No way..

Mission: Find The Queen

Lee Jieun's pov

"So.. You're my teammate, huh?" I asked and laughed at the awkwardness between us. Myungsoo just nodded and I silently sighed. I guess I'm not in luck today.. First arrogant Yoona and then this Myungsoo guy. He's my teammate but.. I guess he hates me now, I mean who wouldn't?

"Hey guys, follow me now!" Key stated impatiently and started stomping his feet. Gosh, he's so impatient... Diva. Drama Queen. Super tight cleaning instructor. (Yes, I was usually this childish.. I really didn't like it when people nagged at me and told me to hurry!) I followed him quietly while piercing the back of his head with my eyes.

"Jieun! I know you're glaring at me!" He suddenly shouted. I snapped out of my thoughts and I admit, I was a bit embarrased of my childish act. It's not like I actually hate people.It's just.. A bad habit that I have, cursing people in my mind. Someone spills something in my shirt? He's an clumsy idiot. Someone punches me? Is that all you got, huh? Even I can punch harder! Etc, etc..

"I did not!" I argued.

"You know that I can check it later because of these surveillance cameras, right?" He said and again stuck his tongue out. My eyes widened in shock and I couldn't help but to flick his forehead in anger...

"Ouch! What was that for?" Key whined and rubbed his forehead. I hummed

"Nothing!" as an answer and waited him to continue walking.

"That's it young lady! You will walk there ALONE!" He said sounding like an angry mom again. 

I was all of a sudden filled with longing for my deceased mom, so without thinking I dashed and hugged him tight. I shut my eyes tightly since tears already started forming in my eyes. Years and years without any love suddenly hit me (only Marie cared about me). I halted my emotional act and mentally slapped myself.

Why would I suddenly long for them after such a long time? They've been dead for 14 years (well, my dad 17 years, at least to me) so why would I suddenly get all emotionally worked up? Aish! It's that damn Key diva.. I'm so going to get you because of this!

I let go of him and muttered my apologies. "Sorry.. It was only way to shut you up." I lied and motioned him to continue. He looked at me for awhile as if he knew I was lying. I gulped nervously but then he just shrugged and started walking in these rambling hallways again. I noticed bored Myungsoo that was silently witnessing the scene and I let him go first. He nodded and went after Key. I watched them for a while before I decided to go after them.



We arrived at the place where the five of us (Myungsoo & me plus those other 3) will live starting today and I must say, it impressed me. I have lived, well, fourteen years in a small flat so I kinda felt like Cinderella. The first room we arrived, was big and when I say big, I mean BIG.

I suppose we were standing in a living room since I saw sofas, a big digital TV and some game consoles. The room was really spacious, it had a high rooftop, and it was ten times bigger than my old house. Those long high walls were white (surprise, surprise) but they were occupied by many bookshelfs that were all full of books. I gasped out loud thinking all of those books I can read. This. Was. Heaven.

"I will get the others. Wait here, okay?" Key said. We nodded and he left, leaving us alone. I started walking along with the bookshelfs, my finger sliding through the book covers, when Myungsoo just sat on the sofa, starting to play some kind of game with xbox, I guess it was a car game which I happen to like but I didn't want to bother him. I moved towards another door and opened it. This.. Is kitchen?!

Behind the door was another big room but it was filled with many electrical devices. I looked at one tall cabinet that was humming in a steady noise. I was curious so I opened it only to get a cold breeze hitting on me. And this is a freaking fridge?? Well.. At least I can easily fit in when needed.. I looked the thing next to the fridge. So.. Ist that a freezer then? I opened it and I noticed that I was right. This doesn't make any sense!  Even the freezer is bigger than me!

I sighed in shock and stepped out of the kitchen. Perks of being small: Being able to fit in small places. guess that doesn't count in here.. I stepped in a another room and I found the toilet. I might need that later on.. After awhile I even found staircases that went up to the second floor and the wall next to it was filled with books too. This is too good to be true. In the end I struggled my way back to Myungsoo.

Myungsoo was starting a new round in the game so I just simply joined in without words. He seemed to be surprised that I played with him and he turned to watch me, but I just kept looking at the screen.




We were playing in this torturing silence and the only noise was me mumbling and cursing the other cars. I couldn't stand it at all, so I opened my mouth to talk with him.

"Key already introduced us but I think we should get to know-" I was cut when we heard the door opening. We turned our heads to see the key to all the problems. Seriously, Key came. He stepped aside and showed that someone was following him.

My eyes widened in surprise. He.. He's hot! I screamed inside of my head. I didn't dare to say that directly to him, but what's wrong in thinking about it in my head? But what if someone could read minds?! Then that person would just laugh at me! I musn't think anything emarrassing.. Oh, remember that day in kindergarten when the boys teased me and pulled my pants down? Dammit!

I shook my head and placed my hands on my burning cheeks. I glanced at the hot guy again. This time I saw his black and messy short hair and his long bangs that parted from the side. He had a black, thight t-shirt that showed his abs even with it. His black jeans were some brand, Arman I threw a guess. He was very stylish (well, what did I expect. He's definitely a flower-boy)

Then he also, like Key, moved aside revealing a short but extremely cute looking guy. He must be younger than me. His face was a bit roundish and his blonde hair was also messy. Then it hit me. Doesn't that mean I'm also that messy? Oh no! Now everyone thinks that I always look like a bum like this!

I sighed and hang my head down but then I remembered that there were supposed to be five persons, not four. I raised my head again and believe me when I say, it was a big mistake. I looked at the last person that arrived, he seemed a bit too familiar. In a heart beat I recognized who he was. 

Kim Joonmyun.




Hey guys! I updated again and I'm sorry that it's this short. Yes, it's been few days but I was really stressed when I had messed up some things at work.. I also pondered should I edit this story to be a bit different but then I thought, Nah. You'll just have to live with it XD Please subscribe and ask if you have something you have in your mind, I will gladly answer (except I won't be telling the plot, of course) Some of you have been wondering why Jieun was kidnapped. Yes, I will reveal it later, maybe even in the next chapter. Thank you for your support~

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I just realized how much this story . It needs major editing, especially the starting chapters. Jesus...


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Chapter 36: Good story, looking forward to next update :)
Chapter 36: Aaaawwww I hope you can update this soon! I miss this story :((((((
Loving this fanfic!!! Update soon please ~
uaenaland #4
Chapter 35: Update soon please ... by the way where is the continuation of the queen story?
Chapter 35: Woaaaaa!! Hello! Its been a long time T.T

Btw, my kakao acc, i got problem with it and I create a new one, so I lost all of the contact T.T
aina_ina #6
Chapter 35: I love this fanfic!!! Please update soon!~~
Chapter 35: Omg when I saw Taemin's name I was like " asdfghjkl my TaeU feels!" xD
And awesome update!
marshmellow10 #8
Chapter 34: AWESOME please update :)