Group 1 GPS

Mission: Find The Queen

Lee Jieun's pov

I watched the tied boy that finally stirred and he looked around in confusion. He was tied tightly on my chair while I just slurped my coke and leaned back on my other chair like a boss. I even had my sunglasses on. He didn't get what was happening and he was getting in slight panic. I slurped really loudly and he finally saw me. "Hi." I said and then I left the room, leaving the confused Yoseob still there.

I went downstairs and I was feeling a but anxious as I didn't know what had happened between the two fighters. I knew it was going to be a mess, but this.. This mess was far more than I thought it would be. There were mold everywhere (from little flower pots), all clothes were thrown this way and that way, there were.. glass shards. How nice. I sighed and cursed Jaejoong in my mind, but it could've been Myungsoo too.

I started picking up the shards of broken glass and then I could see familiar high heels in front of me. I'm slowly getting used to seeing them at every place I go. Why is she here again? She just left! I looked up and waited that she'd open .

"I need Yoseob. The boys are getting their powers today." She said uncaringly, but I froze. One of the shards cut my finger open and I watched as the finger bled blood. It was a small cut, but some drops slided down. I suddenly those drops of blood and then turned back to disgusted Yoona.

"Where's Yoseob?" She asked and tapped the floor with her feet, she seemed really impatient. She placed her hands on her hips and she looked like a tight old librarian (well, she isn't actually old.. Maybe.. 20?).

"He's... He's... In my room..." I said and rubbed my nape while smiling awkwardly. She raised her brows in confusion and I continued my story that'll make her little mind snap in half. "... Tied.. In a chair..." I confessed. Yoona's eyes widened and at the light of speed, she had ran to my room to open the ropes around that ert. I could hear Yoseob shouting noona happily and then they came down together.

Yoseob was hiding behind Yoona, tugging her shirt's helm like a five year old boy would do. He tried to act all innocent with his cute, large and fear filled eyes. Did I just say cute? I shook my head in disgust and prepared myself for Yoona's lecture. She wouldn't miss a golden chance like this. She'll teach me how to behave (Right.)

"Why was he tied in that chair?" Yoona asked.

"Oh? He was? I'm so sorry Yoseob!" I pleaded. Yoona scoffed and looked at me with her intense eyes.

"Do something like this again and you'll die!" She said and dragged Yoseob to get his shot of pain. Oh, we have something in common. We like to kill others (just a joke, you know how I threaten Suho, right? Yoona does the same). I stood up and cleaned our messy living room. Soon after that Key came and asked me to accompany him to somewhere. He mentioned the room's name, but I missed what it was. Umm.. Control room..? Yeah, control room.


I was just sitting there, spinning with my chair and pouting. Yeah.. There are still times when I act cute... Not that I am. I looked at those computer nerds that we're doing something awesome with their computers. Well, one of them was just playing to buy some time. I was glad that they actually joined my office basketball game.

Rules were simple: Two teams around a long table, there was a trash bin on either side of the table. Other team tried to hit one of them and others the other. You could disturb others, make faces, kick (I did) and all kinds of stuffs. Main point is: throw goals and prevent the other team to do the same. We had fun, and I really mean it. We enjoyed it and we were about to start our third round of office basketball, but Key interrupted us. "Aaagh! No! I lost! Please, one more round!" I begged, but no use.

"No. Come here so I can babysit you." He commanded and I did as he said, reluctantly though. I quickly turned to my playmates and rolled my eyes to them. They all laughed and that made Key to turn around. "What did you do behind my back?" He asked.

"I'm not going to tell you!" I said and stuck out my tongue. I saw how he was opening his mouth so I cut him. "Watch from the security cameras if you want!" I stated. He was about to say it anyway.

I looked him daringly and then he flicked my forehead. I hold my forehead that hurted and pouted again. "Little kids shouldn't sneer at their parents." He said and turned around.

"Humph!" I crossed my arms. I'm only this childish with him. He really is a mother to me.. I followed him obediently, but some printer far away caught my attention. It was printing something that didn't look normal, the printed thing glowed.

I decided to check it out and when I got closer, I saw it was a 3D-map and it showed a group name: The Cuties. The fascinating thing was, that the group moved all the time in that cube of paper and it showed of the landmarks and I realized that it was like GPS, it moved with the group.

"Uhmm... Key..? Should we expect something from Group 1?" I asked, unsure what to answer. Key came to me, smiling brightly.

"Yes, the location of the former queen." He said.

"Former queen? Weren't we looking for a hidden queen? Of course it's the former queen's child!" I wailed in frustration.

"Yeah, well, it doesn't work like that here." He said. 

Then how the heck does it work?


I have updated daily for awhile, now haven't I? ^^ I almost skipped today, but I thought nah, I'll give you your update. Today has been a though day, my legs hurt from all the running from work and then my mom forced me out to play badminton and now they hurt even more T.T Now everything really begins (I think) Yay! I love you guys~ I hope you enjoy this chapter, please do comment and subscribe! (You can also upvote XD sorry, I'm being selfish today) 

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I just realized how much this story . It needs major editing, especially the starting chapters. Jesus...


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Chapter 36: Good story, looking forward to next update :)
Chapter 36: Aaaawwww I hope you can update this soon! I miss this story :((((((
Loving this fanfic!!! Update soon please ~
uaenaland #4
Chapter 35: Update soon please ... by the way where is the continuation of the queen story?
Chapter 35: Woaaaaa!! Hello! Its been a long time T.T

Btw, my kakao acc, i got problem with it and I create a new one, so I lost all of the contact T.T
aina_ina #6
Chapter 35: I love this fanfic!!! Please update soon!~~
Chapter 35: Omg when I saw Taemin's name I was like " asdfghjkl my TaeU feels!" xD
And awesome update!
marshmellow10 #8
Chapter 34: AWESOME please update :)