
Eros & Psyche
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Word: 17xx



"omo!" Heechul yelp as a sudden whirlwind picked him up while he was casually powdering his nose for the nth times that day.  He flew high above his own palace, he watches the servants below continue their duty, didn't even notice his sudden levitation. 
"wow!" Heechul turn towards the side and saw his brother Kangin flying near him as the two lock in their eyes. 
"Crap!! this is your work?" Heechul yell as he tries to hit his brother but quickly withdraw his hand as he notice just how high they both are.
"n-no way... w-who... n-not me!! arghhh!!" Kangin face grew paler and he wish he could faint from it, and wake up in his bed thinking this is all a dream. 
They didn't notice how long they've been flying or floating but not long, their eyes grew double the size as it set upon a sight of a magnificent palace shinning before them. 
"nice..." Heechul smirk as he find himself lower onto the ground.  A less than graceful landing but better on ground than not.  Next a loud tumble was heard behind him and he laugh as Kangin frown while rubbing his painful .
Their sight soon turn to the voice that call out to them with a wide smile.
"hyung!!!" Kyuhyun wave as he ran and hug the two whom standing with bewilderment.  Who could blame them, all have long thought the youngest prince have die leaping off the cliff.  The King and Queen have abolish all oracle reading and would have love to kill those reader if the law didn't prevent them to.  The two price would love to deliver the news to their parents knowing they'll be thrilled, but they also couldn't help that annoying feeling Kyuhyun always gives of to them. 
"k-Kyu....?" Kangin voice as he pinch his younger brother cheek firmly, making Kyuhyun yelp suddenly while slapping his hyung's hand away.
"ack... stop it!" Kyuhyun warn and Kangin let go when he felt a sudden shiver running down his back.  Who know that Siwon was secretly watching and didn't like his Kyuhyun being touch or worst, hurt. 
Heechul came patting Kyuhyun's head like he always does and knowing Kyuhyun the young would only grew sky with it, and he did.  Which confirm to them, this is Kyuhyun, their long lost brother whom they thought died.
"Yah! Why didn't you tell us you're not dead!" Heechul bawl and tries to shrugged that shiver running down his back away.
Kyuhyun kept quiet not knowing how to answer, so he brought his two hyung into his palace and told them everything.  From his leap to the floating, to his beloved whom only appear in voice.  Siwon decided to leave his Kyuhyun with his hyung as he grew timid in Kyuhyun telling of their stories. 
Heechul and Kangin listen and a familiar jealousy started to reappear, their little brother always have it easy.  Everyone absolute loves him the moment they lay eyes on him or hear his voice.  They never understand the fasciation everyone have of him and actually hated the youngest, for their parent obvious spoiled too much on him.  Plus the two nasty puppy Kyuhyun keeps around.  They never stop chewing on Heechul's most expensive jewellery or eating up all Kangin's most precious energy supplement.  And not once those two ugly pets were punish.    Just like now, while Kyuhyun praise in a sing-song voice his two puppy happily chewing on Kangin's shoes as if no tomorrow.  Adverting their eyes away from the puppy and Kyuhyun's blushing face.  It suddenly daunt on them, their eyes have grew red with envy at the sight of the palace and the riches it contained.  The two gave each other a knowing look and a malicious plan form in their head. 
While Kyuhyun happily telling them of his beloved kindness and stupid jokes, Heechul gasp as if something only too obvious comes to light. 
"you have to leave." Kyuhyun frown as he listen, didn't understand a single bit. Tilting his head to one side, Kyuhyun eye Kangin next, trying to make sense of his hyung.  Yet what comes out was more question.    "yes,
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Saravy #1
Chapter 3: This was super cute! I love how Siwon and Kyu are so perfect for each other.^^ Plus the dogs were pretty funny too. Poor Hyukkie. lol!!
uwiecidut #2
Chapter 1: Wonkyu love <3 good story
heartbabykyu #3
Chapter 3: Hahaha.....this is crazy cute!
abcdef88 #4
Chapter 3: perfectly fluffy wonkyu..<3
WonLGWonnie #5
Chapter 3: Wahahahaha too cute!!! Especially haehae and hyukjae!! Too cute omg...
And even being a god, Siwon can never stop his cheesiness. *shake head* And I like how his wings react as himself! So adorable! Makes me want to touch the soft feathers too... *dreamy*
Thanks for this bedtime story! "I WUV YOU!" haha! XD
afiwonsj #6
Chapter 3: Love....love..this very much.....kyutie kyu and his pets....
Chapter 3: Cutie pies foreves. XDDD Well at least less angsty and yes, more fun. :3
Chapter 3: Ha ha...I wuv you too
Kyuhyun so cheesy in this chapter "my soul, my love, my heart" seriously??? ha ha ha
It was refreshing reading this three shot..
I cant believe you finished it in one day...what was the hurry???
kyuwon1013 #10
Chapter 2: kyu's hyung was so bad!