Meeting Mr. Diva and the handsome boy

Mission: Find The Queen

Lee Jieun's pov

I started to stir only to see that I was seated in a room that looked awfully similar to the rooms where police interrogates criminals on TV. How nice it would be to meet the stars.. But I guess that's not possible. I looked around a bit more, focusing on little details. I saw a camera installed next to the mirror and I guessed that somebody was watching from behind it. Mirror mirror on the wall, whose behind that big glass wall?

I stopped copying the Snow White when a gorgeus woman stepped in. I looked in her eyes and I immediately knew that she was the one that I saw yesterday. Or today? or the day before? What day is it? There was an uproar inside of my head but on the outside, I seemed calm as a rock.

Woman came towards me and sat across, only a table was between us. She just sat there looking at her fingers as she was extremely bored and I saw that she must've put an effort on her looks today. Black dress that was short from front but at the back it reached the ground. She had high black heels and a lot of make up. She wore some jewellery like many small bracelets on her wrist and earrings that were small black stones.

"What's the big evening? You were stunning but not this stunning yesterday." I simply stated. She stopped playing with her fingers as she raised her brows.

"So.. You recognized me. The others only asked 'Where am I?' 'What am I doing here?' 'what do you want?' and one just stated 'Wow, you're hot.'" she said and smirked at me. 

The others.. Who are they? And why the heck am I here? I questioned myself. I knew that she tried to lure me to ask who were the others so I kept quiet for a while. Oh, I bet she would just say 'later' or 'you will find out soon enough'. Tsk.. I wasn't falling for that just to give her some satisfaction.

I pondered different questions until I settled on one. "Why did you take me?" 

"I'll tell you quickly since you're not as handsome as the others were. You'll be teamed up with four other people to accomplish a mission." she stated simply and crossed her arms. I kept my emotionless face as I tried to take it all in and let it be registered in my brains. So basically she's saying that I'll be put in a team of five and.. Well that's it. I got nothing else. Damn, she pisses me off..

I glanced at her once again but this time I saw the name plate on her chest. Im Yoona, eh? Out of the blue she just stood up and I stared at her like asking was she crazy. Why in the world would anyone act like that? Is she some kind of a puppet that's been controlled by strings or something? Well, I doubt it but that's how she acts.. I guess she saw my look since I got an icy stare from her.

"Chill. It's not like I'm going to kill you." I mumbled barely audible and that made Yoona laugh.

"Me? Scared of you? Oh, no honey! No, no, no!" She said carefreely and she smiled widely. She motioned towards the door so I walked past her, not missing the muttered words "You are the one that should be scared of me, hun."

"Walk straight through that hallway and eventually you meet up with my teammate, Key. He will lead you to the others!" I heard Yoona yell happily the rest of the sentence. Right.. I'm the pain in the for everybody and the others are for the show. So how handsome are they? I mean she obviously likes them, maybe too much. 

I still kept walking the way Yoona instructed and soon I saw other figure in front of me. Wait a minute... Is that the diva from my house...? As the figure came closer I was sure that he was the complaining guy at my house. I stepped further in the dimly lighted corridors, walking in a fast pace towards the smirking diva.

"Hey, I'm Key. I'm going to show you where you live from now on." he said with a warm smile (which I didn't return) and turned around to show me the way. It was awkward until I finally spoke up.

"I cleaned yesterday you know..." I muttered. Key stopped and turned to face me. He looked dumbfounded and he really didn't seem to get what I meant. I raised my eyebrow while I waiting for his realization. Finally after couple of minutes, Keys face light up and he smiled at me again.

"A young woman like you shouldn't live in such a dirty house!" He said to me like a mother that was nagging and stuck his tongue out. I was about to punch him but he ran away, so I had to chase him. 

I didn't want to lose him since these passages make my head go dizzy with all these possible ways to go. You can turn right or left and everything between them. I barely saw his back and I started running faster. All of a sudden I tripped over my feet and I shut my eyes in panic, waiting for the impact that never came. Instead, I felt something warm wrap around my arms. I looked up and saw a handsome pokerfaced guy. He looks about my age..

Key came back to me with a smile. "So Jieun, you've met one of your teammates?" He asked and I glanced back up and my eyes met with the boys eyes. He's handsome.. Wait, what?  My teammate?  I looked at him again in confusion.

"Can you get up now?" the boy asked. I looked my awkward position, I was completely leaning to him, so I stood up quickly and muttered my apologies while rubbing my nape.

"So, Lee Jieun, this is Kim Myungsoo. Kim Myungsoo, this is Lee Jieun" Key introduced us.



I did an double-update today, I know this chapter may be short.. It wasn't supposed to stop at this point, so I have to fill in my next chapter. Hope you enjoyed though not much has happened~ ^^ 

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I just realized how much this story . It needs major editing, especially the starting chapters. Jesus...


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Chapter 36: Good story, looking forward to next update :)
Chapter 36: Aaaawwww I hope you can update this soon! I miss this story :((((((
Loving this fanfic!!! Update soon please ~
uaenaland #4
Chapter 35: Update soon please ... by the way where is the continuation of the queen story?
Chapter 35: Woaaaaa!! Hello! Its been a long time T.T

Btw, my kakao acc, i got problem with it and I create a new one, so I lost all of the contact T.T
aina_ina #6
Chapter 35: I love this fanfic!!! Please update soon!~~
Chapter 35: Omg when I saw Taemin's name I was like " asdfghjkl my TaeU feels!" xD
And awesome update!
marshmellow10 #8
Chapter 34: AWESOME please update :)