Kyuhyun confronted Sungmin and told him that the only person he ever wants to date is he himself because he loves Sungmin.
Anyway, do continue and don't mind me.
I will still read yours... (^..^)
Chapter 3: Continue please! I want to know how it ends!
Chapter 3: CONTINUE PLEASE! Let me embrace myself in just the fic! I want to cry!!
ichathoriqlover #7
Chapter 3: Nooooo.....continue please.....i need to know the rest of the story, will kyu really be with hyuna and will changmin fill in kyu's place for sungminmie?
mysterycodes #8
Chapter 3: Please continue I want to read more.
iamishi #9
Chapter 2: T T.... i only read kyumin.... is this counted? mianhe....y